Статьи журнала - Pravo - teorija i praksa

Все статьи: 699

Sudska praksa Privrednog suda u Novom Sadu - izbor

Sudska praksa Privrednog suda u Novom Sadu - izbor

Sremčev Slobodan, Pavlović Zoran, Stefanović Nenad



Sudska praksa privrednog suda u Novom Sadu - izbor

Sudska praksa privrednog suda u Novom Sadu - izbor

Sremčev Slobodan



Sudska zaštita prava intelektualne svojine u Republici Srbiji

Sudska zaštita prava intelektualne svojine u Republici Srbiji

Simić Stefan

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U ovom radu obrađena je sudska zaštita prava intelektualne svojine u slučaju povrede, bez koje monopolsko pravo subjekta prava ne bi imalo nikakvog smisla. Predmet zaštite je nematerijalno dobro koje kroz ekonomsku funkciju omogućava subjektu prava materijalnu korist od ekonomskog iskorišćavanja. Poseban značaj zaštite prava intelektualne svojine proizilazi iz činjenice da je intelektualna svojina nastala angažovanjem najkreativnijeg ljudskog potencijala uz ulaganje ogromnih finansijskih sredstava. Novousvojeni zakoni u našoj zemlji usaglašeni su u najvećoj meri sa važećim regionalnim i međunarodnim standardima iz oblasti zaštite prava intelektualne svojine.


Sudski sistem u složenim državama

Sudski sistem u složenim državama

Perišić Vladan S., Ajvaz Slađan, Perišić Jelena

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Autori obrađuju sudski sistem i sudsku funkciju iz aspekta složene države. Njihov pristup se zasniva na tome da je federacija u osnovi ustavna i pravna država pa shodno tome i sudski sistem mora biti u toj funkciji. Kompleksnost sudskog sistema u federaciji proizilazi iz činjenice da u federaciji postoje dva pravna poretka. Jedan je poredak federacije, a drugi je poredak federalnih jedinica. Istovremeno autori naglašavaju da na sudski sistem, utiče i činjenica da je federacija tip države i sa podeljenom nadležnošću i to ima svog odraza na sudove i sudski sistem, što ukupno dolazi do izražaja prilikom funkcija i organizacije sudskog sistema. Takođe, autori posebnu pažnju obraćaju na pitanja organizacionih rešenja u federacijama pa polaze od tri bitna elementa: prvo, gde postoji samo vrhovni sud kao jedini sud, a ostalo su sudovi federalnih jedinica; drugo, gde postoje pored vrhovnog suda i drugi savezni sudovi, uz istovremeno postojanje sudova u federalnim jedinicama i treće, gde postoji samo savezni sud, a federalne jedinice uopšte nemaju svoje sudove.


Suspect detention during the pre-investigation proceedings in Republic of Serbia

Suspect detention during the pre-investigation proceedings in Republic of Serbia

Ljubica Prica

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According to the Article 27, paragraph 1 of the Constitution of Republic of Serbia (2006), the right to liberty is guaranteed to all domestic and foreign persons, which is derived from the constitutional provision that the holder of this right is “everyone”. Everyone has the right to move freely, to settle in Republic of Serbia, to leave it, and to return to it. This freedom may be restricted by law if it is necessary to conduct a criminal proceedings, protect the public order and peace, prevent the spread of infectious diseases, or defense of Republic of Serbia (the Constitution of Republic of Serbia, 2006, the Article 39, paragraph 2). Deprivation of liberty is allowed only for legal reasons and in the procedure provided by law. Both minors and adults may be deprived of their liberty. A person who has not reached the age of 14 is considered a child, and he/she cannot be deprived of liberty in the pre-investigation procedure because, according to our legal regulations, children are not subject to criminal liability. The aim of this paper will be to explore the concept of deprivation of liberty by arresting and/or detaining a suspect in the pre-investigation procedure according to the criminal procedure legislation of Republic of Serbia, with examples from previous practice and a proposal for some legal improvements.


Suspended sentence with custodial supervision in Serbia – what does custodial supervision involve?

Suspended sentence with custodial supervision in Serbia – what does custodial supervision involve?

Nada Đuričić

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Suspended sentence with custodial supervision represents an alternative sanction that the legislation of the Republic of Serbia has known for half a century, but its application is rare because it is ordered in a negligible number of cases. Ordering custodial supervision has its advantages and it can be effective in cases when it is not enough to just sentence a person conditionally nor would it be justified and effective to punish the individual more severely, but it is necessary to ensure some sort of help and support in order to correct the offender’s behavior and deter them from committing criminal acts in the future. In order to better understand this sanction and see how it works in practice, we have analyzed measures of custodial supervision which are most often prescribed in accordance with the committed crimes. The paper uses a statistical and comparative method and analyzes the available literature, as well as the judgments of those courts that in a certain observed period had the largest number of suspended sentences with custodial supervision.


Suspension from work of civil servants in Republic of Srpska

Suspension from work of civil servants in Republic of Srpska

Juras Damir

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In the paper the author describes the institute of suspension from work in Republic of Srpska, which is applied in the cases of criminal or disciplinary proceedings against a civil servant, with an aim to protect the interests of the service during the course of criminal or disciplinary proceedings against the officer. Primarily through a review of legislation of Republic of Srpska, as well as through legal solutions in other countries and through a review of a standpoint of legal theory, the author separately analyzes the types of suspension from work of civil servants, the duration of suspension, the salary compensation for the period of suspension, and legal remedies against the decision on suspension from work. The author's conclusion is that this is a necessary legal institute, but he suggests, as a cumulative condition for suspension from work, a reasonable expectation that the civil servant could be imposed with the most severe punishment in the disciplinary proceedings - the termination of the employment in a civil service. It is also suggested that, by the amendments of law, the Civil Service Board of Appeal is enabled to decide on the existence of the decision on suspension during the entire disciplinary or criminal proceedings.


Sustainable strategies concerning the cultural heritage of Republic of Serbia: The example of wine cellar settlements of Negotinska Krajina

Sustainable strategies concerning the cultural heritage of Republic of Serbia: The example of wine cellar settlements of Negotinska Krajina

Đorđević Zorana, Vrhovšek Vladimir, Martinović Marija

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In order to achieve the overall national goal - the full EU membership - Republic of Serbia adopted several strategic documents in the last decade, under the umbrella of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development. The goal of this paper is to present the research results on the relationship between the sustainable development and cultural heritage, showing the interrelations among relevant strategies and also in regard to the EU recommendations. Furthermore, the paper presents the case study of secondary rural settlements named 'pivnice' being located in the region of Negotinska Krajina. Viticulture, as a significant development lever in eastern Serbia, primarily influenced on the generation of these unique cultural and historical structures. Belonging to the villages of Rajac, Rogljevo and Štubik, 'pivnice' fall under the category of immovable cultural property of a great importance and consequently under the jurisdiction of The Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia. Also, 'pivnice' are found on the UNESCO tentative list of cultural heritage (PKIC 14, 14 and 10). Analyzing the inherited application of sustainable principles on the one hand, and the recommendation of the sustainable strategies concerning the cultural heritage on the other, the paper underlines the need for an efficient and effective action.


Suština fiskalne decentralizacije u Republici Srbiji

Suština fiskalne decentralizacije u Republici Srbiji

Aleksić Vesna

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Zakonom o lokalnoj samoupravi, donetim februara 2002. godine izvršena je fiskalna decentralizacija bez institucionalne decentralizacije funkcija centralne poreske administracije, čime je samo izvršena afirmacija lokalne samouprave u delu finansiranja budžeta jedinica lokalne samouprave, ali ne i u delu administriranja izvornih lokalnih javnih prihoda. Zakonom o finansiranju lokalne samouprave redizajnirano je i na potpun način jasno i transparentno uređeno finansiranje poslova jedinica lokalne samouprave, čime je izvršena dalja fiskalna decentralizacija u Republici. Ovim zakonom su iz postojećeg Zakona o lokalnoj samoupravi izdvojene odredbe koje uređuju finansiranje jedinica lokalne samouprave, čime se prevazilaze slabosti postojećeg sistema finansiranja lokalne samouprave. Zakonom o finansiranju lokalne samouprave stvoren je pravni osnov za decentralizaciju funkcija centralne poreske administracije (Poreske uprave), pa time i afirmacije lokalne samouprave u delu administriranja njenih izvornih prihoda, tako što je propisano da jedinica lokalne samouprave u celosti utvrđuje, naplaćuje i kontroliše izvorne lokalne javne prihode počev od 1. januara 2007. godine, za koje poslove je neophodno obrazovati poresku administraciju jedinica lokalne samouprave. Dalja konkretizacija nadležnosti lokalne poreske administracije izvršiće se Zakonom o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o poreskom postupku i poreskoj administraciji, kojim će biti uređeno koje odredbe Zakona o poreskom postupku i poreskoj administraciji primenjuje lokalna poreska administracija u poreskom postupku.


Svetska trgovinska organizacija - pravila i procedure za rešavanje sporova

Svetska trgovinska organizacija - pravila i procedure za rešavanje sporova

Stupar Tatjana

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Problematika položaja Svetske trgovinske organizacije, kao uostalom i drugih međunarodnih organizacija, trebalo bi da bude uslovljena pre svega formalno-pravnom sadržinom akata date organizacije, kao i odredbama i opštim načelima međunarodnog prava, kao i pitanjima faktičkog položaja organizacije u odnosu na postojeće druge relevantne organizacije i tela međunarodnog karaktera i njihove interakcije sa nacionalnim institucijama i nacionalnim pojedinačnim pravnim sistemima. Prilikom ovakvih razmatranja mora se poći od činjenica postojanja angloameričkog pravnog sistema regulisanja pravnih odnosa i kontinentalno evropskog ili klasičnog sistema zasnovanog na opštim načelima i tekovinama rimskog prava, koje oba sa sobom nose različite koncepcije induktivnog i deduktivnog pristupa pravnom zaključivanju, te otuda različitim koncepcijama regulacija i poštovanja odnosno sprovođenja prava u praksi. Anglosaksonsko, odnosno angloameričko pravo kao dominantno i uzorno u formiranju pojedinačnih akata međunarodnih organizacija pa i Svetske trgovinske organizacije, jeste precedentno, načelno, i ono u velikoj meri ostavlja regulaciju predmetnih faktičkih situacija subjektima situacija; i to tako da regulisanje situacija treba da je primereno praksi i shvatanjima strana u odnosu, ili u sporu, što u velikoj meri može stvoriti konfuziju i problematiku ukoliko se odnosi odvijaju između subjekata koji ne pripadaju angloameričkoj pravnoj tradiciji. Ovim, javljaju se kao relevantna i pitanja, mogućnosti lakog nametanja volje jačeg subjekta u odnosu sa slabijem, kao i pitanja problematike težnje ka najoptimalnijim rešenjima i postupcima, u cilju ekonomski najboljeg razrešenja datih situacija. U svetlu ovih pitanja jeste i iznošenje pravila i procedura radi rešavanja sporova članica Svetske trgovinske organizacije, propisanih delom Dogovora o osnivanju STO, aneksom 2 na predmetni dogovor.


Svojinski odnosi prema Ustavu iz 2006. godine

Svojinski odnosi prema Ustavu iz 2006. godine

Lakićević Vuksan

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Pravne norme koje uređuju svojinske odnose, oduvek, u svim pravnim sistemima, imale su izuzetan značaj. One su umnogome bile, i danas jesu, osnova uspostavljanja i funkcionisanja celokupnog pravnog poretka. Dakle, svojina jeste prvenstveno ekonomska kategorija, ali je istovremeno i centralni pravni institut, čiji se osnovni koncept i sadržaj, po pravilu uređuje najvišim pravnim aktom - Ustavom. 2. Ustavom od 1990. godine, otvara se prostor za transformisanje društvene i državne svojine u "druge oblike svojine". Ostavlja se samo mogućnost da se utvrde uslovi pod kojima se ta sredstva mogu pretvarati u druge oblike svojine. Termin privatizacija se ne pominje. Pored drugih oblika svojine jemči i društvena svojina. Predviđa se samo mogućnost njenog pretvaranja u druge oblike svojine, ali bez utvrđivanja bilo kog stepena obaveznosti. Ovakva Ustavna rešenja, pored ostalih činilaca učinila su da se proces transformisanja svojine, kod nas, odvija sa ozbiljnim zastojima i oscilacijama, i traje neopravdano dugo. 3. Ustav od 2006. godine (čl. 86. stav 1), jemči privatnu, zadružnu i javnu svojinu. Istovremeno imperativnom odredbom (stav 2. istog člana) Ustav utvrđuje obavezu prema kojoj se "postojeća društvena svojina pretvara u privatnu svojinu, pod uslovom, na način i u rokovima predviđenim zakonom." Proizilazi da su odredbama Ustava, otklonjene sve dileme u pogledu definitivnog uklanjanja društvene svojine iz strukture svojinskih odnosa. 4. Ustav od 2006. godine kada je reč o državnoj svojini, ima kvalitetno drugačiji pristup. Pored potpunog uklanjanja društvene svojine kao oblika svojine, najkrupnija promena u ustavnom konceptu uređivanja svojinskih odnosa, učinjena je upravo u onom segmentu koji se odnosi na državnu svojinu. Ustav jemči javnu svojinu, a pod javnom svojinom podrazumeva: državnu svojinu, dakle svojinu Republike Srbije zatim svojinu Autonomne pokrajine i svojinu jedinica lokalne samouprave. Autonomne pokrajine i lokalne zajednice postaju subjekti, nosioci prava svojine, stiču uslove za određeni stepen ekonomske samostalnosti i formiranje sopstvenih izvora prihoda. To su realne pretpostavke da se pristupi neophodnom i sveobuhvatnom procesu decentralizacije. Ipak, treba naglasiti da će oblici i stepen decentralizacije prvenstveno biti opredeljen sadržajem i karakterom zakonske regulative koja će uslediti u periodu nakon donošenja Ustava. 5. Odredbama Ustava od 2006. godine, uklonjen je monopol države na gradskom građevinskom zemljištu. Gradsko građevinsko zemljište može biti i u privatnoj svojini. Ustav ne sadrži odredbu kojom bi se na bilo koji način ograničavala svojina na poljoprivrednom zemljištu, šumama i šumskom zemljištu. Naprotiv, prema izričitoj odredbi Ustava "korišćenje i raspolaganje poljoprivrednim zemljištem, šumskim zemljištem i građevinskim zemljištem u privatnoj svojini je slobodno".


Tajm-šering i nepoštena poslovna praksa

Tajm-šering i nepoštena poslovna praksa

Mićović Andrej

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Od usvajanja Direktive EU 94/47 o zaštiti kupaca u pogledu pojedinih aspekata ugovora koji se odnose na kupovinu prava na vremenski podeljeno korišćenje nepokretnosti, taj oblik korišćenja je pretrpeo promene, a na tržištu su se pojavili i novi proizvodi za odmor slični tajm-šeringu. U praksi se pokazalo da Direktiva EU 94/47 nije sprečila pojavu ugovora sličnih tajm-šeringu, kojima se nastojalo da se zaobiđu odredbe Direktive. Nesavesni trgovci su na taj način izbegavali odgovornost po osnovu Direktive, znajući da ugovori slični tajm-šeringu ne potpadaju pod njen domašaj. Stoga je bilo potrebno usvojiti propise kojima bi se sprečila nepoštena poslovna praksa i ujedno zaštitila prava potrošača. To je učinjeno usvajanjem Direktiva EU 2005/29, 2006/114 i 2008/122. Predmet ovog rada biće prikaz nepoštene poslovne prakse u vezi sa tajm-šeringom, kao i pravna analiza rešenja sadržanih u svakoj od pomenutih direktiva EU.


Terorizam kao oblik specijalnog rata

Terorizam kao oblik specijalnog rata

Joksić Ivan, Bojić Borislav, Rajaković Vesna

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Terorizam je poslednjih decenija prerastao iz akutnog u hronični problem sa kojim se susreće čitava međunarodna zajednica. Naoko sporadični i neujednačeni pokušaji zastrašivanja građana i njihovih legitimnih političkih predstavnika, 'preko noći' postaju oruđe za vođenje posebnog, odnosno specijalnog rata. Sledstveno tome, terorizam je neophodno posmatrati kao globalni fenomen i pretnju koja, usled svog kontinuiranog delovanja, poprima sva obeležja gerilskog načina ratovanja. Bogatstvo formi u kojima se ispoljavaju teroristički akti i veliki broj terorističkih organizacija doprinose otežanom načinu vođenja borbe za njihovo suzbijanje ili bar dovođenje na 'podnošljivu' meru. U tom smislu, neophodno je usmeriti buduće aktivnosti u pravcu sveopšteg pružanja otpora svim vidovima terorizma, što veliki broj država, na čelu sa međunarodnom zajednicom zaista i čini. Uočljivo je prisustvo velikog broja definicija terorizma i terorističkih organizacija u zavisnosti od aspekta iz kojih se ova planetarna pojava i globalno zlo posmatra. Neophodno je ukazati na korišćenje različitih kriterijuma, počev od bezbednosnih, politikoloških, krivičnopravnih, kriminoloških, socioloških i sl., kojima se tretira i pojmovno određuje fenomen terorizma. Uvažavajući specifičnosti različitog tretiranja terorizma, autor ovoga rada je odlučio da, koristeći se dostupnim izvorima, ukaže na sve negativne efekte koje ova planetarna pojava čini ljudskom društvu, kroz vođenje ili oblik specijalnog rata.


The European Union market from the aspect of the competition and basic values of Roman law

The European Union market from the aspect of the competition and basic values of Roman law

Milica Stojković

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The rich treasury of Roman law requires a continuous scientific research. The values of Roman law in the process of globalization are achieving the notable results in the creation of a new ius commune. Today, the logistical aspect of the European legal systems takes place in the domain of Roman law, and some of its values are recognizable in the course of economic life on the market within the encounter of the national and European Union Law. The methodological and institutionalized framework of the competition law is used to achieve positive effects in the single market, paving the way for the even distribution of social wealth. The market cannot neutralize the behavior of business entities using the competition to achieve extra profits. So, detecting and placing all possible forms of embezzlement used by business entities under the legal framework is a difficult task dealt with by competition policy entities, largely using the legal institutes of Roman law.


The European model of the integrated border management

The European model of the integrated border management

Vladimir Ristić

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The enlargement of the European Union has called for a reevaluation of the way the external borders to be protected as a necessary consequence of the free movement of people in the European Union. It also appears to be a result of a fundamental component of the area of freedom, security and justice. The abolition of the internal border checks and a different approach to external borders followed by emerging forms of cross-border crime with a cross-border dimension, illegal migration, trafficking in human beings and terrorist threats constantly being on the rise, have requested a different approach. The lack of economic perspective, poverty, environmental disasters and wars have forced people to look for a better life elsewehere, which has led to the most important global phenomenon of the 21st century- migration. Migration issues have made us think about the important matters faced by developed countries independantly, and as such they are currently at the top of the European Union’s political agenda. To respond effectively to emerging challenges and threats, the European Union has expedited the development of the integrated border management as a generally acceptable border management model, as well as a key factor in improving migration management. The paper is based on the information gathered from the open sources of the European Union institutions, as well as from personal experiences gained throughout the course of border management reform in Republic of Serbia.


The United Nations Convention on the International Agreements of Solving Disputes through Mediation

The United Nations Convention on the International Agreements of Solving Disputes through Mediation

Magdalena Krnjaić

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The United Nations Convention on International Agreements resulting from Mediation is significant because it regulates the cross-border enforcement of agreements reached in mediation and seeks to provide a single, effective framework for the recognition and enforcement of these agreements, which resolve international trade disputes. The global importance of this Convention is of a great importance, which is indicated by signing the Convention by three countries with the largest world economy: the USA, China and India. The purpose of this Convention is to promote the enforcement of international agreements arising from mediation, in the same way as the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitrary Decisions facilitates the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitrary decisions. As the New York Convention regulated the field of enforcement of foreign arbitrary decisions, mediation in this field had a legal void. Such a legal void made cross-border mediation impossible, which the Singapore Convention eliminated. The number of countries signatories is the best indicator of the actual need of the international economy for this type of dispute resolution. Therefore, the topic of this paper will be an overview of the main contents of the Singapore Convention.


The analysis of the structured financial transactions as alternative sources of financing

The analysis of the structured financial transactions as alternative sources of financing

Jelena Vapa Tankosić , Dejan Vukosavljević

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It is undeniable that global financial institutions are facing the major changes taken place during the last few years. Starting with the continuous tightening of both legal and financial regulations, preparation for the introduction of Basel 3, consolidation of the industry itself, the introduction of new information and communication technologies, enhanced safeguards to prevent money laundering, globalization of financial functions and capital markets, the traditional structure of the financial services industry has suffered many changes. Technological changes have reduced the transaction costs and accelerated the transfer of knowledge between the countries all over the world. There have emerged the modern forms of financial instruments crossing the barriers of national markets. Complex financial transactions unite all participants in the global market and, at the same time, they form the relative prices of all goods, services and capital. This paper aims to analyze the mechanism of realization of the structured financial transactions of banks and specialized institutions as alternative sources of financing in the global financial market.


The application of digital technology in business registration

The application of digital technology in business registration

Sanja Škorić

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The application of digital technology has succeeded, on the one hand, in facilitating the business and whole life of the modern humans, and, on the other hand, in slightly putting in the background the long-maintained habits and values that have become obsolete and unnecessary with digitalization. Almost the entire year of 2020, due to the global pandemic and restrictive measures, as well as business in it, has been reduced to the virtual world and digitalization. Although the application of new technologies is not new, this year it has received a special treatment, and the business entities have been required to adjust their business, the work from home, the online work, through various Internet applications with which help there can be organized certain meetings, seminars, educative programmes, conferences as well as closer business contacts with a picture and tone being alive. So, digital technologies have, in this socalled. Covid19 year, taken over our entire, both business and a large part of private life. However, if the focus is put on a lot of positive aspects of the application of new technologies, especially in modern business, where their application saves time and energy, and thus money, then a digital registration of business entities is certainly one of them. For example, in Serbia, since 2018, with a few clicks, it has been possible to electronically register a one-member or multi-member limited liability company and an entrepreneur. However, the application of digital technologies in the process of registration and setting up the business entities has existed much longer than the e-registration. Along with the increasing application and importance of digital technologies in this area, there are opened up some new dilemmas and emerged new challenges that modern business entities have to be faced. The same thing can be applied to the new challenges the registration authorities are faced.


The calculation of earnings and wages compensation as executive documents

The calculation of earnings and wages compensation as executive documents

Orelj Zoran N.

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Recent amendments to the Labour Act put a significant issue in front of the scientific and professional public: whether employees, by amending of Article 121, received an important institute of protection of individual rights or whether, in practice, we are talking about a difficult to operate Institute of rights protection. Will the provision providing the fact that the calculation of earnings and wages compensation represents an executive document allow the employee to quickly and easily exercise his/her right to remuneration which he/she had not been paid by the employer and thereby reduce the number of labor disputes, or, will it be 'drowned' in a continuous interpretations of stakeholders and become stultified. Generally speaking, neither of parties are fully satisfied with the adopted solutions which amended the Labour Act. By giving certain dilemmas and attitudes being presented in this study, I want to contribute only to a clearer and more precise formulation of the individual labor law institute, and thereby, in the near futurity, to the facilitation of the implementation of laws needed to be clear and available to all employers and employees.


The causes of economic crime and the review of its effects in the business field

The causes of economic crime and the review of its effects in the business field

Jelena Matijašević, Snežana Lakićević

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Economic crime is a serious security risk, which is present in every country. The factors of current economic, social and broader societal conditions of global trends are considered to be the general factors contributing to the causes of economic crime. If a country’s economic system is established on solid foundations, fully respecting the market economy laws, such a system is less exposed to various forms of criminal attacks. Bearing in mind the importance as well as the complexity of the matter of economic crime, this academic paper deals with the etiology of economic crime as a phenomenon. The study includes a general criminological review of the above-mentioned topic, with a special emphasis on the review of the economic crime causes in Republic of Serbia. It is evident that the emergence and development of new types of economic crime, as well as the refinement of already existing ones, have had a significant impact on the operations of business entities and on the national economy as a whole. The causes of economic crime that are deeply rooted in a particular society have an extremely negative impact on the trust given to business entities and their stable operations. The roots and causes of economic crime are based on the contradictions of socioeconomic relations, which affect the outward forms of this kind of crime, and represent the result of a series of political, economic, geographical, legal, moral, cultural and other factors, which fundamentally negatively affects the overall economic stability.

