Статьи журнала - Международный журнал гуманитарных и естественных наук

Все статьи: 10911

Procedural and tactical grounds for a decision to perform a search

Procedural and tactical grounds for a decision to perform a search

Gizatullin E.M.

Статья научная

This article discusses the procedural and tactical grounds for making a decision to conduct a search. When the investigator decides to carry out such an investigative action as a search, it is necessary to strictly observe the norms of procedural legislation, as well as tactical principles. In this regard, the issue of determining and delimiting the procedural and tactical grounds for making a decision to conduct a search seems to be relevant. For the most part, this issue concerns the conduct of an urgent search without obtaining court permission. Within the framework of this study, the author analyses the issues of procedural regulation of the grounds for making a decision to conduct a search, as well as tactical grounds. To analyse of the norms of procedural legislation and doctrinal studies on the procedural and tactical grounds for making a decision to conduct a search. In order to develop a uniform practice of applying the rules on the validity of the decision to conduct a search, the author proposed to develop guidelines for determining the sufficiency of the grounds for making such a decision.


Product placement и его влияние как pr-инструмента на репутацию фильмов отечественного и зарубежного рынков

Product placement и его влияние как pr-инструмента на репутацию фильмов отечественного и зарубежного рынков

Булавина Е.Ю., Темнова Д.И.

Статья научная

В статье раскрыто понятие технологии product placement, её характеристики как PR-инструмента, а также описано исследование влияния технологии интегрированной рекламы на зрительское восприятие и отношение к художественным кинофильмам, включающим в себя product placement. На основе полученных данных сделан вывод о зависимости зрительского мнения о product placement в отечественных и зарубежных фильмах и их репутации.


Radiomics for diagnostic process and comprehensive treatment in glioblastoma: clinical case

Radiomics for diagnostic process and comprehensive treatment in glioblastoma: clinical case

Nikulshina Ya.O., Kolpakov A.V., Redkin A.N., Zakharov M.A.

Статья научная

The paper highlights diagnostic and therapeutic options for glioblastoma. Glioblastoma is known to be a neuroepithelial malignant with an aggressive clinical course and extremely adverse prognosis. It is pointed out that contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the “gold standard” in glioblastoma diagnostics. Special attention is paid to radiomics that presents a multi-stage process involving image acquisition and pre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction and selection, and advanced statistics using machine learning algorithms. The aim of the study is to investigate objective numerical control options of pathological process dynamics and monitoring of the comprehensive glioblastoma treatment effectiveness in a particular patient according to the informative parameters of MR-images. Primary confirmation of objectifying diagnostic and treatment process in patient with glioblastoma according to the indicated statistical parameters of T2-weighted images was obtained. Further research should be aimed at the use of radiomics for planning, monitoring treatment of glioblastoma, predicting clinical outcomes.


Reasons for borrowing anglicisms in modern Kyrgyz language

Reasons for borrowing anglicisms in modern Kyrgyz language

Atchabarova G.J., Nazarova G.S., Aiylchieva N.A., Tashieva J.N.

Статья научная

The article analyzes the functioning of English borrowings in the modern Kyrgyz language. One of the main reasons for borrowing as a phenomenon was the process of globalization, which caused an unprecedented convergence of countries and peoples at the turn of the century. The reasons for borrowing words from English into Kyrgyz are considered. One of the reasons for the borrowing and use of English words is the development of American culture in the country. The use of anglicisms is due to idealization of American life.


Research on mixed teaching practice of chorus based on MOOC related course ideological and political under OBE concept

Research on mixed teaching practice of chorus based on MOOC related course ideological and political under OBE concept

Gao Yun, Lee Eryun

Статья научная

This research investigates the methods of mixed teaching development of ideological and political theory course in colleges and universities on the basis of examining the features of the reform of Ideological and political theory course in Colleges and Universities under the background of MOOC. The purpose of this paper to get a sign of the impact of associate degree outcomes-based assessment policy on the employment of six academics of a school.


Rhupus-синдром: описание клинического случая и обзор литературы

Rhupus-синдром: описание клинического случая и обзор литературы

Назаренко Е.А., Дубенцов К.С., Кононенко Н.В., Лупач Н.М., Нестеров С.Б.

Статья научная

Рассмотрен клинический случай rhupus-синдрома у пациентки 24 лет. Описана клиническая картина, данные лабораторных и инструментальных методов обследований. Rhupus-синдром является одной из форм overlap-синдрома. Оverlap-синдром характеризуется наличием у пациента диагностических критериев сразу нескольких ревматических заболеваний, встречаемость таких сочетаний крайне мала, среди них можно выделить РА и СКВ, РА и АС, ПСА и СКВ. Сочетание РА и СКВ называют rhupus-синдром, клинические проявления синдрома многообразны благодаря клиническому полиморфизму СКВ, но имеет всегда характерную черту, а именно тяжелый эрозивный артрит


SARS-CoV-2 и мужская репродуктивная система: механизмы, последствия и сопутствующие факторы

SARS-CoV-2 и мужская репродуктивная система: механизмы, последствия и сопутствующие факторы

Сорокина Т.А.

Статья научная

В статье рассматривается строение вируса SARS-CoV-2, который обладает белками в виде шипов, напоминающие корону. Данные шипы расщепляются и с помощью субъединиц, из которых они состоят происходит прикрепление к рецептору ACE II и дальнейшее проникновение в клетку. В статье затронуты именно сперматозоиды и мужская репродуктивная система, которые подвергаются действию вируса SARS-CoV-2, так как имеют рецепторы на своей поверхности. За счёт попадания вируса в половую систему нарушаются процессы сперматогенеза, появляются разрывы в ДНК, нарушается фертильность клеток, что в конечном итоге может служить причиной бесплодия.


SMM как инструмент проведения агитации поправок в Конституцию РФ 2020 года

SMM как инструмент проведения агитации поправок в Конституцию РФ 2020 года

Бобров И.М.

Статья научная

В статье предложен к рассмотрению вопрос об особенностях использования технологий социального медиамаркетинга в рамках агитации поправок в Конституцию 2020 года. В ходе исследования было выявлено, что наиболее результативными и широко применяемыми технологиями являются digital-стратегия и инфлюенс-маркетинг.


SMM как элемент стратегии развития предприятия

SMM как элемент стратегии развития предприятия

Уманская М.В., Петров С.В.

Статья научная

В данной статье рассматривается применение социальных медиа как элемент стратегии развития предприятия. Рассмотрены цели и задачи SMM продвижения, характерные особенности продвижения в социальных медиа, а так же рассмотрены критерии оценки эффективности при продвижении с помощью SMM.


SWOT-анализ ПАО "Сбербанк"

SWOT-анализ ПАО "Сбербанк"

Сочеева В.Е.

Статья научная

Статья посвящена определению сущности и назначения SWOT-анализа. Исследованы факторы, определяющие внутреннюю и внешнюю среду объекта анализа. Приведены преимущества и недостатки данного метода. Рассмотрен SWOT-анализ ПАО «Сбербанк».


Security and compliance in the financial and legal activities of the organization

Security and compliance in the financial and legal activities of the organization

Sikacheva Ya.V.

Статья научная

The paper reflects aspects of the application of compliance in the organization, a distinction is made between the interpretation of the terms as "security" and "compliance". The article provides an understanding of the difference between compliance and the already known measures of internal control and supervision to prevent the risks and losses of the company. The paper also describes the need for compliance control in an economic entity and the role of a compliance officer in the process of preventing risks and losses in an organization.


Semantic characteristics of motion verbs in English

Semantic characteristics of motion verbs in English

Bakieva S.T., Akhmedova E.G., Mirzakmatova O.R.

Статья научная

This article is devoted to the study of semantic features of verbs of motion in English. The units of this lexico-semantic group have a high frequency of use and a developed system of collocates, which leads to semantic modification of the verb of motion. The study identified the verb of motion with the most developed combinability and revealed its main semantic tones.


Significance of effective communication in healthcare and its implications for EMP syllabus design

Significance of effective communication in healthcare and its implications for EMP syllabus design

Dudzik Agnieszka

Статья научная

It seems that unprecedented attention is devoted to communication skills training in medical education nowadays. It has become one of the central components of undergraduate medical curricula as well as the focus of a range of medical communication skills courses outside the curriculum. Notably, the development of medical communication skills is also becoming one of the core elements of English for Medical Purposes (EMP) syllabuses today. The aim of this paper is to present a discussion of health communication, its significance in medical care and its relevance in the context of EMP training. It attempts to determine why effective communication skills are necessary in the practice of healthcare nowadays and why medical communication should be included in the medical English syllabus.


Smart-board for creating communicative situation while listening to a foreign language text

Smart-board for creating communicative situation while listening to a foreign language text

Sergievskaya I.L., Zharenkov A.D.

Статья научная

The capabilities of the SMART-Board help to create a communicative situation with the help of symbolic clarity. In the perception of speech by ear visual clarity, represented by symbols and drawings, contributes to the guess and helps to keep in mind the sequence of facts presented in the text.


Social advertising as a way of influencing society

Social advertising as a way of influencing society

Buryak N.Yu.

Статья научная

A large number of public issues and problems are in the focus of social advertising, the main purpose of which is a concise and expressive presentation of ideas, values, attitudes, assessments, behavioral models, information about a socially important problem that orients the target audience to positive actions. There is a large number of scientific studies devoted to the use of social advertising in the modern world. Currently, there is a lack of understanding of how social advertising is used and regulated in countries, and how it affects society as a whole. The study of how social advertising affects society deserves further research, since interest and investment in social advertising, as well as the range of its focus and coverage, are growing internationally. This is the subject of the research presented in this article.


Some aspects of teaching speaking and listening skills in bilingual situation

Some aspects of teaching speaking and listening skills in bilingual situation

Ismayilova Y.M.

Статья научная

A foreign language as a means of communication, cognition, a way of receiving and storing information predetermines the need to own all types of speech activity. In the context of the integration of Azerbaijani universities into the European space, knowledge and knowledge of English, especially the development of speaking skills, is of paramount importance. One of the problems of fluency in English is the lack of an appropriate language environment. To overcome difficulties in this area, it becomes necessary to apply a certain strategy that promotes productive mastering of oral communication skills. For this purpose, the use of such techniques as leading questions, pictures, entering unfamiliar vocabulary, listening to CDs for textbooks, watching movies with subtitles seems appropriate. Based on the existing difficulties in mastering a foreign language, the article describes the approaches to two types of speech activity, namely, speaking and listening, and indicates the ways and means of developing skills in a bilingual audience.


Specialists for contemporary economy and business: forming professional competences in foreign economic activities

Specialists for contemporary economy and business: forming professional competences in foreign economic activities

Matvienko E.N., Stuchinskaya E.A.

Статья научная

The paper is devoted to the issues of training would-be specialists in the spheres of contemporary economy and business. Challenges are reviewed of forming professional competencies of students of Economics in the field of foreign economic activities whilst teaching the “Professional foreign language” discipline at non-philological higher education institutions. Competence-active and practice-oriented approaches to molding such competencies and the need for interdisciplinary integration are emphasized. Practices of implementing the given approach are described.


Specifics of phonetic and grammatical development of medical terminology in English, Russian, Kyrgyz languages

Specifics of phonetic and grammatical development of medical terminology in English, Russian, Kyrgyz languages

Sabirbaeva Z., Isakov S.I., Shamuratova A.N., Zulpukarova A.K.

Статья научная

In the context of accelerating scientific and technological progress, terminology is of particular importance. It is a source of information, a tool for mastering a specialty. The conceptual space of any field of science and technology finds its expression in terms. This article is devoted to the issue of phonetic and grammatical development of medical terminology in English, Russian, Kyrgyz languages. Special attention is paid to the process of assimilation of medical terms.


Stages of development of thinking in elementary school

Stages of development of thinking in elementary school

Zak A.Z.

Статья научная

The article presents a study devoted to studying the nature of the transition of primary schoolchildren from solving problems based on empirical thinking to solving problems based on theoretical thinking. Pupils of the first, second and third grades of two contingents participated in the group experiments: students studying under experimental programs developed by D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov, 166 children, and according to regular primary school programs, 165 children. All students solved spatial-combinatorial problems of the author’s “Game in 3” methodology in a visual-figurative manner. It has been shown that the largest increase in the number of children solving problems based on theoretical thinking is associated with learning in the second grade. At the same time, it was found that training in experimental programs creates conditions for children to more intensively master theoretical thinking. In the future, it is planned to characterize the features of problem solving based on theoretical thinking among fourth-graders.


Status of the time projection chamber for the MPD/NICA project

Status of the time projection chamber for the MPD/NICA project

Averyanov A., Bazhazhin A., Chepurnov V.F., Chepurnov V.V., Cheremukhina G., Chernenko S., Fateev O., Kiriushin Yu., Korotkova A., Levchanovskiy F., Lukstins J., Movchan S., Pilyar A., Razin S., Ribakov A., Samsonov V., Vereschagin S., Zanevsky Yu., Zaporozhets S., Zruyev V.

Статья научная

The Time-Projection Chamber (TPC) is the main detector for tracking and identification of charged particles in the Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) at new accelerator complex the Nuclotron-based Ion Collider Facility (NICA) in Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna city, Moscow region. The status of the TPC construction is presented.

