Review paper. Рубрика в журнале - Pravo - teorija i praksa

Публикации в рубрике (326): Review paper
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Historical development of life insurance

Historical development of life insurance

Počuča Sara, Krstinić Dalibor

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The origins of certain forms of property and life security date back to a very distance past. The beginnings of commodity and monetary relations and class society mark the beginning of insurance activities as well. The basic function of insurance has not changed throughout its history and it amounts to the property and individual protection. Life insurance, as a special type of a personal insurance, occupies an important place in insurance activities today. Insurance premiums keep growing in the global market and so does the share of life insurance in the total premium structure. As early as in 1996, it constituted 57%, while the others, non-life insurances, constituted 43%. This paper treats the historical development of life insurance, from the very origins of this type of insurance to this very day.


Ilegalne migracije stanovništva u Libiji

Ilegalne migracije stanovništva u Libiji

Arabi Ibn Abdusalam Fathija

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Migracije sežu daleko u istoriju, sve do nastanka samog čoveka. Izražavaju se njegovim stalnim kretanjem iz mesta u mesto, bez ograničenja i ometanja u potrazi za bezbednošću ili begom od prirode i vremenskih prilika. Motivacija i pokretač za to su volja za opstankom, očuvanjem života i produženjem vrste ili želja da se otkriju okruženja koja su podobnija i više odgovaraju njegovim potrebama i ambicijama. Libija spada u red zemalja koje su ozbiljno zahvaćene procesom ilegalnih migracija. Oni su uzrokovani dejstvom dva osnovna faktora od kojih prvi predstavlja geografski položaj a drugi zavidan nivo životnog standarda građana Libije u odnosu na zemlje u njenom okruženju. Shodno tome, u radu će biti prikazani, kako teorijski okviri, tako i praktična iskustva koja je autorka imala tokom svog života i rada u Libiji.


Illegal trade in criminal law

Illegal trade in criminal law

Zoran Matić, Mladen Ćeranić

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Trade, as a form of commodity-money relations, has a long history. It begins with the first forms of exchange of goods for money and other valuables. Given that the purpose of trade is the acquisition of profit based on the sale and purchase of goods and services, this activity undoubtedly enabled the commercial class of society to accumulate significant wealth. This is why merchants are considered to be among the wealthiest people in the society, from the beginning of the first states, up to the present day. However, trading often represents an ‘ideal’ way of acquiring illegal gains, which can rapidly increase if it is carried out over a long period of time. The suppression of various forms of illegal trade is carried out at the legal and institutional level. Hence, regulations in this field can be classified into basic ones (governing trading activities), criminal ones (specifying particular criminal offenses), and misdemeanor ones (prescribing penalties for legal entities and individuals). The legal peculiarity in regulating trade, including its legal forms, lies in the extensive catalog of different procedures. In the field of criminal law, there is an independent criminal offense of the same name with multiple forms. In our country, judicial practice is full of various cases in which the criminal ingenuity of the actors of illegal trade is especially manifested. The inspection authorities are the society’s first line of defense against various forms of illicit trade. In the process of carrying out regular and extraordinary supervision, they observe and initiate investigation into the responsibility for offenses in the domain of illegal trade. In the field of criminal law, there is an independent criminal offense of the same name, which has several forms. Consequently, this paper gives an overview of the legal mechanisms for suppressing illegal trade in our country.


Infiltration into the criminal milieu

Infiltration into the criminal milieu

Aleksandar Jevremović

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The characteristics of the modern organized crime have demanded the properly organized competent authorities in order to be able to oppose it successfully. It cannot be achieved without the infiltration into the criminal milieu as a complex criminal-operating activity. It is also a postulation for the competent authorities being engaged in a prevention and combating crime to strive to provide reliable sources of information in the criminal structures, with the aim of detecting the intended or committed criminal acts as well as collecting the evidence of their perpetrators’ guilt. Nowadays, it`s almost impossible without an “insider“ to reveal the structure of the criminal organization, the committed and planned crimes, having in mind extensive protection measures taken by its members. The changes themselves in the manifestation of the organized crime have gone beyond the mere use of informants and made a need for developing the new investigating techniques, aimed at the infiltration into the criminal milieu, which includes the usage of the undercover investigators in order the conspiratory investigations to be conducted and the simulated activities to be realized.


Inheritance of the compensation for both economic and noneconomic kinds of a damage and the heir's responsibility for obligations of a decedent in the Serbian law towards the Civil code of Republic of Serbia - is the solution foreseen under the articles 197 and 204 of the law of contract a good one?

Inheritance of the compensation for both economic and noneconomic kinds of a damage and the heir's responsibility for obligations of a decedent in the Serbian law towards the Civil code of Republic of Serbia - is the solution foreseen under the articles 197 and 204 of the law of contract a good one?

Aleksandar Filipović K., Dušan Filipović A.

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Problems in the application of Articles 197 and 204 of the Law on of Contract are presented in the paper. Different attitudes in legal theory and case law are presented, as well as proposed solutions in the Preliminary Draft Civil Code of Republic of Serbia. We will put forward our position on the proposed solutions in the Pre-Civil Code of the Republic of Serbia. In the legal theory and jurisprudence, the question arises whether the solution is provided for in Articles 197 and 204 of the Law on Obligations. Problems have been raised regarding the determination of the amount of non-pecuniary damage, when part of the non-pecuniary damage is paid out-of-court procedure, and the injured person files a lawsuit to collect the difference of non-material damage to the court, the court proceedings take several years. How to determine the fair incidence of non-pecuniary damage at the time of passing a judgment?


Institucija lokalnog ombudsmana u Srbiji i Španiji sa posebnim osvrtom na proceduru izbora lokalnog ombudsmana

Institucija lokalnog ombudsmana u Srbiji i Španiji sa posebnim osvrtom na proceduru izbora lokalnog ombudsmana

Grujić Aleksandar

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Ljudske slobode i prava predstavljaju jednu od najznačanijih tvorevina čoveka. U celokupnom kontekstu ljudskih sloboda i prava pojavljuje se i institucija ombudsmana koja ima zadatak da ih zaštiti i omogući građanima njihovo ostvarenje. Institucija lokalnog ombudsmana postoji u Španiji jedan duži niz godina, dok je u Srbiji to 'nova' institucija. Izbor lokalnog ombudsmana predstavlja jedan elemenata koji utiču na njegov pravni položaj i samim tim na njegovu nezavisnost i samostalnost. Odredbe koje uređuju uslove za izbor lokalnog ombudsmana, procedura izbora, njegov mandat i mogućnost reizbora, nespojivost sa funkcijom lokalnog ombudsmana i garancije samostalnosti i nezavisnosti, predstavljaju pitanja koja daju pravu sliku o položaju ove institucije. Može se zaključiti da pravni sistemi na veoma sličan način uređuju ova pitanja, ali da postoje i specifičnosti svakog od sistema. Isto tako, zaključak je da je institucija lokalnog ombudsmana neophodna lokalnoj samoupravi i predstavlja instituciju koja je od koristi i građanima i organima uprave.


Insurance fraud as a form of economic crime and the methods for combating IT

Insurance fraud as a form of economic crime and the methods for combating IT

Teodora Čordarov, Marija Malinović, Mladen Ćeranić

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Dealing with the topic of economic crime in insurance is very complex and therefore challenging. One of the first challenges concerns the definition of economic crime. Namely, economic crime represents a multi-layered phenomenon which must, in terms of the definition of the basic features, be adapted to the specific requirements of a given society. One of the forms of economic crime, which is very common in practice, certainly refers to abuse in the field of insurance. The most common, and at the same time the only form of economic crime in the field of insurance foreseen by law, is insurance fraud. After the conceptual determination of economic crime as well as its basic features, this paper presents a review of the key issues related to the topic of the paper, which includes the phenomenological definition of insurance, the importance of the existence of insurance, insurance fraud as a form of economic crime, as well as the methods for combating it.


Integracija naknade za korišćenje građevinskog zemljišta u porez na imovinu

Integracija naknade za korišćenje građevinskog zemljišta u porez na imovinu

Miladinović Violeta

Статья научная

U ovom radu biće prikazane hronološke promene zakonske regulative koje se odnose na porez na imovinu u statici i naknade za korišćenje građevinskog zemljišta, kao i efekti primene zakonskih promena u praksi. Naknada za korišćenje građevinskog zemljišta i porez na imovinu u statici predstavljaju dva najizdašnija izvorna prihoda jedinice lokalne samouprave. Oni su posebno utvrđivani i naplaćivani, da bi se izmenama zakona naknada integrisala u porez i od 2014. godine se naplaćuje samo porez na imovinu. Razlozi za ovu integraciju se nalaze u prilagođavanju sistema javnih prihoda standardima Evropske unije i ukidanje dosadašnje diskriminacije pravnih lica u odnosu na fizička kada je u pitanju utvrđivanje naknade za korišćenje građevinskog zemljišta. S obzirom da su izmene zakona izazvale veliku medijsku pažnju poreskih obveznika i predstavnika zakonodavne vlasti, posebna pažnja u radu je posvećena efektima integracije naknade za korišćenje građevinskog zemljišta u porez na imovinu.


International arbitration: A necessary method of resolution of commercial disputes with a foreign element within the frame of legal order in Republic of Serbia

International arbitration: A necessary method of resolution of commercial disputes with a foreign element within the frame of legal order in Republic of Serbia

Ilija Zinaić , Slobodan Vojinović

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One of the basic rights of any person, whether an individual or business entity, is the right to achieve an adequate protection of its violated rights, in front of any state or non-state institution, independently and impartially. However, besides the very need for justice to be satisfied, the efficiency of the process resulting in its satisfaction is also of a great importance. It is not the same whether the establishment of the situation prior to the appearance of the unlawfulness will come within a reasonable time, or within a certain period, which, due to the length of the proceedings, only leads to the omission of justice and fairness. Precisely, it is the efficiency itself which determins the choice of the institution where the participants of the eventual future or emerging disputes will realize their own rights, since the very length of the proceedings, in addition to the uncertainty, can contribute to the development of negative consequences of the unlawfulness more seriously (the greater damage, losses in business, distortion of reputation, etc.). In that sense, the quickness of the process is especially important for business entities regarding the fact that the essence of their existence is a profit gained through the performance of their registered economic activities. Especially favorable are global economic flows, which open up a wide space in terms of the exchange of goods, services and capital outside the borders of the countries that business entities belong to, since the countries themselves are becoming more and more frequent participants of these flows. However, a preexisted harmonious relationship can be easily disturbed with the emergence of business disputes, that cannot be solved by the mentioned agreement. Then, the ruling legal systems, to which the state and business entities belong, become particularly prominent, in order to provide the answers to questions concerning the jurisdiction of the institutions for resolving the dispute, and also the rights that should be applied to the resolution regarding the specific legal nature of the relationship. In situations such as this one, where the laws of the free market predominate, it is clearly pointed out that there is a need for a completely special mechanism in the form of permanent or ad hoc arbitration tribunals, with the state courts competent to resolve economic disputes dominated by the element of foreign affairs. The need for such mechanisms is reflected in the fact that the rights and interests of business entities being violated during an international business cooperation would be satisfied through a “less formal” and more efficient procedure. Therefore, the international arbitration, as a special type of non-state tribunal, is of exceptional importance for economic disputes with a foreign element, if it was envisaged by the agreement between business entities.*


Internet fraud

Internet fraud

Jovan Srećković

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Internet law represents one of the youngest branches of law, which emerged from the need to expand the existing and create a new regulatory framework that would regulate the internet and introduce the necessary legal security and protection for its users. Internet Law or Cyber Law is largely intertwined with the Law on Information and Communication Technology, as a legal field which encompasses the regulation of contractual relations established by means of information technology, the right to privacy and data protection, freedom of speech and intellectual property, internet security, copyright on computer program codes and databases, criminal offenses arising from actions on the internet, as well as the tax aspects of online goods and services exchange. In contrast to the broader scope of IT law, Internet law refers to a narrower segment of this legal field related to the internet, regulation of internet management at all levels, management of internet domain names and IP addresses, etc. Internet law (or Cyber law), in a broader sense, encompasses those parts of the legal system and legal domains that are related to the internet and provide protection to its users. To address the issue of domain name registrant liability and determining their identity, it is necessary first to explain the governance structure of the internet and the informational and legal nature of internet domains. Although the internet is often said to be free and belonging to everyone, this complex system does not operate entirely on its own, which means that it is not perfect to the extent that its structure is fully automated. Addressing the topic of internet fraud and educating colleagues and the general public are aimed at preventing fraud. The lack of awareness about how internet scams operate continually leads to new victims, and insufficient knowledge of legal provisions and potential penalties can create potential perpetrators of this crime. When complex topics are explained in simple terms, it represents a significant step in educating individuals, both in the legal and technological aspects from a legal perspective. Such academic work should not deter people from using the Internet, nor should it present an obstacle to progress and the digitization of difficult and time-consuming paperwork obligations. Instead, the objective is to timely educate individuals so that the utilization of the digital world can be integrated into all segments of society as quickly as possible. This will facilitate the functioning of daily life, including business operations, while still remaining within the bounds of legal regulations. Therefore, it is extremely important to educate people on how to avoid internet fraud.


Internet prodaja u Republici Srbiji

Internet prodaja u Republici Srbiji

Ranđelović Dragana


Tema ovog rada jeste internet prodaja i analiza zakonskih propisa kojima se ona reguliše u Srbiji. Autor će nastojati da dâ i odgovore na neke od najčešćih pitanja i problema sa kojima se suočavaju potrošači prilikom internet kupovine. Uprkos otporu i podozrenju na koji nailazi u našoj zemlji, kupovina preko interneta je nužnost koju nameće novo informatičko doba, koja nudi brojne prednosti i pogodnosti u odnosu na klasičnu prodaju. Kupovina preko interneta je najbrži i najjeftiniji način kupovine nekog proizvoda, ali i najprofitabilniji oblik trgovine zbog jednostavnosti i niskih troškova. U Srbiji je donet niz zakona i drugih podzakonskih propisa kojima se reguliše internet prodaja i koji prate zahteve i standarde Evropske unije. Međutim, nije dovoljno donošenje zakonskih propisa, već njihova efikasna implementacija i primena od strane građana i nadležnih organa, kao i edukacija trgovaca, ali i samih potrošača radi širenja svesti o značaju i koristima elektronske trgovine.


Intestate heir law according to the law of the twelve tables

Intestate heir law according to the law of the twelve tables

Danijela Kovačević

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The text of the Law of Twelve Tables was passed in 451 and 450 BC. It was displayed in the Forum, but the original bronze plates were not preserved through the Roman history. Based on the number of quotes made by many authors, their full content can be established with great certainty. Concerning claims being made about their authenticity, it should be taken into consideration that jurists had to know them by heart and later lawyers built their legal authority on those quotes. The Law of Twelve Tables represents a basis of ius civile. The Romans had a great respect for the Law of Twelve Tables through the history and they stated that those regulations could not be abolished by any law, so they practically adapted legislation to new social relations while respecting the traditions connected to the Law of Twelve Tables.


Isplativost poslovne ideje sa aspekta rizika

Isplativost poslovne ideje sa aspekta rizika

Jovanović Verica, Grandov Zorka, Đokić Maja, Tojagić Miodrag

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Plasiranje novog proizvoda ili usluge na tržište za svakog preduzetnika je oduvek predstavljalo rizičan potez, a u sadašnjim kriznim uslovima i naglašenu poslovnu opasnost. Stoga je osnovna namera ovog rada da prikaže ključne planske aktivnosti koje bi svaki poslovno odgovoran poslodavac trebalo da preuzme pre nego što stupi na klizavi teren kriznog tržišta. Akcenat se pri tome stavlja na tri osnovna principa provere uspešnosti budućeg poslovanja: istraživanje tržišne atraktivnosti poslovne ideje, zatim ocenu njene izvodljivosti i isplativosti, kao i ocenu rizika njene realizacije. Pored toga, kao poseban vid doprinosa smanjenju opasnosti od poslovnog neuspeha naših preduzetnika, u radu je prikazan i prigodan model integralnog vrednovanja isplativosti poslovnih ideja. Značaj ovog modela je u tome što on faktor rizika posmatra kao sastavni element ekonomske efikasnosti posmatranog biznisa, čime se postiže daleko veća objektivnost u proceni očekivanih poslovnih rezultata.


Iura in re aliena - servitudes

Iura in re aliena - servitudes

Nenad Stefanović

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Rights in realty to the others’ things (iura and re aliena) occupy a significant position among real rights in the Roman law . They are absolute and work towards everyone (erga omnes). However, they differ from their property rights because they do not possess the entire but only a part of their ownership. These rights have a real-life nature, but to the other’s staff. The institute of rights in realty over others’ rights expired in the Roman law more than two millennia ago. In the same or somewhat modified form, these rights exist today being adapted to the needs of the modern life. The most important groups of rights in realty to the others’ things are: servitudes, mortgage, superficies, and emphyteusis. There is a certain difference between them, because the servitudes, superficies and emphyteusis represent the right to someone else’s stuff to be used, while the mortgage does not involve the usage of someone else’s stuff, but it presents a means of securing the creditor. The work will process the servitudes as one of the rights in realty to the other’s possessions with all its features. The author will try to point out all the important questions about the servitudes as they were regulated by the Twelve tables Law until Justinian’s right, with a special emphasis put on the classification into personal and real servitude.


Izuzeci u kartelnom pravu EU

Izuzeci u kartelnom pravu EU

Varga Siniša



Izvedenost pravnog načela

Izvedenost pravnog načela

Đorđević Srđan, Torbica Milica, Župljanić Milica

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Pojmovno određenje pravne norme i pravnog načela, kao i precizna karakterizacija njihovog međusobnog odnosa, prema našem mišljenju, predstavlja jedan od nezaobilaznih početnih koraka na putu valjanog pravnog umovanja, tako neophodnog, kako u stvaranju, tako i u primeni prava u našoj savremenoj društvenoj praksi. Uspešno terminološko razjašnjenje i razgraničenje pojmova koji, po prirodi stvari, predstavljaju težišne tačke svake pravne azbuke, neizbežno tvori, kako dobru osnovu, tako i zalog budućeg pravnog sistema okrenutog progresivnom i uspešnom regulisanju i usmeravanju savremenih društvenih tokova. Upravo iz tih razloga, skloni smo da ovo pitanje smatramo izuzetno značajnim, te mu stoga i posvećujemo dužnu pažnju.


Javna preduzeća kao subjekti privredne delatnosti

Javna preduzeća kao subjekti privredne delatnosti

Jež Zdravko, Golić Darko

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U uslovima tržišne privrede savremenog tipa, javna preduzeća se javljaju kao korektor njenih negativnih efekata ali i instrument ekonomsko-socijalnih funkcija države. Javna preduzeća egzistiraju u skoro svim oblicima društveno-ekonomskog uređenja. Zavisno o kom se obliku radi, razlikuju se i uloga, organizacija, zastupljenost, pravni status i delatnost javnih preduzeća. Javna preduzeća ne smeju biti osnovni subjekti privredne delatnosti. Svojom organizacijom, svrhom, delatnošću, pravnim statusom i slično, ona nisu podobna da zamene privatni kapital i privredna društva klasičnog tipa koja preovladavaju u tržišnim ekonomijama. Ipak, brojni razlozi govore u prilog njihovom opstanku u određenim oblastima i sa jasno definisanim ciljevima. Svrha postojanja javnih preduzeća nije prvenstveno u ostvarivanju profita, već u obezbeđenju trajnog zadovoljavanja opšteg interesa. Zemlje u tranziciji, pa i naša, kao jedan od osnovnih ciljeva su postavile privatizaciju javnih preduzeća i njihovo svođenje na najmanju moguću meru. Ipak, sve one, pa i Srbija su jasno izrazile opredeljenje da u oblastima koje su od naročitog značaja za ostvarenje opštih potreba zadrži javna preduzeća. Područja gde javna preduzeća uglavnom egzistiraju su neprofitne delatnosti, koje su ipak od ključne važnosti za život građana, odnosno zadovoljenje njihovih svakodnevnih potreba. Komunalne delatnosti su jedan od najboljih primera. Takođe, u određenim oblastima visina cena roba i usluga ne može preći određeni nivo jer bi u suprotnom postali nedostupni širim slojevima stanovništva, a po svojoj prirodi su nužni i nezamenljivi. Taj nivo se obezbeđuje na više načina, npr. subvencionisanjem od strane države, sistemom premija, ali i zadržavanjem, tj. osnivanjem javnih preduzeća u toj oblasti. Država se neretko opredeljuje da zadrži monopol u strateškim tačkama reprodukcije, kao što su energetika, telekomunikacije, pojedini sektori u saobraćaju, vojna industrija i sl. Iako bi mogli funkcionisati i sa privatnim kapitalom kao većinskim, država zadržava svoj uticaj, kako bi i putem njih mogla da ostvaruje svoje višestruke ekonomske i socijalne funkcije.


Javno preduzeće opšti interes - način upravljanja i moguće zloupotrebe

Javno preduzeće opšti interes - način upravljanja i moguće zloupotrebe

Kovačević Saša

Статья научная

Analizom načina upravljanja javnim preduzećima u Republici Srbiji, autor u ovom radu informativno ukazuje na opšti interes i način upravljanja javnim preduzećima sa akcentom na pozitivne i negativne strane upravljanja i moguće zloupotrebe kontrole rada i poslovanja javnih preduzeća. Uzimajući u obzir činjenicu da javno preduzeće obavlja delatnost od opšteg interesa, veoma je važno analitički odrediti pretpostavke za opšti interes i najadekvatniji način upravljanja javnim preduzećima sa akcentom na sprečavanje mogućih zloupotreba opšteg interesa što je i razlog za osnivanje istih. Poražavajući podaci, statistika i upozorenja stručnjaka iz oblasti ekonomije, ne retka upozorenja fiskalnog saveta da će javna preduzeća veoma negativno uticati na javne finansije, izostatak kontrole utrošenih sredstava i prebacivanje odgovornosti direktora javnih preduzeća na osnivača zbog lošeg i neodgovornog poslovanja su problemi sa kojima se danas suočavamo gotovo svakodnevno te je iz navedenih razloga neophodno pokušati na osnovu sveobuhvatne analize, realno sagledati stanje u javnim preduzećima, jasno i precizno definisati, šta opravdava ili ne opšti interes uz jasan predlog stručne i nezavisne kontrole rada i upravljanja istih, jer osim sve učestalijih upozorenja državnih revizorskih institucija značajnijih pomaka nema.


Jurisdiction for criminal offenses of cybercrime – international and national standards

Jurisdiction for criminal offenses of cybercrime – international and national standards

Joko Dragojlović

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Criminal acts of a computer crime are no longer a new social and legal phenomenon. In addition to the execution of criminal acts that fall within the domain of a computer crime, computers have found their application in the execution of the so-called classic criminal acts, giving them a different modus operandi. A spatial distance between the action taken and the resulting consequences during the execution of criminal acts of a computer crime, led to the strengthening of the transnational crime. Initially, the international community tried to intervene in this area, with the idea of regulating the criminal prosecution of the perpetrators of the cross-border criminal acts of a computer crime. However, to date, there has been adopted no normative framework regulating the issue of prosecuting the perpetrators of these criminal acts at the universal level. In this sense, the paper analyzes the existing international standards with regard to the normative arrangement of jurisdiction for the prosecution of perpetrators of transnational computer crimes. In addition, the paper contains a presentation of the normative arrangement of this issue in domestic legislation.


Juvenile imprisonment

Juvenile imprisonment

Bogdanka Grbić

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Juvenile delinquency is a negative social phenomenon and a socio-legal problem that has always existed in all societies of the world. In our country, the social response to juvenile crime has evolved over time. Initially, juveniles were treated as adults, and the primary purpose of punishment was repression. However, with the adoption of the Law on Juvenile Offenders and Criminal Protection of Juveniles in 2005, significant changes occurred. The new system of punishment primarily focuses on the protection, correction, and rehabilitation of juveniles. For this purpose, corrective orders are issued first. However, when the dimensions of juvenile crime surpass the possibilities offered by the application of corrective orders, criminal sanctions are imposed. Juvenile imprisonment is the only punishment recognized by our juvenile criminal legislation. It is applied as an “ultima ratio” for older juveniles, only when the legal requirements are met. The subject of the paper is precisely the analysis of the content of the sentence of juvenile imprisonment, the legal conditions for imposing it and the manner of its execution. The aim is to review the fundamental positive legal decisions in the Republic of Serbia related to the sentence of juvenile imprisonment and the criminal legal status of juveniles.

