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Публикации в рубрике (616): Сельскохозяйственные науки
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Disease resistance of hybrid progenies and selection of the resistant species

Disease resistance of hybrid progenies and selection of the resistant species

Nazarov Bahruz

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The purpose of the study was to determine the degree of infection by various diseases and resistance of samples from different hybrid (F2 and F3) progenies. The selected disease resistant hybrid lines were recommended for the further investigations and hybridization programs as parental forms. F2 hybrid combinations resistant to yellow rust disease were found to be: TT 01404 Shefeg × Sonmez, TT 01407 Alman sortu × Murov-2, TT 01410 Shefeg-2 × Alman sortu, TT 01414 Doka × Alman sortu ; F3 hybrids: TT 01301 /1 Murov-2 × Bezostaya-1, TT 01302 /2 Murov-2 × Doka, TT 01321/1 Tereggi × Pervin, TT 01321/2 Tereggi × Pervin, TT 01327/2 Doka × Pervin, etc. F2 hybrid combinations resistant to brown rust disease were: TT 01417 Sonmez × Shefeg-2, TT 01424 Pervin × Azeri, TT 01434 Yubilieinaya100/Tilek/1 × Murov-2, TT 01438 Murov × Shefeg-2 ; F3 hybrids: TT 01302/2 Murov-2 × Doka, TT 01304/1 Murov-2 × Tanya, TT 01305/1 Murov-2 × Shefeg-2, TT 01305/3 Murov-2 × Shefeg-2, TT 01307 /1 Shefeg-2 × Doka . F2 hybrid lines resistant to powdery mildew disease were: TT 01413 Doka × Sonmez, TT 01422 Pervin × Murov-2, TT 01428 Vassa × Mahmud 80, TT 01431 Yubilieinaya100/Tilek/1 × Mahmud 80, TT 01433 Yubilieinaya100/Tilek /1 × Yegane ; F3 hybrids TT 01310/1 Shefeq-2 × Vassa, TT 01316 /3 Murov × Bezostaya-1, TT 01317/2 Murov × Tanya, TT 01321/1 Tereggi × Pervin, TT 01334/1 Sonmez × Pervin , etc.


Effect of irrigation erosion on the agrochemical properties of mountain-brown soils and the productivity of cereals and legumes

Effect of irrigation erosion on the agrochemical properties of mountain-brown soils and the productivity of cereals and legumes

Aliyev Zakir, Ziyadov M., Mamedova E.

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The cultivation of perennial grasses in mountainous areas protects the slopes from erosion and provides animals with good food. According to the results of the studies, it was determined that the restoration of fertility and the ecological balance of erosional lands and the implementation of soil and agrotechnical measures is of great importance for increasing yields. Thanks to the application of these measures, as a result of the improvement of the water-physical properties of the affected lands, runoff of surface waters is prevented. Perennial grasses accumulate the nitrogen atmosphere of legumes, enrich the soil with organic substances, accelerate the formation of a water-resistant granular-fuel structure and improve its water-physical properties, which in turn contributes to the rapid assimilation of minerals.


Effect of precipitation on the process of erosion in Lankaran natural area

Effect of precipitation on the process of erosion in Lankaran natural area

Akbarova U.

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An intensive development of some agricultural areas and positive economic consequences were a reason for deterioration of the ecological state in the last 20-30 years. It should be noted that change of the ecological state, increase of the anthropogenic effect on the environment and global climate changes make necessary to protect the soils and from this point of view there is a great need to study the climatic factors in the formation of the erosion process. According to the comparative analysis it should be noted that an amount of the precipitation decreased 281,4 mm, but the average annual temperature increased 0,8-1,2°C in comparison with the average index of 1977. Though an amount of the rainfall decreases, the erosion process intensity and areal are rising in the region year after year. Its main reason is intensive shower precipitations in the autumn after dry summer, deforestation, the man’s incorrect farming activity. According to the conducted research in the pseudopodzole yellow soils it can be noted that the erosion process deteriorated physical characters of the soils. So, a bulk weight increased 0,12 g/cm3, special weight 0,15 g/cm3, but the porosity decreased 1,65% in the averagely eroded soils in comparison with the non-eroded soils. It is necessary to conduct zonal complex fight measures against erosion in order to achieve an intensive development of agriculture and to restore fertility, and in order to prevent from erosion process, to protect destruction of soil cover. It is necessary to pay attention to soil-climate condition, the factors that lead to the development of erosion, degree of soil erosion, farming direction while these measures are worked out and realized. All the measures against erosion protect the soil cover from leaching, destruction and it must be directed to improve fertility.


Effect on soybean growth of sowing time and fertilizers

Effect on soybean growth of sowing time and fertilizers

Aliyeva Afaq

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Soybean also increases soil fertility by absorbing atmospheric nitrogen through its roots. The purpose in conducting research is to increase the fertility of irrigated gray-brown (chestnut) soils in the Ganja-Kazakh region. It consists of determining the optimal sowing time, sowing scheme, and fertilizer norms that ensure water absorption for ensuring high quality. Field experiments were conducted in 2013-2015 on the basis of the central experimental base of the Azerbaijan Scientific-Research Cotton Institute on irrigated gray-brown (chestnut) soils. Field experiments were carried out in 3 single rows with soybean variety Umanskaya 1, sowing was carried out on April 1-5, April 10-15, and April 20-25. With a total area of 54.0 m2 (30×1.80 m) for each variant, 20, 30, and 60 kg of germinating seeds per hectare were sown in 3 sowing schemes of 45×5 cm, 45×10 cm, and 45×15 cm. Phenological observations were made on 25 plants, and agrotechnical measures were carried out in accordance with the rules adopted for the region. Thus, nutrient content, sowing time, and manure fertilizer norms have a significant effect on soybean height. When the optimal sowing period of soybeans was carried out on April 10-15, in all three sowing schemes, the plant height increased compared to early and late sowing (April 1-5 and 20-25) in all variants. The best results were obtained in the variant of manure 10 t/ha + N60P90K60, the reduced and increased norms of mineral fertilizers did not affect the soybean length much.


Effectiveness of applying fertilizers under watermelon on the meadow-grey soils in Mugan-Salyan zone

Effectiveness of applying fertilizers under watermelon on the meadow-grey soils in Mugan-Salyan zone

Jafarov Vugar, Mustafaev Zahid

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The meadow-gray soils are one of the most widespread species in Azerbaijan territory, mainly in the Kur-Araz lowland, in Nakhchivan plain regions, in the Samur-Davachi valley. The meadow-gray soils irrigated in the Mugan-Salyan zone are most commonly used in the agricultural lands of the region. Agrochemical characterization of soils plays an important role in defining a number of its features, including fertility, degree of provision of certain nutrients, determination of soil condition reaction, timing, norms, methods and proportions of fertilizers under separate plantings. In this context, the soil under watermelons has been researched, and the agrochemical properties of meadow-gray soils have been studied. Apart from the nutritional properties of plants, it has a great impact on the efficient use of fertilizers in the soil. Soil is the main source of plant nutrients. Different soils contain different amounts of nutrients. The soil contains more nutrients than it needs to produce high yields. Fertilized soil with less moisture increases the yield of agricultural crops. This is explained by the fact that only some of the nutrients in the soil are used by plants. Many of them remain unused. The nutrients contained in the soil go into the form used by plants from time to time as a result of the biological and chemical processes involved. In this regard, it is necessary to determine the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other elements found in the soil and which plants can easily use to ensure proper nutrition. The main reason why plants do not meet their nutrients is the use of fertilizers. Given the biology of watermelon, soil-climatic conditions and agrotechnical methods in Azerbaijan, the optimal dose and timing of fertilizers can be enhanced and improved.


Effects of NaCl salt stress on biometric parameters in Pisum varieties

Effects of NaCl salt stress on biometric parameters in Pisum varieties

Asadova Basti

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Salinity is a major threat to modern agriculture causing inhibition and impairment of crop growth and development. Here, we not only review recent advances in salinity stress research in plants but also revisit some basic perennial questions that still remain unanswered. In this review, we analyze the physiological, biochemical, and molecular aspects of Na+ and Cl- uptake, sequestration, and transport associated with salinity. We discuss the role and importance of symplastic versus apoplastic pathways for ion uptake and critically evaluate the role of different types of membrane transporters in Na+ and Cl- uptake and intercellular and intracellular ion distribution. Our incomplete knowledge regarding possible mechanisms of salinity sensing by plants is evaluated. Furthermore, a critical evaluation of the mechanisms of ion toxicity leads us to believe that, in contrast to currently held ideas, toxicity only plays a minor role in the cytosol and may be more prevalent in the vacuole. Lastly, the multiple roles of K+ in plant salinity stress are discussed.


Effects of phytopathogenic fungi on plants (review)

Effects of phytopathogenic fungi on plants (review)

Sodikov Bakhrom, Sodikova Dilduza, Omonlikov Alisher

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This article outlines explanatory data on the interactions between phytopathogenic fungi and plants, as well as infestation ways of pathogenic fungi on plants. A thorough analysis of the literature revealed that phytopathogenic fungi use a number of biochemical and mechanical methods to penetrate into the plant tissues, including the production of cell wall-degrading enzymes, also use toxins, effector proteins, and growth regulators. Cell wall degrading enzymes (CWDEs) in pathogenesis are the main weapon of phytopathogenic fungi.


Efficiency of parenteral application of preparations based on cephalosporins for mastitis treatment in milk cattle

Efficiency of parenteral application of preparations based on cephalosporins for mastitis treatment in milk cattle

Tresnitskii Sergei, Filatova Alena, Avdeenko Vladimir

Статья научная

Mastitis is the most common disease in dairy farming, in clinical and subclinical form it is diagnosed in more than 50% of cows. Currently, various drugs and methods are used to treat mastitis. The article presents data on the effectiveness of the use of the preparation Ceftonit and preparation on the basis of cefquinome sulfate in the treatment of various forms of clinical mastitis during lactation. For the treatment of mastitis, the cows used the preparation Ceftonit®, Nita-Farm Russia, containing in its composition 50 mg/ml of ceftiofur, which is used in comparison with imported drug containing in its composition 25 mg/ml cefquinome sulfate. As a result of researches, it is established that the drug Ceftonit in the treatment of clinical mastitis in cows is not found in the milk of BRT by the AIM test and shows 100% therapeutic efficacy with an average recovery time of animals 5.5 days. Disease recurrence in the form of subclinical mastitis in the treatment with the drug Ceftonit was from 25 to 33%, and in the treatment with the drug based on cefkinom sulfate the number of relapses was greater and amounted to 44.44%. The use of the drug Ceftonit® for the treatment of mastitis does not lead to the culling of milk due to the presence of antibiotics, in contrast to the drug based on cefkinom sulfate, which has a restriction on milk, as confirmed by our studies.


Epizootological state of salmonella-infected honeybee colonies in the southern region of Azerbaijan

Epizootological state of salmonella-infected honeybee colonies in the southern region of Azerbaijan

Gulaliyeva Firuza

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In 2020-2021, the number of apiaries and honeybee colonies in villages located in 3 regions of the Masalli district (lowland, foothill and mountainous territories) and the degree of their infection with salmonellae were determined. Salmonellosis is one of the characteristic diseases of honeybee colonies, widespread throughout the Masalli district. Infection of honeybee colonies with salmonellae led to a slowdown in the activity of colony, a decrease in productivity, and even the death of the honeybee colony. As a result of the conducted studies, the epizootological state and the degree of salmonella infection were detected in the lowland (24.1%), foothill (38.0%) and mountainous (45.8%) areas.


Evaluation of drought resistance of soft wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes in field conditions by turgorometric method

Evaluation of drought resistance of soft wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes in field conditions by turgorometric method

Huseynova Elnare

Статья научная

In the research work, 32 were local (materials of the “Cereals and Legumes” Department of the Institute of Genetic Resources of ANAS) and 25 were introduced by CIMMYT (International Center for Maize and Wheat Improvement), a total of 57 ( Triticum aestivum L.) studied the effect of stress factors on physiological processes of autumn soft wheat genotypes under field conditions, especially drought on the water retention capacity of leaves. Water retention capacity is considered as a very valuable trait of wheat genotypes and is evaluated as resistance to drought stress. As a result of the study, among 57 wheat genotypes, the following genotypes were classified as I- drought resistant (Gobustan (st.) (AZE), Bol wheat (AZE), Grekum75/50 (AZE), Taraggi (AZE), Akinchi84 (AZE), Giymetli 2/ 17(AZE), Sheki 1(AZE), Tale38 (AZE),TX96V2847(US-TX), Arlin/Yuma (USA-KSU), MV Dalma (HU-MV), Desin (RO-FL), Duopebusa (MOL ), SG-S1915 (CZ), U1254-7-9-2-1/TX86A5616//Rina-6)(TCI), II- moderately resistant to drought (Arzu (AZE), Zardabi (AZE), Durdane (AZE), Mirbashir128 (AZE), Nurlu99 (AZE), Ruzi84 (AZE), Aran (AZE), Murov2(AZE), GobustanS2 (AZE), Starshina (RUS-KR), MV06-02 (HU-MV), Gerek (TR- ESK), Gloria (RO-FL), Bezostaya1(TR-ESK), LC924/Petja (BG-SAD), Sonmez (TR-ESK), Dalnitskaya (UKR)) and III- drought (Birlik (AZE), Gurgane 1 (AZE), Karabakh10 (AZE), Parzivan 1(AZE), Parzivan 2(AZE), Azeri (AZE), Saba (AZE), Zubkov (KYR), Steklovidnaya 24 (KAZ)) are grouped as sensitive.


Evaluation of winter wheat genotypes under rainfed farming conditions

Evaluation of winter wheat genotypes under rainfed farming conditions

Jahangirov Atabek, Mammadova Sevinj, Allahverdiyev Tofig, Huseynova Irada

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Drought has a serious effect on the plant height, the heading date and the grain yield of winter wheat genotypes in Mountainous Shirvan. Genotypes of Sonmez 01, Sheki 1, Bezostaya 1 and Gyzilbughda were noted as the tallest (120.1, 118.9, 114.9 and 111.8 cm), Gyrmizigul 1, Guneshli, Tale 38, Aran, Zirva 85 and Azamatli 95 as the short (83.6, 92.8, 95.8, 92.9, 94.0 and 98.0 cm), respectively, which indicates the adaptability of tall varieties for rainfed conditions. Gobustan, Zirva 85, Ruzi 84 and Gunashli genotypes were noted as the early heading, and Bezostaya 1, Sheki 1, Aran, Tale 38, Gyrmizigul 1 and Baba 75 as the late heading, which is associated with their genotypic characteristics. The yield was changed depending on the genotypic characteristics and annual total precipitation during the growing season. The highest yield was recorded in Gobustan and 7WON-SA no. 465 genotypes, while the lowest yield was in Azeri, Bezostaya 1 and Murov 2 during the research. Adaptation to adverse conditions and high yielding of Gyrmizigul 1 genotype shows the possibility of cultivation under adverse conditions. By adaptability to drought high yield of genotypes can be obtained responding to high soil fertility and favorable climatic conditions. Cultivation of these genotypes in rainfed regions such as Mountainous Shirvan is recommended.


Experience vegetative propagation Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia L.) in Uzbekistan

Experience vegetative propagation Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia L.) in Uzbekistan

Turdiev Saidali

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Conducting the results of the research work on the studies optimal timing of harvesting and planting stem cuttings Russian olive. The formation of adventitious roots on cuttings Russian olive is dependent on callus. The roots are laid in the cambium of the stem cuttings and breaking through the crust near the pillow or sheet between the callus and bark. Cuttings Russian olive autumn harvesting and spring planting at the end of the growing season gave the best gain in height - 166.7±5.35 cm (diameter of 10.2 ± 0.47 mm). Annuals plants from cuttings Russian olive autumn harvesting had 30 cm long and a height of 179.8±5,09 cm (diameter of 11.1 ± 0.69 mm) and save 88%. The best survival was observed in the cuttings, prepared with annual shoots. By the end of vegetative growth leading to escape the majority of seedlings Russian olive reaches 83-166 cm in height. Maximum 160-221 cm.


Features of the Lonicera L. shoots growth under the Absheron conditions

Features of the Lonicera L. shoots growth under the Absheron conditions

Mammadov Tofik, Seyidli Aisel

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The research analyzed the growth dynamics of annual shoots of some species of Lonicera L. in Absheron conditions. According to the seasonal dynamics of growth and development of species, Lonicera species are divided into 2 groups: straight and ivy species. The model species include deciduous, semi-evergreen and evergreen species, but these features of their life forms do not affect the growth process. Studies have shown that in the genus Lonicera L., regular growth was observed during the growing season, while in the straight species the growth was completed in July. The observed increase in hydrothermal stress had a positive effect on the growth and branching of the shoots, and an increase was observed. This growth parameter is dominated by ivy Lonicera L. ( L. caprifolium and L. etrusca ). Intensive growth was observed in Absheron in May-June and September.


Feed crops of Nakhchivan arid mountain lands

Feed crops of Nakhchivan arid mountain lands

Mammadli T., Bayramov B.

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Presents information on feed crops of arid mountain lands of Nakhchivan. It is established that the most widespread group of feed grasses of the studied area includes Artemisia L., Salsola L., Kochia Roth, Atriplex L., Symphytum L., Astragalus L. and others. The distribution area of feed crops of these genera and mixed associations formed by them were studied.


Fruit trees pests and pest control

Fruit trees pests and pest control

Momunova Gulzat

Статья научная

Currently, pests cause great harm to fruit trees. 22 pests damaging fruit trees were identified and their species composition was determined. Some of them, under favorable conditions, multiply abundantly and damage the fruits, trunks, roots, branches and leaves of trees. In gardens, depending on the number of species, biological characteristics, harmfulness and nature of damage, the following activities can be carried out: 1) agrotechnical; 2) physical and mechanical; 3) biological methods. In recent years, much attention has been paid to the use of predominantly biological methods in pest control. Chemical methods of pest control have lost their effectiveness in recent years. This is due to the fact that in the course of the fight against this or that pest, hundreds and thousands of beneficial insects also disappear in nature. Not only that, but the birds that feed on them, etc., the animals are also poisoned, and their numbers are decreasing.


Impact of surface improvement measures on low-yielding summer pastures on pasture productivity and forage quality

Impact of surface improvement measures on low-yielding summer pastures on pasture productivity and forage quality

Seifaddinov Savalan

Статья научная

Cultivation of soil on the slopes of mountainous areas leads to a decrease in organic matter and nutrients in the soil and severe soil erosion. Grazing is one of the main reasons for the degradation of pastures and natural landscape, which increases the sensitivity of the soil to erosion. Soil erosion, in turn, pollutes water by increasing its turbidity and sometimes causes atrophy due to leakage of phosphorus and nitrogen. An average of 30.6 quintals of green mass or 7.8 quintals of dry grass per hectare was produced in the variant of grass seed sowing (without fertilizer), compared to the control variant, in the variant of grass seed sowing + N60P60K40 this indicator averaged 39.9 centners/ha of green mass. or more than 15.0%, resulting in the production of 10.0 quintals of dry or 14.7% more dry grass. Experimental field studies to improve pastures have shown that the fodder produced in each of the tested variants; green mass and dry grass supply and their nutritional value were higher than control.


Influence of different nitrogen norms on the collection of nutrients in tomato plant in the background of organic fertilizers

Influence of different nitrogen norms on the collection of nutrients in tomato plant in the background of organic fertilizers

Aliyeva Kenul

Статья научная

Determination of optimal fertilizer norms under tomato vegetation related to vegetable growing is a very important issue. For this purpose, the influence of various forms of nitrogen on the background of organic fertilizers on the background of the biometric data of the “Preliminary” tomato varieties, the total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content of tomato bushes have been studied. Also, the biochemical indicators of tomatoes were studied. It has been shown that no fertilization of the fertilizers in the fertilizer (10 t/ha) + N90P90K90 was observed in the fertilizer, but the tomato fruit weight and diameter increased, and the nitrates contained in it did not exceed the norm.


Investigation of irrigation erosion in pseudopodzol yellow soils of the Lankaran district

Investigation of irrigation erosion in pseudopodzol yellow soils of the Lankaran district

Akbarova Ulker

Статья научная

Inclination, length, form and exposition of the slopes affect the irrigation erosion process in the Lankaran district. The artificial rain in a different intensity was created in the tea plantations of the experiment farm of the tea and citrus plants in Lankaran branch in order to study a reason of the surface washing creation in irrigation erosion of the tea plantations more accurately. It was known that a tea plantation in which the rows were built along the slope in 1975, the liquid flow was 125.0 m3/ha, while the rain intensity was 1.0 mm/min., the liquid dissolved dissolved substances flow was 240.0 m3/ha, 2.90 t/ha in the tea plantations built in 1990, while an amount of the leached soil was 0.80 t/ha. Firstly, conduction of the surface smoothing work is recommended in order to prevent from irrigation erosion in irrigated areas with a slope more than 0.02°. Generally, the surface smoothing work is fundamental and current, and it is divided into two places. The current smoothing work begins from preparation of soil for sowing every year and this measure doesn’t require more funds. The fundamental smoothing work is performed for fundamental smoothing of the irrigated sowing areas. At this time an inclination of the areas shouldn’t be more than 0.01. It is recommended to conduct the fundamental smoothing work, then current smoothing work in the areas where the inclination is more than 0.01. Fight against irrigation erosion, definition of the water and irrigation norm, water consumption and realization in the irrigated areas are main problems. The irrigation norm should be determined before for each plant watering. Beside the aforesaid, the technical means (pipes that are made from different materials), including different brands (Fregat, Kuban, KSID-50, Volzhanka, DDA-100 M and so on) rainmaker aggregates, various progressive irrigation methods (artificial precipitation, subsoil irrigation, drip watering, aerosol irrigation, etc.) should be used.


Irrigated and virgin soil comparative characteristic in the Mugan-Salyan massif

Irrigated and virgin soil comparative characteristic in the Mugan-Salyan massif

Mammadova Aiten

Статья научная

The article deals with the comparative analysis of irrigated and virgin soils in the Mugan-Salyan Massif. A main purpose of the work is to study the effect of intensive irrigation on the soil and the morphogenetic changes in the soil profile. Experimental researches are performed in the field, cameral and laboratorial conditions. Irrigated soils are distinguished from virgin soils by the following morphological features: biological processing, fertility, homogeneity of mechanical composition, formation of modern cultivated layer due to agroirrigation sediments characterized by gray color; heavier mechanical composition; absence of sharply expressed illuvial carbonate content, significantly lower carbonate profile, hardened subsoil formation.


Malus pests and diseases

Malus pests and diseases

Muminova Rano

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The Malus is a deciduous tree of the Rosaceae family, which is actively used in horticulture. In order to maintain healthy, productive trees and fruits, it is necessary to know what pests and control measures exist. The paper presents a review of modern literature on the means and methods of combating diseases and pests of the apple tree. In conclusion, practical conclusions are given about the most effective methods of struggle.

