Review paper. Рубрика в журнале - Pravo - teorija i praksa

Публикации в рубрике (326): Review paper
все рубрики
Legal conditions for the protection of three dimensional signs in trademark law

Legal conditions for the protection of three dimensional signs in trademark law

Milica Z. Petrović

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The need to define three-dimensional trademarks and determine the conditions for their registration has arisen as a consequence of increasingly rapid technological development. The changes in the market and the changes in behaviour of economic entities have resulted in the use of signs for marking goods that differ significantly from the traditional trademarks. The concept of protection of a three-dimensional shape is relatively new and it is necessary to clearly define the conditions for its protection as a trademark. What causes a problem is the fact that the mark, in this case, represents the product itself, which implies that such signs of this sort lack distinctiveness, and it is not clear what is protected by that mark. The analysis of the afore-mentioned cases from practice, presented by the author, aims to show the differences in opinions of the courts regarding the criteria by which it will be assessed whether the condition of distinctiveness is satisfied in a specific case or not. The main reason for the lack of reliable criteria is the hasty regulation of unconventional signs and the lack of the harmonized, clear rules both at the level of the European Union and at the global level. The author considers it necessary for the World Trade Organization or the World Intellectual Property Organization to offer guidelines within which an adequate protection of unconventional signs will be provided at the national level in order to eliminate the state of legal uncertainty that may arise when applying for protection of threedimensional signs.


Legal nature of higher education institutions bylaws and their place in the hierarchy of law

Legal nature of higher education institutions bylaws and their place in the hierarchy of law

Darko Golić , Svetlana Marković

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The goals of higher education are achieved through the activities of higher education institutions, which are, in accordance with their guaranteed autonomy, performed on a basis of their bylaws and general policies. The law determines which subjects have a public authority, which subjects are competent to adopt the relevant acts as well as the general range of issues regulated by these acts. The Constitution of Republic of Serbia guarantees that everyone has the right to higher education and, in that regard, the Law on Higher Education of Republic of Serbia regulates the system of higher education, conditions, and methods of performing higher education activities including the basics of its financing and other issues. Management bodies and professional bodies of higher education institutions are specialized in adopting one type of legal acts. In this way, it is enabled these acts, according to their nature or subject matter, to be adopted appropriately. Therefore, higher education institutions, pursuant to the Law on Higher Education, regulate the area of their activities by adopting statutes, regulations, rules of procedure, and other bylaws. The aim of this paper is to point out the legal nature of higher education institutions bylaws as well as their place in the hierarchy of the legal system, and, thus, in the higher education system of Republic of Serbia.


Legal position of the European Central Bank in contemporary social discourse

Legal position of the European Central Bank in contemporary social discourse

Marko Dimitrijević

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This paper analyzes the legal position of the European Central Bank (ECB) within the context of contemporary social conditions, focusing on the ECB’s tendency to expand its competencies and the judicial evaluation of the current monetary legislation in the practice of the European Court of Justice (ECJ). In this sense, the paper analytically examines the concept and characteristics of monetary disputes, while exploring the ECB’s contribution to democratic monetary governance through respect for the rule of law. The author pays special attention to the ECB’s role in protecting human rights, specifically considering the trend towards a so-called “humane approach” to monetary management, which has significant consequences for the preservation of monetary stability as a public good. Using the dogmatic, comparative, and axiological methods, the author aims to highlight the main dilemmas in this area from the perspective of de lege lata and possibly offer certain guidelines for de lege ferenda.


Legal regime for the protection of employees’ claims in the case of employer’s bankruptcy in the Republic of Serbia

Legal regime for the protection of employees’ claims in the case of employer’s bankruptcy in the Republic of Serbia

Vladimir Radovanović

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When bankruptcy proceedings are initiated by an employer, that often leads to uncertainty and problems for its employees. One of the biggest problems in this kind of situation is the protection of employees’ claims arising from the employment relationship. Employees have the right to the payment of their claims arising from the employment relationship, such as unpaid wages, transportation allowances, meal allowances, holiday bonuses and the alike. However, in the case of the employer’s bankruptcy, these claims are at risk, and there is a possibility that employees may not be able to fully collect them, which compromises the fundamental principles of labor legislation. For this reason, the state intervenes to protect monetary claims arising from employment. The primary mechanism involves granting privileged creditor status with priority claims, along with mechanisms to protect these claims through a special guarantee institution. If there was no such intervention by the state, the realization of those rights would be difficult. However, even with state intervention, the realization of these rights is not guaranteed. In this regard, this paper will examine models for protecting employees’ claims in the event of bankruptcy, while identifying practical problems in this field.


Legal regulation of the European works in European Union and Republic of Serbia

Legal regulation of the European works in European Union and Republic of Serbia

Petrović Z. Milica

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Rapid development of technology has brought a need to digitalize copyright works. This way knowledge, stored in these works, can be shared with every internet user. Problem is, that for many of these works it is not possible to find right owner and so, important knowledge remains hidden from the eyes of society. The need to regulate digitization in cases where the consent of the right holder is missing (including orphan works where the holder is inaccessible) has also been recognized in the European Union, first through a project called Europeana. The main objective of this project is to disseminate knowledge by creating digital libraries that would contain all the copyrighted works that users can access from anywhere and without any time limit. This problem is partially resolved in European Union in 2012 when the Directive 2012/28/EU on certain permitted uses of orphan works was introduced. This directive gives instructions for all members of the EU to recognize and limit the use of orphan works in their countries accordingly to the rules given in the Directive. The Republic of Serbia, as an EU membership candidate, needs to harmonize its legislation system with rules provided in EU law and include the definition of orphan works and usage of orphan works into its copyright rules.


Legal treatment and practical experience in air quality monitoring for the City of Novi Sad

Legal treatment and practical experience in air quality monitoring for the City of Novi Sad

Marija Malinović, Tamara Čičovački

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Air quality is a very important parameter both for one human and for all living beings on earth. Adequate protection and improvement of the environment and air is the area of a great importance on which Republic of Serbia has to work continuously. Tracking (or monitoring) the state and quality of the environment includes a series of actions aimed at obtaining the reliable data on the condition of the environmental pollution. By the Regulation of establishing the List of air quality categories according to zones and agglomerations on the territory of Republic of Serbia for the year 2018, it was determined that air quality in the agglomeration “Novi Sad” is in the first category, which means that the air is clean or slightly polluted (pollutant substances did not cross the limit values). Bearing in mind the importance of the topic, at the very beginning of this article, the problem of air pollution is more closely defined with reference to the legal treatment of protection and the improvement of the environment in general and air as a separate category. This article is primarily focused on the analysis of practical experiences regarding air quality monitoring for the City of Novi Sad.


Legislative regime of the control function of the National Bank of Serbia over commercial banks

Legislative regime of the control function of the National Bank of Serbia over commercial banks

Marija Bajčetić

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The existence of a central bank in one country is of a great importance, because the central bank controls the functioning of the financial market and its participants (banks, insurance companies, financial leasing companies, payment institutions, voluntary pension fund management companies and exchange offices), striving to comply with the law on the National Bank of Serbia in achieving the goals that are clearly and precisely defined. It achieves its goals by performing the intended functions. One of the functions performed by the NBS is reflected in the control of banks, which is the topic of this paper. The control function of the NBS is defined by both the Law on the National Bank of Serbia and the Law on Banks. The NBS performs the function of controlling banks in the process of establishing a bank, but also in the course of its operations. The process of establishing a bank, as the most important financial institution, is far more complex. The complexity of this procedure is reflected in the fact that the legislator has forseen the procedure of obtaining preliminary approval and then obtaining a work permit. After holding the founding assembly of the bank and obtaining the obligatory consent, the bank can be registered. The control function is also represented in the fact that the bank has the obligation to submit regular and extraordinary reports to the National Bank. In this way, the NBS protects the financial market of Republic of Serbia from instability and crises that can cause illiquid, uncertain and illegal operations of banks.


Lessons we can learn about human rights after the COVID-19 virus pandemic in the Republic of Serbia

Lessons we can learn about human rights after the COVID-19 virus pandemic in the Republic of Serbia

Sanela Veljković

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The spread and danger of the Covid-19 virus in 2020 demonstrated how unprepared states were for such threats. Each state took measures it believed to be adequate at the time to protect its population. In the Republic of Serbia, numerous measures were implemented after a state of emergency was declared in March, to prevent the spread of the virus. Many of these measures led to derogations of various human rights. However, even in extreme situations like a state of emergency, derogating human rights should meet the requirements of necessity, and proportionality. This paper examines the state of certain human rights, namely the right to information and freedom of peaceful assembly during the state of emergency in the Republic of Serbia. The analysis aims to determine whether there was a derogation of these rights or rather their gross violation. In this way, the paper seeks to provide specific lessons about human rights that every citizen can draw after the Covid-19 virus pandemic in the Republic of Serbia.


Liability of the seller from the contractual relationship regarding certain deficiencies within the sample and model sales contract

Liability of the seller from the contractual relationship regarding certain deficiencies within the sample and model sales contract

Tanja Varađanin

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The seller’s responsibilities for particular contractual defects, as a distinct, separate and very complex institute, are regulated by the Law of Contract. The authorized subject of the Law of Contract is free to decide on entering the contractual obligation. The goal of the subjects, in the context of concluding a contractual relationship, is its realization. However, in addition to the stated common interest of the contracting parties, in practice, there is very often a situation when one of the contracting parties does not perform the contract in full, or performs it, but the subject of the contractual relationship is not consistent with the contract. The sales contract, together with its modalities, are regulated by the Law of Contract legal provisions regulating the institute of seller’s liability in the context of defects in the contractual relationship within the sample and model sales contract are not precisely and clearly regulated. The necessity and obligation to define the institute of seller’s responsibility for defects of items from the contractual relationship within the sample and model sales contract, is reflected in a precise and linguistically clear definition of seller’s liability for eviction and material defects. The proposed solutions in the paper could be a great contribution to legal science, but legal practice too.


Liberalizacija trgovine sa Turskom i njen uticaj na tekstilnu industriju Srbije

Liberalizacija trgovine sa Turskom i njen uticaj na tekstilnu industriju Srbije

Raičević Vuk, Ćorović Enes

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Liberalizacija robnih i novčanih tokova kao globalni fenomen, kao i aktivno učešće Republike Srbije u procesima ekonomske integracije zemalja zapadnog Balkana u Evropsku uniju potpisivanjem i realizacijom Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju a ranije i CEFTA sporazuma, kao i obaveze koje iz njih proističu, nužno stavljaju pitanje konkurentnosti industrije Srbije u celini, a i pojedinačnih industrijskih grana, na visoko mesto prioriteta interesovanja kako kreatora ekonomske politike, tako i naučne i stručne javnosti. S tim u vezi, preovlađujuće negativni efekti dominantnog koncepta tržišnog liberalizma po industriju Srbije u uslovima nedovoljno razvijene tržišne strukture, nedograđenosti ključnih segmenata privrednog sistema1 i najveće ranjivosti industrije u period tranzicije, nameću potrebu preispitivanja tog koncepta i u skladu sa jasno definisanom strategijom razvoja, formulisanje adekvatne industrijske politike, sa ciljem vrlo ozbiljnog prestruktuiranja posrnulih industrija i obezbeđivanja neophodnog nivoa međunarodne konkurentnosti.2 Razmatranje u ovom kontekstu perspektiva konkurentnosti tekstilne industrije Srbije polazi od stava da bi industrijska politika u zemljama u razvoju, kao što je naša, morala podržavati razvoj onih industrijskih grana koje na najbolji način (najproduktivnije), u datom trenutku, koriste faktore kojim zemlja raspolaže.3 Relativno konkurentni troškovi radne snage, izvozna orijentacija i kontinuitet prisustva na tržištu EU, blizina dominantnog tržišta, mogućnost brze implementacije tehničko-tehnoloških inovacija i izgrađena svest u poslovnim krugovima da su kvalitet proizvoda, njegovo tržišno oblikovanje, rokovi isporuke..4 i drugi faktori necenovne prirode sve dominantniji faktori konkurentnosti, kvalifikuje tekstilnu industriju kao industrijsku granu sa potencijalom da pod određenim uslovima dostigne nivo međunarodne konkurentnosti, posebno na tržištima EU i Rusije. Ovo tim više što će privredni rast Srbije u narednom periodu u velikoj meri biti ograničen narastajućim problemom nezaposlenosti, kao i realno lošim prognozama na kratak i srednji rok po pitanju mogućnosti dinamičnog privlačenja inostrane akumulacije u dovoljnom obimu za brz razvoj propulzivnih industrijskih grana, kao posledice dubine globalne krize. Liberalizacija trgovinskih odnosa sa Turskom, sa svoje strane, dodatno aktualizuje pitanje konkurentnsoti tekstilne industrije Srbije iz razloga što je tekstilna industrija Turske jedna od najmoćnijih u svetu, a na tržištu EU zajedno sa Kinom neosporni lider. Sledstveno tome, otvaraju se brojna pitanja od čijeg rešavanja od strane kreatora ekonomske politike, poslovnih krugova i njihovih udruženja, zavisi ukupan saldo između mogućih koristi i potencijalno štetnih posledica ne samo po našu tekstilnu industriju.


Lift kao zajednički uređaj u stambenoj zgradi i opasna stvar

Lift kao zajednički uređaj u stambenoj zgradi i opasna stvar

Anđelković Žarko



Likvidacija privrednog društva u pravu Republike Srbije

Likvidacija privrednog društva u pravu Republike Srbije

Zdravković Ivana

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Predmet ovog rada je likvidacija privrednog društva, kao jedan od načina prestanka postojanja društva. Postupak likvidacije se može sprovesti samo ako privredno društvo ima dovoljno finansijskih sredstava za potpuno namirenje svih svojih obaveza. Likvidacija privrednog društva uređena je Zakonom o privrednim društvima. Važeći zakon poznaje dobrovoljnu i prinudnu likvidaciju. Privredno društvo u toku postupka likvidacije zastupa jedan ili više likvidacionih upravnika. Nakon sprovođenja i okončanja postupka likvidacije, društvo prestaje da postoji i briše se iz registra privrednih subjekata.


Lokalni ombudsman u Srbiji - promene ili 'status quo'?

Lokalni ombudsman u Srbiji - promene ili 'status quo'?

Grujić Aleksandar

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Ostvarivanje i zaštita ljudskih prava u savremenom društvu nameće se kao 'conditio sine qua non' opstanka svake zajednice. Savremeno društvo, poznaje različite načine zaštite ljudskih prava i sloboda. Jedan od mnogobrojnih instituta kojima se ljudska prava i slobode štite, jeste i institucija ombudsmana. Naša zemlja je instituciju ombudsmana prvi put zvanično konstituisala početkom 21. veka, kada je naše zakonodavstvo predvidelo mogućnost formiranja jedne ovakve institucije. Ombudsman je najpre ustanovljen na lokalnom nivou, zatim na pokrajinskom, da bi na posletku bio formiran i na republičkom nivou. Institucija ombudsmana u Republici Srbiji pravno egzistira više od jedne decenije. U proteklom period konstatovano je dosta problema u radu i postupanju same institucije. Problemi mogu da se otklone izmenom zakonske regulative. U ovom trenutku promena ustava nije neophodna, ali bi se izmeni zakona moglo pristupiti. Republika Srbija bi trebalo da promeni Zakon o Zaštitniku građana i Zakon o lokalnoj samoupravi. Prema mišljenju autora najvažnije promene su neophodne da se izvrše u Zakonu o lokalnoj samoupravi.


Maloletni seksualni prestupnici

Maloletni seksualni prestupnici

Lukavac Jelena

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Ovim radom akcenat je stavljen na maloletnike kao seksualne prestupnike. Izneto etiološko istraživanje bavi se uzrocima ili poreklom maloletničke seksualne delinkventnosti i putevima koji se odnose na početak, razvoj i održavanje seksualno devijantnog ponašanja ove populacije. Saznanje o nastanku seksualne devijantnosti je važno jer omogućava konceptualne okvire i specifične smernice koje se mogu koristiti za razvijanje efikasnijih vidova prevencije u širokom kontinuumu, od primarnog do tercijarnog. Tipološka istraživanja u ovom radu klasifikuju kategorije prestupnika na osnovu vrste žrtava i prekršajnih karakteristika. Empirijski zasnovane tipologije pružaju važne informacije za kliničku intervenciju identifikujući ključne konstrukcije za procenu mogućih etioloških faktora specifičnih za svaki podtip ili tipologiju maloletnika, i jedinstvenih rizika i potreba za svaki podtip koje treba ciljati tretmanom. Informacije iz istraživanja tipologija pružaju osnovu za osmišljavanje i sprovođenje efektivnijih i efikasnijih protokola lečenja i nadzora koji odražavaju individualne rizike i potrebe.


Manjinski akcionari - opšta pitanja o definisanju pojma i mehanizmima pravne zaštite

Manjinski akcionari - opšta pitanja o definisanju pojma i mehanizmima pravne zaštite

Tasić Marija

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Zaštita prava manjinskih akcionara je važna tema korporativnog upravljanja i regulative kompanijskog prava, koja ima nadnacionalni značaj. Da bi se pružila zaštita manjinskim akcionarima, potrebno je razumeti i definisati pojam manjinskih akcionara, kao i mehanizme uspostavljanja balansa između većine i manjine u društvu radi sprečavanja eksproprijacije prava manjine. Predmet istraživanja ovog rada su različite kategorije manjinskih akcionara i dostupnih mehanizama zaštite. Cilj istraživanja jeste definisanje kriterijuma prema kome se određuje pojam manjinskih akcionara, identifikovanje različitih kategorija manjinskih akcionara i pregled normativnih i 'soft law' mehanizama zaštite manjinskih akcionara.


Methodological principles as elements of scientific research work

Methodological principles as elements of scientific research work

Dejan Logarušić

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The author considers methodology as a scientific discipline of a general character, which studies and analyzes phenomena from a scientific point of view by applying the principles of objectivity, reliability, systematic approach and precision. The methodology of scientific work, gradually tested, helps one reach basic and relevant knowledge starting from basic ideas, by applying methods and research procedures, defining science and scientific research work, proving hypotheses, and all the way to the implementation and indicators in the application of an established scientific research project. Starting from basic ideas, using methods, through research procedures, defining science and scientific research work, proving hypotheses, all the way to the implementation and indicators in the use of an established scientific research project, the methodology has found its application in theory and science.


Međunarodni pravni promet i upotreba ugovora o franšizingu i faktoringu

Međunarodni pravni promet i upotreba ugovora o franšizingu i faktoringu

Šipovac Radica, Bojić Borislav

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Franšizing nudi velike poslovne mogućnosti ali ima i mnogo mogućnosti za prevaru, kršenje zakona i zloupotrebu. Većina zemalja nema zakon o franšizingu i ne postoje zaštitne norme, zato su mnoge stavke dvosmislene i implicitne, koje takođe daju više mogućnosti za zloupotrebu.


Međunarodno ratno i/ili humanitarno pravo

Međunarodno ratno i/ili humanitarno pravo

Petrović Miloš

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U radovima pisaca koji se bave pravilima koja regulišu odnose između sukobljenih strana u oružanim sukobima, često se za ta pravila koriste imena: međunarodno ratno pravo i međunarodno humanitarno pravo, neretko međunarodno ratno i humanitarno pravo, a u poslednje vreme i međunarodno humanitarno pravo oružanih sukoba. Pojedini autori ova pravila dele u dve grupe, prema vremenu njihovog nastanka, pa ih nazivaju 'Haško pravo' i 'Ženevsko pravo', pri čemu pod Haškim smatraju pravila o izvođenju borbenih dejstava (pravila ratovanja), a pod Ženevskim pravila o zaštiti ugroženih kategorija lica u oružanim sukobima. Pošto ova dihotomija u nazivima u praktičnom a i u teorijskom smislu sve više gubi na značaju, autor je pokušao da u ovom radu predstavi razvojni put imena ove grane međunarodnog javnog prava, kao i da ukaže na one suštinske promene koje je ova grana prava pretrpela prelazeći put od ratnih da humanitarnih pravila.


Microeconomic aspects of sustainable development – importance for market economy

Microeconomic aspects of sustainable development – importance for market economy

Ivana Brkić, Mirela Tomaš-Simin

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The subject of the paper is a connection between certain microeconomic aspects of importance for the functioning of modern organizations in the context of sustainable development. Modern companies must be open to modern ideas, they have to become competent in viewing different problems from different perspectives, become more flexible and sensitive to the market warnings and be ready to implement the changes in the process of management. Nowadays, in a situation of a big suspense, companies are facing with more complex goals, the evolution of work organization towards its self-government and the generation of flexible working forms, with an emphasis being put on the improvement of the employees’skills and the development of some new models such as a ‘career without borders’. Some research has found that when creating a model of the modern market economy, it is necessary to take into account almost all the details such as sustainable development, the development of knowledge and competences-based companies, giving employees the opportunity to build the companies by themselves using the temporary management and networking. In the process of development of a modern organization, there should be taken into account certain factors in the process of its functioning such as both internal and external requirements, the employees predispositions, in other words all the presumptions involved in the question of entrepreneurial activity. The aim of the paper is to present the selected microeconomic aspects of importance for the functioning and improvement of the work of organizations in turbulent market circumstances according to the sustainable development. The work is intended for all those who operate in a modern business environment, regardless of the form of the organization or a type of activity.


Minimum wage – the rule instead of the exception in the labor market

Minimum wage – the rule instead of the exception in the labor market

Vladimir Radovanović, Jelena Radovanović

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The issue of the minimum wage has been attracting attention for many years, not only from experts, but also from the general public. Determining the minimum wage in every country, including Serbia, aims to establish minimum standards for personal income and combat poverty. The basic feature of the minimum wage is that it is a temporary measure, lasting up to 6 months, as a response to an employer’s poor financial performance, and as such it represents an extraordinary measure, which should be abolished upon returning to the normal economic conditions. Upon resuming normal business operations, the employer is required to compensate employees for the shortfall, ensuring they receive their contracted salary in full. However, instead of the minimum wage being an exception, used only in extraordinary circumstances, it has now become commonplace in the labor market, challenging the original concept of the minimum wage and raising questions about its effectiveness. This paper aims to examine the concept of wage and minimum wage in Serbia, along with its practical implications in the domestic labor market.

