Статьи журнала - International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing

Все статьи: 1056

Diagnostics Algorithms for Analysis and Assessment of Steady States and Disorders in Electrical Networks

Diagnostics Algorithms for Analysis and Assessment of Steady States and Disorders in Electrical Networks

Nenad A. Marković, Slobodan N. Bjelić, Filip N. Marković

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Method of symmetric component is used in analysis of disturbances (short circuits and disturbances) and can be verified by computer simulation and measurement. It is based on possibility of making calculations simple by separating a three-phase asymmetric system into three symmetric systems and three single-phase schemes. It is very important for three-phase electrical networks with linear parameters and the same frequency in the network. The transition of quantities (ems, voltages and currents ) from the asymmetric domain of a three-phase system to the symmetric domain is performed using transformation matrices. Expressions determined in the system of symmetric components are then superimposed on expressions corresponding to conditions of asymmetric system, and superposition is correct if electric quantities are of simple-periodic functions. The paper presents a new method based on analysis using symmetric component methods and diagnostic algorithms for the assessment of the most common disturbances in power grids. The adapted part of the MATLAB package psb.abc,part.mdl was used for method verification, and the obtained results in the form of diagrams and values of diagnostic functions arranged in the form of tables confirm the applicability of the proposed new diagnostic algorithm for analysis and assessment of steady states and disturbances in electrical networks. The proposed diagnostic algorithm enables the realization of the maximum number of diagnostic functions on the basis of which a scheme for diagnosing disorders with classical diode elements or a more modern scheme with microprocessor components can be realized.


Digital Image Texture Classification and Detection Using Radon Transform

Digital Image Texture Classification and Detection Using Radon Transform

Satyabrata Sahu, Santosh Kumar Nanda, Tanushree Mohapatra

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A novel and different approach for detecting texture orientation by computer was presented in this research work. Many complex real time problem example detection of size and shape of cancer cell, classification of brain image signal, classification of broken bone structure, detection and classification of remote sensing images, identification of foreign particle in universe, detection of material failure in construction design, detection and classification of textures in particularly fabrications etc where edge detection and both vertical and horizontal line detection are essential. Thus researches need to develop different algorithm for this above complex problem. It is seen from literature that conventional algorithm DCT, FFT are all highly computational load and hence impossible task to implemented in hardware. These difficulties were solved in this particular research work by applying DWT and radon transform. It was seen from the simulation result that with very high computational load the entire algorithm takes very less CPU time and proved its robustness.


Digital Method of Automated Non-destructive Diagnostics for High-power Magnetron Resonator Blocks

Digital Method of Automated Non-destructive Diagnostics for High-power Magnetron Resonator Blocks

Serge Olszewski, Yaroslav Tanasiichuk, Viktor Mashkov, Volodymyr Lytvynenko, Irina Lurie

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The paper reveals the problem of the lack of standard non-destructive diagnostic methods for high-power microwave devices aimed at regeneration. The issue is understudied and requires further research. The conducted analysis of state of the art on the subject area exhibited that image processing was used to specify the examined object's target characteristics in a wide range of research. Having summarized the considered image comparison methods on the subject area of this work, the authors formulated several requirements for the selected image analysis method based on the automated non-destructive diagnosis of resonator units for high-power magnetrons. The primary requirement is using non-iterative algorithms; the second condition is a chosen method of image analysis, and the third option is the number of pixels for a processed image. It must significantly exceed the number of descriptors required for making a decision. Guided by the analysis results and based on the results of previous studies conducted by the authors, the algorithm for identifying a defect in the resonator unit of a microwave device based on the image of the frequency-azimuthal distribution for the probing field phase difference expressed by the Zernike moments is proposed. MATLAB R14a was used as a modeling environment. The descriptor vector was restricted to the Zernike moments, including the 7th order. The work is interdisciplinary and written at the intersection of technical diagnostics, microwave engineering, and digital image processing.


Digital image watermarking using DWT and FWHT

Digital image watermarking using DWT and FWHT

Dayanand G. Savakar, Shivanand Pujar

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Digital Image Watermarking is a process of embedding a known data into an Image. Several techniques are developed to embed a watermark into a known cover image. Digital image watermarking provides security like copyright protection, ownership, and authentication to the images. In this paper, a new robust image watermarking and the watermark extraction algorithm is proposed using DWT-FWHT transformation. The watermarking algorithm further calculates the peak-signal to noise ratio(PSNR) values on the selected images and the extraction process involves the process of correlating the extracted watermark with the original watermark for various sub-bands of discrete wavelet transformation. The digital image watermarking algorithms using discrete wavelet transformation have been identified to be more prevalent as compared to those with the other watermarking algorithms. This is due to the wavelets high spatial localization, frequency spread, and multi-resolution characteristic features which are much similar to that of the theoretical models of the human visual system.


Discrete complex fuzzy transform based face image recognition method

Discrete complex fuzzy transform based face image recognition method

Turker Tuncer, Sengul Dogan, Erhan Akbal

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In this paper, a novel discrete complex fuzzy transform (DCFT) and the proposed DCFT based facial image recognition method is presented. The presented DCFT consists of histogram extraction, peak points of histogram calculation and images construction. 3 real and 3 complex images are constructed using DCFT. Also, 3 angular images and 3 vector image are calculated using the real and complex images. To create real and complex images, polynomial and smith fuzzy sets are used in this paper. Briefly, 12 image are constructed using DCFT. In order to demonstrate effect of the proposed DCFT, face images data sets and local binary pattern (LBP) are used to create facial image recognition method. In this method, LBP is applied on the each DCFT image and 12 x 256 size of feature are extracted. Also, maximum pooling is applied on this feature set to obtain 256 size of feature. In the classification phase, support vector machine (SVM) and k nearest neighborhood (KNN) classifiers are used. The comparisons clearly demonstrate that the proposed DCFT is increased facial image recognition capability.


Discrete wavelet transform based high performance face recognition using a novel statistical approach

Discrete wavelet transform based high performance face recognition using a novel statistical approach

Nazife Cevik, Taner Cevik

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Biometrics has gained significant popularity for individual identification in the last decades as a necessity of supporting especially the law enforcement and personal authentication required applications. The face is one of the distinctive biometrics that can be used to identify an individual. Henceforth, Face Recognition (FR) has attracted the great interest of the scientists and academicians. One of the most popular methods preferred for FR is extracting textual features from face images and subsequently performing classification according to these features. A substantial portion of the previous texture analysis and classification studies have based on extracting features from Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). In this study, we present an alternative method that utilizes Gray Level Total Displacement Matrix (GLTDM) which holds statistical information about the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) of the original face image. The approximation and three detail sub-bands of the image are first calculated. GLTDMs that are specific to these four matrices are subsequently generated. The Haralick features are extracted from those generated four GLTDMs. At the following stage, a new joint feature vector is formed using these four groups of Haralick features. Lastly, extracted features are classified by using K-NN algorithm. As demonstrated in the simulation results, the proposed approach performs promising results in the context of classification.


Displaying Images and Their Characteristics from Websites on Users Computers

Displaying Images and Their Characteristics from Websites on Users Computers

Goran Bidjovski

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The subject of the research in this scientific paper are images on the websites, with special emphasis on displaying images chosen by the Web designer, along with its characteristic, on computers of various users. In addition, users can have different operating systems, different browsers, and different preferences in terms of their computers settings. An overall direction for using images and their characteristics when designing web pages, as well as some advice and opinions on the same topic are presented here. After that, several problems which arise from displaying images on the web pages of the computer of users are analyzed, for which a few solutions for the problems, as well as recommendations on which solution when to be chosen are also given in this text. A problem with a speed for loading web pages in correlation with size of images on those pages is studied as well. Then, problems with a speed for loading web pages in correlation with number of images on the page, problems with loading speed of second image on rollover, problems with a speed for loading web pages in correlation with size of background image, problems with texture in vertical bars used for background in web pages, and problems with users monitor size and background image are also analyzed. Finally, the problem with displaying the page without specifying image height and width is also considered.


Dominant Frequency Enhancement of Speech Signal to Improve Intelligibility and Quality

Dominant Frequency Enhancement of Speech Signal to Improve Intelligibility and Quality

Premananda B.S., Uma B.V.

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In mobile devices, perceived speech signal deteriorates significantly in the presence of near-end noise as the signal arrives directly at the listener's ears in a noisy environment. There is an inherent need to increase the clarity and quality of the received speech signal in noisier environment. It is accomplished by incorporating speech enhancement algorithms at the receiver end. The objective is to improve the intelligibility and quality of the speech signal by dynamically enhancing the speech signal when the near-end noise dominates. This paper proposes a speech enhancement approaches by inculcating the threshold of hearing and auditory masking properties of the human ear. Incorporating the masking properties, the speech samples that are audible can be obtained. In low SNR environments, selective audible samples can be enhanced to improve the clarity of the signal rather than enhancing every loud sample. Intelligibility and quality of the enhanced speech signal are measured using Speech Intelligibility Index and Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality. Experimental results connote the intelligibility and quality improvement of the speech signal with the proposed method over the unprocessed far-end speech signal. This approach is efficient in overcoming the deterioration of speech signals in a noisy environment.


Driver's Face Tracking Based on Improved CAMShift

Driver's Face Tracking Based on Improved CAMShift

Kamarul Hawari Bin Ghazali, Jie Ma, Rui Xiao

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The statistic shows that the number of casualty increase in every year due to road accident related to driver drowsiness. After long journey or sleepless night, vehicle driver will perform some bio-features with regard to drowsiness on them face. It is self-evident that getting location information of head in continuous monitoring and surveillance system rapidly and accurately can help prevent many accidents, and consequently save money and reduce personal suffering. In this paper, according the real situation in vehicle, an improved CAMShift approach is proposed to tracking motion of driver’s head. Results from experiment show the significant performance of proposed approach in driver’s head tracking.


Dual Transition Uniform Lbp Matrix for Efficient Image Retrieval

Dual Transition Uniform Lbp Matrix for Efficient Image Retrieval

V.Vijaya Kumar, A. Srinivasa Rao, YK Sundara Krishna

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Texture image retrieval plays a significant and important role in these days, especially in the era of big-data. The big-data is mainly represented by unstructured data like images, videos and messages etc. Efficient methods of image retrieval that reduces the complexity of the existing methods is need for the big-data era. The present paper proposes a new method of texture retrieval based on local binary pattern (LBP) approach. One of the main disadvantages of LBP is, it generates 256 different patterns on a 3x3 neighborhood and a method based on this for retrieval needs 256 comparisons which is very tedious and complex. The retrieval methods based on uniform LBP's which consists of 59 different patterns of LBP is also complex in nature. To overcome this, the present paper divided LBP into dual LBP's consisting four pixels. The present paper based on this dual LBP derived a 2-dimensional dual uniform LBP matrix (DULBPM) that contains only four entries. The texture image retrieval is performed using these four entries of DULBPM. The proposed method is evaluated on the animal fur, car, leaf and rubber textures.


Dynamic Adaptive Median Filter (DAMF) for Removal of High Density Impulse Noise

Dynamic Adaptive Median Filter (DAMF) for Removal of High Density Impulse Noise

Punyaban Patel, Banshidhar Majhi, Bibekananda Jena, C.R.Tripathy

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This paper proposes a novel adaptive filtering scheme to remove impulse noise from images. The scheme replaces the corrupted test pixel with the median value of non-corrupted neighboring pixels selected from a window dynamically. If the number of non-corrupted pixels in the selected window is not sufficient, a window of next higher size is chosen. Thus window size is automatically adapted based on the density of noise in the image as well as the density of corruption local to a window. As a result window size may vary pixel to pixel while filtering. The scheme is simple to implement and do not require multiple iterations. The efficacy of the proposed scheme is evaluated with respect to subjective as well as objective parameters on standard images on various noise densities. Comparative analysis reveals that the proposed scheme has improved performance over other schemes, preferably in high density impulse noise cases. Further, the computational overhead is also less as compared its competent scheme.


Dynamic Summarization of Video Using Minimum Edge Weight Matching in Bipartite Graphs

Dynamic Summarization of Video Using Minimum Edge Weight Matching in Bipartite Graphs

Shanmukhappa Angadi, Vilas Naik

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To select the long-running videos from online archives and other collections, the users would like to browse, or skim through quickly to get a hint on the semantic content of the videos. Video summarization addresses this problem by providing a short video summary of a full-length video. An ideal video summary would include all the important segments of the video and remain short in length. The problem of summarization is extremely challenging and has been a widely pursued subject of recent research. There are many algorithms presented in literature for video summarization and they represent visual information of video in concise form. Dynamic summaries are constructed with collection of key frames or some smaller segments extracted from video and is presented in the form of small video clip. This paper describes an algorithm for constructing the dynamic summary of a video by modeling every 40 consecutive frames of video as a bipartite graph. The method considers every 20 consecutive frames from video as one set and next 20 consecutive frames as second set of bipartite graph nodes with frames of the video representing nodes of the graph and edges connecting nodes denoting the relation between frames and edge weight depicting the mutual information between frames. Then the minimum edge weight maximal matching in every bipartite graph (a set of pair wise non-adjacent edges) is found using Hungarian method. The frames from the matchings which are represented by the nodes connected by the edges with weight below some empirically defined threshold and two neighbor frames are taken as representative frames to construct the summary. The results of the experiments conducted on data set containing sports videos taken from YOUTUBE and videos of TRECVID MED 2011 dataset have demonstrated the satisfactory average values of performance parameters, namely Informativeness value of 94 % and Satisfaction value of 92 %. These values and duration (MSD) of summaries reveal that the summaries constructed are significantly concise and highly informative and provide highly acceptable dynamic summary of the videos.


EEG based Autism Diagnosis Using Regularized Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis

EEG based Autism Diagnosis Using Regularized Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis

Mahmoud I. Kamel, Mohammed J. Alhaddad, Hussein M. Malibary, Khalid Thabit, Foud Dahlwi, Ebtehal A. Alsaggaf, Anas A. Hadi

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Diagnosis of autism is one of the difficult problems facing researchers. To reveal the discriminative pattern between autistic and normal children via electroencephalogram (EEG) analysis is a big challenge. The feature extraction is averaged Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) with the Regulated Fisher Linear Discriminant (RFLD) classifier. Gaussinaty condition for the optimality of Regulated Fisher Linear Discriminant (RFLD) has been achieved by a well-conditioned appropriate preprocessing of the data, as well as optimal shrinkage technique for the Lambda parameter. Winsorised Filtered Data gave the best result.


EFF-ViBE: an efficient and improved background subtraction approach based on ViBE

EFF-ViBE: an efficient and improved background subtraction approach based on ViBE

Elie Tagne Fute, Lionel L. Sop Deffo, Emmanuel Tonye

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Background subtraction plays an important role in intelligent video surveillance since it is one of the most used tools in motion detection. If scientific progress has enabled to develop sophisticated equipment for this task, algorithms used should be improved as well. For the past decade a background subtraction technique called ViBE is gaining the field. However, the original algorithm has two main drawbacks. The first one is ghost phenomenon which appears if the initial frame contains a moving object or in the case of a sudden change in the background situations. Secondly it fails to perform well in complicated background. This paper presents an efficient background subtraction approach based on ViBE to solve these two problems. It is based on an adaptive radius to deal with complex background, on cumulative mean and pixel counting mechanism to quickly eliminate the ghost phenomenon and to adapt to sudden change in the background model.


EMVD: Efficient Multitype Vehicle Detection Algorithm Using Deep Learning Approach in Vehicular Communication Network for Radio Resource Management

EMVD: Efficient Multitype Vehicle Detection Algorithm Using Deep Learning Approach in Vehicular Communication Network for Radio Resource Management

Vartika Agarwal, Sachin Sharma

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Radio resource allocation in VCN is a challenging role in an intelligent transportation system due to traffic congestion. Lot of time is wasted because of traffic congestion. Due to traffic congestion, user have to miss their important work. In this paper, we propose radio resource allocation scheme so that user can utilize their time by taking the advantage of subscription plan. In this scenario, multitype vehicle identification scheme from real time traffic database is proposed, its history will match in transport database and vehicle travelling history database. Proposed method indicates 95% accuracy for multitype vehicle detection. Subscription plans are allocated to the user on the basis of resource allocation, scheduling, levelling and forecasting. This scheme is better for traffic management, vehicle tracking as well as time management.


EQ: An Eigen Image Quality Assessment based on the Complement Feature

EQ: An Eigen Image Quality Assessment based on the Complement Feature

Salah Ameer

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An Eigen formulation is proposed for image quality assessment IQA. Each block is represented by an array composed of feature vectors (intensity/color at this stage). After attaching the complement feature(s), the auto-correlation matrix is computed for each block. The proposed full reference FR-IQA is simply the deviation of the Eigen values of the degraded image from that of the original image. Interestingly, the second largest Eigen value was sufficient to perform this comparison. Results and comparisons with SSIM and GMSD schemes on different types of degradation are demonstrated to show the effectiveness of the proposed schemes. Using TID2013 database, the proposed scheme outperforms SSIM. In addition, the proposed schemes is closer to the MOS score compared to GMSD; however, the correlation with MOS is inferior as illustrated in the tables. These results are concluded from the average behaviour on all the images using all degradations (with 5 levels) on the database.


Early detection of osteoarthritis based on cartilage thickness in knee X-ray images

Early detection of osteoarthritis based on cartilage thickness in knee X-ray images

Shivanand S. Gornale, Pooja U. Patravali, Prakash S. Hiremath

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Arthritis is a joint disorder featuring inflammation. There are numerous forms of Arthritis. Arthritis essentially causes joint dis-functioning which may further tend to cause deformity and disability. Osteoarthritis (OA) is one form of arthritis which is mostly seen in old age group. A patient suffering from OA needs to visit medical experts where clinical and radiographic examination is carried out. Analysis of bone structures in initial stage is bit complex. So any vague conclusion drawn from the radiographic images may make the treatment faulty and troublesome. Thus to overcome this we have developed an algorithm that computes the cartilage area/thickness using various shape descriptors. The computed descriptors obtained the accuracy of 99.81% for K-nearest neighbour classifier and 95.09% for decision tree classifier. The estimated cartilage thickness is validated by radiographic experts as per KL grading framework which will be helpful to the doctors for quick and appropriate analysis of ailment in the early stage. The results are competitive and promising as reported in the literature.


Earth Observation Satellites Scheduling Based on Decomposition Optimization Algorithm

Earth Observation Satellites Scheduling Based on Decomposition Optimization Algorithm

Feng Yao, Jufang Li, Baocun Bai, Renjie He

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A decomposition-based optimization algorithm was proposed for solving Earth Observation Satellites scheduling problem. The problem was decomposed into task assignment main problem and single satellite scheduling sub-problem. In task assignment phase, the tasks were allocated to the satellites, and each satellite would schedule the task respectively in single satellite scheduling phase. We adopted an adaptive ant colony optimization algorithm to search the optimal task assignment scheme. Adaptive parameter adjusting strategy and pheromone trail smoothing strategy were introduced to balance the exploration and the exploitation of search process. A heuristic algorithm and a very fast simulated annealing algorithm were proposed to solve the single satellite scheduling problem. The task assignment scheme was valued by integrating the observation scheduling result of multiple satellites. The result was responded to the ant colony optimization algorithm, which can guide the search process of ant colony optimization. Computation results showed that the approach was effective to the satellites observation scheduling problem.


Edge Detection Operators: Peak Signal to Noise Ratio Based Comparison

Edge Detection Operators: Peak Signal to Noise Ratio Based Comparison

D. Poobathy, R. Manicka Chezian

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Edge detection is the vital task in digital image processing. It makes the image segmentation and pattern recognition more comfort. It also helps for object detection. There are many edge detectors available for pre-processing in computer vision. But, Canny, Sobel, Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG), Robert’s and Prewitt are most applied algorithms. This paper compares each of these operators by the manner of checking Peak signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Mean Squared Error (MSE) of resultant image. It evaluates the performance of each algorithm with Matlab and Java. The set of four universally standardized test images are used for the experimentation. The PSNR and MSE results are numeric values, based on that, performance of algorithms identified. The time required for each algorithm to detect edges is also documented. After the Experimentation, Canny operator found as the best among others in edge detection accuracy.


Edge Detection System using Pulse Mode Neural Network for Image Enhancement

Edge Detection System using Pulse Mode Neural Network for Image Enhancement

S.Jagadeesh Babu, P.Karunakaran, S.Venkatraman, I.Hameem Shanavas, T.Kapilachander

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Edge detection of an image reduces significantly the amount of data and filters out information that may be regarded as less irrelevant. Edge detection is efficient in medical imaging. Pulse mode neural networks are becoming an attractive solution for function approximation based on frequency modulation. Early pulse mode implementation suffers from some network constraints due to weight range limitations. To provide the best edge detection, the basic algorithm is modified to have pulse mode operations for effective hardware implementation. In this project a new pulse mode network architecture using floating point operations is used in the activation function. By using floating point number system for synapse weight value representation, any function can be approximated by the network. The proposed pulse mode MNN is used to detect the edges in images forming a heterogeneous data base. It shows good learning capability. In addition, four edge detection techniques have been compared. The coding is written in verilog and the final result have been simulated using Xilinx ISE simulator.

