Педагогические науки. Рубрика в журнале - Международный журнал гуманитарных и естественных наук

Публикации в рубрике (1821): Педагогические науки
все рубрики
The importance of teaching different types of reading in foreign language to non-linguistic students

The importance of teaching different types of reading in foreign language to non-linguistic students

Kondrashova I.V.

Статья научная

Reading is one of the most important means of getting information. They are especially important while learning a foreign language as it is one of the most effective ways to broaden vocabulary and solidify grammar knowledge. The article is devoted to the role of reading in the process of foreign language teaching to non-linguistic students. The article characterizes such types of reading as skimming, scanning, extensive and intensive. It also gives exercises for working with every reading type.


The importance of using the experiences of folk pedagogy in the formation of environmental culture of college students

The importance of using the experiences of folk pedagogy in the formation of environmental culture of college students

Chyngyzbek Kyzy N.

Статья научная

The socio-pedagogical importance of the environmental culture formation of future college specialists. The article is devoted to the use of folk pedagogical experience in the formation of environmental culture of college students. By enriching the educational process with these resources, we can emphasise the main idea which defines the objective of environmental education, which is the respect for the environment and for humanity, which is inextricably linked with nature.


The main aspects of the learning crisis and defining a winning strategy for improving the level of education in the world

The main aspects of the learning crisis and defining a winning strategy for improving the level of education in the world

Zelenova K.G.

Статья научная

Lack of education critically affects the hundreds of millions of children around the world who become adolescents without basic life skills. As a result, it is difficult for them not only to build a successful career or educate their children, but to even read the instructions of doctors, understand documents, make purchases and other daily operations. It is also not necessary that only high-income countries can demonstrate high levels of education. At present, countries with lower incomes are also showing positive results, are interested in improving the quality of education, and are developing new strategies. This research paper describes the main aspects of the crisis in education, followed by a winning strategy by which countries can overcome this crisis. The strategy is a movement in three directions: competent, fair and regular assessment of learning is an important first step; acting on this assessment while making education accessible to all children is the next major challenge; and, finally, the coordinated actions of all participants in the education system are important. This research paper provides vivid examples of education activity in countries with different income levels.


The main objectives of teaching foreign languages in non-linguistic areas of bachelor's degree

The main objectives of teaching foreign languages in non-linguistic areas of bachelor's degree

Buryak N.Y.

Статья научная

This article attempts to prove the illegality of putting forward as the main goal of teaching foreign languages exclusively the development of skills to communicate in a foreign language. This point of view is based on a broader understanding of the tasks of teaching foreign languages than just providing practical knowledge of foreign language communication. As a justification of this theory, important arguments related to the acquisition of knowledge about the language and through the language - the culture of the corresponding people are given. The focus solely on the assimilation of practical skills and abilities by students does not allow taking into account the diversity of possible motivations of students in mastering the subject. The emphasis is placed on the fact that not for all students, communicative motivation is the main component in mastering a foreign language. The practical significance of this article lies in the development of a number of competencies necessary to achieve the main goals of teaching foreign languages.


The role of digital educational resources in teaching gifted youth

The role of digital educational resources in teaching gifted youth

Khalikova F.D., Khalikov A.V.

Статья научная

The article examines the role of digital educational resources in teaching gifted youth when information and communication technologies are rapidly developing. Teachers of schools and institutions use information and communication technologies in their professional activities, having the necessary set of information competencies, develop various educational resources that allow them to conduct classes with students more effectively.


The role of multiple intelligences in academic achievement of learners

The role of multiple intelligences in academic achievement of learners

Zhusupaliev K., Kambaralieva D.O., Irenchieva G.A., Zulpukarova A.K.

Статья научная

G. Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence is of great interest to the pedagogical community today, as it allows us to look at the learning process from a new perspective. Despite the fact that the theory is actively used in education, teachers do not take into account the contextual nature of the functioning of types of intelligence. This article examines Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences and its relationship with middle school students' academic performance.


The role of teachers in promoting students' motivation to learn

The role of teachers in promoting students' motivation to learn

Nguyen Quoc Thuy

Статья научная

Learning motivation is one factor that directly affects students' learning activities. Motivation for learning is not available, nor can it be imposed. Still, it is formed gradually by students going deep into the learning object. From the needs of the learning things and from the external factors that promote the motivation of students' learning activities. In this article, we want to discuss students' learning motivation and the role of teachers in forming a positive learning motivation for students to improve the quality of teaching and learning.


The significance of forming students` intercultural communicative competence through authentic materials

The significance of forming students` intercultural communicative competence through authentic materials

Rysbekkyzy N., Turganbaeva T.T.

Статья научная

Learning a new language does not only expand person`s thinking ability but also expands his worldview. The current situation allows each of us to live in a common world, so we need to be able to establish a mutually beneficial dialogue with all people in the common living space, to create humanitarian cultural bridges between different professions and cultures. Experience has shown that in order to maintain these diverse and multi-level connections and relationships, every foreign language learner doesn`t have to only master the language, but also to be aware of the norms of foreign language culture. The study reviewed many foreign publications on this topic. There was a survey among the students to determine their intercultural communicative competence. The results of the survey showed that students' language skills are currently being improved by the authentic materials.


The theory of multiple intelligence in teaching English

The theory of multiple intelligence in teaching English

Irenchieva G.A., Madmarova Z.K., Alymbayeva A.S., Zulpukarova A.K.

Статья научная

Our study is aimed at exploring the potential of Multiple Intelligences Theory in teaching foreign languages. We see a correlation between the consideration of students' intelligence types and the effectiveness of foreign language teaching, because the use of exercises for different intelligence types in the classroom makes it possible to activate subjective individualization in the process of language acquisition, which is highly likely to increase the effectiveness of learning. This article discusses Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence, especially its place in foreign language teaching.


The use of art-pedagogical technologies in teaching English to law students

The use of art-pedagogical technologies in teaching English to law students

Mishurova O.I.

Статья научная

Art-pedagogical technologies offer innovative ways to teach English to law students. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using art-based pedagogical technologies in teaching English to law students. By using literature, music, drama, and other creative tools, instructors can engage students in a dynamic and interactive language learning process. These methods not only improve language skills but also promote critical thinking, creativity, and cultural awareness.


The use of modern educational technology in English language teaching

The use of modern educational technology in English language teaching

Buryak N.Yu.

Статья научная

This article deals with modern educational technologies in teaching English - role-playing technologies. Role-playing as a means of developing dialogic speech of students at middle and senior stages of learning English is the subject of this article. The problem of using role-playing in the methodology of teaching foreign languages is not new, but still relevant today.


Theory of multiple intelligences in teaching English

Theory of multiple intelligences in teaching English

Zheenbekova Ch.M., Azhimamatova K.E., Manikova R.A., Zulpukarova A.K.

Статья научная

Today, the theory of multiple intelligence, developed by the American researcher G. Gardner, which states that each person does not have a single intelligence. Article reviews all eight types of intelligence: verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, musical-rhythmic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, which are becoming more and more popular both in teaching in general and in teaching foreign languages. An analysis of recent publications on the subject shows that it is extremely relevant and in demand.


Using authentic video materials to increase motivation to learn a foreign language

Using authentic video materials to increase motivation to learn a foreign language

Kachkynchyeva A.Zh., Zhumagulova E.Zh., Anarbaeva K.S.

Статья научная

The article considered the features, the role of authentic video materials in English language teaching; the influence of audiovisual materials on students' motivation to learn a foreign language; the advantages and main ways of introducing such materials for learning and teaching English. The authors considered the criteria and suitable sources of video material selection, some algorithm of introducing authentic video materials that can be used in the process of teaching and learning a foreign language at different levels of education.


Using podcast technology to improve Vietnamese listening and speaking skills of international students

Using podcast technology to improve Vietnamese listening and speaking skills of international students

Nguyen Quoc Thuy, Nguyen Thi Doan Trang

Статья научная

Nowadays, Vietnamese is gaining increasing interest from foreigners and is being studied for a variety of objectives. The purpose of this study is to determine the benefits of using podcasts in teaching foreign languages in general, and Vietnamese in particular, and to implement teaching-learning techniques using podcasts to guide foreign students at the intermediate level to improve their Vietnamese listening and speaking skills. The findings of this study indicate that the usage of podcasts benefits the development and improvement of Vietnamese listening and speaking abilities among international students enrolled at the Thai Nguyen University of Education.


Ways of organizing students' Independent work using information technologies

Ways of organizing students' Independent work using information technologies

Duvanaeva K.T., Ysmanov N.

Статья научная

One of the most pressing problems of modern pedagogy is the organization of independent activity of students in the learning process. Professionals are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of learning, personal development, creative application of acquired knowledge and adaptability in professional activities in today's environment. The problem of independence and activity in learning with all its importance had different socio-pedagogical understanding. Mastering the methodology of independent activity poses the task of analyzing pedagogical and psychological literature from the point of view of understanding the essence of independent work in the learning process. The article deals with the use of information and communication technologies. Different types of independent work realized with the help of modern information technologies are shown.


YouTube как обучающий ресурс (иностранный язык, неязыковой вуз)

YouTube как обучающий ресурс (иностранный язык, неязыковой вуз)

Ежова Ю.В., Пац М.В.

Статья научная

Показана обусловленность применения контента видеохостинга YouTube в образовательном процессе высшей школы комфортной для молодежи обучающей средой. Анализируются перспективы использования видеоматериалов портала в процессе обучения иностранному языку в аудиторной и внеаудиторной работе. Формулируются критерии отбора материала. Выделены преимущества и недостатки применения на занятиях YouTube контента. Представлены элементы методики работы с учебным видео.


Авторитет преподавателя как способ повышения качества образования

Авторитет преподавателя как способ повышения качества образования

Новикова А.Ю., Шевцов К.С.

Статья научная

Авторитет преподавателя является неотъемлемой частью в процессе обучения. Без авторитетной харизмы преподаватель не сможет в должной степени предоставлять учебный материал студентам. Так как преподаватель без авторитета, как сапожник без сапог. Существует несколько видов преподавательского авторитета: «авторитет профессионализма, личностно, служебный авторитет и авторитет педагогического мастерства». Проводится анализ факторов, влияющих на формирование авторитета преподавателя.


Адаптация иностранных студентов к образовательному пространству в вузе на примере опыта Югорского государственного университета

Адаптация иностранных студентов к образовательному пространству в вузе на примере опыта Югорского государственного университета

Воронцова А.Е., Птицына Д.Д., Устьянцева А.Д.

Статья научная

С увеличением числа иностранных студентов возникают проблемы и затруднения с адаптацией. Способность успешно адаптироваться к новой культуре является ключом к успеху иностранных студентов, как в социальной, так и в академической жизни. Цель выполненного исследования - проанализировать научные источники совместно с психолого-педагогической литературой и сформулировать особенности адаптации иностранных студентов к образовательному пространству в вузе. В данном исследовании определены факторы, влияющие на адаптацию и академическую успеваемость иностранных студентов. Делается вывод о том, что активное вовлечение иностранных студентов в учебно-воспитательный процесс формирует личность студента как полноценного члена общества.


Адаптация общедидактических методов обучения для дистанционных занятий в начальной школе

Адаптация общедидактических методов обучения для дистанционных занятий в начальной школе

Алферьева-термсикос В.Б.

Статья научная

В статье рассмотрена возможность адаптации и трансформации общедидактических методов обучения для проведения дистанционных занятий в начальной школе. Автором предложены соответствующие информационные ресурсы, виды дидактических интерактивных материалов, позволяющих организовать эффективную познавательную деятельность младших школьников в виртуальном пространстве, что способствует преодолению противоречий между традиционной методикой обучения и современными условиями информационной эпохи.


Адаптивная физическая культура в современном образовании

Адаптивная физическая культура в современном образовании

Паршакова Вера Михайловна

Статья научная

В статье рассмотрены сущность и значение адаптивной физической культуры в современном образовании. Статья раскрывает понятие адаптивной физической культуры в современном образовании в контексте тенденции инклюзии, получающей все большее распространение в образовательном пространстве в настоящее время. Рассмотрена структура адаптивной физической культуры, её основные функции, цели и задачи. Приведены комплексы общеразвивающих упражнений при общих заболеваниях.

