Сельскохозяйственные науки. Рубрика в журнале - Бюллетень науки и практики

Публикации в рубрике (616): Сельскохозяйственные науки
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Sustainable use of agricultural land of Khachmaz district

Sustainable use of agricultural land of Khachmaz district

Jafarov Tariel

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Land use, like any other natural resource, involves loads on nature and causing harm to it. Therefore, completely harmless production today is considered impossible. Because of this, goals have been identified that establish the rationality of land use. Such goals include, taking into account natural conditions and economic indicators in the corresponding territory, ensuring the interests of society as a whole, the efficiency of the production process, as well as the protection of the quality of land and its reproduction. These goals are always unchanged, and their achievement depends on the technological development of production, the economic level, and the needs of society. In this article, the agricultural suitability level of Khachmaz district land was analyzed based on the cadastral database created on the basis of GIS technologies. It was also noted the need to take a number of measures to reduce the risk of soil erosion.


The Role of Wild and Domesticated Animals in the Origin and Transmission of the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2

The Role of Wild and Domesticated Animals in the Origin and Transmission of the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2

Rustamova S., Ali M.

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The review highlights animal coronaviruses, their pathogenicity, and the possible role of domestic and agricultural animals in the further spread of the COVID-19. Joint researches have been established amongst an international team of scientists regarding a close phylogenetic relationship of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 with the coronaviruses of bats and carnivores, especially with the representatives of the Felidae family (domestic cats). However, the case of Middle Eastern SARS transmitted by camels has required special attention to biological safety measures in farms.


The cultivation of winter wheat in the Ganja-Gazakh economic region

The cultivation of winter wheat in the Ganja-Gazakh economic region

Gasymova A.

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To obtain a high yield of wheat, the described cultivation technology should be observed. Consideration should be given to the biological characteristics of winter wheat, varieties, soil preparation for sowing, sowing dates, sowing rates, irrigation, fertilization, disease and pest control, and, finally, timely harvest without losses in accordance with relevant conditions. Since winter wheat is demanding on mineral fertilizers, one of the most important factors was the determination of the norms of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizers. Taking into account the fact that the chemical composition of winter wheat grain is not constant, but varies depending on the type and variety, climatic conditions, soil fertility, cultivation technology, a technology has been developed for growing 4 different varieties of winter wheat. For the Ganja-Kazakh economic region to obtain high-quality grain, which makes it possible to obtain an average yield of 50-60 centners per 1 ha.


The dynamics development of nitrogen-backing bacteria on the soil of the Ganja-Gazakh natural economic zone

The dynamics development of nitrogen-backing bacteria on the soil of the Ganja-Gazakh natural economic zone

Aslanova Yegana

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The study of the nitrogen cycle in nature is of great importance, because as a result of anthropogenic impacts the small changes cause the chemical pollution of the soil. The effect of anthropogenic and environmental factors to the productivity of azotobacter cultures on the soils of the Ganja-Gazakh natural economic zone has been described in the article.


The effect of diversification on the productivity of some crop varieties under the same cultivation conditions

The effect of diversification on the productivity of some crop varieties under the same cultivation conditions

Tamrazov Tamraz, Abdullaeva Zahida

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Sustainable farming practices include a variety of approaches. The most important approach to sustainable agriculture is crop diversification. This allows farmers to use biological cycles to minimize costs, conserve the resource base, maximize crop yields, and reduce environmental risk. It serves as an important opportunity to augment income and employment generation for rural communities. In contrast to specialized agriculture, crop diversification can be defined as an attempt to promote crop diversity through crop rotation, perennials or mixed cropping with the aim of improving crop performance, sustainability and supply of ecological systems. This can be a step towards more sustainable production systems, value chains for small crops and socio-economic benefits. Expanded agricultural diversity, better crop rotations, mixed cropping, cultivation of grain legumes in systems that are generally dominated by cereals, perennials, and regionally adapted (specialized) varieties are all examples of crop diversification strategies. As a result of the research carried out in the article, it can be noted that by carrying out the crop diversification under the irrigation and the same cultivation conditions, it is possible to obtain high and quality grain products from the varieties of feed peas Azerbaijan 1508 (green mass), wheat Gobustan and barley Jalilabad-19. This method is considered to be efficient both economically and cultivatically.


The effect of innovative hydroponic feed technology on poultry performance in private farms

The effect of innovative hydroponic feed technology on poultry performance in private farms

Hasanov M., Shahbazov B., Huseynov T.

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The research was carried out at the Scientific Research Veterinary Institute and in the subsidiary farms of the Khachmaz district (Azerbaijan). The article presents data on the development of poultry farming and food production. To develop a rational and proper feeding of poultry, the addition of antibiotic-effective plants with high nutritional qualities, to the feeding of chickens was used. This led to an increase in meat productivity, a reduction in feeding costs, and an improvement in productivity. Thus, an experiment was conducted by adding the antibiotic-effective plants of sorghum, licorice root, amaranth grain and hydroponically germinated corn, barley, amaranth and sorghum grain to the feed share of young birds to study the effect on meat productivity.


The effect of salt solutions on the DMDH enzyme activity in the Hordeum vulgare primary incubation

The effect of salt solutions on the DMDH enzyme activity in the Hordeum vulgare primary incubation

Asadova Basti

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Plants are subjected to a wide range of environmental stresses which reduces and limits the productivity of agricultural crops. Two types of environmental stresses are encountered to plants which can be categorized as abiotic stress and biotic stress. The abiotic stress causes the loss of major crop plants worldwide and includes radiation, soil salinization, floods, drought, extremes in temperature, heavy metals, etc. Abiotic stresses such as drought (water stress), excessive watering (water logging), extreme temperatures (cold, frost and heat), soil salinization and mineral toxicity negatively impact growth, development, yield and seed quality of crop and other plants. In future it is predicted that freshwater scarcity will increase and ultimately intensity of abiotic stresses will increase.


The effect of some elements of cultivation in stubble on the glycine max performance

The effect of some elements of cultivation in stubble on the glycine max performance

Tamrazov Tamraz, Abdullaeva Zakhida, Mammadova Parvana, Mammadov A.

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In the irrigation conditions of Azerbaijan, the cultivation of Glycine max in stubble fields after harvesting the barley crop along with spring sowing is also economically very important. Sowing in stubble fields makes it possible to obtain additional grain yield and fodder from a single area, and to use reclamation facilities efficiently. At this time, the soil is provided with organic matter for autumn planting, and at the same time salinization is prevented, soil erosion and weed control issues are fully resolved. Cultivation of stubble field crops in large farms increases the possibilities of more efficient use of labor force, irrigation networks, agricultural machinery and equipment. During the conducted research, different results were obtained regarding the effect of different irrigation regimes and fertilizer rates on soybean grain yield. The resulting productivity depended on the plant coverage factor, leaf surface area, changes in wet and dry biomass. The smallest indicator of the yield was 10.0 centners in the variant with soil moisture of 60% before irrigation, and the highest indicator was 25.8 cwt/ha in the variant of the fertilizer rate calculated when the soil moisture was 80%, which is the same as the yield obtained from the autumn sowing of barley of the previous year (39 cwt/ha) together, it is equal to the yield of 67.9 cwt/ha from 1 hectare of land in one year.


The history of apricot origin on the territory of Kyrgyzstan

The history of apricot origin on the territory of Kyrgyzstan

Momunova Gulzat

Статья обзорная

The author examines the history of the origin of apricots and their biology, ecology and distribution around the world. The history of distribution and development of apricot in the Kyrgyz Republic is analyzed. Varieties and their biology are described. The main ecological features of apricot varieties are presented. In the south of Kyrgyzstan, there are all natural opportunities for processing apricots as a cultural culture that ensures high quality products. The fruits of apricot varieties are a functional crop that can be used both dry and fresh, differing in technological quality, high biological vitamin value and mineral composition. For this reason, high-quality dried and kitchen apricot varieties have been grown in the south of Kyrgyzstan for many years.


The impact of drying methods of vine variety bunches on production of finished products and their quality

The impact of drying methods of vine variety bunches on production of finished products and their quality

Odinaev Mirzamad

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This article conveys the results of investigations conducted on the study of the impact of drying methods of vine variety bunches on finished product and quality. For carrying out experiments Katta Kurgan, Kara Janjal, Sultani, Khusayni Muscat vine varieties bunches were used. As drying methods, we applied sun-dry and film-dry and artificial drying methods. It was noted that abundant finished goods of best quality were observed in the variants of black film-dry and artificial-dry. The highest evaluation for degustation of finished product was in bunches of Sultani variety in black film-dry variant.


The impact of hydroponic feeding stuff with antibiotic action on egg-laying capacity

The impact of hydroponic feeding stuff with antibiotic action on egg-laying capacity

Gasanov Mirzammed, Rustamova Siala, Khudiev F.

Статья научная

The article describes the study of poultry feeding by adding fenugreek, liquorice, amaranth grains, having antibiotic action and hydroponically cultivated grains of corn, barley, amaranth and fenugreek to the feed allowance of chickens, having high nutritional qualities and influence on the egg-laying capacity of maternal chickens. The studies were carried out in the Khudat poultry farm of the Khachmaz district and on parental chickens, rearing at the Veterinary Scientific Research Institute. So, from antibiotic-effective plants in order to study the impact of fenugreek, liquorice, amaranth grain and cultivated hydroponically of corn, barley, amaranth and fenugreek grains having high nutritional qualities on the egg-laying capacity of chickens by adding to the feed allowance, an experiment was set. The feeds mentioned have antibacterial and antitoxic properties and regulate water-salt metabolism, contribute to the normal functioning of the stomach, stimulate the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen the endocrine and immune system, the body's resistance. As a consequence of the studies conducted, it was found that the content of raw protein in amaranth grain grown by the hydroponic method is - 23.1%, and in fenugreek - 33.9%, as well as 19.9% of linolenic acid contained in the seeds mentioned, by reducing the level of the cortisol stress hormone which can destroy muscles and increase the fat layer, strengthens the immune system. As a result, the transport of nutrients to the cells improves, which makes it easier to absorb nutrients, increases bone density by improving the balance of calcium.


The main pests of rice and measures to counteract them

The main pests of rice and measures to counteract them

Otamirzaev Nodirjon, Nafasov Zafar, Qodirov Bahtier

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In this article, described the injuriousness of the following rice pests such as tadpole shrimps (Apus concriformis Sh.), larvae of rice weevil (Hybronomus sunnaticollis Fst), larvae of coastal flies (Ephydra macellaria Egg), thorny wheat thrips (Haplotrips aculatus Farb.) and other ones, as well as measures to combat against them.


The meadow-sierozem soils current state (Greater Caucasus, Azerbaijan)

The meadow-sierozem soils current state (Greater Caucasus, Azerbaijan)

Huseynova Sultan, Hajiyeva Gunel

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The aim of the research is obtaining new information about the genesis, the current state, is studying the diagnostic features of the meadow-sierozem soils of the northeastern part of the Greater Caucasus and give the name to these soils in accordance with the International Classification Soils on the Reference Base (WRB) in 2015. The objects of research are meadow-sierozem soils in Shabran district, northeastern part of the Greater Caucasus. Study methods: field studies (relief, vegetation, laying of soil sections, their description, selection of soil samples, establishment of a preliminary classification name of the soils) and physicochemical analyzes of soil samples (humus, gross nitrogen, C:N ratio, reaction of the soil environment, capacity of cation exchange, granulometric composition, composition of complete water extract) were carried out by conventional methods. It has been established that the most characteristic diagnostic indicators of meadow-sierozem soils are the presence of clay signs in horizon B and carbonate formations in the form of mold. Meadow-sierozem soils are low-humus. The reaction of the soil environment is alkaline. According to the granulometric composition, these soils are of medium and heavy clayey or medium and light loamy. Conclusion. The present state of virgin and cultivated meadow-sierozem soils has been studied. For the first time, the diagnostic criteria of the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB) were applied to meadow-sierozem soils, and an attempt was made to give the name of meadow-sierozem soils according to the international classification of soils based on the on the Reference Base (WRB) 2015. With the different principal and supplementary qualifiers, all soils were classified as Calcisols.


The molecular detection of the Anaplasma ovis pathogens of the serological samples in small ruminants and ixodid ticks in Azerbaijan

The molecular detection of the Anaplasma ovis pathogens of the serological samples in small ruminants and ixodid ticks in Azerbaijan

Azizova A.

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A total of 704 blood samples (561 sheep, 143 goats) were examined for the Anaplasma ovis infection during a 1-year period. PCR and ELISA were used for the detection of the A. ovis antibodies. PCR assay identified A. ovis in 20 (8.1%) sheep and 15 (6.09%) goats. Using ELISA assay, 8.53% (31) were positive (21 sheep, 10 goats). A total of 246 blood smears were examined for the presence of intra-erythrocytic inclusions using Giemsa stain. Among the collected specimens, 60 were found positive with an overall prevalence of 24.3%. Among the 60 positive animals, 26 (43.3%) were sheep and 34 (56.7%) were goat. In the peripheral blood samples, the other piroplasmids - Babesia ovis, Theileria ovis, Th. recondita - were followed in an associative form. The ticks were collected, and the species composition was appointed in order to determine the ticks parasitized and have a pathogenic lifestyle in small ruminants. The intensive infection with the ticks of 2 genera - Rhipicephalus and Hyalomma was followed in small ruminants. It was determined that 45.8% of sheep and 35.1% of goats were infected intensively with the ticks of the Hyalomma genus. 110 samples prepared from the ticks of the Hyalomma genus were tested from the PCR test according to the Anaplasma ovis pathogen. 45 samples (40.9%) were assessed positively that 21 samples of them belonged to sheep and 24 of them to goats. 80 samples prepared from the internal organs of the ticks were examined according to the A. ovis parasite and the obtained results were analyzed. In 5 out of 35 samples which detected the parasites, A. ovis was followed, and in 30 samples, the associative parasites: Th. ovis, B. ovis piroplasmids. The Rickettsia and Coxiella pathogens were also detected in the samples.


The role of sugar beet pests and entomophages in sugar beet agrocenoses in Azerbaijan

The role of sugar beet pests and entomophages in sugar beet agrocenoses in Azerbaijan

Gazi Saliga

Статья научная

The studies have been taken in condition of laboratory and in suburbs in 2014-2018. The laboratory experiences have been carried out in the automatic-controlled specific thermostats and in room condition at the Applied Zoology Center of the Institute of Zoology of Azerbaijan NAS. The suburb practices were held in the specific stationary fields, in the agriculture of Imishli and Aghdash in which the sugar beets were planted. As a result of a comprehensive study carried out on stationary fields and adjacent territories, it was determined that 22 species, 18 genera, 4 families from the order Coleoptera, 5 species, 5 genera, 3 families from the order Hemiptera, 8 species, 7 genera, 3 families from the order Orthoptera, 1 species, 1 genus, 1 family from the order Diptera, 12 species, 8 genera, 4 families from the order Lepidoptera live in the beetroot agrocenosis at different times of the year and are subject to subsistence farming. Of the species found in agrocenoses, 33 are periodically observed and do not cause economic damage to farms, 11 are permanent and can cause serious damage during massive growth. Six species (Bothynoderes punctiventris, Chaetocnema concinna, Ch. breviuscula, Aphis fabae, Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa, Agrotis segetum) were permanent residents of the agrocenosis. Each year, they seriously reduce productivity. It is known that there are a part of pests having a place to diverse groups which harm plants and decrease performance in sugar beet agrocenosis. Entomophages regulate the number of pests and prevent their massive growth in sugar beet agrocenosis. Entomophages such as predator ground beetles, rove beetles, spiders and predator ticks, which are spread in sugar beet agrocenosis, are polyphages, therefore during the vegetation of plant they are nourished by pests and have important economic importance for the agrocenosis. As a result, almost all activities of the polyphage entomophages in the agrocenosis are practically valuable. Thus, they are closely involved in regulating the number of insect pests in the sugar beet fields and minimizing their harmful activities.


Tomato crops powdery mildews in the western part of Azerbaijan and measures to combat it

Tomato crops powdery mildews in the western part of Azerbaijan and measures to combat it

Mammadova Aitekin, Valiyeva Naiba, Mammadova Sahilya

Статья научная

In the western part of Azerbaijan, tomato plants currently make up half of the open and covered fields. In recent years, the range and damage possibilities of fungi, which were rarely encountered before and were not characterized by high damage, have expanded in the tomato plant belonging to the Solanaceae family. The route and stationary observation-calculation works conducted in the western part of Azerbaijan showed that numerous pathogens are spread in tomato crops. Among these diseases, it has been determined that powdery mildew disease, which was not of economic importance before, prevails due to its spread and damage to crops. A fungicide trial was conducted against the disease.


Walnut crops in the north-east of Azerbaijan and their importance in food security

Walnut crops in the north-east of Azerbaijan and their importance in food security

Bayramova Dilshad

Статья научная

The article presents the results of the study of nut crops common in the north-eastern region of Azerbaijan. As a result of scientific expeditions carried out in the north-eastern - Kuba-Khachmaz Economic Region of Azerbaijan, the areas of distribution of nut crops have been identified. It has been established that Corylus ranks first in this region in terms of distribution area. Kuba, Khachmaz, Kusar Districts are rich in wild forms of Corylus . According to the distribution area, the Juglans regia occupies the second place after the Corylus .


Ways of increasing soil fertility used for vegetable growing in Samukh district

Ways of increasing soil fertility used for vegetable growing in Samukh district

Aliyeva Afag, Aliyeva Gunai

Статья научная

The presented article gives ways to increase the fertility of soils used in vegetable growing in the territory of Samukh District. It has been determined that the soil is provided with uninterrupted nutrients as a result of the constant influx of plant residues and organic matter into the soil during the crop rotation. For this, the correct selection of predecessor plants must be observed. Scientifically based crop rotation has a great role in conservation of soil fertility and increasing soils’ agrophysical, agrochemical and biological indices. Taking into consideration of agroecological factors in selection of appropriate predecessor crop for the crop rotation, fertilization and irrigation techniques increases crop yield and supports conservation of soil fertility.


Автоматизированная система мониторинга "Защита" развития и распространения вредных объектов в Республике Узбекистан

Автоматизированная система мониторинга "Защита" развития и распространения вредных объектов в Республике Узбекистан

Яхяев Хашим Касымович, Рахимов Мансур

Статья научная

Приведены данные о создании автоматизированных систем мониторинга в области защиты растений и их реализация в сельскохозяйственное производство. Разработана автоматизированная система мониторинга «Защита» (АСМ «Защита») развития и распространения основных вредных организмов сельскохозяйственных культур. Система мониторинга содержит в разрезе районов и областей республики ежедневные, ежедекадные, ежемесячные и ежегодные данные о развитии вредных организмов; данные по зараженным и обработанным площадям сельскохозяйственных культур. На основании этих данных будут составлены ежедекадные, ежемесячные карты и сводные таблицы, отражающие обзор развития и распространения основных вредных организмов сельскохозяйственных культур. Описанная система мониторинга внедрена в практической деятельности «Кашкадарьинского Андижанского областных центров защиты растений» МС и ВХ РУз на примере хлопчатника. Система оформлена в виде локальной компьютерной сети и функционирует на диалоговом режиме.


Агробиологическая характеристика различных сортов кукурузы и их роль в селекции на влажных почвах Азербайджана

Агробиологическая характеристика различных сортов кукурузы и их роль в селекции на влажных почвах Азербайджана

Дуньямалиев С.А., Мустафаев Захид Халил, Асланова Ф.С., Гатамов Х.Р.

Статья научная

Определено влияние норм элементов питания на агробиологические особенности районированных сортовых образцов кукурузы в горно-лесных почвах Загатальского района. Рассмотрена роль каждого структурного показателя как исходного материала в исследованиях формирования продуктивности и отбора. По показателям хозяйственной значимости сорта имели разные биоморфологические характеристики и взаимодействия с факторами окружающей среды. Внесение органических удобрений и 20-25 т сиалита на га для поддержания влажности почвы и удовлетворения потребности во влаге в течение вегетационного периода положительно влияет на нормальное развитие растений в стрессовых условиях во время летней засухи.

