Статьи журнала - Международный журнал гуманитарных и естественных наук

Все статьи: 12269

Basic concepts of cognitive linguistics

Basic concepts of cognitive linguistics

Batyrshina F.R., Kurbanbek Kyzy S., Omorova A.A.

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Problems and tasks of cognitive linguistics are discussed in this article. The aim of the article is to reveal the essence of cognitive linguistics and the concept as its basic concept, as well as to study linguistic processes, linguistic units and categories, etc., in their relation to remembering, imagining, perceiving and thinking. The article also raises the urgent problem of the study of the heterogeneity of the content of concepts, which is largely responsible for the diversity of their linguistic representations. This problem is considered in the context of the realisation of the three main functions of language: cognitive, communicative and interpretive.


Benefits and challenges encountered in utilization building information modelling in construction projects

Benefits and challenges encountered in utilization building information modelling in construction projects

Awali Ali, Ahmed Hamzah Ahmed Hussein, Moogam Taher Adel Taher, Abdulwahed Baleegh Mohammed Hazaa, Alburiahi Ammar Sultan Abdulghaffar, Mohammed Mohammed Ahmed Saleh

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Building Information Modelling (BIM) has become a well-known established extensive collaborative process and an important area of development in architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) and has expanded beyond all disciplines. The use of BIM in construction projects can arguably improve the quality of information needed to make important design decisions to assess the impact of a building on the environment. The analysis, design and infrastructure of buildings are formulated with BIM-based designs. The BIM method fits well with delivery systems for integrated projects. This analysis aims to show the relevance of the roles of BIM and the project manager in construction projects. It insists on the importance of proper knowledge and experience of project managers to achieve success with BIM. The paper discusses the implementation of BIM, static design, and the inherent challenges of trying to estimate benefits in a purely quantitative way. Through the application of BIM technology to dynamic enquiries and the statistical study of construction schedules, design, resources, and costs, these three implementations are considered proven, as BIM can facilitate the understanding of project implementation and progress.


Besonderheiten des medizinstudiums: Deutsche und Russische erfahrungen

Besonderheiten des medizinstudiums: Deutsche und Russische erfahrungen

Povaluchina D.A., Masneva I.E., Basil Alsaleh

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Zusammenfassung: Im Artikel geht es um Besonderheiten des Medizinstudiums in Deutschland im Vergleich zu einigen Aspekten in Russland, wie z.B. Aufnahmevoraussetzungen, Staatsprüfungen, Fächer, Art der Praktika und so weiter. Hier betrachtet man Studienvorgang, Kontrolle, Studiendauer, klinisches Praktikum, das eine bedeutende Rolle während des Studiums spielt. Im Artikel handelt es sich auch um die möglichen Ursachen des hochschätzenden Medizinstudiums in Deutschland.


Big data в системе менеджмента качества

Big data в системе менеджмента качества

Бобель Д.Н.

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Современные промышленные предприятия берут курс на цифровизацию бизнес-процессов. Это касается также и системы менеджмента качества, основной тенденцией развития которой в настоящее время является внедрение цифровых технологий. Одной из самых часто используемых на предприятиях в последнее время является Big Data. В статье рассмотрена сущность работы с информацией огромного объема и разнообразного состава, весьма часто обновляемой и находящейся в разных источниках, в системе менеджмента качества. Автор анализирует опыт применения Big Data современными промышленными гигантами.


Big data: проблемы и технологии

Big data: проблемы и технологии

Абдыкаримова А.Т.

Статья научная

В статье рассматривается понятие больших данных, история Big Data, описываются источники больших данных, дается понятие новым технологиям анализа больших данных, такие как: искусственный интеллект и Deep Learning, облачные хранилища, Блокчейн-технологии, Dark Data и программное обеспечение Statistica. В статье затрагиваются задачи и функции больших объемов данных, также раскрываются проблемы, которые возникают при работе с большими данными.


Biomarkers of kidney injury in children with leukemia after anticancer therapy

Biomarkers of kidney injury in children with leukemia after anticancer therapy

Skrylnikova M.A.

Статья научная

The paper deals with the problem of kidney injury in children with leukemia after anticancer therapy. It is stated that cancer incidence has a steady growing trend all over the world, including the children population of Russia. It is reported that a significant proportion of childhood cancer survivors suffer serious late complications, including heart failure, neurotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, growth failure, hormonal disorders, and secondary cancers. Therefore, current research is focused on the problems of early diagnosis even in the "asymptomatic" period of the disease. Special attention is paid to early diagnosis of kidney disorder in children with leukemia who have received anti-cancer treatment. The aim of research was to study the markers of kidney damage after completion of polychemotherapy and radiation therapy. The results obtained demonstrate that in the first two years after completion of anticancer therapy children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) had an increased level of urinary kidney damage-1 molecule (KIM-1). It is highlighted that further long-term follow-up studies are necessary to assess the significance of the urinary KIM-1 and cystatin C in the blood serum and their relationship to kidney damage after anticancer treatment in childhood.


Bisphosphonates’ implementation in trauma management: a method of bone healing facilitation

Bisphosphonates’ implementation in trauma management: a method of bone healing facilitation

Samoday V.G., Borisov A.K., Kolyabin D.S.

Статья научная

This article is dedicated to the brief overview of bone healing in current clinical practice. Modern ways of bone healing stimulation are still expensive and could be performed only in hospitals. Due to that, their effectiveness is restricted. The goal of the research is to prove that bisphosphonates, which are widely used in rheumatology, may be useful for bone healing via suppression of oscteoclastic bone resorption. In the end of the research, it is stated that bisphosphonates’ implementation elevates the quality of bone healing, according to laboratory tests’ results and the final clinical picture.


British and American medical English: a comparative analysis of language differences

British and American medical English: a comparative analysis of language differences

Nikeshena S.A.

Статья научная

The paper discusses two basic variants of English - British and American - in regard of their influence on the medical and healthcare discourse. The author claims that language differences between British and American medical terminology may be significant for international language learners and need clarification. The objective of the research is to identify and analyze the differences using the techniques of lexicographical and comparative analysis. The results of the research are categorized into healthcare and medical education terminology differences, medical specialty differences and spelling differences.


Building an effective business model in the modern economy

Building an effective business model in the modern economy

Fatyanov Y.I.

Статья научная

The author of the article reveals the features of the development and implementation in practice of a client-oriented business model. Special attention is paid to the problems of Russian companies on the example of Sberbank PJSC, which in recent years has done a great job in the field of product offerings for its customers. The author proposes a step-by-step mechanism necessary for the effective organization of changes within the company.


Building math familiarization activities in integrated orient to promote positive and creative activities for preschoolers in the north mountain of Vietnam

Building math familiarization activities in integrated orient to promote positive and creative activities for preschoolers in the north mountain of Vietnam

Hoang Thi Tu, Nguyen Thi Oan Trang

Статья научная

One of the important contents in the preschool education program is the formation of mathematical symbols. Due to age characteristics, in order to help children understand and remember the initial knowledge of mathematics fully and accurately, building integrated activities is an effective and practical job.The article affirms that building integrated activities is a necessary task in the process of teaching preschool children to be familiar with mathematics; propose suggestions for preschool teachers to promote integration in teaching math in order to encourage the positivity and creativity of preschool children with the desire to contribute to improving teaching effectiveness in schools.


Business communications in the socio-cultural space of modern society

Business communications in the socio-cultural space of modern society

Buriak N.Yu.

Статья научная

In the modern world, the question of more productive communication between people is acute. This article examines the history, basic concepts, principles, norms, and other aspects of business communications as a type of socio-cultural communication. The purpose of this research is to study and consider the features and transformations of business interaction, as well as its comparison with foreign counterparts. As a result of the study the changes before and after the worldwide pandemic. Throughout the research work, scientific works, experience and accumulated knowledge of both domestic and foreign specialists engaged in the study of business communication as the most popular type of communication of people in society were taken into account, analyzed and compared.


C919: китайский амбициозный шаг к авиационной независимости

C919: китайский амбициозный шаг к авиационной независимости

Чжичжэн Юй

Статья научная

В данной статье рассматривается важный проект разработки коммерческого реактивного лайнера C919 в Китае. В статье анализируются основные характеристики и конструктивные особенности самолета, применяемые технологии и инновации, а также проводится сравнение с конкурентами, такими как Boeing и Airbus, по техническим параметрам. Особое внимание уделяется роли государства и инвестиций в проект C919, а также его влиянию на экономику Китая. Автор также оценивает достижения и вызовы, с которыми сталкивается проект C919, а также обсуждает его перспективы и возможные направления развития. Исследование подчеркивает значимость данного проекта для Китая в достижении авиационной независимости и уменьшении зависимости от зарубежных производителей.


COVID-19: реакции психики и организма

COVID-19: реакции психики и организма

Дианова Н.Ф., Баранов А.Н.

Статья научная

В данной статье рассматриваются последствия воздействия пандемии на психологическое и физическое состояние человек. Для наглядности приведены таблицы ранние и поздние эмоционально-поведенческие последствия эпидемии, и влияние стресса на организм человека. Также, меры, которые были введены на время пандемии во всем мире, и как они повлияли на психологическое и физическое состояние человека.


CRM-системы для оптовой торговли

CRM-системы для оптовой торговли

Панжинская Ю.В., Одинцова М.А.

Статья научная

В статье приводятся актуальные требования, предъявляемые к CRM-системам в оптовой торговле и продиктованные сложившейся практикой ведения бизнеса в данной сфере. Рассматриваются современные системы управления взаимоотношениями с клиентами, представленные на отечественном рынке. На основе сформулированных требований к CRM-системам в статье выполнен сравнительный анализ программных продуктов и сделан вывод о соответствии их функциональных возможностей требованиям рынка.


Case-study как метод формирования компетенций

Case-study как метод формирования компетенций

Ерохина Л.Ю.

Статья научная

Современный рынок труда предъявляет требования к уровню профессиональной подготовки молодых специалистов. Базу профессиональной компетентности специалиста обеспечивает уровень овладения компетенций, формируемых в ходе освоения содержания учебных курсов. Качество и уровень освоения компетенций обусловлены учебно-профессиональной деятельностью бакалавров. Основным методом формирования компетенций бакалавров педагогического образования является case-study, о чем свидетельствуют результаты опытно-поисковой работы, отраженные в статье.


Cataract: the review of problems and solutions

Cataract: the review of problems and solutions

Ishkova A.N., Gabbasova N.V., Stebletsova A.O.

Статья научная

Nowdays cataract remains one of the urgent problems that public healthcare needs to address. It is the leading cause of blindness and disability worldwide. Althought there is constant research to establish cataract pathgenesis and offer management, the data are insufficient and need critical reflection. The objective of this paper is to examine national and international studies on cataract development and treatment so that to specify approaches addressing cataract issues. The article presents data from literature and systematic reviews, clinical guidelines and protocols concerning epidemiology, risk factors, classification, pathogenesis, and mortality risk of cataracts.


Certain aspects of e-learning course development for distance learning

Certain aspects of e-learning course development for distance learning

Akhunova Ye.A.

Статья научная

The article discusses certain aspects of the development of an electronic training course for distance learning. The paper provides a description of the concept of an electronic training course, gives various approaches to determining the structure of an electronic training course. It presents the main stages of preparing an electronic training course, developed on the basis of a generalization of the opinions of a number of researchers and an analysis of the author’s own experience in developing an electronic course in the discipline “Finance”.


Changes of immune status in patients with mixed anxiety and depressive disorder and herpetic viral infection

Changes of immune status in patients with mixed anxiety and depressive disorder and herpetic viral infection

Bakuleva N.I., Zemskov A.M., Kostenko S.M., Peleshenko E.I., Shiryaev O.Yu.

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Depression and anxiety are the most common mental disorders worldwide. А number of researchers have described a correlation between immune, limbic and endocrine systems and their role in the development of anxiety - depressive disorder. However, a more detailed examination of this correlation is yet to be performed. This study was conducted to examine immunological disorders’ impact on cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein - Barr virus and herpes simplex virus antibodies’ production; to evaluate antiviral antibodies’ level impact on an immune status; to estimate an amount of strong systemic correlation between immunological parameters. Blood samples of 40 patients with Mixed Anxiety and Depressive Disorder were explored, immunological and “infectious” statuses were evaluated. Therefore, the variation in titer of antibodies to cytomegalovirus, Epstein - Barr virus and Herpes Simplex Virus with respect to changes of immunological parameters was detected. Additionally, taking the above into account, many strong correlations between HSV and CMV and immune system (48 and 32 respectively) suggest that there is high - level immunity against these viruses. In contrast, only 3 correlations between Epstein - Barr Virus and immunological parameters indicate that poor immune response is usual to this virus. The strong correlations between HSV and EBV and immune response among patients with proved diagnosis of MADD possibly indicate that mental condition is able to impact on human immune status.


Changing the type of narrator (by the material of T. Tolstoy's story “Sonia”)

Changing the type of narrator (by the material of T. Tolstoy's story “Sonia”)

Schukina K.A.

Статья научная

The article discusses the features of changing the type of the narrator on the material of T. Tolstoy's story "Sonya". The aim of the work is to analyze the speech features of the types of the narrator and the specifics of changing the type of the narrator in the text of the story. The methods of observation, contextual analysis and generalization are used as the main ones in the work. Based on the analysis, the author of the work comes to the conclusion that the change of types of the narrator, the transition of the narrator from the level of characters to the overtext level allows the reader to see a more objective picture of what is happening. It should be noted that the reversal of the roles of the narrator can be regarded as an artistic device.


Characteristics of cognitive competences graduates of primary school

Characteristics of cognitive competences graduates of primary school

Zak A.Z.

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The study presented in the article is aimed at determining the characteristics of cognitive competencies formed in children by the end of elementary school. As a result, it was shown that training in developing curricula aimed at forming the foundations of theoretical thinking in children provides a higher level of formation of cognitive competencies than training in traditional programs.

