Статьи журнала - Siberian Aerospace Journal

Все статьи: 330

Simulation of the induction soldering process of waveguide paths from aluminum alloys

Simulation of the induction soldering process of waveguide paths from aluminum alloys

O. A. Bocharova, A. V. Murygin, A. N. Bocharov, R. V. Zaitsev

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A system of waveguide paths is a complex structure of various elements with various geometries. Induction soldering based on the induction heating method is one of the promising methods for waveguides fabricating. Induction soldering of waveguide paths has a number of technological features: the melting temperature of the base material AD31 (695–663 0C) slightly differs from the melting temperature of St. AK12 solder (577–580 0C) at an average induction heating rate of 20–25 0C / sec; a wide variety of standard sizes of waveguide paths elements complicates the development and subsequent reproduction of technological parameters of the induction soldering process; zones of maximum heating of waveguide paths elements do not coincide with zones of soldering. Therefore, to solve the problems of controlling the waveguides soldering process, it is necessary to simulate this process. The paper deals with the problem of simulating the process of heating a waveguide during induction soldering. Requirements for the process model have been formed. The model is built on the basis of the differential heat conduction equation. The formed model requirements take into account the geometric parameters of waveguides, the physical parameters of materials, the initial and boundary conditions, as well as the uneven distribution of eddy current density in the waveguide. It is proposed to use the finite difference method for the numerical solution of the heat conduction equation. The process of calculating the temperature at the grid nodes is shown. The authors propose a two-stage solution. At the first stage, at an intermediate time step, the temperature at the grid nodes along the X axis is calculated. At the second stage, the temperature at the grid nodes along the Y axis is calculated. The numerical solution of the difference equations along the X and Y axes is carried out by the sweep method. An algorithm for the numerical solution of the heat conduction equation has been developed.


Simulation of the mode of electron-beam welding of a thin-wall structure from AD31 alloy

Simulation of the mode of electron-beam welding of a thin-wall structure from AD31 alloy

Kurashkin S.O., Seregin Yu.N., Tynchenko V.S., Murygin A.V., Kotelnikova S.V.

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The article contains the results obtained by the authors in the study of the possibility of using electron beam welding (EBW) for thin-walled structures made of AD31 aluminum alloy. Today, EBW of similar de-signs are not used due to the lack of technology. Currently, other technologies for connecting similar struc-tures are used in production, but they have a high cost, the reason for which is due to the high percentage of defects. The method of using EBW proposed by the authors will significantly improve the quality of the joint in thin-walled structures and the reproducibility of the technological mode of welding products. The authors have developed a technological solution to the presented problem, based on many years of experi-ence in the use of models of thermal processes, accompanied by electron beam welding. As a subject of research, modeling of the parameters of electron-beam welding of thin-walled pipes for waveguide paths made of aluminum alloy AD31 is proposed. The article presents the results of mathematical modeling of technological parameters during heating of an aluminum alloy by energy sources equivalent to an electron beam during EBW. The analysis and evaluation of the simulation results was carried out using the optimal-ity criterion developed by the authors. The calculations performed by the authors are based on functional using mathematical models of metal heating by a complex heat source consisting of moving instantaneous point and linear energy sources. The article presents the results of calculations for a plate with a thickness of 0.12 cm, which corresponds to prototypes used in the manufacture of waveguide paths. As a result, by changing such values as: beam current and welding speed, the temperature distribution on the surface of the product during the EBW process was obtained, which showed the applicability of modeling for develop-ing a new technological process.


Small satellites for sea surface sounding

Small satellites for sea surface sounding

Kartsan I.N., Zhukov A.O.

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The paper presents a method of processing signals of radar sensing of the underlying surface using il-lumination from existing spacecraft (navigation, communication) and a constellation of small receiving spacecraft using synthetic aperture antennas. Methods and Results. Small spacecraft have many advantages over large satellites. Thus, they are rela-tively inexpensive to build, take minimal time from design to launch, can be easily modified to solve a particu-lar problem, and create less radio interference. The approach under consideration consists in redistribution of tasks to be solved between the constellation of satellites in orbit. Both regular high-orbit communication satellites and low-orbit satellite communication systems, as well as navigation satellites are represented as transmitter carriers (underlying surface illumination). These space systems use the necessary broadband sig-nal. Receivers of reflected signals are placed onboard small spacecrafts, and one of the tasks of the system is to perform research experiments, including on-line monitoring of fast-moving atmospheric cyclones. The work applies the method of sea surface radar imaging based on reflected signal models. The main results of the research are as follows: (1) possibility to use as a probing signal both a pulse and a broadband signal with a priori unknown modulation law, (2) acceptable resolution, (3) possibility to significantly reduce the system cost as compared to the existing space radars of sea surface survey. Conclusions. As a result of using a multi-position radar system, which uses small receiving antennas with synthetic aperture and sea surface illumination from operating spacecraft, it is possible to move to a qualitatively new level of solving problems of sea surface remote sensing with spatial resolution up to 1 meter, regardless of illumination and cloud cover presence.


Software system for mathematical simulation of the electronic beam welding process

Software system for mathematical simulation of the electronic beam welding process

Murygin A. V., Tynchenko V. S., Kurashkin S. O., Bocharov A. N., Petrenko V. E.

Статья научная

Within the framework of this study, a software system for modeling the distribution of the temperature field in the steady-state mode of the electron-beam welding process for thin-walled aerospace structures is proposed. The purpose of creating such a software system is to improve the quality of control of the electron-beam welding process and, accordingly, to reduce the number of defects in welded joints of thin-walled structures. The software system has a model structure and implements the energy distribution models proposed earlier by the authors. The MySQL database management system and the Embarcadero RAD Studio programming system were chosen as the means of implementing the program. The central link of the system is a database that allows you to store and process information both on mathematical modeling and on the results of simulation and field experiments. The article describes the structure of the developed software system, and also presents algorithms for the operation of its constituent modules. The system provides the user with the opportunity not only to carry out simulation according to the specified technological parameters (welding speed, accelerating voltage, beam current, boundary conditions, simulation time, product material), but also to visualize the results and save them in a single database. The use of the proposed system allows not only to minimize the costs of the enterprise for the development of technological parameters of the steady state for the electron-beam welding process, but also to create a flexible information base for collecting experimental information with the aim of further automating and intellectualizing the technological process of creating permanent joints in the framework of Industry 4.0.


Solar thermal propulsion systems with various high-temperature power sources

Solar thermal propulsion systems with various high-temperature power sources

Finogenov S. L., Kolomentsev A. I.

Статья научная

The paper provides an overview of space thermal propulsion (STP) systems using concentrated solar energy as the main source of power. The paper considers solar thermal rocket engines of various configurations including those with afterburning of hydrogen heated in the “concentrator – absorber” system (CAS) with various oxidizers. Together with hydrogen the oxidizers form high-energy fuel compositions with a high value of ratio of components mass flow-rates which allows reducing the dimension of the CAS. The extreme dependences of the engine thrust on the specific impulse are shown for various values of the hydrogen heating temperature and the oxidizer-to-fuel ratio. The coefficients of the regression dependencies for the efficiency of a two-stage absorber and an absorber with the maximum non-isothermal heating having the highest possible energy efficiency are presented. The algorithms for calculating the main design parameters of the STP system as a part of a spacecraft (SC) are given, taking into account the ballistic parameters of the multi-turn transfer trajectory with multiple active segments applied to the STP systems having an energy-efficient non-isothermal CAS. The engine configurations with thermal heat accumulation and possible afterburning of heated hydrogen are also considered. Thermal accumulation allows accumulating energy in the solar-absorber during passive movement in the illuminated portions of the transfer orbits regardless of the lighting conditions of the apsidal orbit portions where the engine is turned on. Suitable heat-accumulating phase transition materials (HAM) such as the eutectic alloy of boron and silicon as well as refractory beryllium oxide are selected for different phases of the interorbital transfer to the geostationary Earth orbit (GEO). The main characteristics of different configurations of the STP systems in the problem of placing a spacecraft (SC) into high-energy GEO orbits are shown. A model of the SCSTP system operation is given taking into account ballistic parameters and the possibility of accumulating thermal energy. It is shown that the oxidizer-to-fuel ratio in STP systems with thermal energy storage (TES) increases with the decrease of the interorbital transfer time. The STP configurations with a two-stage TES showing a large energy-mass efficiency at moderate values of the solar concentrator accuracy parameter are considered.


Solution of the filtration problem with the optimal adjustment of the radio-reflecting net of a transformable reflector

Solution of the filtration problem with the optimal adjustment of the radio-reflecting net of a transformable reflector

Kabanov S.A., Mitin F.V.

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In this paper, we consider the solution of the filtering problem using the Kalman filter with the optimal tuning of the radio-reflecting net. A large-sized transformable space-based reflector is considered. In the process of this structure placing in orbit, it is possible that the real form of the radio-reflecting net can deviate from the desired one. To ensure point-to-point adjustment of the active part of the mesh, a cable-cable system is used. The nodal points of the radio-reflecting surface are connected to the back side of the net through cables. They have built-in actuators that allow one to change the length of the cables. A piezo actuator was selected as a control device. By point-by-point adjustment of the piezo actuators the net is stretched to the required shape. This ensures a high-quality radiation pattern and a high signal level when receiving and transmitting data. Specific values of the disturbing influences are given. To measure the supply voltage on the piezo actuator and the cable length, a voltage converter and a laser scanner are used. Possible deviations from the calculated initial position are determined. In accordance with the principle of separation, the estimation problem is solved first, then the control problem. The estimation problem is solved using the Kalman filter. The control problem is solved using the optimal control algorithm according to the hierarchy of target criteria. The results of numerical simulation are presented. The successful solution of the problem is shown with variable values of measurement noise and disturbing influences. Comparison with trajectories obtained applying various optimal control algorithms is given.


Solution of the integral equation for the average cost of restoration in the theory of reliability of technical systems

Solution of the integral equation for the average cost of restoration in the theory of reliability of technical systems

Vainshtein V.I., Vainshtein I.I., Safonov K.V.

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Failures of elements during the operation of technical and many other systems are, as a rule, random in nature. This leads to various models of the recovery process, studied in probability theory and mathematical reliability theory. During the restoration process, failed elements are restored or replaced with new ones, and there is often a change in the costs and quality of the restored elements (time-to-failure distribution functions). The work examines the cost function (average cost of restoration) in the process of restoration of order k1, k2 , in which, according to a certain rule, the costs of each restoration and the distribution functions of operating time change. Considering, that the recovery function (average number of failures) is well studied in reliability theory, a solution to the integral equation for the cost function is obtained through the recovery function of the model under consideration. For the order restoration process   1 2 k , k , a formula is obtained for calculating the cost function through the restoration function of a simple process formed by the convolution of all distribution functions of the periodic part. For practical application, explicit formulas are obtained for the cost function during the restoration process, in which the periodic part is distributed according to an exponential law or an Erlang law of order m with the same exponent α. The resulting formulas can be used to study the properties of the cost function and solve optimization problems in strategies for carrying out the restoration process in terms of price, quality, risk, if, for example, the average number of failures is taken as quality, the average cost of restorations as price, the dispersion of the number of failures as the risk, or cost of restoration.


Solving boundary value problems of equations of two-dimensional elasticity theory using conservation laws

Solving boundary value problems of equations of two-dimensional elasticity theory using conservation laws

B. D. Annin, S. I. Senashov, O. V. Gomonova

Статья научная

The plane problem for elasticity equations is well studied. It can be explained by its importance for applications and by the fact that the equations can be reduced to the Cauchy-Riemann system. In spite of this importance, exact solutions that would describe the stress-strain state of bodies of finite dimensions are not numerous. Conservation laws for differential equations have been appeared more than a hundred years ago, but, as a rule, they were not used to solve specific problems, but were of purely academic interest. The situation changed with the development of the technique of construction of conservation laws for arbitrary systems of differential equations, and then with the use of conservation laws to solve boundary value problems of the theory of plasticity and elastic-plasticity. In this article, new conservation laws are constructed for the equations of the plane theory of elasticity in the stationary case. These laws form an infinite series, which is closely related to the elasticity equations solving. This fact made possible to reduce solving of boundary value problems, in terms of displacements, to the calculation of contour integrals along the boundary of a domain bounded by the studying elastic body. As it follows from the proposed technique, the studied area can be multiply connected, and the considered boundary can be piecewise-smooth.


Spacecraft motion in a low circular orbit in establishing intersatellite link

Spacecraft motion in a low circular orbit in establishing intersatellite link

Kolovsky I. K., Shmakov D. N.

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The article investigates the problem of inter-satellite linking in the constellation of spacecraft in a low circular orbit. A specific problem of establishing intersatellite link (IL) in that orbit – cross-pointing of the antennae – is also studied. To support cross-tracking, it is important to place spacecraft (SC) in the orbital plane so that they are constantly in the zone of mutual visibility. The line-of-sight range is analyzed both in one orbital plane and between adjacent planes. IL is treated in terms of the orbital constellation (OC) ballistic formation. Several typical modes of motion of SC with IL in adjacent planes are determined – parallel, orthogonal, oncoming. The parameter values of IL antenna pointing are also assessed. The obtained results of OC formation and antenna pointing parameters’ calculations may be relevant for establishing a modified system.


Specialized LED assembly for out-atmospheric solar simulator

Specialized LED assembly for out-atmospheric solar simulator

A. A. Shevchuk, V. V. Dvirnyi, M. S. Maybakh, S. A. San'ko, A. A. Pavlova

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Traditional solar simulators for thermal vacuum tests of spacecraft are based on gas-discharge lamps. Due to the characteristics of such lamps, they can only be installed outside the thermal vacuum chamber. High-efficiency LEDs can be installed directly in the thermal vacuum chamber, which can significantly improve the luminous and operational characteristics of solar simulators. Obtaining a spectrum close to the spectrum of the extraterrestrial Sun (AM0) is one of the primary and most difficult tasks in ensuring that the luminous characteristics of the solar simulator meet the requirements. The article considers a pre-viously proposed model of a combined emitter consisting of halogen lamps and assemblies of high-performance LEDs of various wavelengths. We have proposed a method for determining the spectral match for AM0 solar simulators and determined the requirements for LED assemblies intended for use in the combined emitter. Simulation with a sample of the most suitable commercially available LED assembly, at the nominal power level of halogen lamps, showed a good spectral match, which deteriorates significantly with decreasing lamp power. At the same time, many programs and methods of thermal vacuum tests re-quire simulation of different irradiance levels. Taking this into account, the authors developed an experi-mental LED assembly. Simulation of the combined emitter with this LED assembly showed the best results. The required spectral match is maintained at various irradiance levels. The achieved characteristics of the developed LED assembly are not limiting and can be improved by further optimization.


Specific energy consumption of electro-contact-chemical treatment of metals with a vibrating tool in the electrolyte

Specific energy consumption of electro-contact-chemical treatment of metals with a vibrating tool in the electrolyte

Shestakov I.Ya., Shestakov V.I., Trifanov I.V., Remizov I.A.

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According to the specific energy consumption, the shaping processes are arranged in three energy levels. Electrophysical and electrochemical methods of metal processing are at the third level, where the specific energy consumption is more than 6·104 J/cm3. The analysis of the literature data showed the inconsistency of the specific costs of some authors. The specific energy consumption of electrical contact processing cannot be commensurate with the costs of electrochemical processing due to the different sizes of the particles removed from the surface of the workpiece. There are no literature data on the specific energy consumption of electro-contact-chemical treatment of metals with a vibrating instrument in the electrolyte, therefore, experiments have been carried out with the fixation of current, voltage and interelectrode gap oscillograms. The method of calculation of specific energy consumption according to the oscillograms of the process is given. The energy costs for vibration of the electrode-tool are calculated, which are an order of magnitude less for electro-contact-chemical treatment. When the vibration amplitude decreases or the voltage on the electrodes increases, the process in the interelectrode gap turns into dimensional arc processing. When electro-contact-chemical treatment of metals with a vibrating tool in water, the specific energy consumption is equal to (3.5–3.8) · 105 J/cm3, which corresponds to electrocontact treatment. It is assumed that the use of aqueous solutions of neutral salts will lead to a reduction in energy costs.


Specificity of defect formation in detectors based on cadmium telluride under pulsed thermal influence

Specificity of defect formation in detectors based on cadmium telluride under pulsed thermal influence

Mozzherin A.V., Paklin N.N., Loginov Yu.Yu.

Статья научная

Active development of science-intensive technologies in the aerospace industry requires consideration of the operation of devices and instruments under extreme conditions; it is important to study the degradation of materials during rapid heating and cooling. On the basis of the theoretical and experimental work performed, the authors of the paper consider the degradation of cadmium telluride detectors caused by the development and evolution of a network of point defects resulting from pulsed exposure with a heat dose of about 1,000º С for no more than 10 s, simulating an extreme situation of a short circuit near the detector or direct heating by light pulses. The study showed that the crystalline material quickly degrades under such extreme conditions due to the rapid evolution of the defect network. The phenomenological model of the formation and distribution of defects during short-term exposure of the detector to thermal radiation has been improved. Electron microscopic studies of samples exposed to pulsed infrared radiation showed the development of a dense defect network, vacancy and interstitial defects, their clusters and other damage in all samples.


Spraying plasmatron coatings with powder supply to plasma flow

Spraying plasmatron coatings with powder supply to plasma flow

Mikheev A. E., Girn A. V., Yakubovich I. O., Rudenko M. S.

Статья научная

The efficiency of using plasma energy when applying coatings is largely determined by the design of a plasma-tron. The main difference of the developed plasmatron PM-1 is the supply of transporting gas with powder to the plaza flow, which allows us to ensure more efficient and uniform heating of the material being sprayed. This paper presents the results of measuring a material usage factor (MUF), which is an important and indicative characteristic of plasmatrons, showing their economy and productivity. The authors calculated the cost of electricity and con-ducted studies of the sprayed samples for thermal shock.


Statement of the problem of optimization of the structure information processing computer appliances for real-time control systems

Statement of the problem of optimization of the structure information processing computer appliances for real-time control systems

Efimov S. N., Terskov V. A., Serikova O. Y., Popova A. V.

Статья научная

The article presents the problem of optimizing the structure of information processing computer appli-ances for real-time control systems used, among other things, in the rocket and space industry. In addition, the features of this problem that affect the choice of optimization methods are studied. It’s concluded that this problem can be effectively solved using evolutionary optimization methods. Existing performance models allow you to determine the minimum hardware configuration of a multi-processor computing system. The approach proposed in this article allows us to find configurations that have hardware redundancy (compared to the minimum configuration), but, due to this, have a greater probability of being in states that provide performance sufficient to achieve the goals of functioning of the designed real-time control system. The described approach is more flexible than simply duplicating all hardware components of the minimum configuration, which can be used to reduce the cost of creating and operating the designed control system. The proposed model can be used to optimize the performance of multiprocessor hardware and software complexes of real-time control systems. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the resources allocated for the creation and operation of the hardware and software complex are always limited. There-fore, it is advisable to consider the problem of performance optimization as a multi-criterion: one criterion will be performance, and the other-the cost of creating a hardware and software complex.


Strict avalanche criterion of four-valued functions as the quality characteristic of cryptographic algorithms strength

Strict avalanche criterion of four-valued functions as the quality characteristic of cryptographic algorithms strength

Sokolov A. V., Zhdanov O. N.

Статья научная

The S-box is the most important component of modern cryptographic algorithms which largely determines the quality of cryptographic transformation. The modern method of estimating the S-boxes quality employs their representation as component Boolean functions to which cryptographic quality criteria are applied. Such criteria include: nonlinearity, correlation immunity, an error propagation criterion, and a strict avalanche criterion. Nevertheless, it is obvious that a cryptanalyst is not constrained in the ways of representing the cipher components, in particular, using the functions of many-valued logic. The design features of modern cryptographic algorithms allow their representation in the form of 4-logic functions, which determines the need to research cryptographic properties of the S-boxes represented as component 4-functions. In the literature today there are methods for measuring the nonlinearity of 4-functions; nevertheless, there are no similar methods for researching the differential properties of 4-functions, in particular, involving their compliance with the strict avalanche criterion. In this paper the strict avalanche criterion is generalized to the case of 4-functions and the compliance of the S-boxes component 4-functions of the “Magma” cryptoalgorithm to the strict avalanche criterion has been researched. All balanced 4-functions of length N = 16 satisfying the strict avalanche criterion were synthesized using the restricted brute-force method. The basic properties of the constructed class of 4-functions are determined, and bijective S-boxes based on them are constructed. It has been established that S-boxes of length N = 16 satisfying the strict avalanche criterion, both in terms of component Boolean functions and in terms of 4-functions, also possess optimal nonlinear properties. This circumstance allows us to recommend S-boxes satisfying the strict avalanche criterion of component 4-functions for use in modern cryptographic algorithms.


Structural-phase state and properties of hypereutectic silumin treated with a pulsed electron beam

Structural-phase state and properties of hypereutectic silumin treated with a pulsed electron beam

Ivanov Yu. F., Eresko S. P., Klopotov A. A., Rygina M. E., Petrikova E. A., Teresov A. D.

Статья научная

Hypereutectic silumin composition are promising modern materials of wide application (mechanical engineering, aviation, instrumentation, medicine, etc.). Disadvantages of hypereutectic silumin, significantly limiting their scope of application, are pores and cavities, large (about 100 µm) inclusions of lamellar and needle-shaped second phases. As a result of the studies carried out in this work, the possibility of forming structural-phase states in the surface layer of silumin, the size and morphology of which can purposefully change in the range from tens of micrometers to tens of nanometers, is demonstrated. The irradiation modes that allow more than 5 times to increase the microhardness (15 J/cm2, 150 µs, 0.3 s–1, 5 imp.) and more than 3 times to increase the wear resistance (50 J/cm2, 150 µs, 0.3 s–1, 5 imp.) of silumin were revealed.


Structure of the surface layer of high-chrome steel nitridated in the elion regime in the plasma of a suspended arc discharge with a heated cathode

Structure of the surface layer of high-chrome steel nitridated in the elion regime in the plasma of a suspended arc discharge with a heated cathode

S.P. Eresko, Yu.F. Ivanov, I.V. Lopatin, A.A. Klopotov, A.V. Nikonenko

Статья научная

The purpose of this work is to reveal the patterns of formation of the structure of the surface layer of high-chromium steel subjected to nitriding in a low-pressure gas discharge plasma using a plasma genera-tor with a hot cathode "PINK". Heating of the samples to the nitriding temperature was carried out by the ionic component of the plasma, as well as by the electron and ionic components of the plasma (elion mode). The object of the study was heat-resistant corrosion-resistant steel of the austenitic class grade 20X23H18 (foreign analogue is AISI 310S). The relevance of research is due to the relatively low level of hardness and wear resistance of steels of this class. Nitriding of steel was carried out on the TRIO installation, retro-fitted with a switching unit for implementing the aelion (electronic and ionic) processing mode. It has been established that the thickness of the hardened layer is (55–60) μm and weakly depends on the method of nitriding, temperature (in the range of 793–873 K), and duration (3–5 hours) of the process. A nitriding regime has been revealed that makes it possible to form a surface layer with a microhardness of 13.7 GPa (ionic heating mode) and 10.8 GPa (elion heating mode). It has been revealed that the high strength and tribological properties of nitrided steel are due to the formation of a nanocrystalline structure in the surface layer, the main phases of which are iron nitrides Fe4N and chromium nitrides CrN. It is shown that heating the samples to the nitriding temperature in the aelion mode, which uses the electron and ion components of the plasma, leads to a significantly lower level of material roughness compared to the samples heated during nitriding by the ion component of the plasma.


Structure, network protocols of the internet of things for quality production control

Structure, network protocols of the internet of things for quality production control

U. A. Vishnyakou, B. H. Shaya, A. H. Al-Masri, S. H. Al-Hajj

Статья научная

The subject of research is the model and structure of the Internet of things (IoT) network for product quality control in industry and agriculture. The purpose of the article is to analyze communication protocols and structures of IoT networks. The method of analysis and structural design of IoT networks is applied. The field of application is automation of monitoring products of enterprises of the aerospace industry. The article provides an overview and analysis of existing IoT technology; it considers the protocols and composition of IoT networks, and provides variations in the structures of building such networks. 4 levels of IoT architecture are described, as well as the communication protocols are used. The directions of building the Internet of things network for product quality control are defined. A multi-agent model of such system is presented, for the implementation of which the structure of the IoT network is given. The structure of a multi-agent system (MAS) for monitoring product quality in industry and agriculture includes many agents, such as product quality agents, communication agents, database agents, agents for analyzing information received from sensor agents, and decision-making agents. This MAS implements functions to ensure the required class of product quality and it is based on building a local network of the Internet of things. The research proposes an algorithm for processing information in such an IoT network. Analyzers (sensors) product qualities will be periodically polled and their values will be recorded in the server database. The decision-making subsystem sends data on product quality compliance to the enterprise administrator on a mobile device. The server structure is implemented using cloud IoT platforms, for which a brief overview is provided. The one IoT network implementation is developed using LTE NBIoT technology. This approach can be used in the aerospace industry for product quality control within automation 4.0.


Study of impeller design parameters effect on the axial thrust of a centrifugal electric pump assembly

Study of impeller design parameters effect on the axial thrust of a centrifugal electric pump assembly

Z. A. Kuznetsova, M. I. Sinichenko, A. D. Kuznetsov, I. A. Kleshnina, F. K. Sin'kovskiy

Статья научная

This paper discusses and estimates the effect of some design parameters on the value of axial thrust appearing during functioning of the core component of a spacecraft’s (SC) thermal control subsystem – electric pump unit (EPU). The major causes of axial forces in centrifugal pumps of in-line arrangement are described and analysed. Design parameters having an effect of axial thrust value are: impeller position relatively to EPU diffuser (position was chosen based on dimension chain calculation), presence and size of discharging holes in the impeller, number and shape of impeller vanes (numbers of 14 & 16 were considered). EPU impellers with different number and shape of vanes were designed and manufactured. A series of experiments was carried out in order to research the effects of all aforementioned parameters: measurements of head vs flow curves and axial thrust values at given flow values. Each parameter’s contribution in the value of axial thrust appearing during EPU functioning is evaluated. Vibration measurements were obtained and analysed for electric motor DBE 63-25-6.3 fitted with different impellers. In this study, a DLP additive process was used for impellers manufacturing, which significantly sped up the tests. Obtained results will extend knowledge of processes taking place in EPU impellers, enable choice of the aforementioned parameters at design phase so to minimise axial thrust appearing during functioning of a centrifugal EPU of a spacecraft’s thermal control subsystem. Outcomes of this study are capable of improving SC reliability at all phases of its life because EPU axial thrust causes its premature loss of operability.


Study of structural properties of bismuth pyrostannate by Raman and IR spectroscopy

Study of structural properties of bismuth pyrostannate by Raman and IR spectroscopy

L. V. Udod, O. B. Romanova, S. S. Aplesnin, V. V. Kretinin

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Chromium-substituted bismuth pyrostannates with a pyrochlore structure were synthesized by the solid-phase reaction method. The X-ray structural analysis performed at room temperature showed that the samples Bi2(Sn1-xCrx)2O7, x = 0; 0.05, 0.1 are single-phase and belong to the Pc monoclinic structure. Polymorphic transformations of the synthesized samples were studied by Raman and IR spectroscopy. IR spectra were obtained at the temperature range 110–525 K and frequencies 350–1100 cm–1. Raman spectra were measured at room temperature at frequencies of 100–3000 cm–1. Heterovalent substitution of Sn4+ for Cr3+ modifies the spectra of pure Bi2Sn2O7. The crystal structure of Bi2Sn2O7 consists of two oxygen sublattices: SnO6 and Bi2O'. Chromium ions substituted tin ions in the SnO6 oxygen octahedra, distorting the local structure in the vicinity of bismuth ions. Phonon modes are softening in the vicinity of phase transitions. А shift of the phase boundaries of polymorphic transitions is observed for Bi2(Sn1-хCrх)2O7, x = 0.05, 0.1. The frequencies of stretching vibration modes were determined from IR and Raman spectra. The substitution of chromium for tin ions resulted in the appearance of two new modes at frequencies of 581 and 822 cm–1 in the Raman spectra. The absence of an inversion center in the crystal structure of Bi2(Sn1-xCrx)2O7 is confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. IR spectra of chromium-substituted samples consist of complex lines, which decompose into 2 and 3 Lorentzian lines. The softening and broadening of optical absorption modes are associated with the electronic contribution. Impurity states of electrons form polarons.

