Статьи журнала - Международный журнал гуманитарных и естественных наук

Все статьи: 10911

Knowledge, abilities and skills in the aspect of personal-activity approach of teaching a foreign language

Knowledge, abilities and skills in the aspect of personal-activity approach of teaching a foreign language

Smirnova V.N., Zemskov A.A.

Статья научная

The article examines the role of knowledge, skills and abilities in teaching a foreign language at a technical university. The role of each of the components is analyzed on the example of solving the problem of forming the communicative foreign language competence of future engineers. The author comes to the conclusion that the relationship of knowledge, skills and abilities determines the need to choose a personal-activity approach in the development of foreign language competence at non-linguistic faculties of higher educational institutions.


L'importance des langues étrangères en formation médicale

L'importance des langues étrangères en formation médicale

A.O. Kondakova, T.V. Efimova

Статья научная

Cet article est consacré aux résultats du sondage auprès des étudiants des universités russes et étrangères et aussi auprès des professionnels de santé ayant pour but de déterminer leurs raisons de connaître des langues. Cette étude a mis en lumière une tendance générale: l'acquisition des compétences linguistiques est devenue facteur de qualité de la formation, c'est un atout non seulement pour assurer un perfectionnement professionnel, mais aussi pour un enrichissement personnel.


Language peculiarities of space description in "The way up to heaven" by R. Dahl

Language peculiarities of space description in "The way up to heaven" by R. Dahl

Stepanova S.

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The article deals with the problem of literary space description on the base of R. Dahl’s story "The way up to heaven". The author interprets the space of the story taking into account the space’s being either close or open, flexible or non-flexible, extending or narrowing, concrete or abstract, finally, its being either static or dynamic The paper also dwells upon the language means used to express the abovementioned characteristics of the space within the framework of the fictional discourse.


Le francais comme outil de d'eveloppement des activit'es professionnelles du praticien

Le francais comme outil de d'eveloppement des activit'es professionnelles du praticien

Efimova T.V., Akopian K.N.

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Résumé. Le présent article a pour objectif d'envisager des problèmes suivants: le rôle de la langue française (avantages et possibilités) pour les professionnels de santé, la communication praticien/ patient: comment la bonne maîtrise d'une langue étrangère peuvent contribuer à son amélioration. Notre attention est attirée aussi par des questions de relations personnelles, de la communication verbale dans le monde hospitalier, qui nécessite la connaissance des langues de communication internationale, des particularités de l’utilisation de la terminologie médicale. On met en valeur une idée qu’aujourd’hui la maîtrise d'une langue étrangère permet non seulement de se familiariser avec les réalisations de la science médicale à l'étranger, mais également de comparer les règles de conduite d'un praticien moderne. Ainsi, on peut noter qu'à l'étape actuelle du développement de la société il faut que les médecins aient la compétence en communication pour résoudre des problèmes d'origine professionnelle et sociale.


Learning in the environments and relationships context

Learning in the environments and relationships context

Jakuszko Joanna Paulina, Prokofieva Alexandra

Статья научная

From parents' point of view their children have the perfect school conditions. They expect their beloved to achieve success that can be represented by a good knowledge. It is something that we as parents want, and we think that we give. There are teachers and educators at school. They are using all available skills, materials to get children's attention. This process requires commitment, professionalism, active attitude but flexibility as well. How does the child find him/her self in this situation? Does it mean that if everybody tries to improve educational system and quality of children's knowledge, something like 'learning issue' does not exist? Nothing could be more erroneous. The results of research and elaborations show that every year children are leaving their schools without learning much.


Legal mechanism for ensuring gender equality

Legal mechanism for ensuring gender equality

Vorobyova M.O.

Статья научная

The article is devoted to the issues of "gender equality" in the Russian Federation. The problems of gender equality and its legislative provision are currently among the most relevant subjects for the research of modern Russia. The author notes that the state mechanism for ensuring equality of the rights of the sexes is quite multidimensional in our country. On a par with the structural divisions of executive authorities that are responsible for the special aspects of gender equality, as well as the parliamentary commission on ensuring state policy for the family protection, motherhood protection and childhood protection, there are inside- and interdepartmental commissions whose activities are directly aimed at ensuring gender equality and facilitating its development in Russia.


Legislative initiatives in the law on public procurement

Legislative initiatives in the law on public procurement

Shpinev Yu.S.

Статья научная

This article discusses the legislative initiative of the Kostroma regional Duma to amend article 1 of the Federal law «On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, and services for state and municipal needs». Based on the current legislation and analysis of the changes made, the author comes to the conclusion that the changes are not appropriate.


Les langues etrangeres dans les specialisations medicales en pratiques: les avantages et les possibilites

Les langues etrangeres dans les specialisations medicales en pratiques: les avantages et les possibilites

Pronitsina O.S., Pronitsina V.V.

Статья научная

Il existe de nombreuses raisons d'apprendre l' par des personnes travaillant dans le domaine médical. D'abord parce que la plupart de la littérature scientifique moderne est publiée en anglais, français et allemagne. Au cours du processus de traduction, certains détails essentiels d'un article peuvent être perdus, donc si un interprète n`est pas compétent en medicine et terminologie médicale, le savoir des langues peut éviter les difficultés associées. De plus, les docteurs professionnel peuvent publier eux-mêmes des article en langues étrangères, soumettant ainsi les résultats de ses recherches à la communauté médicale internationale. De plus, la connaissance de l'anglais permet des stages à l`étranger et la communication internationale. Enfin, l'apprentissage des langues favorise le développement de la mémoire, ce qui est également nécessaire dans l'étude des disciplines médicales, élargir les horizons et l`érudition générale.


Lexical and phraseological objectification of the concept of “family” in the Kyrgyz and English languages

Lexical and phraseological objectification of the concept of “family” in the Kyrgyz and English languages

Akhunzhanova Zh.I., Almazbekova E.A., Kalybay Kyzy Burulkan, Zulpukarov A.K.

Статья научная

The concept of "family" is studied as an important part of culture in the whole world, including Kyrgyzstan and English-speaking countries. The specificity of the semantic content of the concept is studied using lexicographic sources, the basis of which are Kyrgyz and English explanatory dictionaries. Dictionary definitions demonstrate that in the Kyrgyz picture of the world, the concept "family" includes many components. The central place in the article is occupied by the study of lexical objectification, the concept of the phraseological background, based on the analysis of semantic fields. Examples are given for each language to be studied. Definition of the main cultural components of the content of the concept "family" has practical significance when learning Kyrgyz English and vice versa.


Lexical and semantic analysis of the concept of joy

Lexical and semantic analysis of the concept of joy

Abylkasymova A.M., Suleimanova T.A., Erkebayeva G.J., Turdugulova M.B.

Статья научная

The article deals with the features of the concept "Joy". The concept is understood as a multidimensional linguomental formation, realized in a sign form with high semiotic density, possessing structural and semantic multilayer and ethno-cultural specificity. The semantic field of concepts represents many different meanings, the process of formation of lexical and semantic content of the linguocultural concept "Joy" is conditioned not only by general cultural values, but also by the national and cultural specificity of the language.


Lexical features of English legal discourse

Lexical features of English legal discourse

Alikova S.V.

Статья научная

Legal discourse regulates relations between members of society and the existing definitions are based on sociolinguistic, communicative-activity, communicative-textual and cognitive motives. Its main functions consist in the formulation, preservation, clarification and implementation of rules. The first striking feature of the legal language is a great number of Latinisms, it is connected with Roman law. The author underlines that legal terminology is a system of lexical units of four levels: general scientific, interdisciplinary, proper legal and highly specialized legal terms.


Linguistic consciousness as a problem of linguoculturology

Linguistic consciousness as a problem of linguoculturology

Buryak N.Y.

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The so-called national-cultural space, or consciousness common to all representatives of this ethno-linguistic community, serves as a form of the existence of culture in the human consciousness. This article discusses the question of the legality of the allocation of linguistic consciousness into a separate category within the framework of linguoculturology. The study of the sign isomorphism between the system of natural language and the system of thinking is analyzed. Various points of view are presented regarding the methods and means of such recoding, which generally depend on understanding the typology of cognitive structures and their relationship.


Linguistic means of creating images of characters in R.Dahl's story "Genesis and catastrophe"

Linguistic means of creating images of characters in R.Dahl's story "Genesis and catastrophe"

Gudzenko Southern Federal University

Статья научная

The article deals with devices used for creating images of literary characters of the story. The images are analyzed taking into account extralinguistic factors, attention is paid to the image of the characters and the speech portrait of each of them.


Linguopsychological characteristics of communication abilities and speech skills

Linguopsychological characteristics of communication abilities and speech skills

Buryak N.Y.

Статья научная

This article describes the characteristics of communication skills and speech skills from the standpoint of linguopsychology. The process of skill formation is described, its main properties are listed and disclosed in detail. The question of the role of language knowledge in the creation of foreign language speech skills is considered. The main qualities of speech skills are described. The stages of speech skill formation are considered in detail. An attempt is made to prove that knowledge, skills and abilities are formed not sequentially, but in parallel. Solid knowledge is acquired in the process of forming skills and abilities.


Literary translation: techniques and problems

Literary translation: techniques and problems

Novak K.V.

Статья научная

There are many procedures, which are used in translating. The article deals with the features of the most prominent methods, such as borrowing, adaptation, and compensation. The problems of these methods as well as its features and advantages are studied. The analysis considers the combination of different techniques as an effective way of literary translation.


Long-term outcomes of treatment for patients with locally advanced highly differentiated thyroid cancer

Long-term outcomes of treatment for patients with locally advanced highly differentiated thyroid cancer

Sorokina M.V., Manukovskaya O.V.

Статья научная

An analysis was made of 52 outpatient records of patients with locally advanced thyroid cancer who received treatment at the VOKOD Health Center in the period from 2012 to 2017. All 52 patients were referred for radioiodine therapy. Moreover, a relapse of the disease was detected in 3.8% of cases, the appearance of regional metastases in 30.7%, and the generalization of the process in 15.4%. The stabilization of the process was observed in 45.6% of cases.


Main stages of social security system development

Main stages of social security system development

Kushbakov A.T.

Статья научная

The article discusses the concept of social security law in General. The right of social security as an independent growth has been formed in the General system of rights relatively recently. The norms of the social protection system serve as an indicator of the state's social policy. They are designed to respond in a timely and adequate manner to all social risks that are inevitably associated with the transition of countries to a market economy. This includes their extraordinary dynamism.


Malignant neoplasms of the head and neck in the adults of Voronezh region: current nosological statistics, triggers and prevention

Malignant neoplasms of the head and neck in the adults of Voronezh region: current nosological statistics, triggers and prevention

Nizhelskoy D.A., Gulov V.P.

Статья научная

Tumors of visible localizations of the head and neck are significant in the structure of oncological morbidity. In the early stages, they respond well to surgical treatment, targeted and radiation therapy; in the later stages, there is a high degree of trauma, disability and mortality. The objective of the study was to identify parameters of oncogenic risks for their further implementation as applications for mobile devices computer programs. The study involved adults diagnosed with oncopathologies. The information was collected by anonymous survey; the authors have also specified the gradation of the most common localizations. The main findings of the study were presented as prevention guidelines and rrecommendations available to all Russian citizens. Questionnaires and programs on modern platforms were introduced to detect the studied factors and early symptoms of oncological diseases, thus contributing to preventive medicine concept and increasing the efficiency of healthcare.


Market and challenges of family business based on the example of Spanish company - Vigar

Market and challenges of family business based on the example of Spanish company - Vigar

Shatskaya E.Yu., Esaulova I.G.

Статья научная

The article is devoted to describing one of the family-owned company and identifying the main difficulties that family-owned businesses face to. The article deals with the shining example of the history of Spanish family business. Market analysis was conducted on the basis of studying of company data, participation in Trento Marketing Challenge and available information of company as well as qualitative interviews with relevant stakeholders.


Marriage contract in the Russian Federation and foreign countries

Marriage contract in the Russian Federation and foreign countries

Obukhov A.A.

Статья научная

In this article, the author analyzes the international experience in concluding marriage contracts between citizens. Statistics on the conclusion of marriage contracts are provided. Some controversial issues are considered, as well as personal views are expressed on the content, conclusion and termination of marriage contracts.

