Статьи журнала - Re-health journal

Все статьи: 588

Frequency of cardiovascular risk factors among the population of Ferghana valley

Frequency of cardiovascular risk factors among the population of Ferghana valley

Atakhanova Nilufar Sayibjonovna

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In the article analyzed frequency of cardiovascular risk factors according to patients’ gender and number of risk factors. Results showed, that, every second men and women had arterial hypertension, overweight/obesity. Smoking became as the main risk factor in men and was revealed in 70,9% (p=0,0001). Among residents of Fergana valley 84,3% men and 41,9% women had 3 and more risk factor (p=0,0001). Amount of the cardiovascular risk factors increased according to age of people.


Harakat – salomatlik omili

Harakat – salomatlik omili

Mirzaeva Maxpora Mamadaliyevna

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Sogʻliq, jismoniy tarbiya va sutkalik harakat faolligi oʻzaro bogʻliqdir. Salomatlik salmoqli darajada odatdagi harakat faolligi darajasiga bogʻliq. Аholining turli guruhlarida koʻnikma paydo boʻlgan sutkalik harakat faolligi va yurak –qon tomirlar tizimi hastaliklari chastotasi orasidagi bogʻliqlik mavjud. Hayotiy faoliyat davomida inson turli – tuman harakatlarni bajaradiki, ularning hajmi organizmning biologik oʻziga xosliklari bilan aniqlanadi, ularning amalga oshirilishi esa ijtimoiy omillarga bogʻliq.


Hemodynamic changes on the stages of combined anesthesia with the use propofol in children

Hemodynamic changes on the stages of combined anesthesia with the use propofol in children

Khaydarov Kambarali Imomalievich, Usmanova Durdona Dzhurabayevna

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Authors examined 159 children aged 3 to 14 years admitted to hospital for routine surgery with different surgical pathology. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal combined use of propofol with ketamine or promedol in operations of varying complexity and duration.


Homilador ayollar, tug'ruqdagi va preeklampsiyasi bor ayollarda trombotsitlarning funktsional faoliyati

Homilador ayollar, tug'ruqdagi va preeklampsiyasi bor ayollarda trombotsitlarning funktsional faoliyati

Axmedova Nilyufar Mahmudovna, Nishonova Dilorom Axmatjanovna

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Preeklampsiya bilan og'rigan homilador ayollar, tug'ruq paytidagi ayollarda qon ivishining buzilishi, trombotsitopatiya va koagulopatiya belgilari mavjud bo'lib, ular qonning antikoagulyant va fibrinolitik potentsialining pasayishi bilan bog’liq.


Homiladorlik davrida autoimmun tireoiditning kechishi

Homiladorlik davrida autoimmun tireoiditning kechishi

Sitora Ulug'bekovna Mo'minova, Haydarxo'jaeva Maqsadxon Odilxonning qizi

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Soʻngi yillarda homiladorlik davrida qalqonsimon bez funksiyasini oʻrganish shu jumladan qalqonsimon bezga antitela (AT-QB) miqdorini homiladorlikning kechishiga va uning natijalariga ta’siri endokrinologlar, akusher–ginekologlar va pediatrlarni befarq qoldirmayapti. Xususan, qalqonsimon bez funksiyasini buzilishidagi asosiy rolni autoimmun tireoidit natijasida kelib chiqqan birlamchi gipotireoz oʻynaydi va bu homila rivojlanishiga oʻz ta’sirini koʻrsatadi. Ushbu maqolada autoimmun tireoidit kasalligi boʻlgan bemorlarning homiladorlik davrida kuzatilishi mumkin boʻlgan oʻzgarishlar koʻrib chiqiladi.


Increasing the effectiveness of external otitis with hirudotherapy

Increasing the effectiveness of external otitis with hirudotherapy

Bakhritdinov Zukhritdin Pazlitdin Ugli

Статья научная

The article presents the results of studying the effectiveness of hirudotherapy in patients with otitis externa pathology. The functional activity of the auditory nerve was studied in 68 patients with otitis externa pathology. For two weeks the patients underwent hirudotherapy (16-28 leeches). As a result of the treatment, an increase in the functional activity of the organ, the normalization of hydrodynamics, and positive shifts in general and local hemodynamics were noted. The results obtained make it possible to recommend hirudotherapy in the complex treatment of patients with external otitis media.


Insulinoresistance in patients with mastopathy and its effect on the clinical course of mastopathy

Insulinoresistance in patients with mastopathy and its effect on the clinical course of mastopathy

Yuldashev Otabek Sabirovich, Karimova Mukima Mamasadikovna, Boboeva Dinora Shokirzhanovna, Faizullaev Bakhrom Rustamovich

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Mastopathy is the most common disease in women, accounting for 90% of the flow of diseases in mammology. The etiology of fibrocystic mastopathy has not been fully elucidated, but many studied risk factors include endocrine disorders, particularly insulin resistance and thyroid disease. Objective: To study the incidence of insulin resistance in patients with fibrocystic mastopathy and the effect of metformin on the clinical course of mastopathy. Research sources and methods. The source of the study was 71 women of childbearing age (18-49 years) who were diagnosed with fibrous cystic mastopathy on the basis of the Urgench branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy. Results. There is a strong correlation between decreased insulin resistance and the clinical course of mastopathy. There is a reliable correlation between metformin intake and UTT conclusion BIRADS category reduction in women with insulinresistant mastopathy.


Interdependence of leptin and insuline hormones and obesity

Interdependence of leptin and insuline hormones and obesity

Akhmedov Shavkatbek, Vahobov Lutfullo, Abdurahimov Abdukhalim, Nugmanov Ozodbek

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This article is focused on one of the vital problems of the 21st century- obesity. It can lead to very serious pathologies. This can also be explained by insulin and leptin resistance. Diabetes and obesity are two metabolic diseases characterized by insulin resistance and a low-grade inflammation.


Introduction of new innovative forms ways to optimize the prevention and early diagnosis of cervical cancer

Introduction of new innovative forms ways to optimize the prevention and early diagnosis of cervical cancer

Isakova D.B.

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This article presents a comparative analysis of the data of traditional and liquid cytology, the results of which are very different from each other, histological examination can confirm the diagnosis, false positive results of traditional smears from the cervix can be detected in 5% of cases, that is, dysplasia can be detected in the place where it is actually detected, and the results of liquid cytological studies.


Jarrohlik boʻlimi hamshirasi: Iispaniya qirolligi tajribasi, Oʻzbekiston Respublikasida rivojlantirish istiqbollari

Jarrohlik boʻlimi hamshirasi: Iispaniya qirolligi tajribasi, Oʻzbekiston Respublikasida rivojlantirish istiqbollari

Dolieva Sanobar Xusanovna

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Tibbiyot va sogʻliqni saqlash tizimiga yangi tibbiy tashxisot, davolash va profilaktika texnologiyalarni kirib kelishi tizimda nafaqat tashkiliy oʻzgarishlarni, balki tibbiy xodimlarni tayorlash va qayta tayorlashga yangicha yondashuvni talab etib boradi. Hamshiralarni tayorlash va qayta tayorlashda ularni xorijiy mamlakatlarda malaka oshirishlarini yoʻlga qoʻyish jarayonni zamon talablariga mos ravishda amalga oshirish imkonini beradi.


Katta vazn bilan tugʻayotgan ayollarda tugʻruq natijalarini oʻrganish

Katta vazn bilan tugʻayotgan ayollarda tugʻruq natijalarini oʻrganish

Atajanova Shoira Xalilovna, Nuritdinova Gavxar Taipovna, Arzibekova Umida Abduqodirovna

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Maqolada katta vaznda tugʻilgan chaqaloqlarni tekshirish natijalari bunday bolalarga homilador onalar salomatligida va tugʻish jarayonlarida oʻziga xos asoratlar mavjud boʻlishligi aniqlangan. Bunday asoratlar ona va bola shikastlanishlari koʻrsatchichlarining yuqori boʻlishlariga olib keladigan Pre - va perinatal omillar ta’siri ekanligi koʻrsatib oʻtildi.


Key echocardiographic elements of coarctation of the aorta in infants

Key echocardiographic elements of coarctation of the aorta in infants

Zokirov Nodirjon Komiljon Ugli, Pirnazarov Jamshijon Tulkunovich, Ibragimov Nadir Shobotirovich

Статья научная

Echocardiography is one of the main diagnostic methods of coarctation of the aorta (CoA), especially in children under 6 months of age. Sometimes it is difficult to diagnose aortic coarctation, either because of the limited echo pattern or because of the presence of a large PDA. The objectives of our study were to search for the main echocardiographic parameters of aortic coarctation in infants.


Kidney damage in COVID-19 patients

Kidney damage in COVID-19 patients

Abdurahimov Abduhalim Kholiddin, Alisher Kayumovich Shadmanov, Shagazatova Barno Habibullaevna, Hegai Lyubov Nikolaevna

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Signs of kidney problems in patients with COVID-19 include high levels of protein or blood in the urine and abnormal blood work. Studies indicate more than 30% of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 develop kidney injury, and more than 50% of patients in the intensive care unit with kidney injury may require dialysis. Thus, in this article we will discuss kidney damage in COVID-19 patients.


Koronovirus infektsiyasi bilan xastalanib o’tgan bemorlarda og’iz bo’shlig’i mikroflorasi va parodontal cho’ntakning xususiyatlari

Koronovirus infektsiyasi bilan xastalanib o’tgan bemorlarda og’iz bo’shlig’i mikroflorasi va parodontal cho’ntakning xususiyatlari

Yusuphodjaeva Saodat Khamidullaevna, Usmanov Bakhtierjon Arobiddinovich, Pathiddinova Malohat Sharafiddinovna

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Koronovirus infektsiyasi bilan xastalanib o’tgan bemorlarda yyengil va o’rtacha og’irlikdagi parodontit bilan og’rigan bemorlarda so’lak va parodontal cho’ntak mikroflorasining qiyosiy tahlili bir xil turdagi sifat va miqdoriy o’zgarishlarni aniqlandi. Bu siljishlar turli darajadagi og’irlikka ega, ya’ni parodontit qanchalik og’ir bo’lsa, disbiotik buzilishlar shunchalik chuqurroq bo’ladi.


Ladygynozid ta’sirida qalqonsimon bezning morfometrik xususiyatlari va experimental aterosklerozning patomorfozi

Ladygynozid ta’sirida qalqonsimon bezning morfometrik xususiyatlari va experimental aterosklerozning patomorfozi

Don Andrey Nikolaevich, Qaxarov Zafar Abdurahmonovich

Статья научная

Maqolada qalqonsimon bezning morfometrik xarakteristikalari va tajriba hayvonlarda triterpen saponin - ladiginozidni qo'llashda eksperimental aterosklerozning dinamikasi o'rganildi. Qalqonsimon bezning morfofunksional faolligining oshishi fonida preparat ta'sirida aortaning aterosklerotik belgilarining pasayishi aniqlandi.


Lamiaceae oilasi va boshqa o‘simliklar efir moylarining biologik faolligi

Lamiaceae oilasi va boshqa o‘simliklar efir moylarining biologik faolligi

Gulnora Muhammadxon qizi Umarxo'jaeva, Zafar Isomiddinovich Sanoev

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Ushbu maqolada mahalliy va xorijiy adabiyotlar sharxi asosida Lamiaceae oilasi va boshqa o‘simliklardan olinadigan moylarning ajratib olinishi, tarkibi, xossalari, biologik faolliklari, tibbiyot va xalq xo‘jaligidagi ahamiyati hamda tibbiyotda turli kasalliklarda qo‘llanilishi to‘g‘risida ma’lumotlar keltirilgan.


Leptin hormone and its functions and importance in the body

Leptin hormone and its functions and importance in the body

Yuldasheva Gulnora, Ergasheva Zumrad, Zhuraboev Bakhtirjon, Abdurahimov Abdukhalim, Nugmanov Ozodbek

Статья обзорная

For patients struggling with obesity and weight, hormones often affect their overall health. Excess body fat can cause problems with weight and hormonal issues. Leptin is one of the hormones directly connected to body fat and obesity. This article goes on about the hormone leptin and how it plays an important role in the body.


Mahalliy rivojlangan oshqozon saratonini jarrohlik davolash natijalarini baholash

Mahalliy rivojlangan oshqozon saratonini jarrohlik davolash natijalarini baholash

Mahmudov A. A., Hasanov D. Sh.

Статья научная

Muhim klinik material oshqozon saratonining lokalizatsiyasiga, makroskopik o'sish turiga va o'smaning gistopatologik differentsiatsiyasi darajasiga qarab mahalliy tarqalishining o'ziga xos xususiyatlarini o'rganib chiqdi. Mahalliy darajada rivojlangan oshqozon saratoni bilan og'rigan bemorlarni jarrohlik davolashning bevosita va uzoq muddatli natijalari tahlil qilindi. Mahalliy rivojlangan oshqozon saratoni bilan og'rigan bemorlarda jarrohlik usulidan foydalanishga tabaqalashtirilgan yondashuvni hisobga olgan holda asosiy prognostik omillar aniqlandi. Ushbu toifadagi bemorlarni davolashning uzoq muddatli natijalarini yaxshilashda palliativ kombinatsiyalangan aralashuvlarning roli ko'rsatilgan.


Metabolic processes that occur due to menopause in women with type 2 diabetes

Metabolic processes that occur due to menopause in women with type 2 diabetes

Saliyeva Shahnozakhan Bakhtiyarjon, Yusupova Shahnoza Kadirzhanovna

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Menopause — and the years before it — may provide some challenges for women who have diabetes. Menopause is the phase of life after your periods have stopped and your estrogen levels decline. Menopause can also occur as a result of surgery, when the ovaries are removed for other medical reasons. Diabetes and menopause may team up for varied effects on body, including: Changes in blood sugar level, weight gain, infections, sleep problems and sexual problems. Usually some of the changes that occur in body during menopause put you at greater risk of type 2 diabetes: Metabolism slows down and organism don't burn calories as efficiently, which can lead to weight gain. Thus, in this article we will discuss the metabolic processes that take place in the body in cases of diabetes and menopause.


Methods of treatment of angina pectoris

Methods of treatment of angina pectoris

Arzikulov Abduraim Shamshievich, Yusupov Kakhramon Mukhitdinovich, Abdurahimov Abdukhalim Kholiddinovich, Nugmanov Ozodbek Zhuraboy Ugli

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Angina pectoris is the most common manifestation of myocardial ischaemia and is often a consequence of coronary artery disease (CAD). Angina pectoris (Latin for chest pain) is pain that is caused by injury to the heart muscle (myocardium) during times of increased cardiac activity as a result of impaired blood flow and reduced oxygen supply. It is a common disease in the population of our planet. Complications are very dangerous. This article discusses effective methods of treatment of this disease.

