Review paper. Рубрика в журнале - Pravo - teorija i praksa

Публикации в рубрике (318): Review paper
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Bankruptcy and the regulatory role of the Central Bank in the legislation of Republic of Serbia

Bankruptcy and the regulatory role of the Central Bank in the legislation of Republic of Serbia

Marijana Dukić Mijatović, Nedeljko Babić

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THE success of achieving the goals of the state economic policy, maintaining the stability of the banking system and protecting the interests of all participants in the financial market are the basis of the central bank’s policy based on its regulatory and control functions. The aforementioned functions are apparently manifested in the issuance of a work license to a bank, then in the active control over any member of the bank group in which the bank is located, including an inspection of the ledger and other documentation of legal entities connected with the bank being controlled through their property, management and business relationships. There is also an adequate control of the bank on a consolidated basis, as well as the existence of both internal audits and external auditors, in addition to prescribing a range of corrective and enforceable measures against the bank. The existence of the lex specialis, which regulates the bankruptcy of banks including the continuous improvement of previously mentioned provisions, represents the necessity as well as the intent of the legislator precisely because of the macroeconomic stability of the domestic economy, which is the author’s research subject in this paper.


Berze i finansijska tržišta

Berze i finansijska tržišta

Bejatović Milorad



Bezbednosna politika republike Srbije u svetlu savremenih problema u oblasti životne sredine

Bezbednosna politika republike Srbije u svetlu savremenih problema u oblasti životne sredine

Todić Dragoljub

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U radu se ukazuje na mesto i ulogu koju problemi u oblasti životne sredine imaju u strateškim dokumentima Republike Srbije o bezbednosti u kontekstu savremenih globalnih i regionalnih problema životne sredine. Daju se naznake o stanju životne sredine u Republici Srbiji, izvorima ugrožavanja bezbednosti životne sredine, mestu i ulozi 'životne sredine' u propisima o bezbednosti i odbrane. Osnovu analize predstavljaju najznačajniji strateški dokumenti u oblasti bezbednosti i životne sredine i relevantni propisi Republike Srbije u oblasti bezbednosti.


Bezbednost banke od ljudskih rizika

Bezbednost banke od ljudskih rizika

Kresoja Marinko

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Strateški posmatrano, banka kao značajna finansijska institucija treba da ima jasnu bezbednosnu politiku ljudskih resursa i da na odgovarajući način tretira tu vrstu rizika. Po pitanju tretmana ljudskih rizika za banku je važno da se prioritetno radi na prevenciji materijalnih, odnosno reputacionih šteta, koje ljudski resursi mogu prouzrokovati. Imajući u vidu da se banka, zbog specifičnosti svojih delatnosti može smatrati izuzetno ugroženom sa bezbednosnog aspekta, važno je da na odgovarajući način tretira bezbednost od ljudskih rizika. Zato je važno da u okviru prijema lica radi zapošljavanja, prilikom izbora u praksi ostvaruje prava poslodavca u ostvarivanju i primeni strogih bezbednosnih zahteva i najviših standarda po tom pitanju.


Brak sa elementom inostranosti

Brak sa elementom inostranosti

Šipovac Radica, Prelević Snežana

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Porodično-pravni odnosi sa stranim elementom predstavljaju jednu od najučestalijih i najvažnijih oblasti međunarodnog privatnog prava. Razvoj međunarodnog saobraćaja, korišćenje Interneta, engleskog kao svetskog jezika, izjednačavanje stranih i domaćih državljana u sticanju većine prava, samo su neki od faktora koji su uticali na intenzitet kretanja ljudi preko granica ne samo u susedne zemlje već i u geografski udaljene krajeve u kojima važe različite norme i shvatanja. U regulisanju porodično-pravnih odnosa kulturno nasleđe i verska shvatanja u pojedinim zemljama imaju snažan uticaj, što ima za posledicu značajne razlike u porodično-pravnim normama. Međutim, iako ne postoji snažan interes za unifikacijom pravila ponašanja u oblasti porodičnih odnosa sa elementom inostranosti, kao na primer u oblasti kupoprodaje i drugih ugovora na koje se oslanja međunarodni promet dobara, ima pokušaja da se, makar u određenom regionu ujednače porodično-pravna pravila. Do približavanja normi dolazi u Povelji OUN, Univerzalnoj deklaraciji o pravima čoveka, Međunarodnom paktu o građanskim i političkim pravima, Evropskoj konvenciji za zaštitu ljudskih prava i osnovnih sloboda sa tendencijom smanjenja neravnopravnosti polova, diskriminacije dece rođene van braka, omogućavanja i olakšavanja razvoda braka i sl. Ljudski razvoj prati i smanjenje kulturnih i psiholoških inhibicija da se stupi u brak sa osobom drugačije nacionalnosti, vere ili rase. Sve to doprinosi učestalom nastajanju porodično-pravnih odnosa koji se vezuju za više država i broja pravnih pitanja koja nastaju iz takvih odnosa, jer i pored određenih približavanja, ostaje konstatacija da su razlike među porodično-pravnim propisima pojedinih zemalja i dalje značajne, te da neće brzo nestati.


Certain aspects of the position and rights of children as victims of criminal offenses

Certain aspects of the position and rights of children as victims of criminal offenses

Anja Koprivica

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Children, as well as minors in general, represent one of the most sensitive social groups, and consequently, criminal acts hit children particularly hard. For this reason, the domestic legislator, like the majority of other legislators, incriminates when the crime is committed against a child as a serious or heaviest form of a specific criminal offense, that is, as a special qualifying circumstance. However, in addition to the fact that, within the framework of criminal material legislation, it prescribes qualified forms of criminal acts when children are the victims, legislator, within the framework of juvenile criminal legislation and other special regulations, also prescribes other measures aimed at improving and protecting the position of the child in criminal proceedings. This is because the protection of children as victims of crime is not only a legal issue, but also a social and moral imperative, which must be taken seriously to ensure that all children receive the protection and support they need to grow and develop. In terms of what has been stated, this paper points to the regulation of the position of the child as a victim of a criminal offense, primarily at a national level, starting from general protection standards, to individual solutions in some of the specific forms of criminality where children often appear as victims – family and sexual violence.


Citiranost radova prof. dr Slavka Carića u citatnoj bazi SCIndeks

Citiranost radova prof. dr Slavka Carića u citatnoj bazi SCIndeks

Despotov Mara, Ferizović Silva

Статья научная

U ovom istraživanju bibliometrijskim metodama urađena je citiranost radova prof. dr Slavka Carića (1936-2006) u citatnoj bazi SCIndeks. Prilikom analize nije uključeno mišljenje niti ocena recenzenata jer su svi neophodni podaci dostupni u pomenutoj bazi (SCIndeks). Polazeći od činjenice da je citiranost jedan od najvažnijih kriterijuma za vrednovanje naučnog rada određenog naučnika, i u ovom istraživanju citiranost je bila relevantan pokazatelj naučnog rada prof. dr Slavka Carića, koji je veoma cenjen naučni radnik iz oblasti privrednog prava i međunarodnog privrednog prava kako u našoj zemlji, tako i u inostranstvu. Autor je brojnih udžbenika i članaka iz ovih oblasti. Analiza citiranosti urađena je za vremenski period od 1991. do aprila 2012. godine.


Climate changes in the practice of the UN Committee on the rights of a child

Climate changes in the practice of the UN Committee on the rights of a child

Tamara Staparski

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Environmental degradation and climate changes have been the focus of the international community for decades. The impossibility of full and effective enjoyment of human rights caused by climate changes has been a constant reminder of the fact that an urgent reaction is required. However, what about the rights of those who depend on us and whose voices we have avoided hearing? What about the youngest among us, about whose future we selfishly and without any right decide? The latest research shows that children suffer more than adults from the consequences of climate changes. In the paper, the author highlights the lack of the child’s rights protection by the UNCRC, violated by side effects of climate changes, and the dedication of the CRC to provide the protection of these rights through the General comment no. 26. Analyzing the process of creating the General comment no. 26 and its content, it was shown how the joint participation of both children and adults can lead to results giving hope for the future. Nonetheless, in concluding remarks the author expresses her doubt regarding the abidance of stipulated obligations for the States, because of the non-committal nature of the CRC’s General comments, calling into question the significance of the General comment no. 26 itself.


Co-ownership rights on the "Slatina" water supply

Co-ownership rights on the "Slatina" water supply

Borivoje Mirosavić R.

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The paper provides and analyzes the example, the primary source of the legal property law, the “Slatina” Water Supply Resolution. There are presented general remarks on the institute of co-ownership including solving the issues of regular and particularly extraordinary management of the subject of co-existence, i.e. the water supply. The co-owners requested the adoption of rules, order and legality, on the basis of which the interests of everyone would be protected in the matter of the water supply usage. Finally, the conclusion emphasizes the importance of the co-ownership institute in the development of an individualized system of the market economy and suggests a future solution overcoming the situation of an absent co-owner whom, at that moment, it is impossible to be found.


Combatting late payments in commercial transactions in the European Union

Combatting late payments in commercial transactions in the European Union

Dukić Mijatović Marijana, Gongeta Sanja

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The lack of financial discipline in payments in commercial transactions between entrepreneurs and persons of public law is a perennial problem of the European economy. Late payments cause insolvency and complicate financial management of undertakings, which greatly reduces their competitiveness and profitability in the market. The risk of these adverse effects significantly increased in the period of the economic crisis. This article conducts a juridical and economic analysis of European legislation on combatting late payments in commercial transactions with a special accent being put on Croatian legislation, as the youngest European Member State.


Command responsibility

Command responsibility

Slavica Dinić S., Emil Turković M.

Статья научная

As a part of the presentation in this paper, we will deal with one of a number of specifc characteristics arisen while determining the criminal responsibility of perpetrators of international crimes, the one related to the institute of command responsibility, which are familiar with the statutes of both ad hoc tribunals (the Statute of the Tribunal in the Hague of 1993 and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda of 1994), as well as the so - called the Rome Statute from 1998. In these statutes, it is set in such a way that, in one of its parts, it contradicts the basic criminal law institutes (the principle of individual subjective responsibility, the principle of justice). However, in accordance with the assumed international obligations, this institute was introduced to the criminal law system of Republic of Serbia on January 1st 2006, by prescribing, within Article 384 of the Criminal Code of Republic of Serbia, a real criminal offense of omission, which is also the subject of this paper.


Commercial contracts and their form

Commercial contracts and their form

Marija Jakovljevic

Статья научная

Business entities, in their everyday operations, make a great number of contracts, without which their business would not be possible. However, not all contracts concluded by business entities are, at the same time, the so-called commercial contracts. As far as contracts in economy are concerned, there is a large number of specific characteristics in relation to civil law contracts, so it is very important to first determine their particularities and then identify them as commercial contracts. One of these specificities is, of course, also the rules concerning their form, or the form of making commercial contracts, where there are special types of conclusions not known in the civil law and civil law contracts, regardless the fact that they have been regulated by the same law - the Law of Contract being in force, with certain amendments, since 1978.


Comparative analysis of public agencies in Croatia and Sweden

Comparative analysis of public agencies in Croatia and Sweden

Milica Škorić

Статья научная

Although public agencies have existed for several decades, in Serbia, they are new forms of government bodies. The aspiration to modernize the public administration and harmonize it with modern trends can be an opportunity to see the stages of development and models of control and autonomy of the agency from the decades-long development of Swedish public agencies. The example of Croatia will show the potential of the former socialist state for such reforms and how important reforms are on the road to the European Union in the XXI century. Through the analysis of relevant literature and a comparative method, there are presented the reforms of public agencies being implemented in selected countries since their first appearance till nowadays. This paper focuses on the process of creation and development of public agencies in Sweden and Croatia, as members of the European Union, whose development of a public administration differs significantly, all in order to answer the questions: How much do public agencies contribute to decentralization? Are these bodies necessary for the approach and accession to the EU?


Compensation of damages in the criminal law of the Republic of Serbia

Compensation of damages in the criminal law of the Republic of Serbia

Krstinić Dalibor

Статья научная

Actuality on finding appropriate criminal sanctions has never lost significance. The practical actions of the legislator and theoretical considerations were related to criminal sanctions and special punitive measures. It is often stated in the literature that sanctions are specific in that they are aimed at protecting the general interests of a particular community. In the system of penalties for property fines belong to the group of the earliest known ones, they were accepted for the undoubted repressive and educational influence. The ways of their prescribing, measuring and pronouncing, as well as other relevant issues are the topics of this paper.


Competent and professional performance of insurance business as a part of the protection of the rights and interests of insurance service users

Competent and professional performance of insurance business as a part of the protection of the rights and interests of insurance service users

Svetlana Korica, Sara Zarubica

Статья научная

Insurance represents a business activity which is becoming increasingly important for all trends in society. Namely, all commercial and other activities beneficial to society, by means of an insurance policy, ensure the safety of business, regardless of any risks that may arise. As a result, a competent and professional performance of insurance business, which among other things protects the rights and interests of insurance service users is crucial for this business activity. That is why we, in this paper, put a particular emphasis on the obligations of a competent and professional performance of the insurance business, which are stipulated by the EU Directive on insurance distribution, as well as by the National Bank of Serbia Guidelines on minimum standards of conduct and a good practice for insurance market participants.


Contradictory and judgments based on dispositive actions of the parties in Serbia and comparative law

Contradictory and judgments based on dispositive actions of the parties in Serbia and comparative law

Marko Stanković , Danijela Despotović

Статья научная

One way to end a civil proceedings is to reach a court decision, which can be in the form of a judgment or in the form of a ruling. The judgment shall decide on the merits of the claim fled. The content of the legal protection provided by the judgments is divided into condemnatory, declarative and constitutive ones. According to the manner in which they are rendered, there are complete, partial, intermediate and supplementary judgments. This paper will address the types of judgments according to the fact how parties are treated or held in a litigation. Depending on the legislation, we will see that in some solutions there are certain judgments not present in other legislation. In the legislation of Republic of Serbia there are contradictory verdicts, the verdicts on admissions, verdicts on waiver, the judgment on absenteeism, judgment on omission and judgment without hearing. Comparative legislation refers to the legislation of Croatia, Slovenia, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska, Northern Macedonia and Montenegro.


Corruption as a negative social phenomenon

Corruption as a negative social phenomenon

Saša Kovačević

Статья научная

This paper analyzes the problem of corruption as a phenomenon, a negative and illegal social phenomenon, which is contrary to the rules of normal functioning of the society. It implies to very serious consequences which can produce a real threat and the possibility of adopting corruption as a negative model of life and activity, that is, the functioning of the society, personified in several corrupt individuals and groups. The state continuously applies anti-corruption mechanisms. However, a phenomenon that is difficult to eradicate is the multitude of individual cases of offering, giving, or soliciting bribes in certain everyday life circumstances. We are worried about the researches indicating that a large number of the state institutions are exposed to corruption, including the officials employed in these institutions using corrupt actions during the performance of their regular work. The basic question that arises is whether a certain number of citizens who do not accept corruption over time become “antisocial” in relation to the individuals representing a part of the society which accepts it as an adopted model, or a way of living and normal functioning being contrary to law and the commitment of the state in the fight against corruption. The aim of the research is how to prevent the adoption of the corruption model as a “value”, by reporting it to the competent authorities in Republic of Serbia, including the fight against corruption through the socalled “Romanian model”, proved to be very effective in fighting corruption.


Criminal act of causing bankruptcy: Specific characteristics and features

Criminal act of causing bankruptcy: Specific characteristics and features

Dragojlović Joko, Isidora Milošević, Goran Stamenković

Статья научная

Economy, as the total of production, exchange, distribution and consumption, is a basis for functioning of every society. For this reason, the state is particularly interested in its smooth functioning by providing protection. The criminal law protection is just one aspect of that protection. The criminal offenses against economy are heterogeneous, since the relationships in which economic subjects enter by doing their activities are numerous and diverse. In this sense, their common characteristics cannot be discussed. However, since the totality of these relationships makes the economic system, it represents their common protection object. Due to the content diversity, the crimes of this group can be divided into subgroups, and one of these divisions could refer to general and special crimes against eco nomy. General criminal offenses can be committed in every branch of economy, and the special ones in certain branches. The criminal offense of causing bankruptcy belongs to a group of general criminal offenses against economy. Accordingly, the authors will point out the specific characteristics and basic features of the criminal act of causing bankruptcy.

