Статьи журнала - Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast
Все статьи: 1640

Structural transformation issues in regional economy
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The paper systematizes areas of structural research in economic theory. We analyze structural shifts and proportions in regional economy using the data on the Vologda Oblast for 1995-2016. We consider regularities in the Oblast’s socio-economic development at the level of the economy as a whole and its sectoral structure at all the key stages of the reproduction process: production, formation and use of income. We reveal the presence of significant transformation in the structure of output of products, expressed in the reducing share of commodity production and growing share of services production. We register a decrease in the overall efficiency of the Oblast’s economy caused by the increase in the intensity of the output of goods and services. We highlight the trend of raising the wages of employees and reducing business income in the structure of the economy. We conclude that social reproduction in the Vologda Oblast is managed poorly, and there remain certain problems in the sectoral and reproduction structure of GRP, in the structure of investments, final consumption and savings; these problems constrain modernization processes and do not contribute to the improvement of the quality of life...

Structure and dynamics of household consumption of information goods: regional perspective
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Over the past two decades, the indicators of consumption of information goods by the Russian population have been significantly behind the similar indicators in developed countries, which was accompanied by inequality in consumption between Russian regions. The importance of studying consumption of information goods in information economy is due to the fact that the degree of satisfactionofneedsreflectsthelevelofpopulation'swelfareandisanindicatorofinnovativedevelopment which defines the incentives and constraints of modernization and long-term sustainable growth of the national economy. The article is devoted to contemporary structural changes in consumption of auxiliary information goods by the population of a dynamically developing region (the Sverdlovsk Oblast) amid the development of information economy. The use of methods of economic-statistical analysis and sociological survey has helped identify the structure and main trends in consumption of information goods in Russia in general and in the Sverdlovsk Oblast in particular. The article reviews the impact of factors such as consumers' age group, place of residence (town, village) and income level on household consumption of goods in the Sverdlovsk Oblast.

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Competitiveness as a personal characteristic is strategically important in daily and work activities. The article presents analysis of the process of formation of students' competitiveness (case study of high school students and students from secondary vocational and higher educational institutions) with further implementation of competitive strategies in the work of young workers. The youth socio-demographic group is considered as a battery of creative and competitive potential characterized by the desire to develop their own personality and transform the surrounding society. The article presents the assessment of personal characteristics of students and income-earning youths, analyzes the respondents' self-assessment of the level of competitiveness, value attitudes and desirable life characteristics in the long term. The empirical framework includes data of a representative mass questionnaire survey of the youth of the Tyumen Oblast. The sociological research indicates that high school students have a minimum level of competitiveness among all categories of youth and have the potential to improve it among students...

Students’ digital literacy: competence-based approach
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Currently, digital technology has a significant impact on socio-economic development in various societal spheres. In this regard, the importance of the formation of digital competencies in student youth is increasing. Modern generation should have these competences in order to work effectively and use the digital environment safely. The article presents an overview and systematization of scientific concepts that reveal the content of digital literacy. We show how the scientific category “digital literacy” correlates with “digital competence”. Concrete facts have confirmed that the use of digital technology in education involves the formation of digital competencies, the importance of which is beyond doubt, as well as the fact that digital literacy promotes the development of skills in search, analysis, critical understanding of the information received; it also helps to use digital platforms and network technology competently and in compliance with the basics of security in the digital environment. In this regard, the purpose of our research is to identify the level of formation of digital competencies in students in the higher education system (on the example of the Chelyabinsk Oblast). Scientific novelty of the work lies in theoretical substantiation of the content of digital literacy and systematization of approaches using a competencebased approach. In this context, the results of a survey of students of four universities in Chelyabinsk, aimed at identifying regional features and problems of the formation of digital competencies in the higher education system, are of interest. The findings of our research can become an important methodological tool in determining risk groups by the level of formation of digital competencies in students, developing methods for the safe use of digital content, preventing the spread of destructive online practices among young people and promoting their safe use of digital content.

Study of living standards of the national municipal district of the Karelia Republic
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The article presents the results of the study of living standards in the Pryazhinskiy region of the Karelia Republic, which made it possible to identify the factors differentiating property and social status of rural residents, and identify areas to improve their welfare.

Study of the quality of life of the older generation: a regional experience
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The increase in life expectancy in Russia along with low fertility has led to the fact that the age structure of the population has undergone significant changes: the proportion of children in the total population was continuously reducing, while the share of people over 60 was growing. Such transformations have multiple impacts, ranging from the issues of financial provision of pension systems, functioning of the labor market to the change in the value orientations of society. The growth of socio-demographic groups of elderly people leads to the fact that it is becoming increasingly important for the socio-economic development of territories, thus facilitating research in the field of studying its resource potential and quality of life. The paper is devoted to the study of components of a “subjective” quality of life of the specified group of the population. The authors present conceptual approaches to the problem of an “ageing” society and specifics of studying the quality of life of the elderly...

Study on open economy development of underdeveloped regions under counter-crisis background

Studying the stock market of Ukraine with the use of the event analysis
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The study presents basic principles of the event analysis developed for the purpose of improving the forecasting of market conditions. The aim of the study is to create the theoretical foundations of the event analysis of the stock market and their empirical substantiation. This type of analysis will make it possible to take into consideration the general trends in the stock market more comprehensively. For this purpose, the authors present the mathematical tools of the study, disclose the theoretical basis and genesis of the method proposed. In addition, the article contains the statistical analysis of the stock market performed with the use of traditional statistical methods and with the tools of the event analysis, first of all, the information elasticity. Empirical testing on the data on exchange rates and PFTS and the Ukraine Stock Exchange indices allowed the authors to establish the connection between events and changes in the indices, to identify several cases of excessive response that may be indicative of insider influence...

Studying the youth lifestyle with an approach to order and security
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Social security is among the essential indicators of the human community foundation, both based on the social conventions and the normative approaches. The main objective of the present study is the survey of the relationship between the modern life styles and the youths' risky behaviors. The data required for the present study have been collected through the use of questionnaire and based on a surveying method. The questions are all formulated based on the study theoretical framework and the study hypotheses. The study population includes the youngsters ranging in age from 18 to 35 years of age from the city of Abadeh (Iran) from among which a total number of 286 individuals were selected as the study sample volume and they were asked to answer the questions in the questionnaires. In this study, 44.8% of the sample population were female and 55.2% were male. 44.8% of respondents were less than 25 years, 34.7% of respondents were 25 to 30 years old and 20.5% of respondents were older than 30 years...

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Transformation processes in the modern globalizing world cover all spheres of society, causing serious qualitative and quantitative changes in its structure. The role of society in the process of globalization is becoming increasingly important, that is why the consolidation of its members becomes the most important direction of social development. The authors consider the problem of consolidation of the Russian society, they substantiate the importance of the subjective factor in social development, which consists in the people's perception of key events in the political, economic, and social life. The analysis of official statistical data shows that there are certain positive trends in the dynamics of the most representative indicators of social health, which reflects the degree of psychological adaptation of the population to their living conditions. However, having calculated the latent level of some of them(suicide), the authors identify that there is inaccuracy in the records of these indicators, which proves that there are flaws in the state system of collection of statistical information...