Статьи журнала - International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing
Все статьи: 1101
XOR-EDGE based Video Steganography and Testing against Chi-Square Steganalysis
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In this paper, our main aim is to compare different video formats and analyze what will be the effect on quality when we hide same secret message in different type of formats such as RGB color videos, .avi (colored and uncompressed video format), and mp4(colored and compressed video format) using edge detection and 7 pair identical match techniques. . In research work, edge areas are used to hide high capacity of secret data behind a video file. As edges are very sharp in nature and their frequency values are changed continuously, which can't be seen by the human visual system (HVS) due to the low probability of being perceived. The analysis is done on the basis of quality metrics such as PSNR, BER and Histogram Analysis for different format video clips. The Experimental results show that proposed algorithm provides resistance against Chi-square statistical attack and visual attacks.