Статьи журнала - Siberian Aerospace Journal
Все статьи: 330
To the task of controlling a group of objects on the basis of information technologies
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To participate the TPP with cross-section communications in the general primary frequency control, it is necessary to have a working main regulator. The main regulator is designed to maintain the steam pressure in the major steam line of the TPP at a given level, which is a difficult task. At the TPP with cross-connections, the steam produced by the boilers enters the major steam line. To maintain the pressure in the major steam line, it is necessary to control the heat load of the working boilers. Traditional solutions to construct the main regulator found no use, as have a number of disadvantages, not allowing exploiting a system of automatic control. Looking at the steam pressure control system in the major steam line from the bottom to up, it is possible to identify disadvantages that prevent the effective operation of the main regulator at each level. At the lower level of the main regulator, there are controllers of heat load of boilers, built according to the scheme task-heat. Heat load controllers are designed to maintain heat release in the boiler furnace at the required level. The heat signal is the sum of the signals for the steam flow of the boiler and the rate of change in the steam pressure in the boiler drum. Such a structure does not allow maintaining the invariance of the heat signal under external disturbances effectively, as sharp changes of the steam pressure in the major steam line lead to a "false" operation of the controllers. At the upper level there is the main regulator itself, which maintains the steam pressure in the major steam line at a given level and corrects the tasks to the controllers of the heat load of the boilers. The simultaneous identical effect on the heat load of the boilers cannot be optimal from the point of view of the criteria for assessing the quality of regulation, since the dynamic properties of the boilers, such as the gain, the transition time constant and the transport delay are individual for each boiler. However, in 2006–2008, the attempt to build an updated main regulator that takes into account the shortcomings of the traditional scheme was made. The basis of the structure of the main regulator is still parametric and, as a result of ten-years’ experience, shortcomings in the operation of the updated main regulator were identified. The shortcomings, in most cases, consist in need of frequent corrections of adjusting coefficients of system because of the change of dynamic properties of an object during the operation. In fact, the same problems related to the parametric structure of the regulator remain. Up-to-date information technologies made it possible to introduce adaptive process control systems that allow to count an extended number of signals entering the system and to form control actions, based on both current and historical data of the technological process. The use of the latest information technologies and modern hardware in the control of complex multi-connected units that solve not only the problems of process control, but also the problem of improving the economic and environmental performance of enterprises, should become a new step in the development of automatic control systems.
Torsion of prismatic orthotropic elastoplastic rods
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Conservation laws were introduced into the theory of differential equations by E. Noether more than 100 years ago and are gradually becoming an important tool for the study of differential equations systems. Not only do they allow you to qualitatively investigate the equation, but, as the authors of this article show, they also enable you to find exact solutions to the boundary value problems. For the equations of the iso-tropic theory of elasticity, the conservation laws were first calculated by P. Olver. For the equations of the theory of plasticity in the two-dimensional case, the conservation laws were found by one of the authors of this article and used to solve the main boundary value problems of the plasticity equations. Later it turned out that the conservation laws can also be used to find the boundaries between elastic and plastic zones in twisted rods, bent beams, and deformable plates. The proposed work found conservation laws for equations describing the orthotropic elastic state of the twisted straight-line rod. It is assumed that the remaining current depends linearly on the voltage tensor component. In the workit was also found an endless series of laws of preservation, which allows you to find an elastic-plastic boundary, which arises when twisting the orthotropic rod.
Using of the contour method to solving the problem of optimal traffic distribution in the network
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The purpose of this work is to create a method for solving the problem of optimal traffic distribution in a network using the contour data analysis method. In the first section of the work, the principle of converting any available network to a contour form is explained, and the case is considered both for networks without loss and for networks with losses. The second section shows in a general way the method of bringing the network in contour form to a system of non-linear inequalities, by solving which one can obtain a certain distribution of traffic in the system. In the final section, using the M/M/1/N queuing system as an example, the solution of the problem of optimal traffic distribution according to the loss minimization criterion is shown. The initial data for the task were the incidence matrix, service intensity and buffer dimension for communication channels. A feature of the proposed algorithm is the search for a contour matrix, for the compilation of which it is proposed to use loss edges as elements of the spanning tree of the graph, which allows you to immediately determine the contour matrix using the concept of a fundamental cycle of a graph. This approach to optimal traffic distribution reduces the number of variables used compared to the known methods based on loopless routes, and also does not require their preliminary search, since they are determined from the dimension of the incidence matrix of the simulated network graph.
Using signals of navigation satellites in the monitoring of the Earth covers
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The features and capabilities of remote sensing of earth covers by means of signals of navigation satellites are presented. The methods of reflectometry of the surfaces of earth covers and radioscopy of forest canopy are described. The options for using the signals of GLONASS, GPS systems are considered. Test measurements of interference diagrams were carried out on 5 test platforms from heterogeneous soil surfaces: salt marshes and asphalt; water surfaces of saline and freshwater bodies in summer, including ice cover of small thickness in the period of autumn freeze-up. The method of radioscopy helped obtain the data on the spatial and temporal characteristics of attenuated signals of the GLONASS and GPS satellites in the pine forest. Estimates of the linear attenuation coefficients of the signals passing through a forest canopy with a coordinate reference were made. The results obtained are the basis for the development of methods and technologies for continuous monitoring of the characteristics and state of earth covers by means of signals of navigation satellites for solving a wide range of applied tasks.
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Liquid gas generators (LGG) are additional firing units in the power system of liquid rocket engines (LPRE). The LGG ensure the operation of the power units of the turbopump unit (TPU) of the engine by feeding combustion products (CP) to the turbine drive. The main criteria for the efficiency of the generator gas is the complex (RT)gg and the thermodynamic properties of the mixture, depending on temperature, pressure, the degree of excess of the oxidizer and the enthalpy of the fuel, attributed to the conditions of supply to the nozzles of the GG. Changing the parameters of the generator gas leads to a change in the turbine power parameters due to its effect on the adiabatic operation of the Lad turbine. Depending on the engine circuit under consideration, CP GG can perform work in other units and elements of the engine, as well as influence many parameters of the LPRE. Among the main ones can be noted: the power of the booster gas turbine of the booster turbopump unit (BTPU) in the case of the selection of the generator gas after the GG or turbogas after the main turbine; the temperature of heating the refrigerant in the heat exchanger introduced in the GG; specific impulse of a liquid rocket propulsion system (LRPS), depending on the quantity and properties of the turbogas entering the exhaust pipe of the engine (for the engine circuit without afterburning the generator gas); mixing in the combustion chamber (CC) due to afterburning of turbogas entering the engine chamber after the turbine (for the engine circuit with afterburning of generator gas); parameters of the firing wall of the engine in the case of using a high-temperature gas curtain by blowing generator gas into the supersonic part of the nozzle. For many pairs of fuel during combustion in GG, the nonequilibrium of combustion products is characteristic (especially in hydrocarbon fuels).Due to the fact that the combustion products (CP) during the combustion of an oxygen-hydrogen mixture, due to the simplicity of the reaction, have time to form while staying in the GG (i.e., the time of chemical equilibrium of the CP is less than or equal to the time of stay in the GG), their thermodynamic parameters can be reliably determined using programs that simulate chemical equilibrium reactions. In this article, the issue of obtaining reliable results of thermodynamic calculations of generator gas at low and high coefficients of oxidant excess is investigated. Verification of parameters obtained in the programs “Astra” and “Rocket Propulsion Analysis” with calculated values was carried out. The most suitable program for performing engineering calculations and modeling the thermodynamics of liquid gas generators has been determined.
Virtual imitation of a fueling panel for modern civil airplane
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The article considers the design and development of a computer model of the fueling monitoring and control panel of the Sukhoi SuperJet 100 civil aircraft. The presented model is included in a simulator program for training technical specialists in aircraft maintenance skills under conditions of limited access to real or hardware-simulated equipment. In the process of designing of the presented simulation model, the refueling panel and the SSJ-100 aircraft refueling system sufficient components were considered and selected for further software implementation. The selection of the necessary components for the model was carried out using the decomposition method of the real system. First, the functional elements of the refueling panel itself were selected, after which the refueling system was disassembled into components that allow simulating the operation of the simulated panel. To implement the simulation model, software classes of objects and interactions between them were described. Software algorithms are implemented in the Unity environment using the C# language. The created program uses a three-dimensional graphic component and compiled for launching on a web browser. Software components have also been developed that allow studying the functions of the fueling panel both independently and in the mode of control of knowledge of the elements and algorithms for working with the fueling panel. The developed model is used as part of a practical simulator at the Reshetnev Siberian State University, and can be functionally expanded in the future.
Volume temperature control at automated high-frequency processing of polymer and composite materials
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The purpose of this work is to develop and justify a method for volumetric temperature control of a polymer and composite material in automated high-frequency processing. The developed method is implemented by in-troducing thermocouples into the prism-shaped or cube-shaped sample body according to a certain pattern of their location throughout the volume. This technique is cost-effective and easy to implement compared to expen-sive and specialized equipment with complex design, as well as to the cost of thermocouples having a simple de-sign. Methods to achieve the purpose of the research of the contact method of volumetric temperature of a polymer or composite sample control are development and outlining thermocouples throughout the volume so as to iden-tify the most accurate temperature spectrum of the polymer or composite sample during automated high-frequency processing. Another method to achieve this purpose is the method of finding out how it will affect the measurements accuracy of the heating sample temperature from the introduction of thermocouples by making holes in it for installation. For this, a finite-difference mathematical calculation of the dependence of the sample temperature on the number of holes for thermocouples in it was performed in the MSC Patran Sinda software package. The calculation results were summarized and presented on graphic data. Further, a general mathemat-ical calculation was performed according to the formulas for the process of heat and mass conductivity calcula-tion, the results of which were table and graphic data. At the end of the finite-difference and general mathematical calculation, a comparative analysis of the ob-tained error of temperature measurement from the introduction of thermocouples into the body of the sample was performed. Based on this analysis, the developed method is applicable for further research on automated high-frequency processing of polymer and composite materials, since the errors obtained do not exceed the permissi-ble 3 %.
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In the production of space rocket technology, electrochemical processes are used, as a result there is pollution of sewage by metal ions. The strict requirements of environmental authorities do not allow sewage, containing metal ions with concentration exceeding the maximum permissible values, to be discharged directly into reservoir or sewers. The greatest difficulties are caused by the purification of water from hexavalent chromium. The proposed methods for purifying from hexavalent chromium, electrocoagulation method, galvanocoagulation method, sorption methods, combined methods, have some disadvantages, such as: significant energy consumption, significant consumption of soluble metal anodes, passivation of the anodes, need for large excesses of reagent (iron salts), large amounts of precipitate and the complexity of its dehydration, high cost and scarcity of sorbents, high consumption of reagents for the regeneration of sorbents, and others. This work shows equipment for experiments, including a diaphragm electrolyzer with a coaxial arrangement of electrodes. Formulas for calculating the chromium ions flux due to migration and diffusion are presented. The difference between the calculated amperage from the practical one is 25 %, and the theoretical degree of purification from the real one is 4 %, which confirms the effectiveness of the proposed cleaning method. The concentration of chromium anions was determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy. The degree of purification of water from chromium ranged from 84 to 96 %. The highest degree of purification (96 %) was obtained with an electrolysis duration of 29 minutes.
m-aperiodic words on three-letter alphabet
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The work is devoted to the study of sets of aperiodic words over a finite alphabet. The set of aperiodic words can be considered as a dictionary of some finite formal language. The existence of infinite words in two-letter or three-letter alphabets that do not contain subwords that are third powers or, respectively, squares of other words was first discovered more than a hundred years ago. S.I. Adyan in 2010 constructed an example of an infinite sequence of irreducible words, each of which is the beginning of the next and does not contain word squares in a two-letter alphabet. S.E. Arshon established the existence of an n-digit asymmetric repetition-free sequence for an alphabet of at least three letters. In the monograph by S.I. Adyan proved that in an alphabet of two symbols there exist infinite 3-aperiodic sequences. In the works of other authors, generalizations of aperiodicity were considered, when not only the powers of some subwords were excluded. In the monograph by A.Yu. Olshansky proved the infinity of the set of 6-aperiodic words in a two-letter alphabet and obtained an estimate for the number of such words of any given length. The author previously considered the case of a three-letter alphabet only in the case of 6-aperiodic words. In this article, we prove the infinity of the set of m-aperiodic words in the three-letter alphabet at m 4 and obtain an estimate for the set of such words. The results can be applied when encoding information in space communications.
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Recently, there has been an increase of interest in satellite orbit raising using electric propulsion subsys-tems. Theoretic analyses and practical experience demonstrate that while orbit raising to the geostationary orbit (GEO) via a transfer orbit is feasible, it requires a certain amount of time due to the thrust of onboard electric thrusters being low (40-300 mN) and thus incomparable with that of propulsion systems of liquid propellant thrusters (22-400 N). Due to low thrust, orbit raising by electric thrusters is time-consuming. However, the associated increase in mass to GEO may counterbalance the long duration of satellite commis-sioning. Calculations demonstrate a potential added satellite mass on GEO of up to several hundred kilo-grams with orbit raising duration of about 6 months. In particular, with satellite mass not exceeding 2500 kg, coupled launch is possible using existing launch vehicles. ISS took into consideration the positive results ob-tained with Express-AM5, and Express-AM6 satellites to design the Express-80 and Express-103 with orbit raising in mind. Such approach allowed for a coupled launch on the Proton-M carrier rocked with a Breeze-M upper stage, and a twofold launch cost saving. To increase thrust during orbit raising and decrease its du-ration, coupled thruster operation in high thrust mode was implemented. The resulting total mass on GEO increase constituted over 700 kilograms with maneuver duration of up to 158 days. This allows performing coupled launches of heavier satellites with orbit raising by means of electric propulsion in a feasible timeframe.