Статьи журнала - Re-health journal
Все статьи: 588
Miya oʻsmalarida oʻchraydigan ikkilamchi boʻsh turk egari sindromining tahlili
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Ikkilamchi boʻsh turk egar sindromi gipofiz oʻsimtasini muvaffaqiyatli olib tashlaganidan soʻng, shuningdek, turk egar maydonini farmakologik yoki nur terapiyasi bilan davolashdan soʻng paydo boʻladi. Ushbu tadqiqotning maqsadi miya oʻsmalarida ikkilamchi boʻsh turk egari sindromini tahlil qilishdir. Miya oʻsmalari boʻlgan bemorlarda ikkilamchi boʻsh turk egari rivojlangan xolatlarni tahlil qilish uchun biz gipofiz oʻsmalaridan tashqari, patologiyadan qat’i nazar, miya oʻsmalari boʻlgan 72 bemorning operatsiyadan oldingi MRTni tekshiruvlarini tahlil qildik. Boʻsh turk egarining uchrashi 57 holatda (79,2%) aniqlandi. Patologiyaga qarab, ikkilamchi boʻsh turk egar meningiomada sung keng tarqalgan (88,9%, r=0,042) deb topildi. Boʻsh turk egari bemorning yoshining oshishi (r=0,003) va oʻsimta hajmining oshishi (r=0,016) bilan bog’liq. Miya shishi boʻlgan bemorlarda ikkilamchi boʻsh turk egarini aniqlash uchun davriy kuzatuv bilan bosh miya MRTsini batafsil koʻrib chiqish zarur. Tasdiqlangan boʻsh turk egari boʻlgan bemorlarda gipopituitarizm, miya suyuqligi rinoreyasi, koʻrish qobiliyatining buzilishi va bosh ichki bosimning oshishi uchun kuzatuv majburiydir.
Modern approaches to the treatment of primary arterial hypertension
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Modern approaches to the treatment of primary Артериал hypertension are considered based on the results of multicenter randomized studies, their meta-analysis, and recommendations of scientific societies.
Modern assessment of facial scars in the practice of forensic medical examination
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He examination of skin scars has been and remains one of the most common types of forensic medical research, characterized by a high degree of subjectivity. Since skin scars are very persistent formations, it is they that most often become the object of forensic medical research in cases of late referral of victims for examination (examination).
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The number of people suffering from the consequesnces of burn continues to grow steadily. Cicatrical contractures of the shoulders and elbow joints by anatomical location are diveded into: marginal.middle and total types. In children with post-burn contractures of the shoulder and elbow joints psychoemotional disorders and devolepmental delay among peers are observed.
Modern methods of treatment of kidney stones
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A kidney stone or nephrolithiasis is a solid piece of material that forms in the kidney from substances in the urine. It may be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a pearl. Most kidney stones pass out of the body without help from a doctor. But sometimes a stone will not go away. It may get stuck in the urinary tract, block the flow of urine and cause great pain. At present, modern methods of treatment of this disease have been developed. There are medical and surgical methods of treatment, which are developing every year. In this article we will discuss modern methods of treatment of kidney stones.
Morphological features of changes in the cardiovascular system in COVID-19
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Since its recognition in December 2019, COVID-19 has rapidly spread globally causing a pandemic. Pre-existing comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease are associated with a greater severity and higher fatality rate of COVID-19. Furthermore, COVID-19 contributes to cardiovascular complications, including acute myocardial injury as a result of acute coronary syndrome, myocarditis, stress-cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias, cardiogenic shock, and cardiac arrest. The cardiovascular interactions of COVID-19 have similarities to that of severe acute respiratory syndrome, Middle East respiratory syndrome and influenza. Specific cardiovascular considerations are also necessary in supportive treatment with anticoagulation, the continued use of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors, arrhythmia monitoring, immunosuppression or modulation, and mechanical circulatory support. Thus, in this article we will discuss morphological features of changes in the cardiovascular system in COVID-19.
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Thymus is the organ of lymphopoiesis of humans and many species of animals, in which maturation occurs. This article presents the results of morphometric studies of red bone marrow in different regions of Kyrgyzstan. The structure (macroscopic picture) of the thymus was studied on 21 corpses of children of the first period, childhood of the second period of adulthood.Used anatomical methods (preparation, measurement) and histological methods (stained with hematoxylin-eosin, according to Van Gieson). Using histological, morphometric methods, it was found that age-related transformations of the tissue structure of the thymus are characterized by the development of fibrous connective and adipose tissue in the cortical septa, which leads to fragmentation of the cortical substance, and then to the separation of fragments of the cortical and brain substance. The greatest progression of the processes of involution in the thymus is noted during the second mature age period from 36 to 60 years.The problems of changing the functions of the immune system during aging are analyzed. Age-related changes in the relative areas of the structural elements of the parenchyma and thymus stroma are established. The thymus consists of lobules, in which there are zones: the inner, lighter brain and the outer darker cortical. Located in the center of the light zones and on their periphery - dark zones. In the darker, cortical zone, the cells are very densely located, their number is much larger than in the center of the medulla zone. In the thickness of the cerebral layer there are single Gassal bodies, blood capillaries, lymph gaps. The cortical layer consists of lymphoid elements, very densely located, with mitoses in individual cells. In the second mature age, iron acquires an inhomogeneous structure due to age-related involution. The problems of changing the functions of the immune system during aging are analyzed. In the second mature age d, in contrast to the first period of childhood thymus, the number of connective tissue fibers decreases. In the second mature age, the number of lymphocytes in the thymus decreases. Adipose tissue predominates in the parenchyma along with connective tissue. During this period, the lobules are reduced to narrow bands and bands. In the second mature age, iron is represented by adipose tissue and thin, randomly scattered parenchyma cords. structural changes in the capsule of the gland; the structure of the cortical and medulla; violation of loose fibrous connective tissue and blood vessels of an organ. The histophysiological characteristic of the thymus was studied, which showed that those living in the city of Kara-Balta, located near the uranium tailing dump, lead to an increase in involutive organ changes due to increased death of thymocytes and a decrease in their proliferative activity.
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СД 2 типа и ХСН демонстрируют высокую, растущую распространенность в общей популяции, взаимно отягощают течение друг друга, имеют тесную патофизиологическую взаимосвязь и ряд синергичных подходов к лечению. Своевременной диагностики ХСН обычно применяются МНП и N концевого мозгового натрийуретического пептида NT-proBNP, которые считаются наиболее проверенными и достоверными маркерами. Материалы и методы исследования: Нами в качестве объекта исследования были определены и отобраны 185 больных по материалам их обращаемости в лечебно- профилактические учреждения Андижана от 30 лет и старше. Результаты исследования и обсуждение Наибольшая доля больных с высокого показателя NTproBNP отмечена в группе пациентов с ХСН – 95,0%, несколько меньше – 90,8% выявлено в группе больных СД2 в сочетании с ХСН, и наименьшее количество, а именно 51,7%, было в группе больных только СД2 типа. Полученные данные подтверждают, что NTproBNP является как диагностическим, так и прогностическим маркером наличия/развития ХСН.
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Pedagogik nazorat qilishda fiziologik ko’rsatkichlar yurak qisqarish chastotasi,nafas olish ko’rsatkichi, muskul qisqarish tezligi, maksimal kislorod o’zlashtirish ko’rsatkichilarini o’rganib, sportchilarini jismoniy sifatlari va jismoniy ish qobiliyati aniqlanadi. Bu ko’rsatkichlar sportchilarni yuqori natijalarga erishishida ham muhim ahamiyatga ega.
Noalkogolli steatogepatitni tarqalishi, kechishi va profilaktikasi
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Noalkogol steatogepatit (NASG) - fokal nekroz mavjudligi bilan jigar parenximasi va stromasining yalligʻlanishli infiltrasiyasi bilan kechadigan kasallikdir. NASG–bu bitta patologik jarayonning ketma-ket bosqichlari (Noalkogol steatoz va Noalkogol steatofibroz) oʻrtasidagi oraliq bogʻlanish, mustaqil metabolik kasallikning shakli - Noalkogol yogʻli jigar kasalligi (NAFLD). KXT-10 kasalliklar roʻyxatida NAFLD tashxisining toʻliqligini aks ettiruvchi yagona kod mavjud emasligi sababli, hozirda eng koʻp ishlatiladigan: k 76.0 – yogʻli jigar degenerasiyasi, boshqa sarlavhalarda tasniflanmagan. Ushbu maqolada yuqoridagi maʻlumotlarga qoʻshimcha ravishda nolalkogolli steatogepatitni kechishi va oldini olishga oid zarur maʻlumotlar keltirilgan.
O'smirlik davrida spirtli ichimliklarga qaramlikning oldini olish
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Alkogolizmning oldini olish bu -kasalliklarning oldini olish va salomatlikni mustahkamlashga qaratilgan kompleks davlat va jamoat tadbirlari tizimidir. Alkogolizmning oldini olish jarayoni jarayonning turli bosqichlarida amalga oshirilishi va amalga oshirilishi kerak va bu samarali usullarni tanlashga bog'liq. Alkogolizmning oldini olish faqat kompleks va tizimli ravishda amalga oshirilganda samarali bo'lishi mumkin va kontseptual asosda va tuzilishda turli xil dasturlarni aks ettirmaydi. Bizning ishimiz shaxsiy rivojlanishning dastlabki bosqichlarida noto'g'ri ta'limni tuzatishga va spirtli ichimliklarni noqonuniy tarqatishga qarshi dasturlarni moliyalashtirishga to'g'ri kelishi kerak.
O'zbekiston Respublikasi oliy ta'lim tizimida innovatsion texnologiyalarning rivojlanishi
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O'quv faoliyatiga innovatsion texnologiyalarni joriy etish kelajakdagi mutaxassislarni tayyorlash sifatini oshirishga olib keladi. O'z navbatida, ta'limning sifati, ochiqligi, samaradorligi, uning doimiy va innovatsion tabiati, ijtimoiy harakatchanlik va yoshlar faolligining o'sishi, turli xil muhitlarga jalb qilinishi ta'lim tizimini mamlakatning milliy xavfsizligini ta'minlashda, fuqarolarining farovonligini oshirishda muhim omilga aylantirmoqda.
Oliy tibbiy taʼlim tizimi samaradorligini oshirishda raqamli texnologiyalarning tutgan o‘rni
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Ushbu maqolada mamlakatimizda oliy tibbiy taʼlim tizimini yanada rivojlantirish yo‘lida izchil olib borilayotgan islohotlar, ularning maqsadi, oliy tibbiy taʼlim tizimi samaradorligini oshirishda raqamli texnologiyalarning ahamiyati, taʼlimning turli sohalarida axborot texnologiyalarining ijobiy imkoniyatlari, tibbiy ta’limda simulyatsion o‘quv vositalari, xususan, 3D sensor ekranli vizualizatsiya stolidan foydalanishning tutgan o‘rni haqida yoritilgan.
Omega-3 and biochemical processes of inflammation in the body
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Omega-3 is a beneficial oil found in fish oil and flaxseed seeds. It has many useful properties for the body. In particular, it improves the activity of the brain, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract. It is also known to science that it strengthens the immune system in the body, lowers cholesterol and has an effective anti-inflammatory effect. This article discusses the biochemical processes in inflammation as well as the effects of omega- 3 on these processes.
Pathophysiology of Parkinson’s disease and the efficiency of its treatment
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Parkinsonism is a secondary neurodegenerative disease characterized by degeneration of dopaminergic neurons, accompanied by motor and non-motor symptoms. Primary neurodegenerative disease Alzheimer’s is a syndrome of mental retardation and memory loss. Parkinson's is one of the most common diseases in the world. It is mainly found in people over 50 years of age. According to modern statistics, about 100 million people are infected with Parkinson's disease. Of these, 40% are in North Africa and the Arab world as a whole, and about 14% are Ashkenazi Jews. This article discusses the pathophysiology of Parkinsonism and its treatment.
Periodontal diseases and modern methods of their treatment
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Periodontal or gum disease is an infection of the gum, bone and surrounding tissues of the teeth caused by the bacteria found in plaque. Gum disease is progressive and cyclical, and often painless-so you may not even be aware you have it or that it is active again. A number of studies are currently underway to treat this disease. In this article we will discuss modern treatments for the disease.
Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome in children: a case report
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Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) is a clinical and radiological entity. The article describes the clinical manifestations, radiological signs, possible mechanisms of pathogenesis, course, and outcomes of this type of encephalopathy. We present a case of a pediatric patient with posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome. It is noted that clinical and radiological disorders in PRES are caused by vasogenic cerebral edema. Only brain MRI is an informative method for diagnosis of the PRES. It was emphasized that timely diagnosis of the PRES and adequate management lead to relief of the clinical and radiological disorders and that the first emergency aid is the estimation and elimination of the causes of the PRES [17].
Prevalence of cholelithiasis and modern treatments
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Cholelithiasis is a solid substance (gallstones) that can occur in the gallbladder. Cholelithiasis is common in all states. The causes of the disease are not fully understood, but it is assumed that there are many factors. Gallbladder fluid is stored in the gallbladder and excreted into the small intestine when needed for digestion. If the bile contains too much cholesterol or too much bilirubin (one of the components of the bile) or the gallbladder fails and cannot remove the bile, gallstones can develop. In cholelithiasis, different types of stones are formed. The most common type associated with cholesterol is due to the presence of too much cholesterol in the bile. Another type of stone, called pigment stone, is formed from excess bilirubin, which is formed as a result of the breakdown of red blood cells in the liver. This article discusses modern treatments for cholelithiasis and its prevalence among the population.
Pulmonary embolism. 4th message: clinical symptoms and syndromes
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Ўпка артерияси тромбоэмболиясини (ЎАТЭ) замонавий клиник кечиш хусусиятлари келтирилган: ўпка-плевра синдромини, кардиал синдромни, абдоминал синдромни, церебрал синдромни ва буйрак синдромини. Халқаро миқёсда тан олинган ва ЎАТЭ бўйича охирги клиник тавсияларда баён қилинган ЎАТЭга оид энг янги ташхисот усуллари муфассал ёритилган.
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2 tur diabet semizlik bilan bogʻliq kasallikdir. Diabet kasalligiga chalingan bemorlar orasida ortiqcha vazn va semizlik juda keng tarqalgan. Qandli diabet 2 tur bilan ogʻrigan semiz va ortiqcha vaznli bemorlarda yuqori qon bosimi, lipidlar almashinuvi buzilishi va mikroalbuminuriyaning koʻproq uchraydi. Bular esa yaxshi ma’lum boʻlgan yurak-qon tomir kasalliklari xavf omillari hisoblanadi. Diabet kasalligiga chalingan bemorlarda yurak-qon tomir kasalliklari (YuQT) xavfi yuqori boʻlib, bu xavfni kamaytirishda xavf omillarini nazorat qilish muhim ahamiyatga ega.