Статьи журнала - International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing

Все статьи: 1056

Estimation of NIIRS incorporating an automated relative edge response method

Estimation of NIIRS incorporating an automated relative edge response method

Pranav V., E.Venkateswarlu, Thara Nair, G.P.Swamy, B.Gopala Krishna

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The quality of remote sensing satellite images are expressed in terms of ground sample distance, modular transfer function, signal to noise ratio and National Imagery Interpretability Rating Scale (NIIRS) by user community. The proposed system estimates NIIRS of an image, by incorporating a new automated method to calculate the Relative Edge Response (RER). The prominent edges which contribute the most for the estimation of RER are uniquely extracted with a combined application of certain filters and morphological operators. RER is calculated from both horizontal and vertical edges separately and the geometric mean is considered as the final result. Later applying the estimated RER along with other parameters, the system returns the NIIRS value of the input image. This work has proved the possible implementation of automated techniques to estimate the NIIRS from images and specifics in the metafile contents of imagery.


Estimation of Noise in Nonstationary Signals Using Derivative of NLMS Algorithm

Estimation of Noise in Nonstationary Signals Using Derivative of NLMS Algorithm

Rathnakara.S, V.Udayashankara

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In this paper a new Normalized Least mean square (NLMS) algorithm is proposed by modifying Error-data normalized step-size algorithm (EDNSS). The performance of proposed algorithm is tested for nonstationary signals like speech and Electroencephalogram (EEG). The simulations of above is carried by adding stationary and nonstationary Gaussian noise , with original speech taken from standard IEEE sentence (SP23) of NOIZEUS data base and EEG taken from EEG database (sccn.ucsd.edu). The output of proposed and EDNSS algorithm are measured with excess mean square error (EMSE) in both stationary and non stationary environment. The results can be appreciated that the proposed algorithm gives improved result over EDNSS algorithm and also the speed of convergence is maintained same as other NLMS algorithms.


Evaluating Image Recognition Efficiency using a Self-Organizing Map

Evaluating Image Recognition Efficiency using a Self-Organizing Map

Rui M. Ligeiro, Andrei B. Utkin

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Recognition and classification of images is an extremely topical interdisciplinary area that covers image processing, computer graphics, artificial intelligence, computer vision, and pattern recognition, resulting in many applications based on contemporary mobile devices. Developing reliable recognition schemes is a difficult task to accomplish. It depends on many factors, such as illumination, acquisition quality and the database images, in particular, their diversity. In this paper we study how the data diversity affects decision making in image recognition, presenting a database driven classification-error predictor. The predictor is based on a hybrid approach that combines a self-organizing map together with a probabilistic logical assertion method. By means of a clustering approach, the model provides fast and efficient assessment of the image database heterogeneity and, as expected, indicates that such heterogeneity is of paramount importance for robust recognition. The practicality of the model is demonstrated using a set of image samples collected from a standard traffic sign database publicly available by the UK Department for Transport.


Evaluation Compressive Sensing Recovery Algorithms in Crypto Steganography System

Evaluation Compressive Sensing Recovery Algorithms in Crypto Steganography System

F. Kafash Ranjbar, S. Ghofrani

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The main contribution of this paper is using compressive sensing (CS) theory for crypto steganography system to increase both the security and the capacity and preserve the cover image imperceptibility. For CS implementation, the discrete Cosine transform (DCT) as sparse domain and random sensing matrix as measurement domain are used. We consider 7 MRI images as the secret and 7 gray scale test images as cover. In addition, three sampling rates for CS are used. The performance of seven CS recovery algorithms in terms of image imperceptibility, achieved peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), and the computation time are compared with other references. We showed that the proposed crypto steganography system based on CS works properly even though the secret image size is greater than the cover image.


Evaluation and Comparison of Motion Estimation Algorithms for Video Compression

Evaluation and Comparison of Motion Estimation Algorithms for Video Compression

Avinash Nayak, Bijayinee Biswal, S. K. Sabut

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Video compression has become an essential component of broadcast and entertainment media. Motion Estimation and compensation techniques, which can eliminate temporal redundancy between adjacent frames effectively, have been widely applied to popular video compression coding standards such as MPEG-2, MPEG-4. Traditional fast block matching algorithms are easily trapped into the local minima resulting in degradation on video quality to some extent after decoding. In this paper various computing techniques are evaluated in video compression for achieving global optimal solution for motion estimation. Zero motion prejudgment is implemented for finding static macro blocks (MB) which do not need to perform remaining search thus reduces the computational cost. Adaptive Rood Pattern Search (ARPS) motion estimation algorithm is also adapted to reduce the motion vector overhead in frame prediction. The simulation results showed that the ARPS algorithm is very effective in reducing the computations overhead and achieves very good Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) values. This method significantly reduces the computational complexity involved in the frame prediction and also least prediction error in all video sequences. Thus ARPS technique is more efficient than the conventional searching algorithms in video compression.


Evaluation of Colour Recognition Algorithms with a Palette Designed for Applications which Aid People with Visual Impairment

Evaluation of Colour Recognition Algorithms with a Palette Designed for Applications which Aid People with Visual Impairment

Bartosz Papis

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This paper presents the evaluation of three machine learning algorithms applied to colour recognition. The “primary” colour palette is defined in accordance with the results from social sciences. Decision Trees, Support Vector Machines and k-Nearest Neighbours classifiers are being tested on various data sets created for this purpose. One of the distance measures for the k-Nearest Neighbour classifier considered is DeltaE2000 - the standard colour difference formula, designed in conformance with human perception. Additionally, we compare these algorithms to various colour recognition applications available.


Evaluation of Image Segmentation Algorithms for Plant Disease Detection

Evaluation of Image Segmentation Algorithms for Plant Disease Detection

Paul Dayang, Armandine Sorel Kouyim Meli

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Processing images efficiently may be influenced by some important factors which are the techniques chosen, the field of study and the quality of images. In this work, we study the field of agriculture with the focus on the early detection of plant diseases through image processing. To detect plant diseases such bacterial diseases, fungal diseases and virus, two main techniques exist: The traditional techniques provided by agricultural experts during visit on the field and the artificial techniques based on images processing algorithms. Since plantations are usually distant from the cities where experts are not easy to find, the artificial techniques incorporated in computer programs become suitable. The modern techniques used to analyse images rely on existing algorithms such as k-nearest neighbor, k-means clustering, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithm, neural networks, etc. Five main phases characterise the process of images analysis: image acquisition, pre-treatment, segmentation, feature extraction and classification. Amongst these phases, we particularly focus on the segmentation which allows to locate portions of leaf that are affected by a disease. Doing so, in this paper we propose a method to evaluate segmentation algorithms (k-means clustering, canny edge and k-nearest neighbor) on the diagnostic of diseases of three of the most cultivated plants (corn, potato, tomato) in the region of study. We study and compare performance values using the ROC-AUC of disease classification using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm. The obtained results show that the canny edge algorithm produces very poor performances on the family of solanaceae plants including potato. The k-nearest neighbour algorithm produces very poor performance due to the difficulty of choosing the k-value. Finally, the k-means algorithm makes it possible to obtain good prediction rates on all the chosen plants.


Evaluation of Shape and Color Features for Classification of Four Paddy Varieties

Evaluation of Shape and Color Features for Classification of Four Paddy Varieties

Archana A. Chaugule, Suresh N. Mali

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This research is aimed at evaluating the shape and color features using the most commonly used neural network architectures for cereal grain classification. An evaluation of the classification accuracy of shape and color features and neural network was done to classify four Paddy (Rice) grains, viz. Karjat-6, Ratnagiri-2, Ratnagiri-4 and Ratnagiri-24. Algorithms were written to extract the features from the high-resolution images of kernels of four grain types and use them as input features for classification. Different feature models were tested for their ability to classify these cereal grains. Effect of using different parameters on the accuracy of classification was studied. The most suitable feature set from the features was identified for accurate classification. The Shape-n-Color feature set outperformed in almost all the instances of classification.


Evaluation of a New Integrated Fog Removal Algorithm IDCP with Airlight

Evaluation of a New Integrated Fog Removal Algorithm IDCP with Airlight

Tarun A. Arora, Gurpadam B. Singh, Mandeep C. Kaur

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This paper has proposed a new fog removal technique IDCP which will integrate dark channel prior with CLAHE and adaptive gamma correction to remove the fog from digital images. Fog in image reduces the visibility of the digital images. Poor visibility not only degrades the perceptual image quality but it also affects the performance of computer vision algorithms such as object detection, tracking, surveillance and segmentation.Various factors such as fog, mist and haze caused by the water droplets present in the air during bad weather leads to poor visibility. The proposed algorithm is designed and implemented in MATLAB using image processing toolbox. The comparison among Air-light and the proposed algorithm is also drawn based upon certain performance parameters. The comparison analysis has shown that the proposed algorithm has shown quite effective results.


Evaluation of reconstructed radio images techniques of CLEAN de-convolution methods

Evaluation of reconstructed radio images techniques of CLEAN de-convolution methods

M.A. Mohamed, A.H. Samrah, Q.E. Elgamily

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In Modern Radio Interferometry Various Techniques have been developed for the Reconstruction of the high-dimensional Data scalability Radio Images. CLEAN Variants are widely used in Radio Astronomy because of its computationally efficiency and easiness to understand. CLEAN deconvolves different polarization component images independently and nonlinearly from the point source response by removing the dirty beam pattern form the images. CLEAN Algorithms have been evaluated in this paper for both single field "Deconvolution" (Hogbom, Clark, Clark Stokes, and Cotton Schwab) and multi-field "Deconvolution" (Multi Scale, Multi Frequency and Multi Scale Multi frequency). Based upon simulation results, it is clear that more updated techniques are needed for Large radio telescopes to face big data, extended sources emissions and fast imaging issues which are using dimensionality reduction from the perspective of the compressed sensing theory and to study its interplay with imaging algorithms which are designed in the context of convex optimization combined with sparse representations.


Evolutionary Image Enhancement Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm

Evolutionary Image Enhancement Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm

Dhirendra Pal Singh, Ashish Khare

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Image Processing is the art of examining, identifying and judging the significances of the Images. Image enhancement refers to attenuation, or sharpening, of image features such as edgels, boundaries, or contrast to make the processed image more useful for analysis. Image enhancement procedures utilize the computers to provide good and improved images for study by the human interpreters. In this paper we proposed a novel method that uses the Genetic Algorithm with Multi-objective criteria to find more enhance version of images. The proposed method has been verified with benchmark images in Image Enhancement. The simple Genetic Algorithm may not explore much enough to find out more enhanced image. In the proposed method three objectives are taken in to consideration. They are intensity, entropy and number of edgels. Proposed algorithm achieved automatic image enhancement criteria by incorporating the objectives (intensity, entropy, edges). We review some of the existing Image Enhancement technique. We also compared the results of our algorithms with another Genetic Algorithm based techniques. We expect that further improvements can be achieved by incorporating linear relationship between some other techniques.


Exploring the Effect of Imaging Techniques Extension to PSO on Neural Networks

Exploring the Effect of Imaging Techniques Extension to PSO on Neural Networks

Anes A. Abbas, Nabil M. Hewahi

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In this paper we go through some very recent imaging techniques that are inspired from space exploration. The advantages of these techniques are to help in searching space. To explore the effectiveness of these imaging techniques on search spaces, we consider the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm and extend it using the imaging techniques to train multiple neural networks using several datasets for the purpose of classification. The techniques were used during the population initialization stage and during the main search. The performance of the techniques has been measured based on various experiments, these techniques have been evaluated against each other, and against the particle swarm optimization algorithm alone taking into account the classification accuracy and training runtime. The results show that the use of imaging techniques produces better results.


Extraction and Analysis of Mural Diseases Information Based on Digital Orthophoto Map

Extraction and Analysis of Mural Diseases Information Based on Digital Orthophoto Map

Miao-le Hou, Song Tian

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Currently, edge detection is an effective means of collecting and analyzing various diseases information from mural collections by using this and data mining based on digital orthophoto map (DOM). But it is hard to extract better edges of mural diseases with traditional edge detection algorithms. Therefore, a new K-means Sobel algorithm is proposed and two evaluation factors are given to judge the extracting effect. Experiment results demonstrate that we can get a better effect by using new method than traditional algorithms. At last, vectorizing detected results, we can gain diseases areas. On that basis, a decision tree about mural diseases severities is established to provide useful information for mural diseases investigation and repair.


Extraction of Scene Text Information from Video

Extraction of Scene Text Information from Video

Too Kipyego Boaz, Prabhakar C. J.

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In this paper, we present an approach for scene text extraction from natural scene video frames. We assumed that the planar surface contains text information in the natural scene, based on this assumption, we detect planar surface within the disparity map obtained from a pair of video frames using stereo vision technique. It is followed by extraction of planar surface using Markov Random Field (MRF) with Graph cuts algorithm where planar surface is segmented from other regions. The text information is extracted from reduced reference i.e. extracted planar surface through filtering using Fourier-Laplacian algorithm. The experiments are carried out using our dataset and the experimental results indicate outstanding improvement in areas with complex background where conventional methods fail.


Face Detection and Auto Positioning for Robotic Vision System

Face Detection and Auto Positioning for Robotic Vision System

Muralindran Mariappan, Tan Wei Fang, Manimehala Nadarajan, Norfarariyanti Parimon

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Robotic vision system has taken a great leap in the field of robotics. Vision system is an essential tool to be implemented in a robot for visual communication between robot and human especially in the application of Tele-Diagnostic Robot. The robot vision system must always be in the field of view. The ability for the vision system to automatically track the person in communication is crucial for the remote medical specialist. To circumvent this problem, a face detection technique is implemented and it is performed using skin color segmentation with two color space which are YCbCr and HSV. Besides that, morphological operations are also done to detect the face region accurately. Two DOF servo mechanism were designed to ensure that the servo motor rotates to centralize the detected face region. A real-time testing were conducted and it was found that this system results a good performance.


Face Recognition Based on Principal Component Analysis

Face Recognition Based on Principal Component Analysis

Ali Javed

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The purpose of the proposed research work is to develop a computer system that can recognize a person by comparing the characteristics of face to those of known individuals. The main focus is on frontal two dimensional images that are taken in a controlled environment i.e. the illumination and the background will be constant. All the other methods of person's identification and verification like iris scan or finger print scan require high quality and costly equipment's but in face recognition we only require a normal camera giving us a 2-D frontal image of the person that will be used for the process of the person's recognition. Principal Component Analysis technique has been used in the proposed system of face recognition. The purpose is to compare the results of the technique under the different conditions and to find the most efficient approach for developing a facial recognition system


Face Recognition Based on Texture Features using Local Ternary Patterns

Face Recognition Based on Texture Features using Local Ternary Patterns

K. Srinivasa Reddy, V. Vijaya Kumar, B. Eswara Reddy

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Face recognition is one of the important and popular visual recognition problem due to its challenging nature and its diverse set of applications. That's why face recognition is attracted by many researchers. Methods based on Local Binary Pattern (LBP) are widely used for face recognition in the literature, and it is sensitive to noise. To address this present paper utilized the powerful local texture descriptor that is less sensitive to noise and more discriminant in uniform regions called as Local Ternary Pattern (LTP). The Uniform Local Binary Pattern (ULBP) derived on LBP treats a large set of LBP under one label called as miscellaneous. This may result some loss of information on LBP and LTP based methods. To address this two Prominent LBP (PLBP) are derived, namely PLBP-Low (L) and PLBP-High (H) on LTP. Based on this the present paper derived eight texture features on facial images. A distance function is used on proposed texture features for effective face recognition. To eliminate most of the effects of illumination changes that are present in human face an efficient preprocessing method is used that preserves the significant appearance details that are needed for face recognition. The present method is experimented on Yale, Indian and American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) Olivetti Research Laboratory (ORL) data bases and it has given state-of-the-art performance on the three popular datasets.


Face Recognition System Using Doubly Truncated Multivariate Gaussian Mixture Model and DCT Coefficients Under Logarithm Domain

Face Recognition System Using Doubly Truncated Multivariate Gaussian Mixture Model and DCT Coefficients Under Logarithm Domain

D. Haritha, K.Srinivasa Rao, Ch. Satyanarayana

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In this paper, we introduce a face recognition algorithm based on doubly truncated multivariate Gaussian mixture model with DCT under logarithm domain. In face recognition, the face image is subject to the variation of illumination. The effect of illumination cannot be avoided by mere consideration of DCT coefficients as feature vector. The illumination effect can be minimized by utilizing DCT coefficients under logarithm domain and discarding sum of the DCT coefficients which represents the illumination in the face image. Here, it is assumed that the DCT coefficients under logarithm domain after adjusting the illumination follow a doubly truncated multivariate Gaussian mixture model. The truncation on the feature vector has a significant influence in improving the recognition rate of the system using EM algorithm with K-means or hierarchical clustering, the model parameters are estimated. A face recognition system is developed under Bayesian frame using maximum likelihood. The performance of the system is demonstrated by using the databases namely, JNTUK and Yale and comparing it’s performance with the face recognition system based on GMM. It is observed that the proposed face recognition system outperforms the existing systems.


Face Recognition System based on Convolution Neural Networks

Face Recognition System based on Convolution Neural Networks

Htwe Pa Pa Win, Phyo Thu Thu Khine, Khin Nwe Ni Tun

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Face Recognition plays a major role in the new modern information technology era for security purposes in biometric modalities and has still various challenges in many applications of computer vision systems. Consequently, it is a hot topic research area for both industrial and academic environments and was developed with many innovative ideas to improve accuracy and robustness. Therefore, this paper proposes a recognition system for facial images by using Deep learning strategies to detect a face, extract features, and recognize. The standard facial dataset, FEI is used to prove the effectiveness of the proposed system and compare it with the other previous research works, and the experiments are carried out for different detection methods. The results show that the improved accuracy and reduce time complexity can provide from this system, which is the advantage of the Convolution Neural Network (CNN) than other some of the previous works.


Face Recognition Using Modified Histogram of Oriented Gradients and Convolutional Neural Networks

Face Recognition Using Modified Histogram of Oriented Gradients and Convolutional Neural Networks

Raveendra K., Ravi J., Khalid Nazim Abdul Sattar

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We are aiming in this work to develop an improved face recognition system for person-dependent and person-independent variants. To extract relevant facial features, we are using the convolutional neural network. These features allow comparing faces of different subjects in an optimized manner. The system training module firstly recognizes different subjects of dataset, in another approach, the module processes a different set of new images. Use of CNN alone for face recognition has achieved promising recognition rate, however many other works have showed declined in recognition rate for many complex datasets. Further, use of CNN alone exhibits reduced recognition rate for large scale databases. To overcome the above problem, we are proposing a modified spatial texture pattern extraction technique namely modified Histogram oriented gradient (m-HOG) for extracting facial image features along three gradient directions along with CNN algorithm to classify the face image based on the features. In the preprocessing stage, the face region is captured by removing the background from the input face images and is resized to 100×100. The m-HOG features are retrieved using histogram channels evenly distributed between 0 and 180 degrees. The obtained features are resized as a matrix having dimension 66×198 and which are passed to the CNN to extract robust and discriminative features and are classified using softmax classification layer. The recognition rates obtained for L-Spacek, NIR, JAFFE and YALE database are 99.80%, 91.43%, 95.00% and 93.33% respectively and are found to be better when compared to the existing methods.

