Педагогические науки. Рубрика в журнале - Бюллетень науки и практики

Modern pre-school education and innovative activities
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Preschool educational institution and innovation is the subject of serious study of modern education. Modern educators of pre-school educational establishments should always be receptive to everything new. Innovations arise when appear to resolve the problem, when it turns out the contradiction between the desire and the actual outcome. The article deals with finding and finding solutions to these problems.

Music-aesthetic education of young schoolchildren through vocal-choral performances
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The article deals with the necessity and importance of vocal and choir singing in the musical-aesthetic education of young schoolchildren. Musical-aesthetic education is aimed at improving many features of the child’s personality. The formation of artistic and aesthetic culture in the educational process can be successfully implemented in choir classes. The author believes that the process of children’s vocal and choral education occurs in close connection with the formation of the singing apparatus, music and aesthetic education: first, the acquisition of basic vocal and choral skills (breathing, vocalization, diction, intonation). The second is the formation of creative abilities, artistic and aesthetic culture in general. The article also discusses how music teachers not only instill vocal and choral skills in students, but also teach them the basics of spiritual, moral, artistic and aesthetic culture.

New approach in teaching English language in the globalization era
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English language is identified as one of the most spread languages for the worldwide communication. The intensive globalization of the world in the last decades requires international communication within the wider range of nations and cultures. It is important to recognize the continuous shift of the role of the English language from a second language into the global nature of the English language, in the context of worldwide communication, stressing the fact, that English as a foreign language has become international language. Within the concept of English as a language used for international and intercultural communication, it is consequently important to consider the inseparable role of culture in a language as the cause of the shift from the cultural aspect in English as a second language into the intercultural aspects in English as an international language including consideration of its possible impact on teaching English as an international language.

New book format of the XXI century - electronic textbooks
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The rapid informatization process of the education system has created both the opportunities and the need for the use of e-books in education. E-books allow students to actively participate in the learning process, to personalize their learning, to gain new knowledge and to evaluate their own abilities. The e-textbook also enriches traditional forms of learning, encompassing a large amount of teaching and learning materials and stimulating the development of new teaching methods. In our opinion, it is time to switch to electronic and interactive formats in the development of electronic aids and textbooks in universities. One of the leading directions in the use of information and communication technologies today is the effective use of computers in educational activities. The main issue in implementing this activity is the selection of e-learning resources that will improve the quality of education.

New school model approaches in preparing future teacher - in pedagogical practice process
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The process of preparing a future teacher is one of the most important directions in Samtskhe-Javakheti State University. Particular importance is attached to the training of teachers in the field of accuracy and natural sciences - STEM, which is a priority in Georgia today. In this process, it is very important to harmonize the approaches of teaching methodology in the teaching / learning process of students with the paradigm of the new school model, since the current process of education reform in the country is based on the introduction of a new school model project. Future teacher training programs (60 credits) must be in line with the country’s current reform processes, ensuring that future teacher training is up to date. Successful pedagogical practice will show the future teacher in practice and will allow him to understand the child’s personality, his profile and, as a result, introduce the most important aspects of development assessment to each student, according to the developing five-level system. Assessment-Single Taxonomy - In this process, it is important to have a good understanding of the target concept / perceptions of the indigenous peoples. A special task in the learning process is a challenging task, because with a well-chosen complex task, well thought out key questions and deeply analyzed accents, effectively planned learning stages, it is possible to develop deep and fundamental knowledge in the student who prepares the student for school.

New wave in English language teaching
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In recent years, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have been gaining ground in the educational field. Their use in the class of English as a foreign language presents great advantages, not only in terms of linguistic learning - as numerous studies have clearly demonstrated - but also as regards personal skills - since students experience the learning of English from new and novel perspectives. This article offers an analysis of some of the most innovative methodologies nowadays making use of ICTs for the teaching of English.

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The purpose of this study is to consider the effectiveness of using interactive technologies in the process of teaching a foreign language at a higher educational institution. The principal result of our research is the analysis of the influence of using interactive techniques on acquiring communicative competence and personal development of students. The major conclusions estimate the significance of applying interactive technologies in learning process.

On the meaning of English in the education of future teachers
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In this article, we would like to discuss the role of English as the global language and its impacts on our profession as English teachers. Foreign languages open doors to development and give access to international education. English has roles as both an international and a global language. As an international language, English has played a role as the tool of communication among people from different countries, in other words, English is used to bridge linguistic odd among people in international communities.

Peculiarities of communicative approach in foreign language teaching
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This paper looks briefly at the preconditions that gradually formed communicative language teaching (CLT) as a response to the growing demand and needs of non-native learners of English in many different contexts of learning, then draws a parallel between existing conventional methods of language teaching and novel insights presented by CLT. The constituent parts of Communicative competence are introduced. The negotiation of meaning is considered as the most essential function of the target language that learners are capable to master which allows them to maintain flexibility in a deliberate speech despite the gaps in their language proficiency. Besides, the article discusses the current limitations of CLT bound to several factors such as the lack of language proficiency, rigid curricula, and teachers’ misconceptions of CLT.

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Article describes the peculiarities of the formation of pedagogical beliefs of future teachers based on educational technologies. The article also discusses the methodology of using educational technologies in the educational process.

Pedagogical conditions of using technical means in language learning
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Pedagogical conditions of using multimedia technologies are considered in the article. There is an analysis of scientific sources of research on the use of computer tools in the teaching of foreign languages. The effectiveness of modern multimedia technologies in teaching English is proved. Multimedia tools are identified which significantly increase students' motivation and, as a result, the quality of their foreign language training. The article describes the educational conditions of using multimedia in foreign language education. To familiarize students with language vocabulary and structure, or to allow them to practice pronunciation and speaking with native speakers, the use of multimedia content in the classroom could integrate print, video, educational games and the Internet.

Pedagogical features of the formation of pedagogical ethics in future teachers
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The article is devoted to the formation of pedagogical ethics in future teachers and the study of the problems of pedagogical characteristics. It is imperative to pay attention to the knowledge of future teachers because mastering the system of competent reading in higher education is their social and professional duty. Therefore, future teachers need to know the rules and requirements of pedagogical ethics. Because mastering the etiquette of a teacher: professional ethics of future teachers - the formation of knowledge, skills and competencies in the ethics of a teacher; guide, regulate and monitor the coach’s relationship with children, colleagues and parents in the educational process; to learn the norms that must be adhered to in ethical relations between the participants in the pedagogical process, to understand the need for their assimilation; serves to increase the spiritual and moral level of future teachers. The theoretical and practical significance of the study lies in the substantiation of the need for optimal coordination of the priorities of professional development, the need for their competent implementation.

Pedagogical reflection is a tool for the professional development of future pedagogical specialists
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In modern scientific concepts of reflection, it is given many characteristics. Reflection is a thought process aimed at analyzing, understanding, perceiving oneself, one’s actions, order, words, experiences, feelings, states, characteristics, behavior, attitudes towards oneself and others, etc. According to research scientists, the importance of developing professional reflection of future educational psychologists for the effective formation of their professionalism is emphasized. At the same time, a person’s conscious attitude to his actions, to himself, is formed through reflection, since reflection makes it possible to identify his attitude with an understanding of the essence of truth. It can be concluded that professional reflection can be considered as the highest opportunity in the preparation of a future teacher. Firstly, the future teacher-specialist interacts with other subjects in the process of communication and reflects the communicative aspects of professional reflection. Secondly, the subject is in feedback, where professional reflection characterizes the intellectual aspect. Professional reflection contributes to the formation of generalized ideas about the profession, the content and structure of activities among future teachers and psychologists. The types of reflexes in abstinence of the future personality are also determined. In the context of our research, the problem of the relationship between professional activity and reflection his important theoretical significance, it opens the way to the development of intellectual reflection, personal reflection aimed at self-organization through self-knowledge and introspection, interpersonal reflection through actions on the joint activity of a partner.

Pedagogical theories in online education: teaching implications for online courses
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As online courses have a pivotal and growing role in the educational curriculum at the present moment, the purpose of the given article is to review the current directions in schools of thought and establish pedagogical applications to be directly applied in course design. Key components of online courses, namely, course and module objectives, instructional materials, the specificity of tasks and assignments are being thoroughly discussed about the theoretical foundations of online education including behaviorism, cognitive, constructive, and connectivist approaches. The entire body of theoretical underpinnings is illustrated with successive teaching samples personally devised for the online course to promote a better understanding of the discussed concepts and supplied with pragmatic recommendations for novice instructors of online courses.

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The purpose of this paper is to examine global trends in higher education. A focused examination of the distance learning facilities as a means of raising academic motivation facilitates the identification of some of the issues confronting the process of training economists in Uzbekistan in general, and foreign language proficiency in particular. Motivation plays a vital role in learning. It helps to energize the behavior of the individual, to acquire knowledge, to direct the activity of a student towards specific goals; to develop socially important abilities and qualities, to improve performance, and to form a sense of discipline. Defining distance learning as a way of providing learning opportunities that is characterized by the separation of teacher and learner in time or place, the authors point out the use of a variety of distance learning technologies. The aim of the article is to find out how the advantages of distance learning technologies could conduce enhancing students' motivation to learn.

Preparing future computer science teachers through using innovative technologies
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This article presents theoretical and practical information and recommendations on the use of innovative technologies in the training of future computer science teachers, in particular Collaborative Learning technology in teaching the science of programming basics, and the development of students’ digital and software-technological competencies. new approaches and issues are discussed.

Professional English language for audit specialists in Uzbekistan
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This article presents the results of an investigation into the place of English in the curriculum. Knowledge of a foreign language opens new prospects of mobility and collaboration for professionals in the modern world. Education authorities recognize the increased role that foreign languages, especially English, play in the professional development of future specialists and try to introduce this subject at tertiary level. The role of the international auditor, internal or external, has never been more important. The ability to communicate successfully in English in order to understand, question, explain, discuss, warn, advise and report effectively is crucially important when you are dealing with colleagues, suppliers or clients.

Professional development and self-fulfillment of the teacher in the current environment
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The article examines core trends in the development of modern society and education. The aim of national educational project recently created in Russia is to enhance its entire system of education. In this regard, the objectives of the project have been identified which include, among others, the training of current teaching staff, their retraining and advanced training programs. Since the changes entail teachers and their professional development, we have highlighted a number of relevant problems. We find the solution to these problems in studying the process of the teacher's professional self-fulfilment. In this paper, professional self-fulfilment of the teacher is understood as an integral dynamic characteristic, reflecting the teacher's personal qualities in pedagogical activity. The idea of personal self-fulfilment is not limited to one idea of constant self-development and striving for a certain ideal, but invites a person to understand themselves, their ambitions, uniqueness and inner potential that can be realized either in professional or any other course of development. The article pays special attention to the formation of the teacher’s “competences of the future” as one of the objectives and conditions for improving professional development and professional self-fulfilment of the teacher. On the basis of individual and motivational and performance-oriented approaches we have proposed the structure of the teacher's activities aimed at professional development and self-fulfilment.

Professionality federal program as the way to decrease the regional personnel shortage
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The article discusses the Professionality Federal Program called as one of the ways to decrease the regional personnel shortage. Modern educational technologies are collated with their effectiveness, and promising types of interactions between industry partners and colleges in the implementation of programs are presented.

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The article is devoted to the importance of professionally oriented communication skills development mechanisms in the process of learning English of non-linguistic specialists. The importance of professionally oriented approach to foreign language teaching is grounded and its essence is analyzed. The ways of implementing professionally oriented approach in the process of learning English for future economists are considered.