Branch-wise economy. Рубрика в журнале - Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast

Публикации в рубрике (79): Branch-wise economy
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Accounting of multiplier effect as a required element in assessing the effects of social programs

Accounting of multiplier effect as a required element in assessing the effects of social programs

Lavrikova Yuliya Georgievna, Suvorova Arina Valerevna, Kotlyarova Svetlana Nikolaevna

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The article substantiates the importance of taking into account indirect effects of the programs, projects, activities (mainly social) when deciding on the need to implement them. The problem of providing society with decent living conditions is studied. The article proves that in spite of some positive trends in the Russian construction market the issues of housing availability do not lose their significance. It notes that a variety of approaches to solving this problem have been developed, that is why it is critical to assess the effectiveness of each solution in order to choose the most suitable one. One of the tools for alleviating this problem - a program of housing construction savings - is discussed in detail; by means of the specially designed universal computational model we determine fiscal effectiveness of this program application in the Sverdlovsk Oblast. The analysis shows that the accounting of multiplier effect reveals the full range of possible effects of the program that can significantly affect the adoption of the decision to initiate actions necessary for their implementation.


Analysis of transaction costs in logistics and the methodologies for their information reflection for automotive companies

Analysis of transaction costs in logistics and the methodologies for their information reflection for automotive companies

Kovrizhnykh Olga Evgenevna, Nechaeva Polina Aleksandrovna

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Transaction costs emerge in different types of logistics activities and influence the material flow and the accompanying financial and information flows; due to this fact, the information support and assessment are important tasks for the enterprise. The paper analyzes transaction costs in logistics for automotive manufacturers; according to the analysis, the level of these costs in any functional area of “logistics supply” ranges from 1.5 to 20%. These are only the official figures of transaction costs of enterprises that do not take into consideration implicit costs. Despite the growing interest in transaction costs in logistics in the latest fifteen years, this topic is covered rather poorly in Russian literature; the definition of “transaction costs” is unclear, there is no technique of their information reflection and assessment. We have developed the methods for information reflection of transaction costs that can be used by automotive enterprises. Each enterprise will have an opportunity to choose the most suitable technique for information reflection of transaction costs or to compare the level of transaction costs when using different techniques...


Approaches to the assessment of the natural capital of forests and the prospects for modernization of forest management in the context of green economy

Approaches to the assessment of the natural capital of forests and the prospects for modernization of forest management in the context of green economy

Noskov Vladimir A., Shishelov Maksim A.

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The goal of the paper is to study approaches to the assessment of natural capital of forests, especially forest resources, and the prospects for modernization of forest management in the context of green economy. We show that current socio-economic development strategies in most countries encourage rapid accumulation of physical, financial and human capital through excessive depletion and degradation of natural capital, which includes natural resources and ecosystems. In order to prevent this threat, it is necessary to move to the concept of green economy that involves effective use of natural resources, ensuring the sustainability of natural ecosystems and reducing the use of resources in production and consumption. In this regard, we study indicators and methodological approaches used for measuring and assessing forest resources in the global and domestic practice. We reveal the shortcomings and limitations of their application, which are associated with the quantitative assessment of the state of forests, without taking into account qualitative and structural changes...


Assessing the Impact of Innovation and Investment Activity on the Formation of an Export-Oriented Agricultural Economy

Assessing the Impact of Innovation and Investment Activity on the Formation of an Export-Oriented Agricultural Economy

Derunova E.A., Vasilchenko M.Ya., Shabanov V.L.

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The issue concerning the formation of an export-oriented agricultural economy is associated with the need to assess its innovation and investment activity and analyze the quality of state policy to stimulate innovation and high technology products in agricultural production. High differentiation of Russian regions by natural and climatic conditions and the level of resource provision are factors that hinder the formation of new export positions, which predetermines the need to improve state investment policy, considering regional differences. The purpose of this study is to identify the dependence of the export level of agricultural products on the level of innovation and investment activity, the development of recommendations to improve innovation and investment activity of territorial and sectoral agricultural systems. We put forward the following hypothesis: one of the most important factors in increasing the volume of agricultural products exports of the region is the level of innovation and investment activity. As a methodological basis we use theoretical approaches of foreign and Russian authors to assessing the impact of innovation and investment processes on the increase of export potential, as well as the formation of balanced export-oriented agricultural systems in the territorial and sectoral sections. We develop a model estimating the relationship between investment in fixed capital in agriculture, gross output of the industry, and exports of agricultural products using methods of multivariate statistical analysis. We assessed the dynamics of regional innovation and investment development and compared the selected typological groups of Russian regions by their production and export efficiency, the resources used and the results achieved. The novelty and significance of the developed model lies in the possibility of its application for diagnostics and monitoring of the state of territorial sectoral and regional innovation and investment agrosystems. For each type of region we proposed differentiated strategies of state regulation aimed at overcoming the limitations of low innovation and investment activity in the formation of exportoriented agricultural economy. The results of the study are of practical value for the development and implementation of targeted mechanisms and tools to improve the efficiency of innovation and investment activities in order to ensure the leading position of the regions in exports of agricultural products.


Assessing the economic effects of tourism infrastructure development in Russia

Assessing the economic effects of tourism infrastructure development in Russia

Leonidova E.G.

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Consistent development of the tourism sector in Russia requires expanding tourist supply and increasing the number of tourist infrastructure facilities, primarily accommodation facilities. A significant increase in tourist supply promotes the expansion of domestic consumer demand, which is a driver of the Russian economy, and spurs industrial production. Thus, the assessment of the economic effects of tourism infrastructure development, which is the aim of the work, is becoming relevant. Addressing this problem requires working out a methodological approach that allows us to conduct scenario modeling as a result of changes in demand for tourism products. Methodologically, the study uses input-output tables, including our own approach to determining the volume of domestic tourism in Russia. Information base is formed by data from Rosstat and statistics agencies of other countries, EMISS, VEB.RF, databases of intermediate tables of resources and use of the Russian economy. Theoretical basis includes research works on the development of the tourism infrastructure and methods of its assessment, scenario modeling and forecasting of the economy. Scientific novelty consists in improving the tools for using input-output tables to analyze and evaluate the economic effects resulting from the development of new tourism infrastructure projects. The importance of the tourism industry for the Russian economy is clarified, and the change in economic indicators (output of goods and services, number of employees, wage fund by industry) is calculated as a result of the forecast growth in demand for hotel sector services. The obtained values confirm the importance of an active policy on import substitution of tourism to promote positive economic dynamics and indicate the need to ensure that the number of workers in the industry is sufficient. At the same time, the implementation of planned indicators for the development of tourism in Russia requires addressing several problems in the ways that are proposed in the conclusion.


Assessment of the tourist potential of the region's hunting sector (case study of the Vologda oblast)

Assessment of the tourist potential of the region's hunting sector (case study of the Vologda oblast)

Trudov Yuriy Nikolayevich

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The author, using his own methodology, through the example of the Vologda Oblast, reveals the main parameters of gross turnover in the hunting sector with regard to hunting services; provides methodological tools for calculating gross turnover of tourist services in hunting, determines the degree of development and prospects of the tourism potential of the hunting sector, the role of hunting tourism in the region’s economic development.


Boosting domestic demand as a driving force of economic growth (on the example of domestic tourism sphere)

Boosting domestic demand as a driving force of economic growth (on the example of domestic tourism sphere)

Lukin Evgenii V., Leonidova Ekaterina G., Sidorov Maksim A.

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Changing structural proportions manifested in the narrowing of domestic demand for goods and services is a trend in modern development of the Russian economy, which experiences an impact of a system-wide economic crisis and the current foreign policy and foreign economic situation. This leads to underconsumption of goods and services, and thus to a reduction of incentives for enterprises to increase production. Meanwhile, stimulation of domestic consumer demand can be considered as a factor capable of ensuring economic growth. In this regard, there is a need for scientific substantiation of measures to promote domestic demand, which in the current economic conditions can change the structural relationships and thus ensure economic growth. In our study, an attempt is made to calculate the potential economic effect of stimulating Russian citizens' consumption of goods and services produced by domestic tourism sector. General scientific methods such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization and original methodological tools based on input-output models are used as a methodological basis of the study...


Branch analysis in the context of evolutionary development of economic systems

Branch analysis in the context of evolutionary development of economic systems

Berkovich Margarita Izraylevna, Komarova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna

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Upgrading of Russian economy claims special attention to long-term problems of its development in order to make it stable and purposeful. The necessity to improve social and economic parameters and comprehensive innovation development of territorial economic systems requires elaboration of sound policy and regions' strategies in relation to regional branches that form their potential. The article proposes an approach to reform national economic sectors on the basis of their life cycle analysis and allocation of functional features of a single mesoeconomic system. The research is aimed at selecting key parameters of sectors' development at the regional level. The evolutionary approach that serves as the basis for the methodology gives an opportunity to determine the factors that have the greatest impact on life cycle dynamics. The article singles out the following main groups of factors: resources, product, technology, market, banking sector, public policy. By analyzing life cycles of the Yaroslavl region's chemical industries (synthetic rubber and carbon black production) it is concluded that the only way to ensure sustainable development of branches lies in the continuous implementation of innovations, a process affected by cyclicity and determined by factors of exogenous and endogenous nature.


Building a conceptual model of sector development and assessment of the system-building effect

Building a conceptual model of sector development and assessment of the system-building effect

Shakleina Marina V., Shaklein Konstantin I.

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The article is devoted to forming a strategic vision of rabbit breeding sector taking into account the state priorities. The relevance of the topic is caused by the growing shortage of dietary meat consumption in Russia, which leads to deteriorating quality of food and reduces the quality of life. According to analysis of domestic research on the current problem, more attention is paid to studying the Soviet experience of planning, productionandresourceanalysisofthesectorandtheneedforitsdevelopment. Lackofexperience in strategic planning in rabbit breeding in domestic science has become the cause of vulnerability during the perestroika (reformation) period, resulting in a dramatic decline in production. In this regard, there is a need to improve the mechanisms of integrated development of the sector taking into account the general theory of strategizing. The purpose for the study is to develop a model of sustainable development of the rabbit breeding sector taking into account the assessment of the system-building effect of related activities...


Catching-up and outstripping development of the Russian pharmaceutical industry

Catching-up and outstripping development of the Russian pharmaceutical industry

Gusev A.B., Yurevich M.A.

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The paper assesses the effectiveness of the Russian pharmaceutical industry so as to determine the prospects for achieving self-sufficiency in drug provision and pharmaceutical leadership in the domestic market, more than half of which is occupied by foreign drugs. Effectiveness is considered in terms of achievements in import substitution (catching-up scenario), and in the development of domestic drugs (outstripping scenario). A comparison of the main economic indicators for leading foreign and Russian pharmaceutical companies reflects a disadvantaged position of the latter. The governmental target setting for domestic pharmaceutical production is compromised by interdepartmental inconsistency in the lists of essential drugs. A selective analysis of the implementation of the import substitution plan by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia since 2015 has revealed that, even on formal grounds, Russia still has not established a full-fledged production of many drugs (in particular, the dependence on foreign active pharmaceutical substances still remains, and there are very few domestic manufacturing companies). The premise concerning fundamental impossibility to implement the outstripping scenario is substantiated by the fact that there is an insignificant number of original drugs for which Russian developers initiated clinical trials in 2020-2022. The results obtained show that the current situation in the Russian pharmaceutical industry does not promote the achievement of drug self-sufficiency. A proposal to consolidate assets, coordinate production programs and research agendas for accelerated and full-fledged import substitution was put forward. Prospects for research in the field of import substitution are related to deepening the analysis of production indicators, increasing sales, as well as enhancing clinical characteristics of reproduced drugs compared to foreign analogues. In the sphere of analyzing the innovativeness of pharmaceutical production, it seems advisable to methodologically elaborate on identifying original drugs and include this indicator in the industry management.


Comparative analysis of trends in the development of finance of large corporations in the metallurgical and coal industries in Russia in the context of global challenges

Comparative analysis of trends in the development of finance of large corporations in the metallurgical and coal industries in Russia in the context of global challenges

Pechenskaya-polishchuk Mariya A., Malyshev Mikhail K.

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Since the beginning of the escalation of the Ukrainian situation, the Collective West has imposed an unprecedented number of sanctions against the Russian economy. Restrictions in international trade operations and, in some cases, their full termination have forced large domestic businesses to look for “friendly” markets and develop new logistics routes. And if at the end of the first half of 2022, the oil and gas industry has shown significant growth, some Russian corporations of metallurgy and coal industry were under a jeopardy. Despite favorable conditions in the first months of 2022, the financial results of the second quarter are expected to be much more modest. The fall in revenues of metallurgy and the coal industry from spring 2022 was influenced by higher transportation costs as a result of the turn to the East, insufficient capacity of the Baikal-Amur Mainline and Trans-Siberian Railway, sales of products at a large discount to Asian consumers, and lower export revenues due to the strengthening of the ruble. All these factors will have a negative impact on the volume of the taxable base and revenues of regional budgets. The article was written using methods of vertical and horizontal data analysis, methods of comparison and forecasting, and the method of expert evaluations. The information base of the study was the domestic and foreign literature on the development of metallurgical and coal industries; financial statements and operating results of the largest Russian corporations of ferrous metallurgy (PJSC Severstal), nonferrous metallurgy (PJSC Nornickel) and coal industry (JSC CC Kuzbassrazrezugol); data of the Federal Tax Service in the Vologda and Kemerovo Oblasts, and Krasnoyarsk Krai; information of; data of information and news portals.


Conditions and factors promoting the movement of agricultural producers towards innovation-based development

Conditions and factors promoting the movement of agricultural producers towards innovation-based development

Sovetov Pavel Mikhailovich, Volkova Svetlana Anatolevna, Sovetova Nadezhda Pavlovna

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The article considers the results of the questionnaire survey carried out in 2011-2013 by the Department of Production Management at the Vologda State Dairy Farming Academy named after N.V. Vereshchagin. The survey was supported by the Vologda Oblast Department of Agriculture, FoodStocks and Trade in the framework of ongoing research into the issues of transition of agricultural economy to innovation development. The authors present and systematize the opinions of the heads of the region's agricultural enterprises concerning the challenges and opportunities of innovation-investment activity of agricultural organizations.


Construction complex of the region: current state and innovative potential

Construction complex of the region: current state and innovative potential

Gubanova Elena Sergeyevna, Vorontsova Tatyana Vladimirovna

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Construction industry has traditionally established itself as a leading choice; it is designed to reproduce fixed assets, carry on renovation, modernization, technical re-equipment of material goods production and solving social issues on the modern technical basis. Despite the profound crisis of the industry associated with the transition to a market economic model such as a high degree of fixed capital assets depreciation, the low investment activity of construction companies, a high materials output ratio, etc., the growth potential of construction industry is sufficient. It is possible to solve these problems by promoting innovation activity of construction companies, aimed at reducing the cost of finished products, shortening of construction time and enterprises' competitive recovery.


Current trends and problems of development of the arctic marine freight traffic

Current trends and problems of development of the arctic marine freight traffic

Selin Vladimir Stepanovich

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The article analyzes the trends and evaluates the prospects of functioning of the Northern Sea Route. It shows that after the change of its management model its freight traffic has dropped 4-fold, and in the Eastern sector (outside the Vilkitsky Strait) - 40-fold. In the recent years there has been a certain revival of transportation, including transit, which reached its maximum of 1.27 million tons in 2012. However, over the next two years they declined again; the drop was particularly significant in 2014 and amounted to a total of 240 thousand tons. The main problem is that this rather complex system is influenced by many factors, often contradictory and poorly predictable. Thus, the growing need for energy resources determines the overall need for developing the Arctic shelf. However, the possibility of climate cooling and the deterioration of ice situation can influence the possibility of transporting these resources. Besides, the Ukrainian crisis followed by the “war of sanctions” will cause a significant decline, especially in the medium term, the attractiveness of the European oil and gas market, which will cause the shift of strategic interests of Russian companies to the Asia-Pacific region...


Deep processing - the main direction in enhancing the efficiency of fish utilization

Deep processing - the main direction in enhancing the efficiency of fish utilization

Vasilyev Anatoliy Mikhailovich

Статья научная

The article proves that the modern level of processing of catches does not correspond to the objectives of marine fishing development contained in the Concept for the development of fishery in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 and the Russian Federation State Programme “Development of fishery complex”. The article proves that to achieve the targets set out in the documents, the following measures should be carried out: the development of coastal fishing, the introduction of innovation technologies and equipment at coastal enterprises, the creation of integrated enterprises for production and processing of aquatic organisms, the enhancement of export efficiency, the promotion of unloading fish products onto Russia’s shores.


Determinants of innovation activity of Russian pharmaceutical manufacturers

Determinants of innovation activity of Russian pharmaceutical manufacturers

Berkovich Margarita I., Volin Andrei Yu.

Статья научная

The article presents the findings of an empirical study on the main determinants of innovation activity of Russian pharmaceutical manufacturers. We substantiate the application of two indicators that characterize innovation activity of pharmaceutical manufacturers: the first is the ratio of the number of the organization’s proprietary intellectual property objects to those used under license; the second is the number of studies conducted by pharmaceutical manufacturers for original and reproduced medicines. Two-dimensional cluster analysis (the k-means clustering, excluding repetitions, using Euclidean distances) is used to classify enterprises as innovation-active. We highlight major factors influencing innovation activity of pharmaceutical manufacturers directly on the basis of the content analysis of Russian and foreign scientific works published on this topic. We analyze the selected determinants using statistical and econometric tools. The following statistical criteria are applied: Pearson’s chi-squared test and Fisher’s exact test for qualitative (dichotomous) indicators, as well as Student’s t-test and the Mann - Whitney test to analyze quantitative indicators. Using discriminant analysis of the main determinants of innovation activity of Russian pharmaceutical enterprises we reveal the most significant determinants, primarily those that directly characterize the size of industrial enterprises. Additionally, we prove that widespread processes such as mergers and acquisitions of pharmaceutical manufacturers contribute to the possibility of accumulating resources necessary for innovation development of pharmaceutical manufacturers; however, these processes have certain negative effects associated with an increase in the oligopolization of pharmaceutical markets.


Dynamics of export-import operations in the Russian chemical industry: current state of affairs on the threshold of geopolitical shifts

Dynamics of export-import operations in the Russian chemical industry: current state of affairs on the threshold of geopolitical shifts

Malyshev M.K., Pechenskaya-polishchuk M.A.

Статья научная

The chemical industry in Russia is of great importance for industrial production, agriculture and the consumer sector. This industry in the Russian Federation has a rather low share in GDP (less than 2%), and produces goods with relatively low added value: mineral fertilizers, nitrogen compounds, plastics, synthetic resins and rubbers. The chemical industry is characterized by imports consistently prevailing over exports. Thus, for 2013-2020 average excess of imports over exports in value terms was 62.6% or 16.3 billion US dollars. Mineral fertilizers occupy a key share (44.1%) in the structure of chemical exports, producing revenues of about 64.2 billion US dollars over eight years. While the bulk of imports fell on pharmaceutical products (39.2%) with a total volume of purchases amounting to 91.2 billion US dollars. Significant reduction in the average cost of an export ton of chemical products by 40% to 324 US dollars became a negative trend in foreign trade. The aim of the work is to identify key trends in foreign trade in Russian chemical industry products, which will become an information and analytical base to work out and adopt strategic decisions aimed at the development of the industry based on the principles of import substitution and deepening processing. The object is the relations that arise between the Russian Federation and foreign countries regarding export and import of chemical products. We use methods such as comparative, dynamic and specific weight analysis, and systematization. The information base includes data from the Federal Customs Service on export-import activities of the Russian chemical industry; Russian and foreign literature on the functioning of the industry under sanctions; data from information, news and analytical agencies.


Economic evaluation of the market potential of fruit and berry production in the regions of the European North of the Russian Federation

Economic evaluation of the market potential of fruit and berry production in the regions of the European North of the Russian Federation

Kozmenko Sergey Yuryevich, Uskov Vladimir Sergeyevich

Статья научная

The article examines regional peculiarities of the local market formation of fruit and berry production in the Russian North from the theoretic perspective of new economic geography. It examines modern market development trends, presents the economic estimation of the market development potential of fruit and berry production in the regions of the European North of the Russian Federation.


Economic risks of agricultural organizations’ activity in the Vologda oblast in the context of Russia's membership in WTO

Economic risks of agricultural organizations’ activity in the Vologda oblast in the context of Russia's membership in WTO

Ivanova Marina Nikolayevna

Статья научная

Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization provides the domestic agribusiness with a fundamentally new economic and organizational-legal business environment. The article analyzes the financial condition of agricultural organizations in the Vologda Oblast, indicates increasing acuity of the problems in the industry and identifies the economic risks for the agricultural commodity producers of the northern region in the context of Russia’s membership in WTO. It substantiates the top priority measures to improve the financial sustainability of agricultural organizations and the need for changes in the mechanism of state support for the industry.


Estimation of elaboration of strategic and program policy documents stipulating tourism development in the northern regions of Russia

Estimation of elaboration of strategic and program policy documents stipulating tourism development in the northern regions of Russia

Smirennikova Elena Vladimirovna, Karmakulova Anna Vyacheslavovna

Статья научная

The authors performed critical analysis of 26 strategic and program documents of federal and regional significance, governing the development of tourism, to allocate problems and targets of the development of tourism and risks of realization of the tourism development programs. The authors used scoring and expert evaluation methods to develop the technique, which estimates the elaboration of strategic and policy documents governing the development of tourism. The developed technique is used for evaluation of strategic and program documents of the northern regions of Russia. The guidelines for the establishment of regional tourism development programs are given.

