Статьи журнала - Журнал стресс-физиологии и биохимии
Все статьи: 923

Effects of pre-application with gibberellic acid on germination of soybean under salt stress
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This study was conducted to determine the effect of GA3 applied on soybean seeds before germination in Sinop University Department of Biology Laboratory. Soybean seeds were treated with different doses of GA3 (50, 100 and 150 ppm) for three different application times (6, 12 and 24 hours). After this, soybean seeds pretreated GA3 irrigated with different doses of pure water and NaCl (50, 100 and 150 mM). Germination rate and germination time at room temperature, radicle and hypocotyl lenght, wet and dry weight of radicle, hypocotyl and cotyledon values were examined. Study, the highest germination rate was by (42.83% and 41%) and 6 hours in GA3 pre and NaCl application (pure water) group, the highest germination time (6.80 and 6.81 days) at 6 hours with control (pure water) and at 50 ppm GA3 pre and 150 mM NaCl. The highest radicle and hypocotyl length were obtained from 12 hours pre-application control (pure water) and 100 ppm GA3 dose. As a result; it has been observed that as the salt ratio increases, all the parameters decrease significantly and the soybean seed is very sensitive to salt, especially 6 hours control (pure water) and 50 ppm GA3 pretreatment provides salinity resistance.

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This investigation was aimed to study the response of potato plants to water deficit and exogenous application of salicylic acid (SA) and glycine betaine (GB). Potato cultivars, Spirit, Born, Arinda and Banba were experienced under two irrigation regimes, 30 and 60 % depletion of available soil water, and two concentrations of both SA (0.5 and 1.0 mM) and GB (1.0 and 2.0 mM) additionally the control (0.0 mM SA and GB). Gas exchanges, proline content (Pro), root volume (RV), root/shoot ratio (R/S), plant dry mass (PDM), number tuber (NT) and yield of potato cultivars were measured. With the exception of R/S, water de cit led to notable decreases in gas exchanges, RV, PDM, NT and yield of potato cultivars and increases in Pro content. Foliar application of SA and GB resulted in signi cant increases in photosynthesis (Photo), carbon dioxide concentration in the sub-stomatal chamber (Ci), stomatal conductance (Gs), Pro, PDM and yield in some levels of SA and GB; the level of the increases appeared more when potato plants were grown under water de cit conditions. All the overhead effects supported PDM and yield of potato cultivars to increase by exogenous application of SA and GB and directed to the assumption that water deficit converted harmful effects on potato cultivars could be released by exogenous applied SA and GB.

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Salicylic acid is involved in the regulation of metabolic activity and defense mechanism in plants under various stress conditions. Present study was conducted to determine the effects of salicylic acid (10 to 500 M) on seedling growth, development and nitrogen use efficiency in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) plants with or without nitrogen nutrient. Salicylic acid increased contents of chlorophyll, total non-structural carbohydrate and total nitrogen, as well as nitrate assimilation through the induction of nitrate reductase (EC activity in isolated cucumber cotyledons. Accumulation of salicylic acid was two-fold higher in cotyledons without nitrate supply in comparison to that with nitrate supply. Further 50 M of SA induced enhancement in seed germination and growth characteristics. However higher salicylic acid concentrations inhibited above physiological characteristics. Results show that, field application of salicylic acid need optimum physiological concentration (e.g., 50 M) to increase nitrogen use efficiency particularly during germination and seedling growth.

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Present study aims to evaluate the impacts of salinity and water stress factors on seed germination and early seedling growth under ex-vitro conditions in an oil crop, black sesame ( Sesamum indicum L., cv. TMV3). During salinity stress, various concentrations of NaCl-solutions (10mM, 25mM, 50mM, 100mM, and 250mM) were employed while during water stress treatments, mannitol and sorbitol solutions in equal concentrations (10mM, 25mM, 50mM, 100mM, 250mM, and 500mM) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) solution (5%, 10%, 15%, 25%, and 50%) were considered. Furthermore, after 3-days and 7-days of stress treatments, observations were recorded as partial and full germination respectively. Results indicate that with 100mM of NaCl solution, sesame seed was found to germinate without root development (80±0.0%) after 7-days of treatments in comparison to control experiment (100±1.0%) and further high concentration (250mM) of NaCl solution was proved to be completely toxic for sesame seed germination. Additionally, seedling growth was also affected with NaCl concentrations and seedling’s height was recorded as minimum with root and shoot lengths (0.5±0.21cm/2.1±0.78cm) in seeds growing with NaCl solution (50mM) while further high concentration (100mM) was proved to be strongly inhibitory for root development in germinated seeds. During water stress treatments, results indicated that mannitol (100mM) turns out to be relatively strong inhibitor for seed germination (50±0.5%) than sorbitol (60±1.0%) with (250mM) solution. However, both mannitol and sorbitol solutions (500mM) were proved to be fully toxic for seed germination. Furthermore, during PEG treatments, PEG solution (25%) was found to be significantly inhibitory and germination frequency (40±0.0%) was recorded while further increase in PEG concentration (50%) was proved to be lethal. Moreover, during early seedling growth, mannitol (100mM) was turned out to be strongly inhibitory for root development and root-shoot length ratio was recorded as (0.0cm/0.25±0.41cm) while sorbitol (100mM) was proved to be slightly weak inhibitor (0.71±0.27cm/0.93±0.32cm). Significantly high concentration of mannitol (250mM) was turned out to be toxic for seedling growth while even very high concentration of sorbitol (500mM) was failed to suppress seedling growth completely. During PEG treatments, the minimum seedling height (0.79±0.31cm/1.43±0.32cm) was recorded with PEG (15%) solution while PEG (25%) solution was found to suppress root formation completely. Furthermore, during endogenous proline content estimation in tissues growing with NaCl salt solutions, results indicated that proline content gradually increases with the increase in NaCl concentrations and was found to be maximum (128.3x10-3g-1) in tissues growing with very high concentration of NaCl (100mM) solution than the tissues growing with very low concentration (10mM) of NaCl salt solution (10.94x10-3g-1).

Effects of short-term low-intensity laser radiation on muscle reactions in young lambs
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The article is based on the results of a study of the effect of short-term, low-intensity laser radiation on the meat yield of young lambs in the farm "Gulandom ona" of the Kushrabot district of the Samarkand region. Analysis of the change in body weight by age in absolute and daily growth rates showed that the lambs of the experimental group differed from the control lambs in significantly higher body weight and daily growth rates. In this case, it was shown that, according to the studied indicators, the lambs in the experimental group were significantly superior to those in the control group. It was established that the night gain obtained in the lambs of the II and III experimental groups was 3.6-4.4% higher than that in the lambs of the control group.

Effects of some environmental variables on urease in germinating chickpea ( Cicer arietinum L.) seed
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Enzyme activity is influenced by a large number of factors. Environmental conditions such as pH, temperature, salt concentration, substrate concentration, activators, and inhibitors may change the three dimensional shape of an enzyme, altering its rate of activity and/or its ability to bind substrate. The effects of such environmental factors were evaluated. The optimum pH and temperature of the purified urease were 7.2 and 48 0C, respectively, using urea as substrate. The optimum substrate (urea) concentration for urease was 25 mM. The enzyme showed the highest activity when incubated for 30 min at 48 0C. EDTA, a metal chelator, decreased the enzyme activity significantly. This may be due to the removal of metal ions located on or near the active site. Divalent cations like Ba 2+ and Mg 2+ slightly stimulated the enzyme at a concentration of 1-3 mM whereas Na + and K + produced little or no effect on the activity. Ca 2+ enhanced urease activity by 120.47%, while Pb 2+, Cu 2+, Zn 2+ and Hg 2+ almost completely inhibited the urease activity.

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In order to investigate the changes of plasticity of visceral organs and digestive tract morphology in Apodemus chevrieri which inhabit in Hengduan mountain region, the organ masses and digestive tract which include the changes of heart, lung, liver, spleen and kidney as well as the length and weight of stomach, small intestine, large intestine and cecum were measured during cold and warm acclimation. The results showed that the weight of heart and liver of cold acclimation group were obviously higher than that of warm acclimation group. The weight and length of small intestine showed significant differences between two groups. All of the results indicated that A. chevrieri maintain their normal life activities by increasing the weight of related organ masses and adjusting the weight and length of small intestine under cold temperature.

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The tomato, a genus of Lycopersicon, is cultivated worldwide for fruit. It is an important gastronomic ingredient and an important source of income for small farmers in Mali. However, its production faces a number of phytosanitary constraints that are still poorly understood. Among phytosanitary problems, bacterial wilt, caused by R. solanacearum , is proving to be the most dangerous and devastating of all tomato crops in Mali. The aim of this study is to contribute to the improvement of tomato production in Mali by identifying tomato varieties tolerant to R. solanacearum and adapted to the growing periods. To achieve this objective, trials under artificial and natural infestation conditions with 12 tomato genotypes during three periods were conducted at the Sotuba research station from December 2018 to December 2019. Analysis of variance revealed no significant difference between the two strains tested. Both strains were more severe, especially in period 2 of the experiment. The Caraïbo variety was the most susceptible to both strains, with an average severity rate of 2.8 (≈3) and the most stress-susceptibility index (0.69). The varieties Carioca and SF-83-61 were the most productive in both experimental conditions. With average yields ≥ 3.5 t/ha under artificial infestation conditions and ≥ 6 t/ha under natural conditions. In contrast, the Roma and Rossol varieties recorded the lowest yields. To minimize R. Solanacearum damage and improve field yields at all cropping periods, the SF-83-61 and Carioca varieties may be recommended for release in areas where R. Solanacearum , responsible for bacterial wilt, causes significant damage in tomato crops after confirmation tests.

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The study investigated of varied levels’ effects of Paullina pinnata ethanol leaf extract on Clarias gariepinus juveniles in a 2-phase (range-finding and main) experiment. Two hundred and fifty Clarias gariepinus juveniles were acclimatised for two weeks at the Fish Hatchery complex of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, where they were weighed with a mean weight of 9.00 ± 1.00 g, distributed into 12 plastic tanks of 35 L capacity, and arranged in a completely randomised system with a stocking density of 9 fish per tank. For the first phase (i.e., range-finding) experiment, 99 C. gariepinus juveniles were stocked into the plastic tanks (35 liters) filled to 10 litres of the volume, dosed with 5 mL syringe drops of 500, 1000, and 1500 mg L-1 extracts in triplicate, where no behavioural changes and mortality were observed. For the main experiment, 108 C. gariepinus juveniles were stocked and dosed with increased 5 mL syringe drops of 0, 3000, 5000, and 7000 mg L-1 extracts in triplicated. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) analysed the data, and the Duncan Multiple Range Test separated the means. The histological results of the main experiment revealed severe lesions on the gills of the varied-extract exposed fish. The extract had a significantly negative effect on the exposed fish and posed a threat, which eventually led to death at a higher concentration. The study concluded and recommended that the range-finding concentrations of the extract should always be administered by the fish farmers while exploring the ethanol leaf extract of Paullinia pinnata to lessen the threat to life below water.

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The present study was aimed investigating the effect of water deficit and chitosan spraying on osmotic adjustment and soluble protein of cultivars castor bean under field condition. experiment was carried out as a split factorial based on randomized complete block design with three replications. The results showed that water deficit caused increase a significant (P

Effects of water stress on rice production: bioavailability of potassium in soil
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Water demand in agriculture, municipal, and industrial purposes is increasing rapidly which will pressure on future demand in agriculture. To justify less water use in rice production, we produced rice under different water levels (DWLs) and justified potassium bioavailability. There were five DWLs were employed in this experiment. Besides measuring yield and yield parameters, relative water content (WRC) and chlorophyll content in leaves, soil pH and bioavailability of potassium (K) in soil solution were measured. Yield and yield parameters showed insignificant difference under DWLs. Different water levels did not affect weekly data of chlorophyll content and RWC in leaves. But chlorophyll content and RWC in leaves were significantly higher in week 6 or 9 than week 3. Different water levels did not affect soil pH. Our results suggest that rice can be produced under low water input without affecting yield and yield parameters and K bioavailability in soil.

Efficiency of priming methods in crop establishment of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.)
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The present research work was conducted to evaluate the effect of different priming methods on Zingiber officinale Rosc. variety Karthika. Hydropriming was done by immersing the ginger rhizomes in distilled water for varied time durations (6, 12, 24, 36 and 48 hour), and for halopriming different concentrations (50mM,100mM, 250mM and 500mM) of sodium chloride (NaCl) solution was used for different time durations (6, 12, 18 and 24 hour). The primed plants showed fast germination than unprimed ones. The germination percentage of haloprimed (50 mM NaCl for 24 hour) plants was 89.22% and in hydropriming it was 90.33% (24 hours). But in the case of unprimed (control) plants, the germination percentage was only 55.11%. The present study showed that the optimum time duration for priming in ginger was 24 hours. In halopriming, the growth was highest in 50 mM NaCl for 24 hours. The carbohydrate content and photosynthetic pigment content were highest in primed plants when compared to unprimed plants.When comparing both priming methods, the haloprimed plants showed highest chlorophyll content and carbohydrate content than the hydroprimed ones. But, regarding the yield, hydroprimed plants produced more tillers and thus more yield. Since, ginger is cultivated for mainly for the rhizomes, among the two priming methods investigated, hydropriming was found to be more promising than halopriming in terms of yield.

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Worldwide warming is anticipated to have a typically terrible impact on plant development because of the harmful impact of excessive temperatures on plant improvement. Plants' diversity and productivity are adversely suffering from abiotic environmental factors. Thermal /heat stress is now becoming the main concern for plants everywhere, Major reason behind this is sudden changes in weather and climate which affects medicinal plants around the world and will eventually cause the destruction of some key species. The growing risk of climatological extremes such as very excessive temperatures might result in a catastrophic lack of crop productiveness and bring about extensive famine. Within the boom situation of plant life, several secondary metabolites are produced with the aid of them to serve a ramification of cell capabilities vital for physiological approaches, and the latest growing proof has implicated stress reaction. The medicinal plants comprise bioactive PSNPs, which perform a key role in plant life with the altering environment and stress condition. Within past decades, various studies advertised the healing properties and biological activities of medicinal plants. Excessive levels of pressure in medicinal vegetation exploitation caused by abiotic stress outcomes with the production of ROS inside the cell chambers of a plant cell which ultimately have a tremendous effect on secondary metabolite production. In this article, we have focused on what is the role of secondary metabolite and ROS generation in protecting the plant under the high stressful condition of heat.

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Rauwolfia serpentina (Apocynaceae) is a woody perennial shrub and important medicinal plant. Due to increased interest by both the scientific community regarding the medicinal uses of this plant species, a protocol for in vitro callus induction of Rauwolfia has been developed due to low germination rate (15%-20%). The leaf and stem explants were transferred to MS medium containing different combinations of plant growth hormones; 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) + 2-benzyl amino purine (BAP).The concentration of 2,4-D (2.0mg/l) + BAP (1.0 mg/l) produced better results for callus induction in both leaf and stem explants. The least results were recorded in callus induced from leaf explants under the influence of 2, 4-D (2.0 mg/l) and BAP (1.5 mg/l). The present investigation aims to increase the phenolic content in vitro responsible for the antioxidant activity of Rauwolfia. Thus salinity stress has been applied in vitro to increase the phenolic acid content and various enzymes such as SOD (superoxide dismutase) and PAL (Phenyl alanine ammonia lyase) has been studied. The phenolics content was more in leaf callus at moderate salinity level of 15 ppm compared to control and other treatments at 10ppm and 20 ppm. There was increase in total phenolic acid content and antioxidant activity of Rauwolfia under moderate salinity. Result of the experiment showed that the SOD activity was highest at 20ppm followed by 15 ppm and 10 ppm salt treatment. Activities of PAL in the callus increased progressively with the increasing salt concentrations. Increased PAL activity in the leaf callus was linearly and positively correlated with increasing NaCl concentrations and the peak activity in the leaf callus was observed at NaCl concentration of 20 ppm.

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This paper is the first in a series reporting a study on the effects of different concentrations of insecticide, Endosulfan (0-600ppm) was premeditated on 5th day after insecticide exposure with respect to growth rate, pigment composition and photosynthetic activity of Azolla microphylla under laboratory conditions which become non-target organism in the rice fields. Endosulfan inhibited the relative growth rate, pigment content and photosynthetic O2 evolution. Phycocyanin was main target followed by carotenoid and total chlorophyll. Significant increase in pigment, flavonoid and Anthocyanin was noticed after six days of treatment. In contrast to the photosynthetic activity, the rate of respiration in Azolla microphylla was increased significantly. Our results show that Endosulfan at normally recommended field rates and intervals are seldom deleterious to the beneficial and Eco friendly Azolla microphylla and their activities and thus in turn suppress plant growth and development. Phytotoxity of Azolla microphylla can be minimized by restrictions on application, timing, method and rate of application.

Enzyme activity and seedling growth of soybean seeds under accelerated aging
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Seed aging is the main problem of seed storage. Changes of bio-chemical and reduction of seedling growth are consequence of seed deterioration. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of accelerated aging on soybean seed germination indexes and enzyme activity. Seeds were incubated in closed plastic boxes for the accelerated aging treatments. Three accelerate aging regimes were performed by placing seeds at 41°C and relative humidity (RH) of 90-100 % for 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 days periods. Our results showed that increasing aging duration resulted higher reduction in germination characteristics, catalase and ascorbate peroxidase. Germination percentage, means time to germination, germination index, normal seedling percentage and enzyme activity decrease significantly.

Enzyme activity, hormone concentration in tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri) during cold acclimation
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Environmental factors play an important role in the seasonal adaptation of body mass and thermogenesis in wild small mammals. The tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri), is a unique species of small mammals which is origin of island in the Oriental realm. The present study was to test the hypothesis that ambient temperature was a cue to induce adjustments in body mass, energy intake, metabolism, uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) in brown adipose tissue (BAT), and other biochemical characters of T. belangeri during cold exposure about 21 days. Our data demonstrate that cold acclimation induced a remarkable increase in body mass, a significant increase in energy intake and metabolic rate, and high expression of UCP1 in BAT of T. belangeri. Cold acclimation induced an increase in cytochrome c oxidase (COX) and Thyroidhormones (T3/T4). These data supported that T. belangeri increased the body mass and increased energy intake and expenditure under cold acclimation. Increased expression of UCP1 was potentially involved in the regulation of energy metabolism and thermogenic capacity following cold acclimation. And it through changes in enzyme activity and hormone concentration under cold acclimation, and suggested temperature changes play an important role in the regulation of thermogenic capacity in tree shrew.

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Background: The objective of the present study was to investigate the ability of butanolic extract from leaves of Chrysanthemum fontanesii, vitamin E and C to modulate ethanol-Induced toxicity and oxidation damage in maternal and fetal tissues of mice. Butanolic extract from leaves of Chrysanthemum fontanesii (200 mg/Kg per day), vitamin E (100mg/Kg per day) and C (8.3mg/Kg per day) were administered by gavage to groups of pregnant mice from the 6 th to 17 th day of gestation. A number of animals received plant extract, vitamin E and C, also treated with an oral administration of ethanol (0.02ml/g of 25% v/v absolute ethanol in water per day) in same conditions. On day 18 of gestation, pregnant mice were killed, fetus, placenta, fetal liver, liver, kidneys and brain were removed, homogenised and used for determination of lipid peroxidation (LPO) using TBARS method. Embryotoxicity was assessed by counting the number of live and dead fetus and growth retardation. Results: Severe alterations in all biomarkers were observed after injury with ETOH. ETOH produced significant decreases in fetal weight and significant increases in embryolethality and lipid peroxidation relative to control values. Treatment with Chrysanthemum fontanesii extract, vitamin C and vitamin E resulted in markedly decreased embryolethality and fetal growth retardation, while increased fetal weight were observed. Conclusion: The butanolic extract from leaves of Chrysanthemum fontanesii, vitamin E and C protected against ethanol induce fetal and maternal toxicity as revealed by the decrease in the extent of lipid peroxidation. So that butanolic extract from leaves of Chrysanthemum fontanesii posses in vivo antioxidant properties.

Euhalophyte eryngium maritimum L.: the microstructure and functional characteristics
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The microstructure of the leaf surface, lipids composition, pigments spectrum, biological and photosynthetic activity, and hormones status of euhalophyte Eryngium maritimum L., one of the most salt-tolerant plants, were studied. It was shown that the existence in saline and dry soils is provided among others adaptive mechanisms by specific microstructure of leaf, adaxial and abaxial surfaces of which have well-developed cuticle and stomata slit placed below the surface of the epidermis. The presence of a large amount of saturated fatty acids provides decrease of membrane permeability and better resistance against soil salinity. The key role in photosynthetic activity is played by chlorophyll a. At the same time a high amount of carotenoids (as compared with amount of chlorophylls) points out that these pigments have a light-collecting function and could transfer an additional energy to chlorophylls. The data from thermoluminescence analyses showed a possible inhibition of recombination reactions in PS II by the assumed saline concentration in plant tissue. Besides, the fluorescence measurements indicate reduced efficiency of photosynthetic reactions. The high level of active ABA is correlated with salt tolerance and ability to survive and grow in stress conditions. The high level of conjugated form of IAA demonstrated that activity of this hormone is limited.

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To evaluate the freezing resistance and genetic diversity in barley physiological traits, molecular markers and their relationship in 20 barley genotypes were assessed in field and greenhouse condition. The analysis of variance showed a significant difference among studied genotypes. The effect of acclimation temperature on prolin content, quantum efficiency of photosystem II, chlorophyll and soluble sugars content were studied as physiological traits. Freezing treatments were -4, -7, -10, -13 and -16 °C temperatures that applied in a 3 replicated randomized complete block design. Then their lethal temperature at which 50% of plant were died (LT 50) was determined. To estimate FSI (Field Survival Index) index, the 20 genotypes were cultured in a separate experiment on field with 3 replications. The results showed negative significant correlation (-0.601) between field survival index and LT 50. Cluster analysis using physiological traits, genotypes of F-A1-1, F-A1-2, F-A2-11, F-GRB-85-5, Sahra, Sahand, Dasht and Makouei were categorized in a distinct group and had a high FSI and low LT 50. Makouei cultivar having LT 50=-17.66 °C and the highest percentage of winter survival in the field, was the most resistant genotype. 10 ISSR markers from 35 primers sequences were selected and used. These 9 ISSR primers produced 50 polymorphic bands. PIC and MI average index for all primers were 0.37 and 1.72 respectively. Cluster analysis of molecular data using Jaccard similarity coefficient categorized the genotypes to four distinct groups. Associations between molecular markers and traits were assessed by multiple regression analysis. Some informative markers related to FSI and also LT 50 was determined. So it may be possible to use these markers for selection of resistant lines or genotypes in breeding programs.