Статьи журнала - Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia

Все статьи: 412

Stages in the late Pleistocene and Holocene peopling of lake Bolshoye Ushkovskoye shore, Kamchatka

Stages in the late Pleistocene and Holocene peopling of lake Bolshoye Ushkovskoye shore, Kamchatka

Ponkratova I.Y.

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Star-shaped pendants from the Perm region, Western Urals: Hunnic polychrome ornaments reanimated

Star-shaped pendants from the Perm region, Western Urals: Hunnic polychrome ornaments reanimated

Krylasova N.B., Podosenova Y.A.



Tagar artifacts at the Stavropol state museum reserve (G.N. Prozritelev's collection)

Tagar artifacts at the Stavropol state museum reserve (G.N. Prozritelev's collection)

Prokopenko Y.A.

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Technical and social innovations: a new field of research

Technical and social innovations: a new field of research

Hansen S.



Technological development of the Neolithic pottery at Goytepe (West Azerbaijan)

Technological development of the Neolithic pottery at Goytepe (West Azerbaijan)

Alakbarov V.A.

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The "Kalgutinsky" style in the rock art of Central Asia

The "Kalgutinsky" style in the rock art of Central Asia

Molodin V.I., Zotkina L.V., Cheremisin D.V., Geneste J.M., Cretin C.



The Andronovo age women's costume, based on finds from Maytan, Central Kazakhstan

The Andronovo age women's costume, based on finds from Maytan, Central Kazakhstan

Tkachev A.A., Tkacheva N.A.

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The Early Paleolithic Age site and the bifacial lithic industries of Southeast Asia

The Early Paleolithic Age site and the bifacial lithic industries of Southeast Asia

Kandyba A.V., Chekha A.M., Gladyshev S.A., Derevianko A.P., Doi N.G., Su N.K.



The Jomon megalithic tradition in Japan: origins, features, and distribution

The Jomon megalithic tradition in Japan: origins, features, and distribution

Tabarev A.V., Ivanova D.A., Nesterkina A.L., Solovieva E.A.

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The Kyrgyz Republic: concept, strategies, and practices for the preservation of the national cultural heritage

The Kyrgyz Republic: concept, strategies, and practices for the preservation of the national cultural heritage

Oktyabrskaya I.V., Alymkulova S.K., Nazarov I.I., Samushkina E.V.

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This study deals with the concept of «cultural heritage» in the Kyrgyz Republic, including both material culture and traditional ideology. We describe their codification, and strategies for their preservation and popularization. We draw on a large database, which includes findings of original fieldwork. We outline the elaboration of the concept of cultural heritage and its content, presenting a systematic description of institutional aspect and meaning, and we analyze the practices of its implementation. The historical and cultural heritage is viewed as a multifactorial space. The realities of modern Kyrgyzstan suggest that the nation implements integration strategies in foreign policy. While using the notions of cultural heritage and traditional values, the republic strengthens its ties with other members of the CIS, raising the level of its integration into the Central Asian community and maintaining its status as part of the world civilization. Cultural heritage is a key resource of social change and the economic stabilization of local communities. Its preservation at the level of everyday culture, academic, and educational practices, museums, festivals, etc. is a condition of national consolidation.


The Marfa kurgan in the Stavropol territory: an example of an ancient architectural structure

The Marfa kurgan in the Stavropol territory: an example of an ancient architectural structure

Khokhlova O.S., Nagler A.O.

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