Межкультурная коммуникация и сопоставительное изучение языков. Рубрика в журнале - Вестник Волгоградского государственного университета. Серия 2: Языкознание

Публикации в рубрике (314): Межкультурная коммуникация и сопоставительное изучение языков
все рубрики
Representation of the conceptual field “education” in national variants of the French language

Representation of the conceptual field “education” in national variants of the French language

Shamne Nikolay L., Dzyubenko Yuliya S., Arzhanovskaya Anastasia V., Eltanskaya Elena A.

Статья научная

The paper presents an onomasiological analysis of the conceptual field “Education” exemplified by the vocabulary of the national variants of the French language of France, Belgium, Switzerland, and Canada (Province of Quebec) with the aim to establish the basic nomination principles and identify inter-variational differences within the framework of three sectors of the conceptual field “Education”: “Educational institutions (établissement d’enseignement)”, “Teaching staff (personnel enseignant)”, “Students (étudiants)”. The basic principles of nominating in the field of education are identified by considering the internal conceptual structure of the language units under analysis; inter-variational differences and alterations are stated by categorical-and- semantic comparability of the differentiation semes in the nominations of three sectors of the conceptual field “Education”. The analysis allows to conclude that there exist generic categorical-and-semantic instances within nomination structures that indicate location of training or teaching, specialty, disciplines studied or taught, age, status of the teacher or student, level and methodology of training. In designation of objects in the sectors of the conceptual field “Education” lexical units get into hypernym-and-hyponym relations, thus categorically every sector is formed around some basic concept that is explicated in a hypernym, general nomination for four territorial variants of French, and a set of hyponyms that are more specific and not alike in the exemplification of general semes. The onomasiological analysis of the conceptual field “Education” reveals intervariational concomitant or alternating features, especially in sectors of “Educational institutions (établissement d’enseignement)”, “Students (étudiants)” due to certain social-and-institutional reasons.


Semiolinguistics of protective communication

Semiolinguistics of protective communication

Astafurova Tatyana N., Olyanich Andrey V.

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The current paper investigates the notion of protective communication represented by systems of signs, texts, rituals which the authors regard as means of neutralizing cognitive constructs, generated by phobias of varying degrees of irrationality. Classification of phobias on psycho- and sociolinguistic grounds allows developing their typology from the point of view of the cause of their origin: supernatural entities (superstition), individual fearful images (prejudice), social suspicion (bias). As the study showed, sacred horror caused by destructive forces of nature, climatic phenomena not subjected to man, and astronomical events gave rise to supernatural, esoteric phobias reflected in superstitions. Biological phobias appeared in response to real dangers, associated with daily human activities, personal imaginarytroubles and fears, which generated a system of prejudice invented by man himself. Social interaction of people, with its negative stereotyping and categorization of social space, entailed a wide range of phobias (racial, religious, age, gender, etc,) which turned into social biases. On his way of development, a man tried hard to find protection against phobias of different nature, creating an extensive system of protective means incorporated in religious, magical and intolerant types of discourse, consequently neutralizing superstitions, prejudices and biases in specific genres, verbal and non-verbal signs, texts and rituals of the above mentioned types of discourse.


Social inclusion and social exclusion as a tool for reflecting social processes in the lexical neoformations of youth English slang

Social inclusion and social exclusion as a tool for reflecting social processes in the lexical neoformations of youth English slang

Shamne N.L., Titarenko S.A.

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The article discusses various approaches to defining the terminological base, the ambiguity of definitions, the lack of clear boundaries and signs of the concepts of social exclusion and social inclusion. The notions under study are characterized by way of their reference to communication process circumstances and participants, who are contrasted in their social status, cultural experience, ideological ideas and worldview to other social groups. The article analyzes slang neoformations with the concern for stylistically reduced register of communication as objectifying categories of social exclusion and social inclusion within the framework of youth discourse, which determine the developing vector of both society structure on the whole and social subsystems of the language. The novelty and relevance of the study lie in the use of linguocognitive analysis of authentic material, on the basis of which the mechanisms of exclusion and inclusion of slang lexical units are differentiated. The regularity in actualization of social exclusion or inclusion is understood in connection with the mechanisms and possibilities of using communicative practices in order to include social groups in social processes. These phenomena are reflected at the lexical level of the language and might contribute to various transformations of social consciousness, increasing language efficiency and its ability to respond to current challenges. It is concluded that modern youth slang is a specific language model that acts as an instrument of social exclusion or inclusion; in communicative practices, it is embodied through pejorative slang nominations thus strategically and tactically forming a negative image and antisocial behavior. The results of the research contribute to further study of the communicative nature of sociolinguistic phenomena, to comparative studies of the discursive construction of socially significant fragments of social reality, and the communicative manifestation of multidirectional social processes that determine the social structure and stratification of society.


Specific features of lettered words’ integration in the graphic, phonetic and grammatical aspects of the Chinese language

Specific features of lettered words’ integration in the graphic, phonetic and grammatical aspects of the Chinese language

Uryvskaya Tatiana A.

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This paper is devoted to the specific features of lettered words’ integration in the graphic, phonetic and grammatical aspects of the Chinese language. The author has analyzed a number of local and foreign studies, covering the main patterns of the lettered words’ integration. Based on Liu Yongquan’s studies, it was concluded that it’s important to strictly follow letters’ case. The case difference can distinguish semantics of different lettered words. Native Chinese speakers with high linguistic competence are able to recognize various lettered words in print, but they may not know how to read them out loud. Therefore, the pronunciation of lettered words is associated with a number of issues: the choice of pronunciation standard, the differentiation of initialisms and acronyms, the choice which syllable to stress. Based on the results of previous research, different ways of how borrowed lettered words respond to the grammatical norms of the Chinese language were identified. The empirical analysis was performed with lettered words extracted by the method of continuous sampling from lexicographic sources. Using the cases described in the paper, the author has proved that in addition to such word-formation processes as compounding, semi-affixation, syntactic and morphological transposition, lettered words can also be formed and transformed with morphological contraction.


Structural analysis of persian-english reverse code-switching and code-mixing

Structural analysis of persian-english reverse code-switching and code-mixing

Moradi Hamzeh, Chen Jianbo

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Code-switching and code-mixing are considered dynamic conversational phenomena in interpersonal interactions, that is an alteration between two or more languages, dialectal variants, language registers, and it is an effective communicative strategy which Persian-English bilinguals consider a genuine thing in their ordinary speech practice. The focus of the present study is on the structural analysis of reverse code-switching between Persian and English that are known to be referred to two typologicallydifferent languages. Participants of the present research, all late bilinguals, reported on frequent use of code-switching (CS) and code-mixing (CM) in everyday language practice. CS/CM is quite normal and frequent among Iranian bilinguals, especially in informal settings where bilingual speakers can freely switch between their languages. Furthermore, the results revealed that Iranian bilinguals switch from English to Persian and in verso mostlyat the lexical and the phrasal levels (intrasentential switching mode), but less frequently at the clausal or the sentence level (intersentential switching mode). The research states that there are some restrictions on inserting English verbs into the Persian syntactic frame: the Persian language is thought to be the matrix language and the preverbal part comes from English as the embedded language, such incongruity between the morphosyntactic structure and the verbal system of the Persian and English languages impose some constraints on the occurrence of switching codes between the pair of the languages under study.


System-functional stratification of the average Turkish-Russian dictionary

System-functional stratification of the average Turkish-Russian dictionary

Derbisheva Z.K., Kretov A.A.

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The study is aimed at stratifying Rosa Yusipova’s Turkish-Russian Dictionary (2005) in accordance with the system and functional weights of its constituent words. The method is a parametric lexicon analysis (PLA), developed and tested byscientists of Voronezh State University. PLA involves identifying four particular parametric weights for each word. This is the FUNCTIONAL weight (F-weight is indirectly estimated by the length of the word), the PARADIGMATIC weight (P-weight is estimated by the number of synonyms), SYNTAGMATIC weight (C-weight is estimated by the number of phrases and utterances with this word) and EPIDIGMATIC weight (E-weight is estimated by the number of meanings of a word in the dictionary). For each of the 4 parameters, partial core, counting at least 1000 words, was allocated. The words presented in all 4 particular cores, entered a Small parametric core. Words presented in 3 particular cores entered an Average parametric core, words represented in 2 particular parametric cores - a Large parametric core and words presented in 1 particular parametric core entered the core of the Dictionary. Words that are not presented in any particular parametric core make up the Periphery of the Dictionary. The analysis revealed the words of all 4 cores of the dictionary: Small - 140 words, Middle - 630, Large - 3234, the core of the Dictionary - 6861 and the Periphery of the Dictionary counts 18236 words. The dominant (the most important word in the dictionary) was the word iş ‘work, labor’, and the vice-dominant - the word üst ‘the top’.


The art of storytelling in the digital age: a multimodal perspective

The art of storytelling in the digital age: a multimodal perspective

Chemodurova Zinaida M.

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Using Dan Brown’s Wild Symphony , Craig Silvey’s The Amber Amulet , and Jon McGregor’s In Winter the Sky as its case studies, this article attempts to explore a number of mechanisms and strategies contributing to the multimodal fiction construction and posing challenges for modern readers of all ages. The article proposes to examine multimodal resonance as a cognitive mechanism enhancing the emotional impact of multimodal stories on recipients and triggering the receptive mechanism of narrative empathy. Various semiotic resources, both free resources, such as photos, maps, and illustrations, and bound ones, including font types and typographical experiments, are analyzed from the standpoint of their role in fictional world creation. The article makes an original contribution to the Multimodal Stylistics Studies by hypothesizing the relevance of identifying two distinctive mechanisms of foregrounding: visual foregrounding as a range of formal ways to construct a multimodal text that focuses the reader’s attention with the help of free semiotic resources, and graphic foregrounding, which has bound semiotic resources at its heart. The findings of the research prove that it is the combination of elements of stylistic, cognitive and linguo-semiotic analyses that might provide a new and effective methodologyfor interpreting a multimodal literary text. The overall outcome testifies to the importance of further research into varied mechanisms of foregrounding as a complex phenomenon essential for our better understanding of the embodied character of reading.


The main characteristics of stephen king’s idiostyle

The main characteristics of stephen king’s idiostyle

Takhtarova Svetlana S., Zubinova Amelia Sh.

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The paper presents stylistic value of simile and metaphor as the major features of Stephen King’s idiostyle. The linguistic analysis of some novels (1408, Carrie, The Shining, Dreamcatcher, Dead Zone) is aimed at discovering sematic and structural types of simile and metaphor, revealing their functions in the content development. Structural analysis of simile and metaphor constituency in the above mentioned novels resulted in allocating some formal patterns: a one-term verbal simile (as if... verb, verb... like... verb), a two-term attribute simile (noun-like), a two-term or three-term nominative simile, and simple (a one-image) or expanded pattern of metaphor. The sematic analysis of Stephen King’s novels lets reveal the compound character of simile and metaphor use. Both tropes are used predominantly to create tension in narration that is often raised up to the atmosphere of horror, the latest is considered by the researchers to be a major feature of the idiostyle of the author under study. Having described some semantic ways of expanding horror, death, savageness, mood and expressiveness with similes and metaphors, the researchers concluded that these tropes perform leading functions in personalizing Stephen King’s idiostyle: constructing images and describing feelings that characters are going into along with creating the tone of tension and horror; performing common stylistic function despite the fact that they differ in the way the atmosphere of tension and horror is built: explicit realization in simile and implicit by various types of morphemes in metaphor.


The nature of Chinese and Russian subcultures in urban discourse

The nature of Chinese and Russian subcultures in urban discourse

Leontovich Olga A., Kotelnikova Nadezhda N.

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The paper seeks to examine the communicative aspect of modern Chinese and Russian urban subcultures. The nominations of urban social groups representing young people in Russia and China and their connection to modern communication practices are viewed from the perspective of urban communication studies, which provides an opportunity for a new comprehension of issues connected with verbal and nonverbal constituents of urban discourse. The indicates that the subcultures in the Russian urban landscape are reflected in such nominations as фрики (freaki), мажоры (majory), хипстеры (hipstery), брейк-дансеры (break-dancery), байкеры (bikery), etc. The Chinese subcultures are known under such names as shamate, xiaoqingxin, tuyayawenhua, erciyuanyawenhua, egaoyawenhua and many others. We argue that in both countries the unity of social subgroups is based not so much on ideological preferences, but rather on lifestyles, hobbies and interests, many of them formed under the Western influence. The subcultures discussed in the research represent a broad panorama of Chinese and Russian social life. They reflect the sociocultural dynamics of attitudes, values and lifestyles influenced by globalization but acquiring nationally specific features, which transform them into unique sociocultural phenomena.


The problem of studying neologisms and their influence on the ecology of language

The problem of studying neologisms and their influence on the ecology of language

Shamne Nikolay Leonidovich, Rets Irina Vladimirovna

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The article raises the issues of neology and ecolinguistics. The authors specify the criteria of ecolinguistic approach to studying neologisms based on ecolinguistic monitoring which helps to elicit factors that influence the formation of new words, spheres in which they function in language as well as to define the type of new words and number of loanwords among them. The data under analysis is compiled by about 3 000 new words that appeared in English and Dutch in the last three decades. The authors elicit the main changes in the ecology of the Dutch language on different levels in the stated time frame together with the factors that motivate the formation of neologisms. Among extralinguistic factors the authors list such determinants as the emergence of new realia; scientific and technical advancement; globalization and development of the Internet. To intralinguistic factors the following are referred: linguistic economy; expressiveness of linguistic means; systematization of the vocabulary; unification of linguistic signs; conversion and the shift in stylistic usage of the words can also generate neologisms. Future development of the ecolinguistic approach in neology will help to track the evolution of modern national language and preserve its ecolinguistic balance. The research results can be used in language education, lexicographic practice or state language policy.


The syntax and semantics of the perfect structure: a comparative approach

The syntax and semantics of the perfect structure: a comparative approach

Guron Jacqueline

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The article covers some issues that concern the syntax and semantics of the present perfect construction in English and other languages. It states that all Present Perfects may be associated with what is considered the canonical construal in which an assertion is located at the present time but reports the existence of a past situation. However, some Present Perfects may, in addition, have a simple past aorist meaning. The author focuses on pluractional and evidential construals of the Present Perfect in some languages, argue that the Passé Composé construal and the Aorist construal of the perfect construction belong to two different modes of discourse, discours and récit , underlines their variability associated with a complex syntactic structure (an auxiliaryverb and a verbal participle for Present Perfect, while the Aorist construal is associated with a simple verbal structure). According to the author, the Perfect has both syntactic and analytical ways of realization, thus the analytical syntactic structure of the Perfect is in English, French and German, with both a tensed auxiliaryverb and a past participle, whereas it is synthetic in Latin, Russian and Arabic as is presented in the past participle alone; in languages with overt aspectual marking, aspect mayvaryon either the auxiliary, if it exists, or on the participle.


The verbalization of emotions in social and cultural aspects

The verbalization of emotions in social and cultural aspects

Besemeres Mary, Wierzbicka Anna

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The article deals with the role of the language in the interpretation of emotions, their adequate perception and comprehension in a foreign language. The existence of «cognitive scenarios» helps the recipients to perceive and interpret the emotions in both native and foreign languages in the process of bilingual communication.


Un-words as a factor of ideologization in the modern German political discourse

Un-words as a factor of ideologization in the modern German political discourse

Guseynova Innara, Gorozhanov Alexey

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The research attempts to establish the content component of un-words that have recently entered the modern political discourse of Germany, represented by a corpus of texts from federal and regional media that form a negative agenda, from the point of view of the difficulties they present for their interpretation by the reader. These include: the problem of terminological ambisemy, neologisms that are multi-component words, evaluative vocabulary containing negative connotations in relation to representatives of other cultures of migrant origin, as well as catchwords and expressions that include a retro component. The lexemes Remigration, Heizungs-Stasi, Doppelwumms, Kriegstьchtigkeit, Gamechanger, Sondervermцgen, Stolzmonat, Technologieoffenheit, Klimakleber, etc. have been examined. The lexical-semantic method with elements of discourse and content analysis, contextual analysis, as well as elements of word-formation analysis were used during the study. Such a complex combination of various methods is due to the fact that the analyzed language units are not recorded in lexicographic sources, glossary dictionaries and reference literature. It was stated that the most popular topics that form a negative agenda are the problem of migration, environmental and environmental-social problems associated with a decrease in the standard of living of German citizens, unsuccessful rhetoric of the political elite containing statements that affect the implementation of Germany’s internal and foreign policy.


Адвербиальные средства репрезентации универсальной категории времени (на материале немецкого языка)

Адвербиальные средства репрезентации универсальной категории времени (на материале немецкого языка)

Шамне Николай Леонидович, Подтелкова Марина Анатольевна

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Определен состав лексико-семантической группы наречий немецкого языка, выражающих неопределенные временные характеристики событий или действий. Установлена иерархия семантических признаков в семантической структуре наречий, выражающих временную неопределенность событий или действий. Выявлены закономерности репрезентации наречиями немецкого языка различных неопределенных временных параметров.


Аксиологическая лингвистика и национально ориентированная лексикография: опыт взаимодействия (на материале русско-вьетнамских сопоставлений)

Аксиологическая лингвистика и национально ориентированная лексикография: опыт взаимодействия (на материале русско-вьетнамских сопоставлений)

Мамонтов Александр Степанович, Богуславская Вера Васильевна, Будник Екатерина Александровна, Ратникова Альбертина Германовна, Нгок Чинь Тхи Ким

Статья научная

В статье затрагиваются вопросы теоретико-прикладного характера, отражающие вектор взаимодействия смежных лингвистических научных дисциплин, которые изучают феномен ценностей, оказывающих влияние на формирование речеповеденческой и коммуникативной компетенций человека. Утверждается, что в перспективе такое взаимодействие может быть воплощено в лексикографическом источнике особого типа, призванном оптимизировать обучение языку как средству межкультурной коммуникации через знакомство пользователей с культурным компонентом семантики единиц, входящих в его словник. Методология создания концепции словаря опирается на анализ системы ценностей как лингвокогнитивный и одновременно акцентуирующий феномен, позволяющий эксплицировать специфику этнического сознания представителя инолингвокультуры. В качестве примеров на фоне вьетнамской лингвокультуры охарактеризованы ценности «любовь» и «труд», входящие в базовую систему ценностей носителей русского языка и культуры. А.С. Мамонтовым предложена стратегия изучения взаимодействия двух смежных научных дисциплин: аксиологической лингвистики и учебной лексикографии при создании словаря нового типа. В.В. Богуславской разработана теоретико-методологическая база экспериментальной процедуры, описываемой в статье. Е.А. Будник на основе проведенного анализа полученных результатов выявлена специфика ценностных представлений сопоставляемых лингвокультур. А.Г. Ратниковой установлена релевантность полученных исследовательских данных поставленным перед авторами задачам в теоретико-прикладном аспекте. Чинь Тхи Ким Нгок обеспечена адекватность сопоставляемого материала целям и задачам данного национально ориентированного исследования.


Аксиологическая составляющая американского предвыборного дискурса в динамическом аспекте

Аксиологическая составляющая американского предвыборного дискурса в динамическом аспекте

Кононова И.В., Мельничук Т.А.

Статья научная

В статье представлены результаты применения корпусного подхода к анализу аксиологических характеристик политического дискурса. Привлечение метода идентификации ключевых слов корпуса позволило описать динамику ценностных доминант американского предвыборного дискурса в период с 1952 по 2016 год. Исследование проводилось на материале текстов видеороликов 17 президентских предвыборных кампаний. Тексты были разделены на три корпуса в соответствии с тремя историческими периодами: 1-й период – 1952–1972 гг.; 2-й период – 1976–2000 гг.; 3-й период – 2004–2016 годы. Установлено, что к инвариантным ценностям, объективируемым в предвыборных видеороликах на протяжении трех выделенных исторических периодов, относятся: «prosperity», «patriotism», «progress», «social justice», «security». Перечисленные ценности получают вариативное языковое выражение в текстах каждого из периодов. Показано, что эволюция ценностной составляющей предвыборного президентского дискурса проявляется в изменении состава акторов полюсов оппозиции «свои – чужие» и способов их языковой репрезентации, в модификации ценностных доминант текстов, а также в трансформации языковых средств выражения оценочных смыслов. Основной набор ценностных ориентиров дискурса остается относительно постоянным, изменяется модель концептуализации ценностей в сознании носителей культуры и их воздействующий потенциал в предвыборной коммуникации.


Актуализация этноспецифичных элементов французской аксиологической картины мира в юмористическом дискурсе

Актуализация этноспецифичных элементов французской аксиологической картины мира в юмористическом дискурсе

Георгиева Ольга Николаевна

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Цель данной работы - максимально точно выявить этноспецифику французской аксиологической картины мира, рассмотрев через призму юмористического дискурса элементы ценностной парадигмы, установленной нами по результатам лингвистического эксперимента. В рамках представленной статьи материалом исследования являются «Анекдоты о пожилых людях»/«Les personnes agées». Согласно проведенному нами анализу, данная тематика представляет актуальность для французской лингвокультуры и не является характерной для русской лингвокультуры, что повышает ценность данного материала в контексте сопоставительного исследования.


Американская публицистика ХХ-XXI вв. о России в категориях дискурс-анализа

Американская публицистика ХХ-XXI вв. о России в категориях дискурс-анализа

Орлова Олеся Геннадьевна

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В статье дано авторское определение дискурса, рассмотрены методологические основы применения дискурс-анализа, предложена методика дискурс-анализа публицистического текста, которая заключается в последовательном и взаимосвязанном описании дискурсоформирующих категорий: хронотопа (время и место дискурса), топиков дискурса и идеологических концептов, реализующихся в оппозитных парах, агентов и клиентов, актуализирующих такое свойство дискурса, как диалогичность. Методика является комплексной и позволяет корректно идентифицировать идеологическое содержание дискурса в межкультурной коммуникации.


Англо-русские гибридные образования в тексте перевода: о межъязыковой интерференции в контексте переводческих норм

Англо-русские гибридные образования в тексте перевода: о межъязыковой интерференции в контексте переводческих норм

Нефдова Лилия Амиряновна, Краснопеева Екатерина Сергеевна

Статья научная

В статье с позиций социологии перевода и дескриптивного подхода в переводоведении обсуждается вопрос формирования переводческих норм в условиях русско-английского функционального билингвизма специалистов сферы информационных технологий и электроники. В качестве теоретико-методологической базы выступает концепция нормы в трактовке Г. Тури и Э. Честермана. Динамика норм показана на примере результатов количественного и качественного исследования употребления гибридных образований вида IoT-устройство, API-интерфейс и Open Source-приложение в составленном авторами корпусе переводных и непереводных материалов отраслевых изданий «itWeek», «Computerworld» и «Новости электроники», выпущенных в 2017 году. Выявлено, что дефисные гибридные образования преобладают в изученных непереводных текстах. Установлено, что в переводных текстах гибридные образования создаются как при калькировании аналитических конструкций оригинального текста - межъязыковой интерференции, так и по инициативе переводчика, ориентирующегося на норму ожидания - предпочтения реципиента-специалиста, не только обладающего специальными знаниями, но и готового к восприятию текста с большой плотностью англицизмов. Полученные данные позволили интерпретировать толерантность к интерференции и трансференции как аспект современной переводческой нормы, применяемой к текстам об информационных технологиях и электронике.


Англоязычная юридическая терминология индии в лексикографической презентации

Англоязычная юридическая терминология индии в лексикографической презентации

Бытко Наталия Сергеевна

Статья научная

Исследование выполнено в рамках исторической лексикографии и посвящено лексикографии Индии, имеющей длительную традицию, прежде всего, в области создания словарей санскрита. Показано, что в XIX в. на фоне существенных изменений языковой ситуации в Индии в лексикографический обиход вводятся и другие языки Индостана, а также английский язык, при этом одним из важных направлений развития лексикографии зарождавшегося индийского варианта английского языка, особенно на ранних этапах, является терминография. В данной статье предметом исследования служит первый словарь терминов, составленный в Индии, - словарь юридических терминов «A Glossary of Judicial and Revenue Terms and of Useful Words». Методика исследования состоит в использовании приемов комплексного лексикографического анализа материалов словаря в контексте языковой и социокультурной ситуаций. В результате выполненного анализа выявлена корреляция между макро- и микропараметрами словаря и языковой и социокультурной ситуациями. На макроуровне эта корреляция проявляется, прежде всего, в том, что заказчик, совет директоров Ост-Индской компании, определил параметры и содержание справочного пособия, исходя из практических целей эффективного функционирования сотрудников в различных регионах. Необходимость более глубокого понимания культурной составляющей терминов обусловила использование в дефинициях больших объемов энциклопедической информации, что привело к изменению типологических характеристик словаря. На микроуровне корреляция проявляется в стремлении унифицировать орфографию, а также в сочетании алфавитного и гнездового принципов размещения единиц описания.

