Статьи журнала - Журнал стресс-физиологии и биохимии

Все статьи: 923

Effect of photoperiod on some biological parameters of Clarias gariepinus juvenile

Effect of photoperiod on some biological parameters of Clarias gariepinus juvenile

Solomon S.G., Okomoda V.T.

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Photoperiod effect on Growth parameters and cannibalism of Clarias gariepinus have been well documented in resent past, but little is known about the response of other biological parameters such as, Condition factor, Shooters composition, Body colouration and Blood glucose of this important tropical fish species to different photoperiods, therefore the present study was designed to evaluate these responses of the African catfish to 24 hours of light (00D:24L), 24 hours of darkness (24D: 00L) and 12 hour light / 12 hours darkness (12D: 12L). The six weeks experiment observed significant differences (P0.05) at the end of the experiment and were Significantly lower than value obtained at the start of the experiment, Shooters composition was highest in 00D:24L (41.5% i.e. 27 of 65) leading to high mortality (13.33%) due to cannibalism compared to 12D: 12L (Shooters =15.27% i.e. 11 of 72, Mortality= 4%) and 24D: 00L (Shooters=5.33% i.e. 4 of 75, Mortality= 0%) photoperiod. More so, 93.33% (70 of 75) of fish in the dark phase (24D: 00L) exhibited Deep shiny black body colouration, while 6.67% (5 of 75) was observed of Normal fish colouration. However the fishes in the 00D: 24L photoperiod were observed to be predominantly Lighter skin colouration, (80% i.e. 52 of 65= lighter colouration, 18.46% i.e. 12 of 65= Normal skin coloration and 1.53 i.e. 1 of 65= Deep black body colouration) while 12D: 12L were of Normal skin colouration (100% Normal skin colouration), also blood glucose was observed to increase as the light hours increased (P


Effect of pranayama on anxiety, depression and stress levels in post-graduate students: correlation with serum cortisol and hemoglobin levels

Effect of pranayama on anxiety, depression and stress levels in post-graduate students: correlation with serum cortisol and hemoglobin levels

Nagar L., Betal Ch., Chauhan I., Tyagi P.

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Background: Anxiety, depression and stress (ADS) are prevalent mental health disorders among university students due to the demanding nature of their academic pursuits. Pranayama yogic breathing (PYB), a controlled breathing technique has been suggested as a potential intervention to alleviate these psychological maladies.


Effect of priming on growth, biochemical parameters and mineral composition of different cultivars of coriander ( Coriandrum sativum L.) under salt stress

Effect of priming on growth, biochemical parameters and mineral composition of different cultivars of coriander ( Coriandrum sativum L.) under salt stress

Ben Fredj Meriem, Zhani Kaouther, Hannachi Chrif, Mehwachi Tijani, Belanger Andr

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At Higher Institute of Agriculture of Chott Mariem, Sousse, Tunisia, this study was conducted to evaluate the interactive effect of salinity and seed priming on coriander. The experiment was carried out in completely randomized design with three replications consisting of four coriander genotypes (Tunisian cv, Algerian cv, Syrian cv and Egyptian cv) at two seed conditions (seed priming with 4 g/l NaCl for 12h or no seed priming). Results revealed that seed priming and salinity had significantly (p≤0.05) affected all the parameters under study. On the first hand, salinity stress had adversely affected growth, chlorophyll content, mineral composition (K + and Ca 2+) of coriander in all genotypes. Also, it activated Na + accumulation and synthesis of proline, soluble sugars and proteins. However, seed priming with NaCl had diminished the negative impact of salt stress in all cultivars and primed plants showed better response to salinity compared to unprimed plants. Maximum values were recorded in tolerant cultivar which is Tunisian one whereas minimum values were noted in sensitive cultivar (Algerian cv).


Effect of salicylic acid and ascorbic acid on germination indexes and enzyme activity of sorghum seeds under drought stress

Effect of salicylic acid and ascorbic acid on germination indexes and enzyme activity of sorghum seeds under drought stress

Tabatabaei S.A.

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Seed priming methods have been used to increase germination characteristics under stress conditions. The effects of drought stress (0, -4, -8, -12 and -16 bar) and salicylic acid 25 ppm at 15 °C for 15 h and ascorbic acid 25 ppm at 15 °C for 15 h on germination percentage, germination index, means time to germination, normal seedling percentage and enzyme activity were assessed in the laboratory for sorghum seeds ( Sorghum bicolor L. ). Results showed that the highest germination percentage (83.33%), normal seedling percentage (69.67%), germination index (25.29) and the minimum means time to germination (2.87) were attained from priming with salicylic acid in control conditions. Therefore, seed priming significantly (p≤ 0.01) increased germination characteristics as compared to the unprimed under drought stress. Also, priming increased catalase and ascorbate peroxidase as compared to the unprimed seeds.


Effect of salicylic acid treatment on cadmium toxicity and leaf lipid composition in sunflower

Effect of salicylic acid treatment on cadmium toxicity and leaf lipid composition in sunflower

Moradkhani Sakineh, Khavari Nejad Ramazan Ali, Dilmaghani Kamaladdin, Chaparzadeh Nader

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The ameliorative effect of salicylic acid (SA) on cadmium (Cd) toxicity in sunflower plants was studied by investigating plant growth and fatty acid composition. Sunflower plants in two leaves stage were exposed to CdCl2 treatment (0, 50,100,150 and 200 µM) and then were treated with salicylic acid (0, 250 and 500 µM) as foliage spraying. One week after the last salicylic acid treatment,plants were harvested and growth parameters were measured. Oil of leaf was extracted in a Soxhlet system and fatty acid composition were measured by gas chromatography(GC). Statistical analyses showed excess Cd reduced growth parameters (fresh weight and length of stems and roots, fresh weight and number of leaves)and SA increased them compared with the control. Maximum reduction in these parameters was at 200 µmol Cd and 0µmol of SA. Cd caused a shift in fatty acids composition, resulting in a lower degree of their unsaturation and an increase in saturated fatty acids in sunflower leaves,whereas SA improved them. SA, particularly increased the percentage of linolenic acid and lowered that of palmitic acid by the same proportion. These results suggest membrane integrity due to lipids est that SA could be used as a potential growth regulator and a stabilizer of protection of cadmium-induced oxidative stress to improve plant resistance to Cd stress.


Effect of salinity on viral disease spread in plants

Effect of salinity on viral disease spread in plants

Moldakimova N.A., Mukiyanova G.S., Yarmolinsky D.G., Brychkova G.G., Scholthof H.B., Sagi M., Omarov R.T.



Effect of salinity stress on chlorophyll content, proline, water soluble carbohydrate, germination, growth and dry weight of three seedling barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars

Effect of salinity stress on chlorophyll content, proline, water soluble carbohydrate, germination, growth and dry weight of three seedling barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars

Movafegh Somayeh, Razeghi Jadid Roghie, Kiabi Shadi

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Salinity is a serious environmental constraint to crop production in many parts of the world and the development of crops with improved salt tolerance is proposed as part of solution to this problem. This research was performed out in order to study the effects of different salinity levels on germination, growth, dry weight, proline, water soluble carbohydrate and chlorophyll content of three barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars named Jonoob (INC-54), Reyhan (INC-45) & Nosrat (INC -47).The experiment was carried out using factorial based on completely randomized design with three replications. Seven old seedlings after germination were transferred to Hoagland nutrient solution under the effect of salinity levels (0, 50, 150 and 250 mM NaCl)in during seven days. Data variance analysis showed that seed germination of three barley cultivars was significantly (PReyhan>Nosrat. The results showed that, increasing in salinity decreased all growth parameters. Salinity stress decreased shoot and root length, root dry weight and chlorophyll contents in every three cultivars. But decreasing of chlorophyll was less in Nosrat compared to two other items. Proline content and soluble carbohydrate were increased in all of the three cultivars with enhance of NaCl concentration. By increasing of salinity stress accumulation of proline and soluble sugar content in leaves of Nosrat cultivar was more than other cultivars. As saltiness increases resistance natural responses in this plant gets better considering less decrease in chlorophyll amount and strategy of more production about praline and sugar solution compared to two other items.


Effect of salt stress (NaCl) on biomass and K+/Na+ ratio in cotton

Effect of salt stress (NaCl) on biomass and K+/Na+ ratio in cotton

Saleh Basel

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A pot experiment was conducted to evaluate performance of Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)varieties, (A118), Aleppo33/1 (A33/1), Aleppo90 (A90), Raqqa5 (Raq5) and Deir-Ezzor22 (DE22), grown under different salinity concentration 0, 50, 100 and 200 mM NaCl for 56 days. Results indicated that increasing salinity decreased fresh and dry leaf and root weights. Also, leaf K+/Na+ ratio was decreased as increasing salinity levels in all tested varieties. This reduction for the all indicators tested was relatively more pronounced in A118 than DE22. Thereby, DE22 variety relatively performed better under salinity compared to the other tested varieties. Based on this investigation, it can be concluded that DE22 and Raq5 are relatively characterized as salt tolerant, while A90 as moderate salt tolerant. On the other hand, A118 and A33/1 could be considered as salt sensitive.


Effect of salt stress (NaCl) on germination and early seedling parameters of three pepper cultivars ( Capsicum annuum L.)

Effect of salt stress (NaCl) on germination and early seedling parameters of three pepper cultivars ( Capsicum annuum L.)

Aloui Hassen, Souguir Maher, Hannachi Cherif

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Salinity is one of the major environmental problem that lead to a deterioration of agricultural land and, as a result, to a reduction in crop productivity worldwide. This research tested the effect of different salinity levels on germination and early seedling growth of three pepper ( Capsicum annuum L.) cultivars which were "Beldi", "Baklouti" and "Anaheim Chili". Experimental treatment included 7 concentrations of NaCl (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 g/l). Results indicated that all investigate traits were affected by salt stress. Salt stress affected on germination parameters and radicle and plumule length. Fresh weight and dry weight of evaluated seedlings was also affected. "Anaheim Chili" cultivar was shown to be the most restraint cultivar to salt stress in comparison to "Beldi" and "Baklouti" cultivars.


Effect of salt stress on expression of carotenoid pathway genes in tomato

Effect of salt stress on expression of carotenoid pathway genes in tomato

Babu Merlene Ann, Singh Devesh, Gothandam K.M.

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Carotenoids, the naturally occurring isoprenoids form essential components of photosynthetic antenna and reaction centre complexes. Thus they play a significant role in absorption, dissipation and transfer of light energy for the process of photosynthesis. The effects of salt stress on carotenoid gene expression in tomato leaves were studied. For that tomato plants were subjected to different concentration of salt water. Morphological characters such as plant height, no. of fruits per plant, chlorophyll content and expression of four major carotenoid pathway genes such as phytoene synthase, phytoene desaturase, zeta carotene desaturase and lycopene beta cyclase were analysed. The quantitative expression analysis using real time PCR has shown a decrease in the expression of all the studied genes as the salt concentration increased. Among the different concentrations of NaCl used for the experiment, it was seen that 200 mM was most detrimental for the carotenoid gene expression. Lycopene beta cyclase, the enzyme that converts lycopene to beta carotene was seen to be highly affected compared to other genes studied showing a 1.87 fold inhibition in its expression at 200 mM NaCl.


Effect of salt stress on grain reserve composition in ten durum wheat cultivars

Effect of salt stress on grain reserve composition in ten durum wheat cultivars

Kahrizi Sonia, Sedghi Mohammad

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Saline soils are defined as those that contain sufficient soluble salts in the root zone to impair plant growth. Wheat is one of the three major cereals dominating world agriculture to date. Durum wheat is the hardest wheat and the concept of durum wheat quality is complex and confusing. Quality factors such as protein content, gluten strength and color have different priorities in various durum wheat markets. Changes in the grain quality of ten durum wheat cultivars under salt stress studied at the greenhouse condition. A factorial experiment was carried out based on completely randomized design with three replications. Treatments were salinity including 0, 60 and 120 mM and ten durum wheat cultivars (Boomer, PGS, 71135, 61130,605, C1351, KND, KDM, Haurani and G1252). Biochemical grain reserves such total protein and carbohydrate content, gluten, phosphorous and beta carotene were measured. Results showed that interaction of salt and cultivars was significant for all studied traits except of beta-carotene. At this experiment, gluten content changed very little with salinity levels. Cultivar 71135 at all salinity levels had the highest gluten content. With increasing of salt severity, the content of protein and carbohydrate decreased and content of phosphorous increased compared with control. In 60 mM salinity, cultivars 61130 and 71135, in 120 mM, 71135 and KDM and in control, 61130 and PGS respectively, had the highest and lowest content of protein. Cultivars 71135 and 61130 had the highest and PGS had the lowest phosphorous content in control. At 60 mM, cultivars 71135 and PGS respectively, had the highest and lowest phosphorous content. At 120mM, 71135 and Haurani respectively, had the highest and lowest phosphorous content. In three salt levels, cultivar 71135 was determined as the most tolerant cultivar according to content of grain reserve composition results.


Effect of short term NaCl stress on cultivars of S. lycopersicum: a comparative biochemical approach

Effect of short term NaCl stress on cultivars of S. lycopersicum: a comparative biochemical approach

Roy Chaitali, Sengupta D.N.

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Tomato is a crop plant with high fruit nutritive value and other useful properties. The cultivation of this species is dependent on many environmental factors, e.g. temperature, salinity, nutrients etc, affecting the yield and reproductive potential of the plant. Salinity in soil or water is of increasing importance to agriculture because it causes stress to crop plants. Plants exposed to an excess amount of salts such as NaCl undergo osmotic stress, water deficit and ionic imbalances and can increase production of reactive oxygen species(ROS). Higher plants possess very efficient enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidative defense mechanisms that allow the scavenging of ROS and protection of cellular components from oxidative damage. Studies were conducted to investigate the effect of short term salinity stress on some physiological alterations in three tomato cultivars Pusa Ruby(PR), Punjab Keshari (PK) and Ailsa Craig(AC). Some biochemical parameters (anthocyanin and carotenoeid content, polyamines, proline, cysteine, peroxidase and malondialdehyde) were set and applied at two month old stage of tomato plants. Three tomato cultivars were grown in 0.5xMS for 2 months and at this stage, they were treated with 0 and 200mM NaCl for a short period of six hours in hydroponic conditions. The genotypes exhibited different responses in terms of different osmoprotectant, antioxidant, and pigment level. The relationships among the salinity and accumulation of these compounds in leaf were then determined. It was concluded that, tomato cultivars under study responded differently showing their sensitivity or tolerance to salinity stress. Among three cultivars PK appeared to be more tolerant genotype than the other two cultivars PR and AC. PK could rapidly evolve physiological and antioxidant mechanisms to adapt to salt and manage the oxidative stress. The research was conducted in a completely randomized design with three replications.


Effect of silver nanoparticles and Pb(NO 3) 2 on the yield and chemical composition of mung bean( Vigna radiata)

Effect of silver nanoparticles and Pb(NO 3) 2 on the yield and chemical composition of mung bean( Vigna radiata)

Najafi Saeideh, Jamei Rashid

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Phytotoxic effects of Pb as Pb(NO 3) 2 and silver nanoparticles on Mung bean ( Vigna radiata ) planted on contaminated soil was assessed in terms of growth, yield, chlorophyll pigments, phenol and flavonoid content at 120 ppm concentration. Experiments were carried out with 4 treatments in 10 days. Treatments were including (T1) control, (T2) silver nanoparticles (50 ppm), (T3) Pb as Pb (NO 3) 2 (120 ppm) and (T4) silver nanoparticles (50 ppm) plus Pb as Pb(NO 3) 2 (120 ppm). Regarding the pigment content, silver nanoparticles-treated plants showed a remarkable increase of chlorophyll. The loss of chlorophyll content was associated with disturbance in photosynthetic capacity which ultimately results in the reduction of Vigna radiate growth. Pb caused a fall in the total content of phenols, while the content of flavonoid not significantly changed. The minimum decrease in root length, weight of root fresh and stem fresh was observed in T4 group, but this factors increased in the other treatments. Also, length of stem and seedling height decreased in control group. Increase length and fresh weight of stem in Pb-treated plants suggest that compatible solutes may contribute to osmotic adjustment at the cellular level and enzyme protection stabilizing the structure of macromolecules and organelles.


Effect of sodium chloride on the germination of the seeds of a collection of carrot accessions ( Daucus carota L.) cultivated in the region of Sidi Bouzid

Effect of sodium chloride on the germination of the seeds of a collection of carrot accessions ( Daucus carota L.) cultivated in the region of Sidi Bouzid

Kahouli Basma, Borgi Zied, Hannachi Chrif

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Seeds of ten accessions of carrot ( Daucus carota L.) collected from seven areas in the region of Sidi Bouzid, Lessouda (three accessions: L 1, L 2 and L 3) Faid (one accession: F 4), El Ogla (one accession: E 5), Regueb (two accessions: R 7 and R 8), Lahweze (one accession: L 10) Garet Hdid (one accession: G 11) and Souk Jedid (one accession: S 12) were germinated at 20° C in the dark and in the presence of NaCl (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 g/l) during 14 days. The results obtained showed that germination is possible until the highest concentration of salt (16 g/l) but germination and speed of germination decrease according to the concentration, so the accession L 3 was the most tolerant and accessions L 1, L 2 and S 12 was the most sensitive.


Effect of soil salinity on the nodulation and leghaemoglobin in two variables of (Pisum sativum L)

Effect of soil salinity on the nodulation and leghaemoglobin in two variables of (Pisum sativum L)

Verma B.K., Gangwar P., Varshney K.A.

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Considerable work has been done on the root nodules and leg-haemoglobin contents of different leguminous plants (Wilson, 1970; Singh et al , 1973; Balsubramanian and Sinha, 1976a, b; Kumar and Garg, 1980; Batra and Bhardwaj, 1981; Gupta and Varshney, 1999). In the present study, an effort has been made to assess the effect of soil salinity on the growth and leg-haemoglobin content of nodules in two varieties of field pea ( Pisum sativum Linn. ). The study was conducted in soil beds (size 1 m2) under natural conditions, in Botanical garden of Gangasheel Mahavidyalaya, Faijullapur, Nawabganj, Bareilly (U.P.). Three replicates were taken for each treatment (control EC 8 CE 8) of both varieties (Var. Pant pea 42 and Pant pea-66). The seeds were sown with gap of equal distance (1 ft.) in soil bed. The result indicates that variety Pant pea-42 is more salt tolerant than Pant pea-66. The number and size of nodules decrease with increase in salinity level in both varieties at all stages of growth (leafy, flowering and maturity). Leg-haemoglobin decreases with the increase level of soil salinity. This study concludes that soil salinity decreases the number of nodules, size of nodules and leg-haemoglobin contents of Field pea ( Pisum sativum Linn. ).


Effect of some stresses on free proline content during pigeonpea (Cajanas cajan) seed germination

Effect of some stresses on free proline content during pigeonpea (Cajanas cajan) seed germination

Bhamburdekar S.B., Chavan P.D.

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Plants accumulate proline under a variety of stress conditions thereby preventing stress-caused damages. The proline accumulation in germinating seeds of pigeonpea in response to NaCl, Boron and Aluminium treatments were studied. Results showed increased accumulation of proline in salinity stressed germinating seeds. As compare to 100 ppm boron, 10 and 50 ppm of boron treatments promoted proline levels at different stages of seed germination. The content of proline was found to be induced by all aluminium concentrations particularly at 48, 72 and 120 hrs. of seed germination. Whereas reverse pattern of proline accumulation was observed at 96 hrs stage under all studied stresses.


Effect of spermine and spermidine on wheat plants irrigated with waste water: conductive canals of flag leaf and peduncle in relation to grain yield

Effect of spermine and spermidine on wheat plants irrigated with waste water: conductive canals of flag leaf and peduncle in relation to grain yield

Aldesuquy Heshmat S.

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A pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the beneficial effect of grain presoaking in spermine (0.15 mM), spermidine (0.3 mM) and their interaction on waste water tolerance of wheat plants ( Triticum aestivum L.) variety Sakha 94. In general, waste water caused significant increases in the leaf thickness and ground tissue thickness in flag leaves as well as metaxylem vessel area, xylem vessel area, vascular bundle area in flag leaf and peduncle of main shoot of wheat plants. On the other hand leaf thickness and ground tissue thickness appeared to decrease at concentration 100% of waste water. Irrigation of wheat plants with waste water at all examined concentrations decreased phloem area in flag leaves and peduncle of main shoot of wheat plants. The application of spermine, spermidine or their interaction induced some modifications in the anatomical features of the flag leaf and peduncle of main shoot which appeared to be an adaptive response to heavy metals in applied waste water. Furthermore, Irrigation of wheat plants with waste water stress decreased significantly grain yield / plant. The applied polyamines appeared to alleviate the effect of heavy metals stress in waste water on grain yield. The effect was more pronounced with spermine +spermidine treatment. For anatomical features, the economic yield of wheat plants appeared to be positively correlated with the phloem area but negatively correlated with vascular bundle area and xylem area in flag leaf and peduncle of main shoot.


Effect of stress hormone antagonists on ovarian follicular development in pre-pubertal rat

Effect of stress hormone antagonists on ovarian follicular development in pre-pubertal rat

Abdullah Kalid Hamood

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Effect of stress on pre-pubertal ovarian follicular development was studied. Fifteen day old female rats were administered under stress (exposed to maternal separation; 6 hours/day) from post-natal day 15 to 21 for 7 days, and appropriate controls were maintained. The time of exposure was randomly changed every day during light phase (7AM to 7 PM) of the day to avoid habituation. There was a significant decrease in serum estrogen levels on post-natal day 21 in stress group rats compared to controls indicating stress response in these rats. However, mean number of healthy follicles in all categories of follicles were significantly lower in stressed rats compared to controls. Concomitant with these changes, mean number of atreitic follicles showed an increase over control values in stressed rats. In contrast administration of Naltrexone (5µg NTX/rat/day), Mifepristone (1 µg MP/rat/day), FSH (10 IU FSH/rat/day) with stressed the significant increases in the relative weight of ovary, uterus, fallopian tube, body weight and the mean number of healthy follicles in the ovary compared to the controls. In the ovary treatment of stressed did not affect primordial follicles. Primordial follicles were reduced in number significantly in the ovary of controls and treated groups when compared with the initial controls whereas there was no significant variation among the controls and the treated groups. The results indicate that stress dose not interfere with the progress of pre-pubertal follicular development. However, it causes increased loss of follicles by atretia.


Effect of temperature on Triticum aestivum L. seedlings growth and phytohormone balance

Effect of temperature on Triticum aestivum L. seedlings growth and phytohormone balance

Kosakivska I.V., Voytenko L.V., Likhnyovskiy R.V.

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He study aimed to determine the effect of short-term heat and cold stresses on growth, accumulation and distribution of abscisic acid (ABA) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in 7 and 14-day-old Triticum aestivum L. seedlings of the frost resistant cultivar Volodarka. A high performance liquid chromatography method has been used to provide a qualitative and quantitative analysis of hormones in leaves and roots. Biometric analysis showed that at the early stage of vegetation (7 days) seedlings were more resistant to temperature stresses, especially to cold, than at the later ones (14 and 21 days), that correlates with the frost resistance of cultivar. The results indicated that at the early stages of growth, after a short-term cold stress (2 h., +2 0C), the amount of free ABA substantially increased in roots, while at the later ones, it occurred after a short-term heat stress (2 h., +40 0C) in leaves. After a heat stress the leaves of 7-day-old seedlings accumulated a conjugated form of IAA. Heat stress caused the accumulation of free IAA in roots of 14-day-old seedlings. Cross stress (cold+heat) caused some increase in the pool of endogenous ABA both in roots and leaves while the amount of free IAA increased only in leaves. Сhanges in the accumulation of the free and conjugated forms of ABA and IAA depended both on the organs and the age of seedlings, and the type of stress and correlated with frost resistance of the cultivar Volodarka.


Effect of temperature on body temperature and resting metabolic rate in pups of Eothenomys miletus

Effect of temperature on body temperature and resting metabolic rate in pups of Eothenomys miletus

Zhu Wan-Long, Mu Yuan, Zhang Lin, Wang Zheng-Kun

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In order to investigate the ability of ambient temperature and thermoregulation in Eothenomys miletus, body temperature and resting metabolic rate (RMR) were measured during postnatal development (1-49 day) when E. miletus exposed different ambient temperature. The result showed that: body temperature and RMR of pups in E. miletus increased according to the increase of ambient temperature during 1 day to 7 day, showed character of poikilotherms; body temperature of pups were lower in low temperature(5 oC,10 oC), relatively and RMR increased significantly when day age is 14 day, it indicated that the pups showed a certain degree of thermoregulation in this phase. Its thermoregulation ability developed quickly during 7 day to 14 day. RMR of pups was extreme significantly higher in low temperature than that in other temperature when day age was 21 day, it showed that the pups had some thermoregulation to low temperature stimulation. The RMR of pups was showed increasing trend in high temperature(35 oC) when 28 day; on 35 day and 42 day, the thermal neutral zone were 22.5 to 30 oC and approaching its adult level. All of these results indicated that pups of E. miletus in the different growing period had different thermogenesis and energy allocation to maintain stable to body temperature, thermogenesis was weaker in the early phase of postnatal development, most of energy is used to its growth. After pups were weaned, the ability of constant temperature and thermoregulation developed quickly to adjust variations of environment during postnatal development.

