Статьи журнала - Cardiometry

Все статьи: 544

The immune system and malignant neoplasms: fundamental and translational aspects

The immune system and malignant neoplasms: fundamental and translational aspects

Cherdyntseva N.V., Gervas P.A., Ivanyuk E.E., Ivanova A.A., Molokov A.Yu., Ponomareva A.A., Ermak N.E., Buldakov M.A.


The immune system is responsible for control of the antigenic continuity, ensuring the friend-orfoe identification and the formation of appropriate responses by the organism, aimed either at destruction (in case of infection with infectious pathogens and transplantation of an alien graft), or protection of the "foe" to be incorporated by the host organism (under physiological pregnancy, or in case of pathology under malignant growth) [1]. The immune system closely interacts with the DNA Damage Response (DDR) system, which, together with other signaling pathways, ensures the repair of damaged genetic material. In the presence of a defect in the repair system, for example, with congenital mutations in the BRCA 1/2 repair genes, genomic instability appears as a basis for the development of cancer. This determines clonal evolution through an accumulation of driver aberrations (CNA, chromosomal rearrangements, mutations), malignancy, and progression of a malignant process, primarily associated with distant metastases [2].


The impact of multiple overlapping new generations drug-eluting stents on six-month clinical outcomes in patients with anterior STEMI treated with primary PCI

The impact of multiple overlapping new generations drug-eluting stents on six-month clinical outcomes in patients with anterior STEMI treated with primary PCI

Elakabawi Karim, Feng Jiahao, Ullah Hameed, Tawfik Wael, Mahrous Mohamed, Salem Mohamed, Guo Ning, Yuan Zuyi

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Background Implantation of multiple (≥ 2) overlapping stents has been associated with adverse outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). However, data regarding the impact of multiple new generations drug-eluting stents (DES) during primary PCI (PPCI) are limited. Objective To evaluate the impact of multiple overlapping stents implantation on the 6-months clinical outcomes of anterior STEMI patients undergoing PPCI with new generations DES. Methods We evaluated a total of 1078 consecutive anterior STEMI patients who underwent PPCI with deployment of new generations DES. The patients were divided according to the number of implanted stents into 2 groups; multiple-stents group having ≥2 overlapping stents (n =388) and single-stent group (n =690). We compared the rates of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACEs; composite of cardiac death, reinfarction, ischemia-driven target vessel revascularization (TVR), definite stent thrombosis (ST), and stroke) between the 2 study groups. Results There was a non-significant trend toward increased in-hospital mortality in the multiple-stents group [3.4% vs 1.7%; P=0.096]related to a significant higher rate of cardiogenic shock [9.5% vs 6.1%; P=0.037] and post-procedural suboptimal TIMI flow [26.3% vs 19.4%; P=0.009] as compared to the single-stent group. Yet, there were no significant differences between the 2 groups in the incidence of 6-month MACEs: [9% vs 7.1%; P=0.259], cardiac death: [4.6% vs 3%; P=0.173], reinfarction: [3.6% vs 3.2%; P=713], TVR: [4.4% vs 4.1%; P=0.799], and definite ST: [3.6% vs 2.8%; P=0.43], respectively. Conclusion The use of multiple new generations DES, if needed, is relatively safe and acceptable during PPCI for STEMI patients.


The impact of rock music on Indian young adults: a qualitative study on emotions and moods

The impact of rock music on Indian young adults: a qualitative study on emotions and moods

Manaswini Tripathy, Mithunchandra Chaudhari

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Music has proven to play a vital role in social and emotional development in teenagers and young adults. From contemplation, developing self-identity, understanding interpersonal relationships, and providing possibilities of experience mastery, agency, and self-control with the help of self-directed activities, music helps its audience develop in all aspects of life. In specific, Rock music, since its existence has been more than entertainment, artists expressed themselves and shared their opinions through their musical pieces. Infamous for promoting drugs and alcohol, Rock Music used its platform to enlighten the audience about taboo topics like racism, inequality, and other social issues. This research paper uses a qualitative methodology approach to understand Rock Music listeners’ points of view. Data was collected through ‘in-depth interviews’ of 15 participants hailing from different parts of the country. Rock Music has several positive effects on the listeners. Rock can elevate moods, induce emotions, helps the listeners be more productive and creative with their everyday work, and constantly motivate them to do better in every aspect of life. Rock provides a platform to express feelings and vent out all the angst, especially for those who otherwise do not voice their opinions because of their nature in general. Rock Music has been able to shape personalities, characteristics, and thought processes. Moreover, majorly, Rock Music helps people with anger management.


The importance of the study of central hemodynamics using volumetric compression oscillometry in clinical practice: resolved and unresolved issues.

The importance of the study of central hemodynamics using volumetric compression oscillometry in clinical practice: resolved and unresolved issues.

Gorenkov Roman V., Yakushin Mikhail A., Safina Diana E., Dvorina Olga G., Orlov Sergey A., Сhernus Natalia P

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The article discusses the promising possibilities of using the method of volumetric compression oscillometry in clinical practice, which allows to simultaneously determining 20 indicators of central hemodynamics. A comparative analysis with other research methods is presented herein, and the advantages of the presented method in the diagnostics of cardiovascular diseases are shown. The problematic issues in using this method and ways to solve them are considered herein.


The incidence rate of arterial hypertension and high normal blood pressure in students of medical faculty at the Kabardino-Balkarian State University

The incidence rate of arterial hypertension and high normal blood pressure in students of medical faculty at the Kabardino-Balkarian State University

Pshigotizheva I.F., Gubzhokova D.M., Kardangusheva A.M., Elgarova L.V., Budnik A.F., Dudarova I.M., Malukhova A.N.

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The aim is to assess the incidence rate of arterial hypertension (AH) and high normal arterial pressure (HNAP) in students of the Medical Faculty at the Kabardino-Balkarian State University as well as the relationship between arterial pressure (AP) and behavioral and biological risk factors (RF) of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) to substantiate the need for preventive measures


The influence of a peripheral tumor on the behavior of animals and the structure of neurons in the prefrontal cortex

The influence of a peripheral tumor on the behavior of animals and the structure of neurons in the prefrontal cortex

Obanina N.A., Bgatova N.P.


Melanoma is the most aggressive of the common forms of skin cancer. Proinflammatory cytokines produced by the tumor and delivered via the circulatory and lymphatic systems can lead to damage to the structures of the central nervous system. Damage to the blood-brain barrier and the endothelium of blood capillaries can cause dysfunction of neurons in the cerebral cortex, induce changes in neural plasticity, cognitive functions and result in the development of depression. Depression is observed in 20% of the cancer patients, and it affects quality of life, treatment effectiveness and survival. Depression has been linked to damage to the prefrontal cortex, which plays an important role in many brain functions, including cognition, emotion regulation, motivation and sociability.


The influence of combined effects of hyperbaria and hyperoxia on human heart rate variability during exercise strain

The influence of combined effects of hyperbaria and hyperoxia on human heart rate variability during exercise strain

Bersenev Е.Yu., Dyachenko A.I., Suvorov A.V., Demina P.N., Berseneva I.A., Dyachkova T.V.

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With the participation of 8 male volunteers, the dynamics of values of heart rate autonomic regulation were studied at response to physical load on a bicycle ergometer twice: both respirating by the room air under normobaric environment and simulating effects of the altered hyperoxic respiratory gas mixture (HRGM) by the rebreathe respiration methods from a rebreather at the high-pressure chamber (at «depth» 7 m). The devices and methods of Holter electrocardiogram monitoring were used under 24 hours research. The specialized software to analyze the data was used. The electrocardiogram (ECG) and calculated time series of cardiac intervals data obtained were subjected to mathematical processing to calculate statistical and spectral values of heart rate variability (HRV). Additionally, the geometric and nonlinear analysis methods of HRV were investigated. It has been established that influencing factors (compound and pressure of the HRGM) affect the autonomic regulation of heartbeats both at rest and during physical load. Clinical practitioners the HRV values are studied at rest and during strictly regulated tests, i.e. in stationary conditions.non-stationary processes, for example, when it is necessary to continuously analyze data, the so-called transient processes under increasing psychological stress, to assess changes in the autonomic regulation of the heart during breathing of gas mixtures with different compositions (hypoxic therapy, hyperbaric oxygenation, etc.), and, especially during physically upload are used the methods of nonlinear and geometric analysis of HRV that are independent of the degree of nonstationary processes and, to some extent, of artifactual cardiac intervals. During the breathing the respiratory gas mixtures with an increased substance of O2 under conditions of high pressure, the activity of the parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) significantly increases. The nonlinear dynamics indexes reflect significant differences in the activity of autonomic components under experimental conditions in the direction of strengthening the parasympathetic links of the ANS. The use of nonlinear analysis values is more acceptable when evaluating obtained of non-stationary processes. In general, the study confirms that the regulatory response to the effects of hyperbaria and hyperoxia when performing a bicycle ergometer test with stepwise increase exercise strain is manifested by the prevalence of the activity of the parasympathetic part of the ANS autonomic regulation of cardiac rhythm compared to regular room air and barometric pressure.


The influence of psychological stress on the cardiovascular system of students in interaction with orthostatic test

The influence of psychological stress on the cardiovascular system of students in interaction with orthostatic test

Svetlana V. Moryakina, Vakha A. Anzorov

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The article is devoted to the study of the cardiovascular system indicators in students under the conditions of exam stress. As a result we have found that students have experienced severe stress before the examination and after it that has negatively affected their hemodynamic parameters, which have shown high values indicating overstrain of the adaptation mechanisms


The metabolism rationale for applying of succinate-based compositions to maintain high performance in a human organism.

The metabolism rationale for applying of succinate-based compositions to maintain high performance in a human organism.

Maevsky Eugene I., Vasilieva Anna A., Grishina Elena V., Uchitel Mikhail L., Bogdanova Lyudmila A., Kozhurin Mikhail V.

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Design of an effective succinate-based agent for the use in sports has required a profound analysis of the main action mechanisms of the agent in question. Our paper reflects basic principles, which are decisive for the design of the offered succinate-based agent to increase the organism performance and the rate of recovery after intensive physical loading. We have treated a special role of the metabolic conversions of succinate in energy exchange of mithochondria: high energy efficiency, possibility of beneficial oxidation under oxygen deprivation, anaerobic formation and possible consequences of the above phenomenon. The listed key factors have determined the applications of succinate in practice in order to maintain the energy exchange as well as design a number of anti-hypoxia means. It is assumed that the treated peculiarities of the succinate metabolism can provide the basis for formation of a signal, regulatory role of this molecule in the organism environment.


The new analytical solution of the 3D Navier-Stokes equation for compressible medium clarifies the sixth millennium prize problem

The new analytical solution of the 3D Navier-Stokes equation for compressible medium clarifies the sixth millennium prize problem

Chefranov Sergey G., Chefranov Artem S.

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The limitations of capabilities of the existing mathematical weather prediction (including forecasting for weather-sensitive individuals) cannot be duly realized nowadays due to the fact that till now there is no proof of the existence and uniqueness of smooth solutions of the three-dimensional (3D) Navier-Stokes equation (in any finite period of time). We have obtained a new analytical solution of the Cauchy problem of this equation in an unbounded space, which has finite energy for any values of time.


The path to good health is through mitochondrial training intermittent hypoxic training as the main method

The path to good health is through mitochondrial training intermittent hypoxic training as the main method

Voronina Tamara


All human health, from the cellular level to overall well-being, is inextricably linked to the health of our mitochondria. This article delves into the concept of mitochondrial training, focusing on Hypoxic Intermittent Training (HIT) as a central method for improving mitochondrial function. It is becoming increasingly clear that various diseases, stress, shock, inflammation, aging, and organ failure are primarily the result of respiratory problems that directly affect mitochondrial health. The regulation of metabolism is closely related to gas exchange, and the composition of the gases we breathe regulates our metabolism. Our main goal is to promote efficient mitochondrial function, a key biological imperative


The pattern of the immune processes during activation therapy with the use of microwave electromagnetic radiation

The pattern of the immune processes during activation therapy with the use of microwave electromagnetic radiation

Zhukova Galina V., Shikhlyarova Alla I., Barteneva Tatiana A., Bragina Marina I., Gudtskova Tatiana N., Petrosyan Vladimir M., Shirnina Elena A., Zlatnik Elena Yu., Korobeinikova Elena P.

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The mechanisms of anti-tumor action of low intensity factors of activation therapy remain little investigated. The aim of the present paper is to study the changes in the immune system organs, the state of blood leukocytes and tumor area under effective activation therapy in tumor-bearing animals using EMR microwave range. The research is relevant due to the immune processes influence on cardiovascular system performance. Materials and methods In experiments on 77 albino outbred male rats with inoculated sarcoma-45 and Pliss lymphosarcoma tumors low intensity EMR of microwave and EHF ranges with bioeffective frequencies has been used as an activation therapy factor. The structural-functional changes in the immune system organs, some indices of blood leukocyte activity, composition of immune cells infiltrating tumors when inhibiting their growth and regression have been studied. Besides, the signs of intercellular interactions with participation of leukocytes in the tumor area have been considered...


The performance of the human cardiovascular system and longevity: considerations from the standpoint of cardiometry

The performance of the human cardiovascular system and longevity: considerations from the standpoint of cardiometry

Rudenko M.Y., Zernov V.A., Voronova O.K., Mamberger K.K., Makedonsky D.F., Rudenko S.M., Garbuzov G.A.

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Considering a life cycle, we can find an interesting feature: it is linked to the performance of the cardiovascular system and it is determined by two factors as follows.


The phenomenon of glycated hemoglobin in patients with a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) with type 2 diabetes mellitus

The phenomenon of glycated hemoglobin in patients with a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Sklyarov Bogdan А., Samoilova Alena D., Pavlov Bogdan V., Levina Anastasia V., Sinelnikova Irina S., Vardanyan Susanna М., Papin Viktor А.

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During the pandemic of coronavirus infection, medical staff around the world has faced the problem of a significant deterioration in the health conditions of patients, who have a history of type 2 diabetes mellitus and who have infected with COVID-19.The problem of the combination of the coronavirus infection and diabetes mellitus is urgent and requires an indepth study in this context. This article presents and reviews some results of an experiment during which the clinical indicators of 15 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, with elevated glycated hemoglobin, infected with coronavirus infection, aged 45 to 65, were taken on the 14th day of observation.


The phonocardiographic data recording & processing system: an effective approach

The phonocardiographic data recording & processing system: an effective approach

Makesheva Kulyash K., Altay Eldos A., Sadykova Aygerim A.


Some results obtained in recording and processing of phonocardiograms are presented herein. To process phonocardiographic signals, a cascade filtration method has been used that allows detecting tones of the cardiovascular system in the background noise. The effectiveness of the proposed processing method is demonstrated by the results of visualization.


The problem of bleeding in the postpartum period

The problem of bleeding in the postpartum period

Onbysh T.E., Malukha A.V., Ponomareva E.A., Sitnikova K.V.

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The article is devoted to the problem of bleeding in the postpartum period that remains one of the main causes of maternal mortality worldwide. The article discusses the main causes of bleeding in the postpartum period, symptoms, as well as the main methods of treatment. The article also presents methods for preventing bleeding in the postpartum period. The final part of the article is dedicated to the importance of regular medical examinations and observation of all the recommendations of medical doctors to prevent bleeding in the postpartum period.


The prospects for applications of cardiometric approach in evaluation of cardiotoxicity under anthracyclines therapy in patients with breast cancer

The prospects for applications of cardiometric approach in evaluation of cardiotoxicity under anthracyclines therapy in patients with breast cancer

Shikhlyarova Alla I., Vladimirova Lyubov Y., Tikhanovskaya Natalia M., Arapova Yulia Y., Protasova Tatiana P., Sycheva Elena А., Ryadinskaya Lyudmila А., Lyanova Aza А., Popova Irina L., Abramova Natalia А., Novoselova Kristina А., Storozhakova Anna E., Ezhova Maria О., Shatova Yuliana S., Lisutin Aleksandr E., Pozdnyakova Viktoria V., Dashkova I.R., Babieva Stella M.

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Aims The aim is to study the action and effects of antitumor polychemotherapy (PCT) with Anthracyclines on the cardiovascular system performance in primary oncological patients with breast cancer (BC). Materials and methods The study involved 21 females (49.8 ± 0.5 years) diagnosed with BC. PCT has been conducted in a neoadjuvant regimen in 18 patients and in an adjuvant one with Doxorubicin (60 mg/m2) and Cyclophosphamide (600 mg/m2) in 3 patients. The cardiovascular system functional state has been evaluated during six courses of PCT with the use of the Cardiocode device. At the same time, the conditions of the cardiovascular system have been assessed before PCT and during the fourth course using EchoCG and ECG. Results and conclusions Against the background of PCT with Anthracyclines noted are the cumulative changes in the blood vessel hemodynamics as reduced blood volumes ejected from the left ventricle and the atria and as alterations in the Rheogram signal. Observed is predominance of exchange of anaerobic energy over the aerobic one, characterized by a high level of the lactate concentration and accompanied by a decrease in the oxygen concentration on course 3, an increase in the phosphocreatine level on course 4 and its decrease during courses 5 and 6 of PCT...


The relationship between severity of coronary artery disease and mean platelet volume

The relationship between severity of coronary artery disease and mean platelet volume

Varastehravan Hamidreza, Naghedi Aryan, Nough Hossein, Pourmirafzali Hamideh

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Aims Increased MPV is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and can be associated with coronary artery involvement. In this study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between the severity of coronary artery disease and MPV. Materials and methods In this study, a total of 200 patients with coronary artery disease were enrolled. All patients initially underwent coronary angiography. Plasma TG, LDL, and HDL, was measured using commercial kits Integra 800TM. MPV and platelet count was determined by the Sysmex XT-2000iTM. Population were divided into three groups based on the SYNTAX score: low, moderate and high. All angiographic grading of SYNTAX was carried out by two cardiologists with blinded clinical data. After Data collection, these data were entered to SPSS22 software and were analyzed using correlation coefficient regression analysis. Results A total of 200 patients entered to the study that 43% and 57 % of patients were female and male, respectively. eighty-seven patients were diabetic and other 113 patients were not diabetic...

