Статьи журнала - International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing
Все статьи: 1110

Wavelet based multimodal biometrics with score level fusion using mathematical normalization
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Biometric based authentication is playing a very important role in various security related applications. A novel multimodal biometric verification based on fingerprint, palmprint and iris with matching score level fusion using Mathematical Normalization is proposed in this paper. In feature extraction stage of unimodal, features of each modality are extracted by applying wavelet decomposition using 6 different wavelet families and 35 respective wavelet family members. Further, the three optimal combinations of unimodal systems based on equal error rate achieved by wavelet(s) are chosen for development of multimodal biometric system. In matching score level fusion, along with well-known normalization techniques- Min-max, Tan-h and Z-score, the performance of multimodal systems are also analyzed using Mathematical Normalization (Math-norm) followed by product, weighted product, sum and average fusion rule. The experiments are conducted on database of 100 different subjects from publically available FVC2006, CASIA V1 and IITD database of fingerprint, palmprint and iris, respectively. The experimental results clearly show that Mathematical Normalization followed by weighted product has given promising accuracy with equal error rate (EER) of 0.325%.

Wavelet, Gabor Filters and Co-occurrence Matrix for Palmprint Verification
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Authentication through the palmprint is a field of biometrics. Palmprint-based personal verification has quickly entered the biometric family. It has become increasingly popular in the recent years due to its ease of acquisition, reliability and high user acceptance. In this paper, we present an authentication system based on the palmprint. We are particularly interested in the feature extraction step. Three feature extraction techniques based on the discrete wavelet transform, the Gabor filters and the co-occurrence matrix are evaluated. The support vector machine is used for the classification step. The results have been validated on the PolyU database related to 400 users. The best results have been achieved with the wavelet decomposition.

Wavelet-NARM Based Sparse Representation for Bio Medical Images
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Sparse representation based super resolution deals with the problem of reconstructing a high resolution image from one or several of its low resolution counterparts. In this case the low resolution image is modelled as the down-sampled version of its high resolution counterpart after blurring. When the blurring kernel is the Dirac delta function, i.e. the low resolution image is directly down sampled from its high resolution counterpart without blurring and the super-resolution problem becomes an image interpolation problem. In such cases, the conventional sparse representation models become less effective, because the data fidelity term fails to constrain the image local structures. In natural images, the given image patch can be modelled as the linear combination of nonlocal similar neighbours. In this paper image nonlocal self-similarity for image interpolation is introduced. More specifically, wavelet based a nonlocal autoregressive model (NARM) is proposed and taken as the data fidelity term in sparse representation model. Our experimental results on benchmark test images clearly demonstrate that the proposed wavelet-NARM based image interpolation method outperforms the reconstruction of edge structures and suppression of jaggy/ringing artefacts, achieving the best image interpolation results so far in terms of PSNR as well as perceptual quality metrics such as structural similarity index and structural content. The proposed method is applied on bio medical images to emphasis on diagnostic information.

Wavelet-based Video Coding using Advanced Fractional Motion Estimation Technique
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The purpose of this paper is to encode a color video by wavelet transformation. Therefore, we propose a new hybrid approach which combines a fractional motion estimation technique. Several studies were carried out to reduce the spatial and temporal redundancies, hence at the level of spatial video coding, we use a new approach based on sub-bands coding through a discrete wavelet transformation. This technique is based on the principle of the EZW algorithm of Shapiro. It proceeds by separating the encoding of the signs and the magnitudes of wavelet coefficients. Then, at the level of temporal compression, we propose a study of motion estimation with different accuracy based on image interpolation to improve the quality of predicted frame. Next, we present a representation reducing the size of the motion vector field and we compress it by two of entropic coding approaches namely Huffman coding and arithmetic coding. The proposed video codec was applied on a video sequence with different sizes (CIF and QCIF) and different dynamics. The obtained results, in terms of objective assessment (PSNR, the SSIM and VQM), were satisfactory compared with other video coding standards. We have also proposed a subjective evaluation and the results are compared to those obtained by H.264/AVC standard.

What is the Truth: A Survey of Video Compositing Techniques
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The compositing of videos is considered one of the most important steps on the post-production process. The compositing process combines several videos that may be recorded at different times or locations into a final one. Computer generated footages and visual effects are combined with real footages using video compositing techniques. High reality shots of many movies were introduced to the audience who cannot discover that those shots are not real. Many techniques are used for achieving high realistic results of video compositing. In this paper, a survey of video compositing techniques, a comparison among compositing techniques, and many examples for video compositing using existing techniques are presented.

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Scene text detection from natural images has been a prime focus from last few decades. Classification of foreground object components is an essential task in many scene text detection approaches under uncontrollable environment. As it heavily relies upon robust and discriminating features, several features have been engineered for component-level text non-text classification. Competency of such feature descriptors particularly in respect of deep features needs to be examined. In this paper, we present prospective feature descriptors applicable to component-level text non-text classification and examine their performance along with convolutional neural network based deep features. Series of experiments have been carried out on publicly available benchmark dataset(s) of multi-script document-type, scene-type, and combined text vs. non-text components. Interestingly, feature combination is found to put well-demonstrated deep features into tough competition on most datasets under consideration. For instance, on the combined text non-text classification problem, CNN based deep features yield 97.6%, whereas aggregated features produce an accuracy of 98.4%. Similar findings are obtained on other experiments as well. Along with the quantitative figures, results have been analyzed and insightful discussion is made to ascertain the conjectures drawn herein. This study may cater the need of leveraging potentially strong handcrafted feature descriptors.

White Colour Hues in Displays and Lighting Systems Based on RGB and RGBW LEDs
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In this paper, aspects of obtaining white colour hues for displays/monitors and lighting by using three- and four-components LED systems are discussed. Photometric equipment developed by us for multichannel LEDs control is used in an experimental study to verify theoretical calculations. Three-component RGB and four-component RGBW LED systems, which utilise the same RGB light sources and two white LEDs with warm and cold hues, are investigated. Results of testing of luminous efficacy of such systems at different values of light intensity and comparison of the corresponding circadian action factor as the value of impact of summarized RGB and RGBW white light on human circadian rhythms are presented. It is demonstrated that the four-component RGBW LED systems are more preferable for lighting and displays than the three-components RGB LED systems, because of significant higher luminous efficacy and slightly lower circadian factor over the entire range of correlated colour temperature from 2500K to 7000K studied.

Wiener filter based noise reduction algorithm with perceptual post filtering for hearing aids
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This paper presents a filter bank summation method to perform spectral splitting of input signal for binaural dichotic presentation along with dynamic range compression coupled with noise reduction algorithm based on wiener filter. This helps to compensate the effect of spectral masking, reduced dynamic range, and improves speech perception for moderate sensorineural hearing loss in the adverse listening conditions. We have considered cascaded structure of noise reduction technique; Filter Bank Summation (FBS) based amplitude compression and spectral splitting. Wiener filter produces the enhanced signal by removing unwanted noise. The signal is split into eighteen frequency bands, ranging from 0-5KHz, based on auditory critical bandwidths. To reduce the dynamic range, amplitude compression is carried out using constant compression factor in each of the bands. Subjective and objective assessment based on Mean Opinion Score (MOS) and Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ) scores, respectively, are used to test the Perceived quality of speech for different Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) conditions. Vowel Consonant Vowel (VCV) syllable /aba/ and sentences were used as the test material. The results of the listening tests showed MOS scores for processed speech sentence “sky that morning was clear and bright blue” (4.41, 4.2, 3.96, 3.6, 3.08 and 2.66) as compared with unprocessed speech MOS scores ( 4.53, 1.21, 1.16, 1.06, 0.8, 0.483) for SNR values of ∞, +6, +3, 0, -3 and -6 dB respectively, and PESQ values (Left Channel: 2.6192, 2.5355, 2.5646, 2.5513, 2.5221, and 2.4309; Right Channel: 2.5889, 2.3001, 2.3714, 2.4710, 2.3636, and 2.4712) for SNR values of ∞, +6, +3, 0, -3 and -6 dB respectively, indicating the improvement in the perceived quality for different SNR conditions. To evaluate the intelligibility of the perceived speech, listening test was carried out for hearing impaired (moderate Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SNHL)) persons in the presence of background noise using Modified Rhyme Test (MRT).The test material consists 50 sets of monosyllabic words of consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) form with six words in each set. Each subject responded for a total of 1800 presentations (300 words x 6 different SNR conditions). Results of the listening tests (using MRT) showed maximum improvement of (27.299%, 23.95%, 24.503%, 23.602%, and 23.498%) in the speech recognition scores at SNR values of (-6dB, -3dB, 0dB, +3dB, +6dB) compared to unprocessed speech recognition scores. Reductions in response times compared to unprocessed speech response times at lower SNR values were observed. The decrease in response times at the SNR values of -6, -3, 0, +3 and+6 dB were 1.581, 1.41, 1.329, 1.279, and 1.01s, respectively, indicating improvement in intelligibility of the speech at lower SNR values.

Wound Image Analysis Using Contour Evolution
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The aim of the algorithm described in this paper is to segment wound images from the normal and classify them according to the types of the wound. The segmentation of wounds extravagates color representation, which has been followed by an algorithm of grayscale segmentation based on the stack mathematical approach. Accurate classification of wounds and analyzing wound healing process is a critical task for patient care and health cost reduction at hospital. The tissue uniformity and flatness leads to a simplified approach but requires multispectral imaging for enhanced wound delineation. Contour Evolution method which uses multispectral imaging replaces more complex tools such as, SVM supervised classification, as no training step is required. In Contour Evolution, classification can be done by clustering color information, with differential quantization algorithm, the color centroids of small squares taken from segmented part of the wound image in (C1,C2) plane. Where C1, C2 are two chrominance components. Wound healing is identified by measuring the size of the wound through various means like contact and noncontact methods of wound. The wound tissues proportion is also estimated by a qualitative visual assessment based on the red-yellow-black code. Moreover, involving all the spectral response of the tissue and not only RGB components provides a higher discrimination for separating healed epithelial tissue from granulation tissue.

XOR-EDGE based Video Steganography and Testing against Chi-Square Steganalysis
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In this paper, our main aim is to compare different video formats and analyze what will be the effect on quality when we hide same secret message in different type of formats such as RGB color videos, .avi (colored and uncompressed video format), and mp4(colored and compressed video format) using edge detection and 7 pair identical match techniques. . In research work, edge areas are used to hide high capacity of secret data behind a video file. As edges are very sharp in nature and their frequency values are changed continuously, which can't be seen by the human visual system (HVS) due to the low probability of being perceived. The analysis is done on the basis of quality metrics such as PSNR, BER and Histogram Analysis for different format video clips. The Experimental results show that proposed algorithm provides resistance against Chi-square statistical attack and visual attacks.