Статьи журнала - Arctic and North
Все статьи: 907

The value of the Arctic for Russia's national security, China may become the Arctic Power
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Consider the value of the Arctic for Russia's national security and strategic aspects of the Arctic itself. At the moment, the military- political situation in the Arctic seems not to be dangerous for Russia. Investigated the effects of reduced ice cover, which allows US Navy warships — aircraft carriers and cruisers and destroyers equipped with the “Aegis” system — to enter the Arctic waters. In this article possible scenarios of conflict and prospects of the geopolitical situation in the Arctic are examined. In future, China could purchase one of the islands of Iceland. Such a possession would automatically make China an Arctic Power.

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Analysis of the causes and sources of the so-‐called "Arctic competition" between Murmansk and Arkhangelsk identifies strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT-‐analysis) of the marine transport hubs. The focus of the article is the transport integration problem and logistics. Arkhangelsk and Murmansk marine nodes were created as the part of a single freight logistics system in the North and were not supposed to compete, but to complement each other. Nearest future will bring up the issue of the national transport and logistics integrator with the functions of the “upper-‐corporative” logistics center responsible for evidence-‐based, homogeneous and transparent re-‐distribution of traffic and freight logistics market bases in the western part of the Russian Arctic.

The “Arctic Encyclopedia”: The Paulsen Publishing House has issued a fundamental work
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Here we present a review of a two volume scientific work published in April 2017 by the Paulsen Publishing House — the “Arctic Encyclopedia”. The authors — 100 people from different fields of science — enabled the publisher to get a detailed coverage of geography, flora and fauna, climate, indigenous peoples of the Arctic, as well as international cooperation, social, economic and cultural development of the Arctic areas. This work is a fundamental one and deserves close attention from every person interested in the Arctic issues.

The “keep in the ground future” of Arctic fossil fuel resources
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It is extremely important to understand which role Arctic fossil fuel resources will play in the development and geopolitics of the Arctic region. The article analyses the recent trends in the world energy supply with special focus on renewable energy and future demand for fossil fuels. Focusing on the Arctic LNG projects it comes to the conclusion that there is a growing possibility that the majority of Arctic oil and natural gas will be kept in the ground. Such an outcome would strongly influence the sustainable development and geopolitics of the region.

The “third mission” in the Arctic universities’ development strategies
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Currently, applying the “third mission” at universities is of relevance, since it also forms the basis of universities' activities along with education and science. Scientific understanding of this issue had been carried out by Russian and foreign scientists. The main components of the “third mission” are the commercialization of intellectual property, technology transfer, and innovation, the development of a university as an entrepreneurial structure, continuous education, social involvement, support for the development of regions, participation in the life of the local community, etc. The article analyzes the experience of applying the “third mission” on the example of universities located in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and some foreign Arctic universities. For this purpose, the documents defining the strategic development of two Russian (Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov and Murmansk Arctic State University) and five foreign Arctic universities (University of Copenhagen (Denmark), University of Oulu (Finland), the University of Iceland (Iceland), the University of Umeå (Sweden), and the Luleå University of Technology (Sweden). Specific forms and mechanisms used by universities are also analyzed. They contribute to the assessment of nature, characteristics, the degree of the “third mission” application carried out by universities.

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In article the basic directions of activity of a thematic network of University of Arctic regions on regional and local development on the basis of University college Finnmarka reveal.

Theoretical approaches to study of rate proportions for two regions
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This article is dedicated to long-term forecasting of growth rates on base of development of problems of the North and Arctic. Information is presented in this work about condition and particularities of operations of region, correlative features of prospects are determined.

Theoretical method of environmental risk assessment with given environment factors
Hydrometeorological factors are significant for environmental conditions, being the origin ot contributing to the increase/decrease of environmental hazards.

Theory and methodology of the Arctic tourism development
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In order to study the ideas of development of the Arctic tourism the author offers: five levels of applied scientific research on studying the prospects of the Russian Arctic tourism, creation of regional innovative system of water resources in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, and also tourist recreational system in the Arctic as a model of the safe tourism in the Arctic.

Threats of terrorism in the Russian Arctic
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The article examines the legal, institutional, socioeconomic and political issues that promote terrorism. Based on the analysis of the facts of the modern history of terrorism in Russia, proposes actions to deal with it, legal instruments, anti-terrorism policies, including the Russian Arctic.

Threats to the sustainable development of the Russian Arctic: poverty
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The modern paradigm of the theory and practice of social development is the concept of sustainable development, the emergence and spread of which was associated with the emphasis on environmental pollution and overpopulation of the planet against the background of limited natural resources. Today, sustainable development is defined as the result of the interaction of a man, the economic system, and nature at the global, national, regional, and local levels. It is expressed, to a certain extent, by economic, environmental, and social sustainability. Modern goals in the field of sustainable development are to promote green growth, rational environmental management, ensuring access to quality health and education services, and improving the well-being of the population. The latter implies, first, the reduction of multidimensional poverty, the numerous groups of social localization, i.e., disabled people, families with children, single-parent families, and ethnic minorities. The aim of the study is to assess the level and extent of poverty and its social localization in the framework of achieving sustainable development of the regions of the Russian Arctic. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that the rates and proportions of sustainable development of the Russian Arctic depend on the qualitative state of human potential (carried by the population). The qualitative state of human potential depends on the level of well-being of the population, which determines the degree of satisfaction of needs for benefits and access to social services. Poverty as a socio-economic phenomenon creates threats of degradation of human potential. The research hypothesis is based on the understanding that poverty is a systemic factor that limits the possibilities of a high-quality reproduction of human potential and, accordingly, promising opportunities for achieving sustainable development in the Russian Arctic. The research methods were a statistical analysis of the socio-economic situation of families with children in the regions of the Russian Arctic, as well as an analysis of regulatory legal documents governing measures of social support for families, motherhood, paternity, and childhood. The research results are focused on their use for achieving sustainable development of the Russian Arctic.

Three lives of Norwegian consulate in Arkhangelsk
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The article is devoted to the history of the Norwegian Consulate in Arkhangelsk, which began in 1815 and has continued to the present time. The history of the Consulate is analyzed from the standpoint of identifying the fundamental differences in the activities in each of the three periods (lives) of the Consulate. This, in particular, is the novelty of the research. Moreover, the first two lives (1815–1920 and 1924–1939) are presented as a background to a more detailed study of the prerequisites for creation, priorities in work, successes and some failures of the modern one — the third Consulate reopened in Arkhangelsk in 2010 and has the status of “Honorary”. The authors pay attention to the personal factor — the life path of the first and current honorary consul Andrei Alexandrovich Shalev. His activity was mainly discussed in regional mass media and was not subjected to research analysis. Even the actual material about the events held by the Honorary Consulate was not collected and not systematized, although it has relevance, as it concerns the interests of thousands of residents of the region. The authors believe that in this article they only outlined those directions in the study of consulates that deserve attention.

Tlingit – indigenious people of the North America
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Focus on the issues of the language, resettlement and migration tlingit cultural values, customs, traditions, religion, social and economic status, political leaders.

To be always on a first line of development of the Arctic regions, to cooper-ate with municipalities

To the concept of the ecological risk. Analytical review of the publications
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The article provides an overview of some of the publications on the theory and the concept of the risk in the context of the definition of the environmental risk for the period from the end of the XX-th century to 2013. Attention is given to the role and place of the theory of risk, the development of "risk" of thinking within the paradigm of the "green economy", the dynamics of changes in the concept of the risk and different approaches to the definition of risk in the insurance business, financial operations, the military, in the task of ensuring food safety and health in hazardous production, environmental science and the practical arrangements for the protection of nature.

To the question about the Northern Sea Route in the history of the Polar expedition of V. Rusanov
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The article describes the stages of formation and development of the ideas of the famous polar explorer, geologist V. A. Rusanov, which formed the basis of the plans of his last expedition in 1912. Based on Russian Arctic expeditions in 1909−1915 period (including the 1st and 2nd New Zemlians), and modern data on the Arctic navigation and weather conditions of the Kara Sea, the author puts forward and often justified the route cutter version ‛Hercules’ to the shores of the Taimyr autumn of 1912, winter 1912−1913 and the return trip to navigation in 1913.

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In article the sociocultural potential as an element of the human capital is considered. The concept of ‘social and cultural potential’ includes social and cultural side. The authors propose their own method of studying the social and cultural development. They find it is very important to the cultural development of the Arkhangelsk region as the Arctic territory.

Top officials of the Russian Arctic: "Vorkuta is my home town. Life in the Arctic has tempered me"
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Under the "Top officials of the Russian Arctic" project, Evgeny Shumeyko talks about the positive changes in his hometown Vorkuta, where he was born, worked as a miner, and now he is the leader of the Town administration. Official membership in the Russian Arctic zone gives a new status for Vorkuta and means its further development. In these circumstances, the urban economy should be brought into the light of reality, to optimize the infrastructure in order to have chances for the further development. «Strategy of socio-‐economic development of the urban districts 2014» defined the role of Vorkuta as a being a strategic outpost of Arctic exploration in the European North of Russia.

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Responding to the questions of the interview with top officials of the Russian Arctic, Michael Gmyrin focused on the mission and objectives of the Association “Arctic Municipalities”. Severodvinsk municipality was among the founders of the Association in December 2014. Its creation would help the integration of municipalities and contribute to the sustainable socio-‐economic development of the Arctic territories. Severodvinsk has positive experience of making social projects. Improvement of the quality of life and living conditions of northerners is one of the major challenges currently facing all Arctic Municipalities. The work of the Association "Arctic Municipalities" may be of the main activities of the State Commission on Arctic chaired by O. D. Rogozin.