Статьи журнала - Cardiometry

Все статьи: 606

Time-to-reperfusion in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing interhospital transfer using WhatsApp smartphone application

Time-to-reperfusion in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing interhospital transfer using WhatsApp smartphone application

Bendary Ahmed, Mansour Ahmed, Mostafa Shaymaa, Kabeel Hamza

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Current guidelines recommend that patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) receive primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with a door-to-balloon (D2B) time of 90 minutes. This time frame has been difficult to achieve in developing countries. We aimed to test the hypothesis that using WhatsApp for inter-hospital transfer in STEMI primary PCI would result in shorter D2B time through avoiding emergency department (ED) waiting.


To Assess the Cardio Respiratory Endurance in College Going Students- An Observational Study

To Assess the Cardio Respiratory Endurance in College Going Students- An Observational Study

Parthkumar Devmurari, S. Dinesh, Lata Parmar

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Background: Sub-maximal exercise test is very useful in evaluating individual’s cardio-respiratory fitness. Many factors have impact on distance walked during six-minute walk test and considered to be ideal for patient population. Methods: 100 young college going male and female subjects satisfying inclusion criteria performed six-minute walk test and vital parameters, prior to test and post test at regular interval till 3 minutes were taken. Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated. Results: 20 male and 80 female subjects performed six-minute walk test. The mean distance walked by males was 534.24 meters whereas mean distance walked by female subjects was 506.7 meters. Conclusion: It was observed that college going healthy subjects have normal cardio-respiratory endurance.


To study about the relation between oxygen delivery and hemodynamics during cardiopulmonary bypass

To study about the relation between oxygen delivery and hemodynamics during cardiopulmonary bypass

Reddy A.P., Sunitha R., Thangavel P., Ramkumar Dr.J., Miller S.G.

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The study put forth the relation between oxygen delivery and hemodynamics during cardiopulmonary bypass. The study was performed on 26 patients of either sex have age > 10 years and who underwent elective open-heart surgery from June 2017 - May 2018 in Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute. The patients with valvular heart diseases associated with other cardiac lesions like Intra cardiac shunts (ASD, VSD etc.) and Coronary artery disease (CABG) are excluded in the study. It examined the relationships among VO2, hemodynamics & DO2 during clinical perfusion, namely throughout moderately hypothermic CPB using a non-pulsatile roller pump while managing the alpha-stat acid-base with adults. The results revealed a linear relationship between VO2 and DO2, demonstrating that higher levels of delivery can perfuse and collect additional vascular beds throughout the CPB. Under bodily tissue perfusion, higher deliveries are advised to be avoided. The oxygen demand decreases by 7% for every 1OC decline in patient temperature.


Transcriptome of metastatic colorectal cancer

Transcriptome of metastatic colorectal cancer

Dronova T.A., Babyshkina N.N., Kostromitsky D.N., Eremin D.A., Cherdyntseva N.V.


Colorectal cancer has been one of the leading malignant neoplasms in males and females over many years. The vast majority of patients (70%) with colon lesions develop distant metastases to the liver, which are the main cause of death.


Trigeminy electrocardiogram spectral characteristics study

Trigeminy electrocardiogram spectral characteristics study

Proskurin S.G.

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This paper presents the results of a study in which the method of ECG decomposition in the time domain (DMTD) was applied, followed by a spectral analysis. A digital signal with trigeminy of the first lead of a standard electrocardiograph was processed. Using digital filtering in time domain, the electrocardiogram (ECG) was cleared of noise, what results the reduction of spurious components by 10-20%. To represent and classify the frequency characteristics throughout the entire processed cardiac signal, the QRS complexes were removed, P and T waves were left unchanged. Due to considerable influence on the spectral analysis sharp peaks of the ECG signal with small characteristic times of the leading and trailing edges, the obtained result differs considerably from the sum of the harmonic components of the smooth part of the signal. The spectral processing reveals peaks at multiple frequencies, 1.6 Hz, 3.2 Hz, 4.7 Hz, corresponding to a smooth function of P and T waves before the appearance of extra systoles. Based on the obtained data, the frequencies corresponding to the peaks of the cardiogram with a stable sinus rhythm were identified. The acquired data represent regular harmonics, which allow adequate quantitative ECG analysis.


Tumor growth adhesion

Tumor growth adhesion

Bocharova O.A., Karpova R.V., Bocharov E.V., Aksenov A.A., Kucheryanu V.G.


Background. The concept that the key mechanism of the tumor process is the disruption of adhesive interactions is based on the participation of local, general and central mechanisms.


Tumor treating field (TTF) therapy

Tumor treating field (TTF) therapy

Inui T.


TTF therapy is a type of electric field therapy that uses low-intensity electric fields to suppress cancer cell proliferation. It generates electric fields in the human body which interfere with rapid cell division in cancer cells, triggering apoptosis (cell death) locally or in a partial region. This treatment is over a decade old.


Ultrastructural analysis of vasculogenic mimicry in rectal adenocarcinoma after neoadjuvant radiation therapy

Ultrastructural analysis of vasculogenic mimicry in rectal adenocarcinoma after neoadjuvant radiation therapy

Skudin N.E., Bgatova N.P., Ryaguzov M.E., Lomakin A.I., Fursov S.A.


One of the hallmarks of cancer is tumor angiogenesis, so the development and testing of angiogenesis inhibitors is the focus of fundamental and clinical research. However, some mechanisms of tumor evasion from anti-angiogenic therapy have been identified. They include activation of compensatory/alternative angiogenesis pathways, vasculogenic mimicry, and vessel co-option.


Understanding e-sports industry and impact of COVID-19 on it: a review of literature

Understanding e-sports industry and impact of COVID-19 on it: a review of literature

Agrawal M., Upadhyay A.K.

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COVID-19 brought the whole world to a halt suddenly and forced it to go on social distancing & lockdown. COVID-19 has impacted every industry worldwide differently and mostly negatively, so we wanted to look at its impact on the ‘esports industry,' especially in the Indian context. To understand the impact, we did a detailed literature review of academic papers, articles, industry reports to determine the current trend and predict possibility in the future. Our findings indicate that although the industry is facing issues, COVID-19 actually might have helped the esports industry in the long term and expedite its progress among the young generation. Once everything was done, we analyzed the complete literature review, and based on that; we listed out our findings, and based on our findings, we did a final evaluation. We reviewed the existing work of academicians, business reports, industry reports, trends captured by news/media organizations, and the current state of video games to find the trends & reasons which could help us solve our question.


Usage of nutritional supplements and its side effects among gym goers in Pune

Usage of nutritional supplements and its side effects among gym goers in Pune

Bhavika Singhvi, Devaki Gokhale

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Nutritional supplements have always been a point of attraction for physically active people. These have improved exercise performance, increased muscular strength, weight gain or weight loss, etc. The irrational use of supplements has led to various side effects associated with them. There is a shortage of evidence suggesting the usage and knowledge regarding the consumption of dietary supplements. A cross-sectional study was conducted with a 121 sample size randomly chosen from 5 different zones of the city. A structured questionnaire was designed to collect information wherein participants reported their demographics, physical activity, supplement usage patterns, source of information, and side effects. Descriptive statistics, chi-square test, was used with p<0.05 as significant. Samples used different dosages, forms, brands, and access to supplements. The participants coming to the gym for more extended periods were likely to consume supplements in higher dosages (p = 0.020). Protein powder was consumed by 97.5% of the samples. There was a significant association between different types of supplements across gender, age group, and period of exercising in the gym. Side effects such as cramps (p = 0.015) and nausea were significantly associated with high dosages of supplement consumption. The majority of them (51.2%) took advice from trainers. Only 9.9% consulted dieticians. Individuals consumed supplements without the guidance of any health professionals, which was predisposing them to various side effects. This reflects a lack of knowledge and awareness of supplement usage and highlights educating various stakeholders and gym-goers.


Use of Laser Technologies in Oncourology

Use of Laser Technologies in Oncourology

Andrey A. Lomshakov, Vadim V. Astashov

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Due to the increasing use of laser technologies in oncourology, we consider it relevant to publish a review of domestic and foreign articles for 2015-2021. The range of application of various lasers in oncourology is very wide (holmium (Ho): YAG, thulium (Tm): YAG, etc.). In comparison with traditional surgical interventions, the greatest effectiveness of laser technologies in combination with endoscopy is clearly traced, the risks of intra – and postoperative complications are minimized, the period of inpatient stay for patients changes.


Use of cardiometry and oculography in concealed information detection

Use of cardiometry and oculography in concealed information detection

Ognev Aleksandr S., Zernov Vladimir A., Likhacheva Elvira V., Nikolaeva Lyubov P., Rudenko Mikhail Y., Tyrtyshny Aleksey A., Yesenin Denis S., Maslennikova Polina A., Mizin Nikita V.

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Aims The article presents the results of an experimental study on the use of cardiometry and oculography to detect concealed information. It has been shown that a complex assessment of the person's emotional-cognitive state based on cardiometric and oculographic recording of reactions to specially selected stimulus material of visual and audial modality can be successfully used in concealed information detection. Materials and methods We used the Cardiocode single-lead cardiograph and the GP-3 eyetracker as the instrumental basis for testing the hypothesis of the study. We have selected the above devices taking into account the previous analysis of their functional features and the basic possibility to use both devices together, the availability of the devices for a wide range of researchers and practitioners. To prove the hypothesis of the study, a complete set of the relevant subtests has been developed that implied both verbal (tests No. 1-3) and visual graphic presentation of stimulus material (tests No...


Use of mechanical circulatory support in acute circulatory collapse at immediate risk of death after endomyocardial biopsy

Use of mechanical circulatory support in acute circulatory collapse at immediate risk of death after endomyocardial biopsy

Kavoliunien Aura, Ruzgyt Egl, Jankauskien Loreta


There are various indications for a mechanical circulatory support (MCS) devices implantation. We report a case of the use of the MCS in a 39 year old male with acute circulatory collapse and at immediate risk of death after endomyocardial biopsy in order to keep the patient alive until intrinsic cardiac function recovers sufficiently to remove the MCS. The patient underwent an implantation of the left ventricular assist device according to progressive decline of the cardiac function due to a heart muscle disease. With successful regression of heart failure symptoms and reverse remodeling of LV, the device was explanted after four month. Evidence of myocardial reverse remodeling and functional improvement during MCS in our patient proved the use of mechanical ventricular unloading as a therapeutic strategy aimed at cardiac recovery, allowing removal of the MCS device instead of extending his use as a bridge to heart transplantation.


Use of sentiment analysis in social media campaign design and analysis

Use of sentiment analysis in social media campaign design and analysis

Gupta S., Sandhane R.

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Sentiment Analysis is the process by which opinions are defined and categorized as positive, neutral, or negative in a given piece of text. It is a vital part of every strategy for tracking social media. It helps to understand what someone is thinking behind a social media post. Knowing the emotion will provide valuable background for the businesses to move further and react. Over the last decade, numerous studies have been carried out on how businesses can use Sentiment Analysis to understand and quantify the feelings of their consumers about their brand, products, and services. An in-depth analysis of the existing empirical literature on SA regarding social media campaigns is provided using a systematic review of the literature. This paper presents the findings according to the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis (PRISMA). The aim is to create a resource of the methods and techniques used in the studies to assist both researchers and academia. We subsequently identified the corpus trends, challenges, and implications. We suggested avenues for further research in the application of SA in social media campaign design and analysis.


Using electronic health records in clinical research

Using electronic health records in clinical research

Van Der velde enno T.



Using the method of mathematical planning of the experiment in the development of a quality control method of Aerva lanata L. herb

Using the method of mathematical planning of the experiment in the development of a quality control method of Aerva lanata L. herb

Abdullabekova V.N., Khaydarov V.R., Sharipova S.T., Rakhimova O.R., Tajieva A.J.

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Today, among the urgent tasks facing the pharmaceutical science of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the study of introduced medicinal plants. Of the promising plants Erva woolly - Aerva lanata Juss of the amaranth family (Amaranthaceae) deserves special attention. A perennial or biennial herbaceous plant grows in many countries of Africa, Saudi Arabia, India, Indonesia, etc. For the first time, Aerva lanata Juss. was introduced on the territory of the former USSR by the Transcaucasian zonal experimental station VILR (Kobuletti) in the mid-70s, then in Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Aerva lanata is a dioecious plant. The flowers of A. lanata are nectariferous. Pollination of Erva woolly occurs under the influence of gravity inside the flower, wind, insects and rainwater. Erva woolly with more than one pollination and seed dispersal mode is able to invade a variety of habitats with different environmental conditions and grow as widespread weeds. Among other Aerva species, A. lanata cultivar has a wide range of pharmacological activities such as sedative, antiulcer, antiasthma, antidiarrheal, antioxidant, antihyperglycemic, antimalarial, hypolipidemic and other activities. It is used as a diuretic, for acute kidney damage, as well as for ulcerative wounds, rheumatism. Given the availability of the raw material base necessary to meet the possible growth in consumer demand and its widespread use in traditional and scientific medicine to create effective, low-toxic drugs intended for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the urinary system, Aerva lanata Juss L. was chosen as the object of research. An important stage in the standardization of the final product is the quality control of the technological process and the raw materials entering the production to obtain the finished product. Particular attention is paid to the method of quantitative determination of one of the active substances or groups of biologically active substances that affect the therapeutic effect of finished pharmaceutical products. It is known that the quantitative determination of the active substance is carried out by its extraction from plant materials. In this regard, the problem arises - finding the optimal conditions for the process of extracting the active substance. In view of this, it becomes necessary to conduct research to determine the optimal conditions for the extraction process. The objective of the research: the use of the mathematical planning method of the experiment for the complete extraction of flavonoids from the herb Aerva lanata. To achieve this objective, the following tasks were defined: - selection of the mathematical planning method of the experiment; - selection of method for quantitative determination of flavonoids amount; - statistical analysis of the obtained results. Optimization of the process of extracting the amount of flavonoids from the herb of Aerva lanata, which is predominant in its raw materials, was carried out using the method of mathematical planning of experiments by Box and Wilson. The optimization problem was reduced to determining the values of technological parameters that ensure the maximum yield of total flavonoids from the plant. As an optimization parameter, Y was taken - the content of the sum of flavonoids in the extract, in % of its content in the raw material. Conclusion. This article presents the results of modeling and optimization of the process of obtaining the sum of flavonoids from the herb Aerva lanata Juss. L. A comprehensive quantitative assessment of the influence of three experimental factors (alcohol concentration, hydromodulus and extraction time) on the yield of the total flavonoids was carried out using the method of mathematical planning of the Box-Wilson experiment. The objective was achieved by building a mathematical model based on the first order regression equation: Y=1.20+0.185X1+0.091X2+0.111X3 The adequacy of this process is shown, a mathematical model and parametric identification of this model are presented. As a result of the statistical analysis of the obtained data, the following optimal conditions for the process of extracting the amount of flavonoids from the herb of Aerva lanata were revealed in the quantitative analysis of raw materials: alcohol concentration - 50%; hydromodule - 1:60; extraction time - 30 min. The maximum yield of the sum of flavonoids was 1.52% by weight of dry raw materials. The resulting mathematical model of the extraction process will allow further optimization of the extraction of compounds of natural origin, taking into account the quantitative influence of each factor.


Validity of cardiometric performance data: an integral part of complex assessment of training session effectiveness

Validity of cardiometric performance data: an integral part of complex assessment of training session effectiveness

Ognev Aleksandr S., Zernov Vladimir А., Likhacheva Elvira V., Nikolaeva Lyubov P., Rudenko Mikhail Y., Kagonyan Rosalina S., Kozintseva Polina А., Maslennikova Polina А., Mizin Nikita V.

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Aims The paper offers some results from our experimental studies to determine validity of a complex performance fingerprint: the Baevsky stress index used to assess effectiveness of training programs: training sessions targeted at formation of phsychosomatic self-regulation skills and visual & verbal practical training course aimed at development of emotional intelligence. Materials and methods In order to determine the criterion-related validity of cardiometric assessments of training results, we have organized training sessions addressing scheduled staged formation of the self-regulation skills. Before the training sessions and after them, our training participants have been instructed to perform a set of three tasks, covering the following: - to imagine a calming video clip; - to imagine some TV news reporting various dramatic incidents, emergencies, calamities etc. - to generate self-relaxation, to perform the task to get relaxed and initiated or induced an emotional balance...


Virological response and effectiveness of chemoradiation therapy for anal cancer: relationship and predictive capabilities

Virological response and effectiveness of chemoradiation therapy for anal cancer: relationship and predictive capabilities

Zhukova T.A., Gusareva M.A., Shevyakova E.A., Frantsiyants E.M., Tolmacheva E.A., Zinkovich M.S., Kosheleva N.G., Solntseva A.A.


The effectiveness of chemoradiation therapy (CRT) is conventionally assessed in terms of achieving clinical complete response (CCR), overall and event-free survival. Anal cancer (AR) is considered as one of the cancer diseases with a proven etiological agent: the human papillomavirus (HPV). The search for biomarkers to predict the effectiveness of CRT is always relevant, and an assessment of virological response (VR) may be useful for this purpose.


Wavelet transform procedure as the basis for complete automatic interpretation of the cardiac cycle phase structure

Wavelet transform procedure as the basis for complete automatic interpretation of the cardiac cycle phase structure

Fedorov Vladimir, Mamberger Konstantine

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Aims The article aims at describing the basic principles of cardiometry - a fundamentally new scientific field which enables the accurate measurement of cardiovascular system parameters. Materials and Cardiometry is based on the mathematical model of hemodynamic methods processes. The model is described by G. Poyedintsev and O. Voronova equations. The variable values in these equations are the cardiac cycle phase durations recorded on the ECG. Results An innovative mathematical model of hemodynamics providing the creation of an innovative indirect method of cardiovascular system parameters measurement was developed. The ECG processing is performed by means of the wavelet transform for detecting the boundaries of the cardiac cycle phases. Conclusion The innovative method of cardiovascular system diagnostics enables to measure 7 main hemodynamic parameters using noninvasive technology for qualitative evaluation of 12 functions of cardiovascular system performance and general assessment of coronary flow status. One of the problems the model of hemodynamics deals with is identifying the boundaries of the cardiac cycle phases. To identify the boundaries of the cardiac cycle phases the method of finding the extrema on the initial ECG and the differentiated ECG basing on the wavelet transform was used.

