Статьи журнала - Журнал стресс-физиологии и биохимии
Все статьи: 923

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Background : Stress is a common entity, widely spoken about among the working population, for which a safe and effective remedy is needed. Purpose of the study : To evaluate the clinical effectiveness of Arogh plus a polyherbal formulation, towards stress relieving properties in a randomized clinical trial in volunteers. Results : The clinical benefit of stress was reinforced by way of significant reduction in serum cortisol, increase in total count and reduction of symptoms pertaining to stress in a randomized clinical trial in volunteers carried out at Rohini Holistic Health centre. Conclusion :Arogh plus is an effective formulation in relieving stress and improving the quality of life.

Evaluation and genetic polymorphism studies of jatropha (Jatropha curcus) for water stress tolerance
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Jatropha (Jatropha curcus) is an alternative resource for biodiesel. To boost the rural economy in sustainable manner it is estimated that 30 Million hector plantation may replace current use of fossil fuel. Although Jatropha has an inbuilt ability to grow under water limited conditions, scanty information is available about natural genetic variation for water stress tolerance. Three local genotypes from Pune district were collected and initially screened by imparting artificial stress using PEG - 6000. Seedlings were subjected to increasing concentration of PEG - 6000 (30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 gm/l) to study effect on growth parameters. The root growth, number of secondary roots, true leaf expansion at morphological level and palisade mesophyll height, xylem vessel expansion at anatomical level showed drastic negative impact as compared to control. It is worth to note that local germplasm performance was categorized into susceptible group as compared to tolerant genotype [Chattisgadh Selection] indicating need for genetic improvement. These genotypes were further studied at molecular level with RAPD and ISSR markers to amplify genetic variation. Polymorphic bands from Chattisgadh selection genotype are being evaluated for their usefulness as markers for water stress tolerance.

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Cereals in general and millets in particular have been identified as major food crops globally and increase in crop production is required to meet the demands of the ever increasing global population. However, continuous climatic variations or abiotic stresses have led the drastic reduction in food grain yields. In view of affects of abiotic stresses on food crops plants, present study was undertaken to analyze the comparative responses of salinity stresses induced by various concentrations of NaCl (50mM, 100mM, 250mM and 500mM) and sea water (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) during seed germination and seedling growth under ex-vitro conditions in kodo millet (Paspalum scrobiculatum L.). After 6-days and 12-days of salinity stress treatments, observations were recorded and after 12-days of treatments, results reveal that salinity stress caused by NaCl-salt concentration (250mM) proves to be very lethal causing strong seed germination and therefore, the mean germination frequency (33% ±0.530 was recorded while further increase in NaCl concentration (500mM) was found to be fully toxic and seed germination frequency was obtained as zero in comparison to control experiment (94% ±0.35). Similarly, in case of salinity stress induced by sea water treatments, 25% of the sea water concentration was found to cause strong promotion instead of inhibition and (71% ±0.17) of the seeds could exhibit promotion in germination frequency and further increase in sea water concentration (50%) and above was turned out to be fully toxic. Furthermore, during biochemical studies, protein contents in the tissues growing under NaCl-salinity stresses at (50mM, 100mM and 250mM) were estimated and significantly it was found to decline with the increase in concentration of NaCl-salt stress solutions. After 12th days of treatments, protein contents were found to be minimum (198.2 mg/g) in the tissues that were growing in high concentration of NaCl (250mM) solution than the control solution (476.4mg/g) grown tissues.

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The present study aimed to evaluate the allelopathic potential of root extract of Rumex dentatus L. and various allelochemicals on some physiological parameters in roots of Cicer arietinum L. The tested allelochemicals were benzoic, caffeic, cinnamic, ferulic, gallic, sinapic and vanillic acids. Seed germination of Cicer was inhibited by Rumex extract. Lipid peroxidation and hydrogen peroxide production increased gradually in response to extract concentration as well as allelochemicals treatment. The total soluble protein decreased whereas the total phenol increased under the various treatments. The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD: and catalase (CAT: increased continuously with increasing extract concentration. However, peroxidase (POD: increased sharply at 2% (w/v) followed by reduction at the higher concentrations and reached 1.1 U g-1 fresh weight at 10% (w/v) which was still higher than that of the control value. Ferulic acid was the most effective inducer for SOD activity followed by cinnamic acid. The POD activity increased remarkably particularly with cinnamic, benzoic and gallic acids. Sinapic, ferulic and coumaric acids enhanced CAT activity by 150.4%, 139.5% and 124.4%, respectively. The results reveal the possible use of R. dentatus as bioherbicide.

Evaluation of antiulcer activity of Crateva magna (Lour.) Dc in Wistar albino rats
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The Antiulcer activity of aqueous leaf extract of Crateva magna (Lour) DC. was investigated on Ethanol induced ulcer model and Aspirin induced model in wistar rats. In both models the common parameters determined was ulcer index, ulcer score, gastric pH, free and total acidity, Antioxidant parameters such as glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, lipid peroxides. The aqueous leaf extract of Crateva magna (Lour) DC. dosage 150, and 300 mg/kg produced significant inhibition of gastric lesion induced by Ethanol induced ulcer and Aspirin induced ulcer. The aqueous leaf extract of Crateva magna (Lour) DC. dosage 150, and 300 mg/kg showed significant reduction in free acidity, total acidity, and ulcer index as compared to disease control. The study indicates that aqueous leaf extract of Crateva magna (Lour) DC. have potential antiulcer activity in both models. These results indicated that Crateva magna (Lour) DC. displayed an antiulcerogenic effect due to its cytoprotective activity. Besides antioxidant potential of plant extract scavenged the free radicals produced by Ethanol induction, Aspirin induced ulcer and healed the ulcers.

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The effects of two superabsorbents (natural-bentonite) and (synthetic-A 200) on the chlorophyll fluorescence index, proline accumulation, phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity and total carbohydrate in lettuce ( Lactuca sativa L.) was evaluated. For this purpose, a factorial experiment using completely randomized design with superabsorbents at 3 levels (0, 0.15, 0.30 w/w%), drought stress at 2 levels (60 and 100% of field capacity) and 4 replicates was conducted. Results showed that photosystem photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) II under drought stress (60% FC) as well as lower levels of bentonite superabsorbent polymer reduced. The minimum and maximum proline content were obtained in 0.3% bentonite, 100% FC and 0 benetonite, 60% FC, respectively. The lowest and highest phenolic compounds was corresponded to the highest levels in both super absorbents and control respectively, so that the super absorbent and bentonite, reduced phenolic compounds by 62.65 and 66.21% compared to control. 0 and 0.15 wt % bentonite in high drought stress (60% FC) showed the highest and 0.3 wt % bentonite and 100% FC attained the lowest level of antioxidant activity. Control bentonite treatment beds at 60% FC and beds containing 0.3 wt. % bentonite in 100% FC, showed the lowest and the highest total carbohydrate content respectively. Results of this study indicate that bentonite can reduce the negative effects of drought stress similar to artificial super absorbent.

Evaluation of genetic diversity of an Algerian durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) collection
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Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) has been extensively cultivated in Algeria for many centuries. During this long period, the species encountered a large diversification implied by the great diversity of climates that led to great genetic diversity of the species. The purpose of this study is to improve the management of phytogenetic resources that can serve as potential breeders for the amelioration of wheat. The study aims at evaluating the diversity of 1019 accessions of durum wheat from different regions of Algeria and which are stored at the Constantine ITGC. The analysis of the results concerning phenological and morphophysiological characters revealed an important intra and intervarietal genetic variability. Subsequently it appeared that the 1019 accessions belong to 19 botanic varieties that differ mainly by the cob, silk and grain colours. Among the characters involved in this study, some appeared to have a direct connection with the adaptation to water stress and thus allowed us identifying the most resistant varieties

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In order to evaluate the inter-specific hybrid of P. atlantica Desf. and P. vera L. cv. ‘Badami- Riz-e- Zarand’ to salinity stress, a factorial experiment was conducted based on completely randomized design with 0, 60 and 120 mM of salinity levels of sodium chloride, calcium chloride and magnesium chloride (3:2:1) with four replications on ‘Qazvini’, ‘Badami-Riz-e-Zarand’ and inter-specific of P. atlantica × P. vera cv. ‘Badami-Rize-Zarand’ rootstocks of pistachio. The results showed that salinity has increased proline content of leaves. Chlorophyll index, relative water content of leaf, leaf area, shoot and root fresh and dry weight, stem diameter and number of leaves were decreased by increasing salinity. Rootstocks responded differently to salinity, so that the most reduction in chlorophyll index, leaf area and leaf number were observed in ‘Badami-Riz-e-Zarand’ rootstock and the least reduction was observed in the hybrid.

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This study investigated nutritional and phytochemical properties of three multipurpose savannah plants: Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Hibiscus sabdariffa and Morinda lucida . Proximate, mineral and anti-nutrient contents of leaves, stems and roots of the plants were determined. Data obtained were analysed using Statistical Analysis System (SAS). One way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was conducted to determine significant difference between parameters. Means were separated using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test at p

Evaluation of oxidative stress in brucella infected cows
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Oxidative stress can influence the metabolism of cells in vital organs of the body. Oxidative stress is extremely dangerous as it does not exhibit any symptom and is recognisable with great difficulty by means of laboratory methods. It can be monitored with several biomarkers like antioxidants and pro-oxidants which can be assessed in serum. The inexorableness of exposure of cows to brucella infection makes oxidative stress associated with this infection an appropriate field of investigation. There is paucity of work to detect stress, which is essential to take timely corrective measures and to save the animal population. Therefore the investigation was carried out to evaluate oxidative stress in the cows suffering from brucellosis. For this serum biomarkers of oxidative stress viz. vitamin C, vitamin E, catalase, monoamine oxidase, glutathione reductase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione, xanthine oxidase, oxidase and peroxidase were determined. Results indicated that vitamin C, vitamin E and glutathione activity decreased significantly in affected cows as compared to healthy cows. Serum catalase, superoxide dismutase, monoamine oxidase, glutathione reductase, xanthine oxidase, oxidase and peroxidase activities increased significantly in affected cows as compared to healthy cows. Decreased activity of vitamin C, vitamin E and glutathione indicated towards their depletion which generally occurs in the oxidative stress to scavenge the free radicals. It was concluded that oxidative stress was there in the animals. This study recommends the use of antioxidants in affected cows

Evaluation of oxidative stress in sheep affected with peste des petits ruminants
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The aim of the investigation was to evaluate oxidative stress in sheep affected with peste des petits ruminants (PPR). Oxidative stress in the affected sheep was evaluated by determining various serum biomarkers viz. vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, glutathione, catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione reductase and xanthine oxidase, the mean values of which were 1.70±0.07 µmol L-1, 13.00± 0.10 µmol L-1, 2.25 ±0.07 µmol L-1, 3.10 ±0.06 µmol L-1, 140.00 ±8.00 kU L-1 , 294.22 ±9.91 kU L-1 , 6.99± 0.05 kU L-1 and 100.10 ±3.00 m U L-1, respectively. The levels of vitamins A, C, E and glutathione decreased significantly (p≤0.05) and the serum catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione reductase and xanthine oxidase activities increased significantly (p≤0.05) in affected sheep as compared to that in healthy ones. On the basis of the altered levels of serum biomarkers of oxidative stress it was concluded that the animals affected with PPR developed oxidative stress. The findings suggested the relevance of periodic assessment of oxidative status in ruminants for healthier management through supplementation of proper antioxidants as supportive treatment in PPR and in healthy in-contact animals.

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Phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) is a biochemical marker of the environmental stress and plays a pivotal role in phenolic synthesis. The lower ROS level and oxidative damage was observed in grafted plants and the rootstocks have a profound influence on the biochemical composition, especially phenolic compounds. Regarding the importance of the effect rootstocks have on scion in pistachio trees, this study was carried out to assess and compare three pistachio cultivars ("Ahmadaghaii", "Ohadi" and "Kallehghuchi") on three rootstocks (Mutica, Ahli, Sarakhs). PAL activity, phenolic compounds, flavonoid and anthocyanin contents in leaves, flowers and fruits were measured toward the selection of the most suitable and compatible rootstock/scion resistant to environmental stresses. The results showed that PAL activity was different among the cultivars and organs. A positive correlation was observed between PAL activity and phenolic compounds in the leaves and flowers of Mutica- Ahmadaghaii, suggesting that it is more resistant than the others to environmental stresses. PAL activity and total phenolics in fruits of pistachio suffered a decrease when the maturation processes began. The hulls of the pistachio fruits contained high levels of phenolic compounds especially in Mutica-Ahmadaghaii) suggesting its function as a protective layer and a defense chemical against ultraviolet radiation and pathogen. Our results indicated the presence of a number of bioactive compounds in kernels with the highest amount belonging to Mutica- Ahmadaghaii, and therefore it is concluded that pistachio rootstocks may affect the antioxidant compounds in kernels.

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In order to study the effects of drought stress and plant density on yield and yields Components of maize ( cv. 604), an experiment was conducted as a split plot based on randomized complete block design with four replications in Ilam station, Iran during 2007-2008 growing season. The treatment were three levels of irrigation (90, 120 and 150 evaporation (mm) from pan (Class A)) as main plots, four planting densities (90000, 100000, 110000 and 125000 plants ha -1) as sub plot. The results showed that different levels of irrigation on the most of measured traits were significant at 1% probability level. Level of irrigation 90 mm evaporation (mm) from pan had a highest a number grain per row, 1000 kernel weight, grain yield and biologic yield other than traits. Between plating density the most of measured traits were significant. The highest grain yield, row per ear, number grain per row, biologic yield and harvest index obtained in 110000 plants ha -1. Interaction effect of irrigation × plant density was effect on grain yield. The highest grain yield from 90 mm evaporation×110000 plants ha -1 and the lowest grain yield from 150 mm evaporation×90000 plants ha -1.

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Every year, more and more land becomes non-productive due to salinity which adversely affects the productivity and quality of most crops that is why salinity becomes a concern to be studied more to understand the mechanisms included and select the tolerant genotypes. In this context, this investigation was carried out to study the impact of NaCl on growth, mineral analysis and solutes synthesis in five Tunisian chili pepper ( Capsicum frutescens L.) cultivars: Tebourba (Tb), Somaa (Sm), Korba (Kb), Awald Haffouzz (Aw) and Souk jedid (Sj). Thus, an experiment took place under greenhouse at Higher Institute of Agronomy, Chott Meriem, Tunisia and stress was induced during two months in water by NaCl (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 g/l). Results showed that increasing salinity stress, for all cultivars, decreases the height and biomass (dry and fresh weight) of plant in addition to the relative water content. Also, a decline in K + and Ca 2+ amounts in roots and K +/Na + ratio was recorded. However, Na + content in roots and the biosynthesis of soluble sugars and soluble proteins in leaves increased. Awlad Haffouzz and Korba cultivars succefully tolerated highest salinity level by accumulating more K +, Ca 2+ in roots and containing the highest concentrations of soluble sugars and soluble protein in their leaves contrary to Souk jedid cultivar, considered as the sensitive cultivar.

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Among cereals, rice is known as the major components of our food consumption worldwide; however, recently accumulation of heavy metals in soil and water has emerged as big constraints for rice yields. This study was undertaken with analyzing the impacts of various heavy metals (Hg, Co, Ni, Cd, Zn and Cu) stress treatments on seed germination and early seedling growth in coastal red rice ( Oryza sativa L. cv. Poongar) crop. Responses in terms of germination percentage mean were recorded as partial germination and full germination after 5-days and 10-days of stress treatments respectively. Moreover, stress responses of heavy metals during early seedling growth were measured in terms of root and shoot lengths of the seedlings after 10-days of treatments. Mature seeds were initially treated with HgCl2 (0.01%, 0.1% and 1.0%) and equivalent concentrations of CoCl2, NiCl2 and CdCl2 (1.0mg/L, 5.0mg/L, 10mg/L, 25mg/L and 50mg/L) followed by ZnSO4 and CuSO4 solutions (0.5mg/L, 1.0mg/L, 2.5mg/L and 5.0mg/L). Results reveal that HgCl2 even at very low concentration (0.01%), was found to be the lethal for seed germination (5±0.0%), however, these poorly germinated seeds were further failed to grow into seedlings. Like HgCl2, CoCl2 was also found to exhibit strong toxicity but at high concentration (50mg/L) where seed germination was completely lacking. Furthermore, unlike CoCl2, NiCl2 solution was found to be less toxic where germination frequency was recorded as (12±0.0%) and suppressed root formation completely at high concentration (50mg/L). Moreover, among chloride solutions of cobalt, nickel and cadmium, CdCl2 was proved as little weak inhibitor because complete seedling development with root-shoot length was observed at high concentration (50mg/L) and root-shoot length ratio (0.28±0.19cm/0.96±0.23cm) was recorded as compared to control seedlings (3.97±0.71cm/4.52±0.45cm). Furthermore, in case of sulphate solutions of zinc and copper, ZnSO4 stress proves to be strongly lethal even at very low concentration (5.0mg/L) and seed germination was completely lacking in comparison to CuSO4 treatment (15±0.0%). However, CuSO4-treated germinated seeds were grown into incomplete seedlings without roots (0.0cm/0.05±0.02cm) after 10-days of treatments. Hence this study shows that HgCl2 proves to be the most toxic heavy metal for seed germination and early seedling growth followed by ZnSO4, CuSO4, CoCl2 and NiCl2 while CdCl2 was emerged as the least inhibitory heavy metals among all tested metals in rice crop.

Evaluation of some upland cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) varieties for salinity tolerance screening
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This investigation aimed to evaluate five upland cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) (Aleppo118, Aleppo33/1, Aleppo90, Raqqa5, and Deir-Ezzor22) varieties based on physiological indices and genetic variation using AFLP marker. These varieties were evaluated under control and saline conditions (50, 100 & 200 mM NaCl) for 56 days. Various physiological indices were detected in this investigation. In this respect, Deir-Ezzor22 variety differed by showing high salt tolerance relative to the other tested varieties. Otherwise, PCR amplification with 7 AFLP PCs primer combinations revealed that Deir-Ezzor22 variety characterized by 15 unique positive markers compared to the other tested varieties. Based on physiological study and AFLP technique, it can be concluded that genetic variation detected by AFLP marker supported the physiological indices among the tested cotton varieties. These varieties present considerable interest for genetic studies and plant improvement.

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Background: Taste perception is an integral part of a person’s life. This perception gets altered due to many factors, one of which is diabetes mellitus. There is limited data on the taste alteration for sweet in Type 1 diabetics. Objective: To evaluate the sweet taste perception in subjects with type 1 diabetes by the mouth threshold index test. Methods: A cross-sectional study with 200 subjects inclusive of both sexes. The subjects were grouped into 2:100 control, composed of non-diabetics, and 100 tests, with Type 1 diabetic patients were recruited from Endocrinology Out patient department at Osmania General Hospital, Hyderabad to take part in this study. Sensitivity test in determining threshold index for sensory perception was analyzed. The tests were conducted on 5 sections containing different concentrations of glucose. Statistical analysis: The two groups were statistically analyzed using Chi square test with P value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Among the study population, majority of participants had 0.25M (51 (51%) in non-diabetic and 28 (28%) in diabetic), 0.50M (26 (26%) in non-diabetic and 37 (37%) in diabetic) and 1M (11 (11%) in non-diabetic and 23 (23%) in diabetic) as concentration at which sweet taste was perceived. Type diabetics showed less sensitive to sweet stimuli compared to controls. Conclusion: Type 1 diabetes patients showed greater threshold index for sweet taste perception, this finding could further result in increased sweet intake leading increased blood sugar levels in these patients.

Evaluation of the effect of oxidative stress on roots of red beet ( Beta vulgaris L.)
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In the present investigation it was studied the effect of oxidative stress on root of red beet. The degree of stress exposure was assessed at various levels: in tissues of roots (conductometric method), on isolated vacuoles (time-lapse video recording), and transport activity of the vacuolar membrane enzyme, namely V-H +-ATPase (fluorescent probe method). The obtained results allow to conclude the negative effects of oxidative stress on different levels of plant organization. There were several effects: a significant increase of outflow of electrolytes from the tissues of roots, a great decrease of half-life time of isolated vacuoles, and a 2 times reduction of transport activity of tonoplast H +-ATPase. Thus, the methods used in this study can be applied to assess the intensity of the impact of oxidative stress on plants.

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Background: A study was conducted to evaluate the serum biochemical and oxidative stress parameters of catfish ( Clarias gariepinus ) obtained from homestead ponds in Makurdi metropolis, Nigeria, in order to establish changes due to stress from transportation, following the pretreatment of transporting water with palm oil and aqua anti-stress. Serum samples were obtained from the blood collected from the fish a day before, just before loading the fish, immediately after journey, and 3 days post-transportation. The samples were used to analyze for some oxidative stress markers like malon dialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and other biochemical parameters such as; alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), total cholesterol (TC) and triglyceride (TRG). Results: There was a significant (p0.05) difference in MDA levels of PA group compared with the control after the journey. However, there was no significant (p>0.05) difference in the MDA levels of aqua anti-stress agent-treated water (A) group compared with the control, before the journey and after the journey. There was a significantly (P0.05) difference in the ALT, AST and ALP activities of aqua anti-stress agent-treated water (A) group when compared with the control, before the journey and after the journey. There was no significant (p>0.05) difference in the TC and TRG levels of A, PA and PB groups when compared with the control group, before the journey and after the journey. The ALT, AST and ALP activities of the fish transported in water treated with palm oil were markedly reduced at the end of the journey when compared with the levels just before the journey. Conclusion: The findings of this study have shown that both aqua anti-stress agent and palm oil may improve the biochemical parameters of African catfish, which enhanced their responses to stress during the eight hour journey but the conventional anti-stress agent was more effective than palm oil.

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The possible involvement of the methylglyoxal and proline accumulation in leaves and roots of three pistachio rootstocks, cv. Sarakha, Abareqi and Bane baghi, pre-inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus ( Glomus mosseae ) in response to salt stress was studied during a greenhouse experiment in 2013. Six months old pistachio seedlings were exposed to four salinity levels of irrigation water (EC of 0.5 as control, 5, 10 and 15 dS m -1) for 70 days. Methylglyoxal and proline of the roots and leaves were increased by increasing salt stress. The highest concentrations of proline in leaves and roots were recorded in Abareqi rootstock while the lowest concentration was observed in Sarakhs. In general, a negative relationship was obtained between proline and methylglyoxal concentrations in both tissues especially at two highest levels of salinity. A very strong relationship between salinity and measured biochemical markers were found. The level of both biomarkers were reduced in both tissues and in all rootstocks as the effect of mycorrhizal symbiosis. Root colonization percentage was declined as the effect of salinity in Abareqi and Bane baghi and not in Sarakhs.