Статьи журнала - Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia

Все статьи: 445

The Chemical Analysis of Glass Samples from Roman Era Cemeteries in the Crimean Piedmont

The Chemical Analysis of Glass Samples from Roman Era Cemeteries in the Crimean Piedmont

Khrapunov I.N., Stoyanova A.A., Lubkova T.N., Shabanov S.B.

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We assessed the chemical composition of more than 40 fragments of glass vessels from the Roman Period cemeteries in the Crimean piedmont— Druzhnoe, Neyzats, and Opushki, using X-ray spectral microanalysis. The results suggest that the glass from all the cemeteries belonged to the soda-lime-silica group, based on natural soda. The samples fall in glass groups “Levantine I”, “HIMT”, and “Roman glass”, typical of central and peripheral Roman manufacture in 0–500 AD. Most vessels are made of glass with a high content of iron, manganese, and titanium, as in the HIMT group, most common in Europe since 300 AD. The likely workshops are those in the Syro-Palestinian area, northern Egypt, and Sinai, pointing to contacts of the northern Pontic with other parts of the Greco-Roman world. The composition of glass from all the three cemeteries is the same, suggesting that the sub-mountainous Crimea imported glassware from the same workshops.


The Early Paleolithic Age site and the bifacial lithic industries of Southeast Asia

The Early Paleolithic Age site and the bifacial lithic industries of Southeast Asia

Kandyba A.V., Chekha A.M., Gladyshev S.A., Derevianko A.P., Doi N.G., Su N.K.



The Jomon megalithic tradition in Japan: origins, features, and distribution

The Jomon megalithic tradition in Japan: origins, features, and distribution

Tabarev A.V., Ivanova D.A., Nesterkina A.L., Solovieva E.A.

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The Kushevat site and the paleogeographic context of the initial peopling of Northern Urals

The Kushevat site and the paleogeographic context of the initial peopling of Northern Urals

Zolnikov I.D., Anoikin A.A., Kurbanov R.N., Filatov E.A., Zotkina L.V., Vybornov A.V., Postnov A.V., Parkhomchuk E.V., Filatova M.O.

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On the basis of new materials excavated in 2019–2021 from the Upper Paleolithic site of Kushevat, this study addresses the problem of initial human occupation of the Subpolar Urals. Geological and geomorphological fi ndings are presented along with new chronological and paleogeographical data. Archaeological and faunal materials are described, and result s of the traceological analysis of reindeer antlers with cut and chop marks are presented. The fi ndings suggest that Kushevat was a pioneer settlement of the northern Ob region. The obtained luminescence and radiocarbon ages suggest that the peopling of the Lower Ob region occurred prior to 30 ka BP. Climatic conditions during the fi rst half of the Upper Paleolithic (55–25 ka BP) were favorable for humans in the subpolar zone. Geological and geomorphological situation at the Upper Paleolithic sites of northwestern Urals (the Pechora and Kama basins) can be used as a paleogeographic analogue of the conditions in the Lower Ob region during the Pleistocene. The principal Upper Paleolithic sites in the region are associated with accumulations of megafaunal remains in the mouths of ancient gullies. Archaeological sites apparently consisted of two areas differing in location, economic specialization, and toolkit. Areas of the fi rst type include residential zones on leveled areas of the second river terraces adjacent to the ravines. Those of the second type are estuarine zones of modern valleys of streams and rivers, where huge accumulations of megafaunal remains are preserved at the bottoms of ancient ravines.


The Kyrgyz Republic: concept, strategies, and practices for the preservation of the national cultural heritage

The Kyrgyz Republic: concept, strategies, and practices for the preservation of the national cultural heritage

Oktyabrskaya I.V., Alymkulova S.K., Nazarov I.I., Samushkina E.V.

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This study deals with the concept of «cultural heritage» in the Kyrgyz Republic, including both material culture and traditional ideology. We describe their codification, and strategies for their preservation and popularization. We draw on a large database, which includes findings of original fieldwork. We outline the elaboration of the concept of cultural heritage and its content, presenting a systematic description of institutional aspect and meaning, and we analyze the practices of its implementation. The historical and cultural heritage is viewed as a multifactorial space. The realities of modern Kyrgyzstan suggest that the nation implements integration strategies in foreign policy. While using the notions of cultural heritage and traditional values, the republic strengthens its ties with other members of the CIS, raising the level of its integration into the Central Asian community and maintaining its status as part of the world civilization. Cultural heritage is a key resource of social change and the economic stabilization of local communities. Its preservation at the level of everyday culture, academic, and educational practices, museums, festivals, etc. is a condition of national consolidation.


The Marfa kurgan in the Stavropol territory: an example of an ancient architectural structure

The Marfa kurgan in the Stavropol territory: an example of an ancient architectural structure

Khokhlova O.S., Nagler A.O.

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The Middle Paleolithic of the Levant

The Middle Paleolithic of the Levant

Derevianko A.P.



The Nagaybaks: from social stratum to ethnic group (the origins of ethnic identity)

The Nagaybaks: from social stratum to ethnic group (the origins of ethnic identity)

Atnagulov I.R.

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The Pazyryk dwelling

The Pazyryk dwelling

Polosmak N.V.

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Archaeological fi ndings suggest that the Pazyryk burial chambers made from larch logs replicated dwellings, being a key symbol of culture. Log structures were built on both winter and summer pastures. Parts of them were placed in graves as substitutes for entire houses. Their inner structure corresponded to that of the house. All artifacts in the graves had been used in everyday life, being intrinsically related to the owners’ earthly existence. Felt artifacts functioned in the same way in elite burials and in those of the ordinary community members, although their quality was different. Felt carpets decorating the walls of the Pazyryk leaders’ houses were true works of art, while those found in ordinary burials were simple and rather crude. The typical form of the late 7th–3rd century BC wooden burial chambers in the Altai-Sayan was pyramidal. In the Southern Altai, this form survived until the 1800s–early 1900s in Telengit aboveground burial structures.


The Pazyryk style

The Pazyryk style

Polosmak N.V.



The Petrovka Bronze Age sites: issues in taxonomy and chronology

The Petrovka Bronze Age sites: issues in taxonomy and chronology

Krause R., Stolarczyk E., Epimakhov A.V., Kupriyanova E.V., Novikov I.K.

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The Pisany Kamen rock art site on the Angara (marking the tercentenary of its discovery by D.G. Messerschmidt)

The Pisany Kamen rock art site on the Angara (marking the tercentenary of its discovery by D.G. Messerschmidt)

Zaika A.L.

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The petroglyphs at Pisany Kamen on the right bank of the Angara, near Klimino, Kezhemsky District, Krasnoyarsk Territory, fi rst described by D.G. Messerschmidt in 1725, have been examined by many specialists. Most previous studies, however, were superfi cial, and the information they provided was unreliable and contradictory. To specify the site's location and to study the petroglyphs in more detail, using more advanced methods, the archaeological team from Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical University visited Pisany Kamen in 1999–2000. A topographic survey was carried out, and the petroglyphs were photographed and copied. Both previously known and new petroglyphs were recorded, showing animals, anthropomorphic fi gures in masks, and a separate mask. Results were compared with those recorded by Messerschmidt. The estimated dates of the site fall within a broad interval from the Early Bronze Age to the Late Iron Age (2nd millennium BC to 1st millennium AD). The pe troglyphs are relevant to various aspects of the ideology and material culture of the ancient popula tion of the region. Their further study will hopefully disclose the semantics of many images and assess their cultural and chronological attribution, relevant to the history of several modern groups of Siberia.


The Russian pioneers' winter camp on Karachinsky island, the Lower Tobol river, Western Siberia

The Russian pioneers' winter camp on Karachinsky island, the Lower Tobol river, Western Siberia

Matveeva N.P., Yakimov A.S., Larina N.S., Agafonov L.I.

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In 2014, an expeditionfrom Tyumen State University excavated an underground dwelling on Karachinslqt Island, in the floodplain of the Tbbol, to check the chronicle data saying that Yermqk qnd his Cossacks had spent q winter at that place during their Siberian campaign. The log structure, measuring I0 m by 5 m by 2 m, consisted of two rooms. Three or four bottom tiers of logs have been preserved. Remains of a cellar were found in the central part east of the oven. The building existed for a short time because the area around it was sterile. Lenses of calcination and charcoal, and traces of fire on the logs of the structure suggest that it had burnt down. Then it was repaired, but the amount of garbage and kitchen waste is small. All household effects were carried out before the dwellers left. Finds include pottery, a grindstone, a potter s scraper, and pieces of slag and metal. An AMS date of the wood, generated at Arizona University, falls within the 17th century. The chemical analysis of background and old soils indicates intense use of the islandfor pqsture and manufacture. In sum, our survey provides no evidence of Yermak's stay on the island during his campaign. According to R.G. Skrynnikov, the Cossacks marchedfrom the Stroganov forts to the Siberian Khanate capital without wintering, which was tactically correct, since the Thtar forces were weak and fragmented because of Mametkul's foray into the Ural towns.


The Sartan upper Paleolithic assemblages of the Northwestern Altai

The Sartan upper Paleolithic assemblages of the Northwestern Altai

Markin S.V., Kolobova K.A.



The Specifics of Japanese Terms Referring to the Jōmon Period, Based on Publications by Yamanouchi Sugao and Kobayashi Tatsuo

The Specifics of Japanese Terms Referring to the Jōmon Period, Based on Publications by Yamanouchi Sugao and Kobayashi Tatsuo

Ivanova D.A., Tabarev A.V.

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This article discusses difficulties in the use of Japanese archaeological terminology, especially with regard to the Jōmon period. The history of the notions of “style”, “type”, and “form” is outlined, which are the most adequate concepts for the interpretation, classification, and description of new styles of the Jōmon pottery. The evolution of the terms is traced using the works by Yamanouchi Sugao and Kobayashi Tatsuo. Their basic views on the typology of Jōmon artifacts and the notions behind the key terms are described.


The Tamga signs of the Turkic nomads in the Altai and Semirechye: comparisons and identifications

The Tamga signs of the Turkic nomads in the Altai and Semirechye: comparisons and identifications

Rogozhinsky A.E., Cheremisin D.V.

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The Umrevinsky hoard of silver wire kopecks from the reign of Peter I

The Umrevinsky hoard of silver wire kopecks from the reign of Peter I

Borodovsky A.P., Gorokhov S.V.

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The Umrevinsky hoard, comprising 107 silver wire kopecks, was found in 2008 outside the walls of Fort (Ostrog) Umrevinsky, founded in 1703 on the right bank of the Ob River, 100 km north of Novosibirsk. This is the fi rst time such a hoard has been discovered in the Novosibirsk stretch of the Ob. Its composition is assessed with reference to archaeological fi ndings relating to Fort Umrevinsky. The chronology of the coins and of their deposition is evaluated. The location is near a dwelling within a manor, in an ash-layer. The coins are relatively poorly preserved. We were able to identify the minting-years of 34 coins. All specimens with legible stamp-impressions were minted between 1696 and 1717. On the basis of the results, it is concluded that this was a hoard of coin-silver. Firstly, most kopecks bear no discernible images that would guarantee specifi c weight and silver content; secondly, the hoard was deposited no earlier than 1735, i.e., 20 years after the coins had gone out of use. This conclusion is supported by the fact that some coins were apparently used as ornaments that were sewn on clothes by the natives. All these fi ndings enrich our knowledge of the history of Fort Umrevinsky.


The Ussuriysk Tortoise-A 13th century Jurchen monument

The Ussuriysk Tortoise-A 13th century Jurchen monument

Artemieva N.G.

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