Статьи журнала - Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia

Все статьи: 445

Zotino III: an early iron age metallurgical center in the Trans-Urals

Zotino III: an early iron age metallurgical center in the Trans-Urals

Borzunov V.A.

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“Caster's cache” from Tartas-1, late Krotovo (Cherno-ozerye) culture, Baraba forest-steppe

“Caster's cache” from Tartas-1, late Krotovo (Cherno-ozerye) culture, Baraba forest-steppe

Molodin V.I., Durakov I.A., Kobeleva L.S.

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“D.G. Messerschmidt’s cups”

“D.G. Messerschmidt’s cups”

Mitko O.A.

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We describe two metal vessels, procured by looters and offered to D.G. Messerschmidt, who in 1722 traveled across southern Krasnoyarsk Territory. A bronze cup, judging by a description in researcher's journal and by the accompanying drawing, resembled Old Turkic specimens. However, the hunting scene engraved on its body suggests Chinese provenance. A silver vessel from the vestry of Fort Karaulny church is peculiar to 7th–10th century Sogdian toreutics. It evidently belongs to a group of vessels with polygonal bodies, specifi cally to type 1—octagonal. Having been manufactured in Sogd, polygonal vessels were exported to China. Chinese jewelers copied the form of “wine cups” and adorned them with traditional fl oral designs and various scenes. An octagonal silver cup with an Uyghur inscription, found in 1964 in a kurgan at a medieval cemetery Nad Polyanoi, was likewise manufactured by Tang artisans. Other polygonal silver cups are listed—heptagonal and sexagonal. It is concluded that vessels made of precious metals testify to stable trade relations that emerged in 700–1100 and connected Siberia with Sogd and the Tang Empire.


“Mountains” on the draft of the land of fort Narym by S.U. Remezov

“Mountains” on the draft of the land of fort Narym by S.U. Remezov

Barsukov E.V., Chernaya M.P.

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This article describes an unusual source—the “Draft of the Land of Fort Narym” from the “Sketchbook of Siberia” by Semen Remezov. This is a spatial-graphic model, rendering late 17th-century realities in a conventional schematic manner. It covers the Narymsky and Ketsky uyezds (currently, northern Tomsk Region, known as Narym Territory). The encoded information relates to the history, geography, ethnography, settlement, and infrastructure at this territory in the late 17th century. One of the features represents elevations. We discuss its accuracy and relevance to the history and culture of the Narym Territory, and outline the ways of solving related problems. To render elevations, the cartographer used two types of conventional signs: those actually representing mountains and ranges, and thick lines. We conclude that “mountains” on the draft refer to real geographic features of the Narym Territory, described by 17th–19th century travelers and scholars and by the local oral tradition, and supported by modern geographical records. S.U. Remezov represented elevated areas with reference to their practical meaning for Russian reclamation.

