Статьи журнала - Arctic and North

Все статьи: 752

On the development of the main research areas of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

On the development of the main research areas of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

Anatoly V. Shevchuk, Valentin V. Kurteev

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The article is focused on the current research trends in the field of environmental protection and security in the Arctic. This means the development of Arctic environmental safety strategies for the period untill 2030, pollution and the environmental situation in the Russian Arctic, use of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) for the major infrastructure projects in terms of their impact on the Arctic environment and the possible damage, an environmental atlas of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation within the project of the National Atlas of the Arctic. An assessment of the dumping impact (waste disposal in the sea) on the environment of the Arctic and indigenous peoples, taking into account the transboundary transfer of pollutants. All the tasks of the environmental damage elimination could be solved by special programs. The authors also formulated the possible outcomes of the proposed research in the Arctic.


On the interaction of indigenous peoples of the North and industrial companies: the case of Yugra

On the interaction of indigenous peoples of the North and industrial companies: the case of Yugra

Said Kh. Khaknazarov

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In this work the author generalized and analyzed the results of a sociological study on problems of social and economic development of the territories of the traditional environmental management (TTEM) of the indigenous ethnic groups of the North (IEGN). The purpose and research problems are consisted in obtaining information on economic and social conditions of territories of traditional environmental management and a condition of the IEGN’s crafts. The results of a sociological research show, the main motive for traditional economic activity among the IEGN is preservation of the traditional lifestyle. Most of respondents believe that relationship between of the TTEM owners and subsoil users must be based only on a contractual basis (economic agreements). More than a half of respondents believe that the economic agreements concluded between subsoil users and the TTEM owners can partially compensate their expenses and provide communities. On the other hand, an insignificant part of respondents shows mistrust to this form of the relations, saying that the economic agreement is just a formality. Only an insignificant part of respondents noted that their relations with subsoil users were conflict.


On the methodology of subglacial oceans

On the methodology of subglacial oceans

Elena V. Kudryashova, Mikhail Yu. Openkov, Larisa A. Zhgileva

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Throughout all periods of development, the history of mankind has been closely intertwined with the sea. Craving for perception of the unknown has always been favored for humans. The interrelations between people and water element were actively considered by the representatives of natural, exact and engineering sciences. Humanitarian thought can also make a contribution to the study of the oceans. The authors propose substantiation for the formation of the methodology of subglacial oceans. The methodology refers to the theory of thought and action. Modern methodology is capable of constructing the ways of thinking that solve new issues and problems. Openness to criticism of methodological thinking is its strong and promising aspect. The study of the exploration techniques of the “second space”, starting with the first steps and up to the modern attempt to create an underwater prototype of the International Space Station, leads the authors to the conclusion about the possible equivalence of space and Arctic technologies. Exploration of the ice cosmic worlds of Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn may precede the study of the Arctic region. The Arctic has the potential to become a testing site for future space missions. The sterility of space technologies can, on the other hand, provide the development of the green economy in the Arctic.


On the shore of the icy sea, among the rocks, and forests...

On the shore of the icy sea, among the rocks, and forests...

Alexander P. Оboimov

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The article is devoted to the author’s trip to the village of Gridino (Northern Karelia, Russia). Oboimov A.P. tells about the life of the employees of the local weather stations, peculiarities of lifestyle of Pomor villages and the beauty of the Northern nature. The article is accompanied by a series of landscape and portrait photos.


On the сreation and de-velopment of specialized shipyard “Arctic – Shelf”

On the сreation and de-velopment of specialized shipyard “Arctic – Shelf”

Valeriy V. Borodin, Nikolay N. Vas’kov, Nikolay Y. Kalistratov, Andrey V. Larionov, Vladimir S. Nikitin, Vyacheslav M. Popov, Andrey V. Rusanov

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The article proposes the concept of a specialized shipyard business project, geographically dispersed within the boundaries of the Arkhangelsk agglomeration, which aims to develop production cooperation, existing competencies and technologies in the creation of the Arctic marine equipment and vessels.


One hundred years of the geobotanical research in the Murmansk region: history, modern position and problems

One hundred years of the geobotanical research in the Murmansk region: history, modern position and problems

Koroleva N.V.

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This article provides an overview of trends and current status of Geobotany in the Murmansk region, with particular attention to the problems of modern geo-­botanical studies. Emphasizes the importance of regional geo-­botanical studies and preparation of students of geo-­botanical biological specialties.


Oral stories about the Mezen churches as a subject of interdisciplinary research

Oral stories about the Mezen churches as a subject of interdisciplinary research

Drannikova Natalia V.

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The article analyzes oral narratives about the destruction of Orthodox religious buildings. Sources of the research are tests recorded during the folklore-anthropological expeditions of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University in the Mezen district of the Arkhangelsk Oblast (2009-2018). By the beginning of the 1930s, in Russia, the concept of “militant atheism” took shape and was approved, based on the idea of the counter-revolutionary meaning of religion and the anti-Soviet activities of believers. The object of our research is interdisciplinary. It is the subject of the study for oral history, folklore, social and cultural anthropology, and sociology. The sacrilege narratives are considered not so much as folklore or historical source, but as “a component of a local text ... whose function is not to “reflect”, but to “create” urban history, mythology, set the parameters for local identity.” A metanarrative is represented by the memories of the Mezen residents about the destruction of churches and the persecution of people for religious beliefs. It includes stories with the motives of dropping bells, punishment for the destruction of a church; desecration of cemeteries, the destruction of icons, the salvation of church property by the villagers, the conversion of churches to schools, granaries, clubs or stables, and repression against priests and parishioners. The research allows tracing the dynamics of mass representations. There was a gap in the cultural memory of the Mezen residents. The Mezen religious stories testify that, in the cultural memory of the Mezen, they were supplanted to the periphery and replaced by the Soviet period values.


Organizational mechanisms for implementing Russia's Arctic strategy in the 21st century

Organizational mechanisms for implementing Russia's Arctic strategy in the 21st century

Zaikov Konstantin S., Kondratov Nikolay A., Lipina Svetlana A., Bocharova Lina K.

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The Arctic in the 21st century remains a popular topic in the natural-scientific, economic, socio-humanitarian and political spheres. The relevance of studying the Arctic is determined by the fact that in recent decades, deep and irreversible transformations have taken place in this region, and a full understanding of the causes and consequences of which for the economy and environmental management has not yet developed. As a result of climate change and globalization, there is a growing interest in the Arctic macro-region on the part of many foreign countries that developed strategies and programs for the development of national Arctic zones at the beginning of the XXI century. Against the background of global competition for resources and transport communications, it seems relevant to analyze the features of the development of Russia's state policy for managing the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in the XXI century. The article analyzes the mechanisms of implementation of Russian state policy in the Arctic based on the strategic planning system and reveals the bottlenecks in the system of state management of the Arctic region. It is concluded that the core of Russia's policy in the Arctic is innovative modernization that can ensure sustainable socio-economic development, infrastructure development, rational use of natural resources, protection of local ecosystems and development of indigenous communities.


Origins of Cultural Traditions of Russian Old‐time Residents of the Lower Kolyma

Origins of Cultural Traditions of Russian Old‐time Residents of the Lower Kolyma

Strogova E.A.

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This paper presents the preliminary results of a comprehensive study aimed at clarifying the origin of the local group Russian old residence in Nizhekolymskiy region of Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Analysis of archaeological, ethnographic and folklore materials and datas of written sources revealed that cultural traditions of this group originate from Velikiy Ustiug and Arkhangelsk regions.


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