Статьи журнала - Вестник Алматинского технологического университета

Все статьи: 1148

Enrichment of wheat bread with dietary fiber

Enrichment of wheat bread with dietary fiber

Bayisbaeva M.P., Moldakulova Z.N., Dairasheva S.T., Rahimberdieva F.A., Sottnikova V.

Статья научная

Considering that small amounts of dietary fiber in wheat flour, the aim of the work is to develop the formula and technology of wheat bread enriched with high nutritional and biological food fibers. The sample was identified, containing 20% of flax meal, 0.5% of the powder of dietary fiber that meets the standard requirements for all quality parameters of wheat bread with the addition. According to the results of the study, it was proved that this sample has a high protein content and high quality food safety.


Enzyme complex of wheat as new biosensor for glutamate determination

Enzyme complex of wheat as new biosensor for glutamate determination

Kudiyarova Zh. S., Kerymkulova A.R., Lesova Zh.T., Bukenova E.A., Gilmanov M.K.

Статья научная

Malate dehydrogenase-glutamate oxaloacetate aminotransferase (MDh-GOT) enzyme complex (the EC) was isolated and purified from wheat seeds. It was developed the effective method of purification of EC by using of ion-exchange chromatography and gel-chromatography methods. MDh-GOT consists of two heterological subunits. The essential feature of the EC is the irreversibility of its catalyzed reactions. Michaelis constants of the EC MDh-GOT to malate, glutamate and NAD were investigated. Good stability, high sensitivity and short time for analysis (1-2 minutes) of the EC to glutamate make it very convenient for determination of concentration of glutamate.


Estimation of ergonomic indicators of special purpose clothing for patients with thermal injuries

Estimation of ergonomic indicators of special purpose clothing for patients with thermal injuries

Shaizadanova G.S., Kucharbaeva K. Zh., Mokeeva N.S., Loginova L.B., Abilkalamova K.K.

Статья научная

This article discusses the determination of the optimal design allowances for a full factorial experiment in the development of special-purpose clothing for patients with thermal injuries in a hospital. To assess the ergonomic performance of special-purpose clothing, was used of pressure exerted by clothing on the human body. Based on the results of the study, a mathematical model was developed based on a full factorial experiment. In accordance with the presented mathematical models, the minimum values of contact pressures are obtained for the following values of construction parameters: for a cut with a sewn-in sleeve Warmhole = 15 cm, Ifa = 5,0 cm, Ic = 9 cm, Hse = 10 cm; for a cut with a raglan sleeve Warmhole = 15 cm, Ifa = 6 cm, Ic = 10 cm; for a cut with a one-piece sleeve Warmhole = 16 cm, Ifa = 6 cm, Ic = 11 cm.


European framework standards for study programs in food science and engineering

European framework standards for study programs in food science and engineering

Abdizhapparova B. T., Khanzharov N. S., Pankina I. A.

Статья научная

The role of European documents in the development of learning outcomes is described in the paper. In addition to the main European documents describing the qualification level of graduates, the sectoral frameworks provide a benchmark for learning outcomes in the profile of the program. Compliance with the framework standard is the foundation for a study program to receive a quality label. As an example, the EQAS-Food and EUR-ACE® standards for study programs in the field of food science and engineering are considered. The focus on the framework standards ensure transparency and harmonization of study programs with European best practice.


Evaluation of quality indicators of pectin-containing extracts of melons

Evaluation of quality indicators of pectin-containing extracts of melons

Azimova S., Kizatova M., Iskakova G., Uikassova Z.

Статья научная

The article investigated the analytical characteristics of pectin-containing extracts from pumpkin extracts of the "Karina" variety and melon of the "Torpeda" variety, their ability to form alkalis and complex. Based on the conducted experiments, pectins from melons are characterized by a low degree of esterification (34.7-36.8%), a high complexing capacity at the level of 240-290 mg Pb2+/g, which allows us to suggest the use of pectin products developed as natural detoxicants. On pectins of melon crops, the inverse relationship between the complexing abilities and the strength of the jelly was established.


Evaluation of the effect of plant material on the quality of cooked sausages

Evaluation of the effect of plant material on the quality of cooked sausages

Sarsembekova A.T., Korzeniowska M., Uzakov Ya. M., Zheleuova Zh. S.

Статья научная

Various amounts of buckwheat hulls (1%, 1,5%, and 3%) were added to cooked turkey sausages. The effect of buckwheat hulls on the physicochemical characteristics of the cooked turkey sausages, including, pH, instrumental color, texture profile analysis (TPA), antioxidant content and sensory evaluation, were determined. Increased levels of added buckwheat hulls led to higher antioxidant activity. However, the protein and fat contents of the cooked turkey sausage samples were constant. The instrumental color in control sample were L*=65,1, a*=5,6, and b*=9,8. There were slight differences in the TPA among the treated samples. According to the results of the sensory and objective assessment of consumer properties, it can be argued that sample F1 with the introduction of buckwheat hulls 3,0% had a negative effect on sensory properties of cooked turkey sausages. The best marks were given to the sample F1 with the introduction of buckwheat hulls 1,0% on sensory evaluation.


Evelopment of sets of special clothing for cancer patiens

Evelopment of sets of special clothing for cancer patiens

Abenova I.R., Zhilisbaeva R.O., Mokeeva N.S., Talgatbekova A. Zh.

Статья научная

This article discusses the features of materials and manufactured textiles with antibacterial impregnation, contributing to the rehabilitation of patients with cancer. In addition, the results of the study of antibacterial materials for the main physical and mechanical properties are presented. Sets of clothing are proposed to improve the general state of immunity during treatment, taking into account the results of the analysis of personal data, as well as the opinions of respondents-patients and doctors. The practical significance of the study lies in the use of innovative materials with antibacterial properties intended for the development of specialized clothing for cancer patients with functional and decorative details.


Exploring the technology of gluten-free bread

Exploring the technology of gluten-free bread

Нуртаева А.Б., Утарова Н.Б., Акшораева Г.Д., Мыктабаева М.С., Абилова М.Б.

Статья научная

Мақалада амарант, зығыр, күріш, қарақұмық ұндарының негізгі қасиеттері мен сипаттамалары және құрама ұн негізінде глютенсіз нан алу нәтижелері көрсетілген. Құрама ұндардың физикалық-химиялық қасиеттері анықталды және жаңа глютенсіз нан өнімінің рецептурасы жасалды. Құрама ұн негізіндегі глютенсіз нан өнімдерінің технологиясы жетілдірілді. Жаңа өнімнің тағамдық құндылығының өзгеруінің жалпы заңдылықтары зерттелді. Глютенге төзбеушілікпен ауыратын науқастарды тамақтандыру, емдеудің сәйкестігін арттыру, пациенттің және оның отбасының өмір сүру сапасын жақсарту мақсатында нан өнімдерінің ассортиментін кеңейту және әзірлеу мәселелеріне арналған. Зерттеулер целиакия ауруы бар науқастар үшін амарант уыттылығының жоқтығын растады, сонымен қатар амарант, қарақұмық, зығыр және күріш ұндарының физико-химиялық құрамындағы қажетті заттардың пайыздық көрсеткіштерің адам ағзасына пайдалылығына шолу жүргізілді. Бұл жиынтық ақпарат құрама ұндармен арнайы глютенсіз нан өнімдерін әзірлеу үшін әрі қарай зерттеулерде пайдаланылады. Жаңа өнімнің тағамдық құндылығының өзгеруінің жалпы заңдылықтары зерттелді. Практикалық түрде нан пісіру жұмыстары жүргізілді, нәтижесінде №3 сынама глютенсіз нан талаптарына сәйкес келетіні анықталды.Үлгілердің түсі біркелкі болды, бетінің түсі қоңыр, жұмсақ, кеуекті, нанның жұмсағы серпімді, бөгде иістерсіз және дәмі глютенсіз нанға үйлесімді түрде сәйкес келеді. Нан қолданыстағы нормативтік құжаттардың талаптарына сәйкес келеді.


Extraction of fruit and berry raw materials for the production of beer for special purpose

Extraction of fruit and berry raw materials for the production of beer for special purpose

Kekibayeva A. K., Kantay A. A., Baygaziyeva G. I.

Статья научная

Currently, the expansion of the range of the brewing industry is possible due to the introduction of an unconventional type of plant raw materials in the technology, which will allow producing special -purpose drinks with certain quality indicators. The main objective of the study is to determine the concentration of the extractant that allows extracting the maximum number of target components, optimal extraction parameters, and to evaluate the effect of pretreatment with enzyme preparations on the properties of fruit and berry raw materials. Studies have shown that solutions with an alcohol concentration of 60% vol. allow to increase the yield of alcohol and water-soluble substances. However, in order to obtain dyes from fruit and berry raw materials, it is recommended to use an extractant with a strength of 75 %, which extracts anthocyanin compounds to a greater extent.


Fatty acid composition of soft whey cheese

Fatty acid composition of soft whey cheese

Zhakupova G.N., Tultabayeva T.Ch., Sagandyk A.T., Kalemshariv B., Nurtayeva A.B., Toregeldy Z.S.

Статья научная

Due to the existing environmental and economic situation, there is a tendency to produce new food products with a balanced composition and beneficial properties for the human body. In this context, new groups of products are appearing on the market, whose composition and properties differ from the standards. The key factor for the nutritional and biological value of products is again the fatty acids, which consist of saturated and unsaturated acids. Saturated fatty acids are carbon chains with a number of 4 to 30 or more atoms, found mainly in animal fats. Their function is to saturate the body with energy. Excessive saturation with fatty acids leads to a disturbance in fat metabolism and an increase in blood cholesterol levels. Unsaturated fatty acids are part of the components of cells and tissues, provide growth and metabolism, as well as the elasticity of blood vessels. The studied soft whey cheese was made from whey and is a new product of the dairy industry. In this work, the indicators of soft whey cheese such as proteins, fats, moisture, dry matter as well as fatty acid composition of the product are studied. From the analysis results, it is found that the product contains unsaturated fatty acids and its lipid composition has an optimal balance.


Features of the development of medical and wellness tourism in Kazakhstan

Features of the development of medical and wellness tourism in Kazakhstan

Mikhailenko T.A.

Статья научная

Medical and wellness tourism as one of the growing trends in the tourist area is actively developing in the Republic of Kazakhstan.The article considers the features of the development of medical and wellness tourism, estimates the possible social and economic impact on the development of medical-wellness tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan.The analysis leads to the conclusion that the Republic of Kazakhstan is on its way to create its own full-fledged tourist industry not only to make tourism a leading industry but also to make it internationally recognized throughout the world.


Flaxseed oil as a component for producing spreads of functional direction

Flaxseed oil as a component for producing spreads of functional direction

Baigenzhinov K.A., Baikenov A.O., Muslimov N. Zh., Yessimova Zh. A.

Статья научная

The article presents the physicochemical characteristics and fatty acid composition of unrefined flaxseed oil produced in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The possibility of using this oil as a basis for obtaining a vegetable-creamy spread for functional purposes is considered. Flaxseed oil as a valuable source of linolenic acid is widely used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. From the research results was revealed that the ratio of ω-6 and ω-3 in unrefined flaxseed oil is 1: 3. However, for the use of flaxseed oil rich in ω-3 as a basis for the production of spreads of a functional orientation, it becomes possible only in a composition with another vegetable oil rich in ω-6, in order to achieve a balance of fatty acid balance.


Food safety and HACCP system in the enriched cottage cheese production

Food safety and HACCP system in the enriched cottage cheese production

Alibekov R.S., Yunusova A.A., Bakhtybekova A.R.

Статья научная

In this article determination and the principles of a management system of food safety of HACCP are considered. Cottage cheese production processes with a probiotics, berry syrup of a dogrose and wheat oat flour taking into account the principles of the HACCP system are analyzed. Dangerous factors, critical control points are determined. The most dangerous production stages are: milk acceptance, pasteurization, souring and packing. Authors of article offered the controlling of hazard actions.


Formation of psychological competence of specialists for work in the hospitality industry

Formation of psychological competence of specialists for work in the hospitality industry

Mikhailenko T.A.

Статья научная

Psychological competence of specialists in the field of hospitality are of great importance for improving the culture of service. The article discusses the set of psychological skills and competencies necessary to work in the field of hospitality. The author proposed a model for the formation of psychological competencies and communication skills of specialists in the service sector, which describes the stages of their formation, determines the conditions for the formation of communication skills as essential elements of this model.


Functional processed cheese: development of new technology

Functional processed cheese: development of new technology

Gumarova A., Baybatyrov T., Japarova A.

Статья научная

The article presents data on the use of a dry mixture of rose hips, cranberries and turmeric for the production of processed cheese for functional purposes. The inclusion 2%, 3%, 5% of vitamin herbal supplements, increases storage capacity, improves organoleptic, physico-chemical parameters and nutritional value of processed cheese and does not require changes in the process.


Functionally enriched meat product with incapsulated vitamin supplement

Functionally enriched meat product with incapsulated vitamin supplement

Iskineyeva A., Mustafaeva A., Kozhamsugirov K., Fazylov S., Bakirova R., Muratbekova A., Vlasova L.

Статья научная

The article presents the study results of the functionally enriched meat product from lamb and ostrich meat with a biologically active additive. The fat-soluble vitamin complex "aevit" encapsulated with the food oligosaccharide β-cyclodextrin (E459) has been used as a functional ingredient. The use of poultry meat in the recipe allowed to obtain a product with high consumer properties. Based on the conducted experiments, a comparative characteristic of the physicochemical, energy, amino acid and organoleptic parameters of the obtained semi-smoked sausage products is given.


Fungicidal effect of the stability and growth of crops рolycomplexes stress

Fungicidal effect of the stability and growth of crops рolycomplexes stress

Есмова О.А., Исенова Г.Д., Керимкулова М.Ж., Тюсюпова Б.Б., Мсабеков .Б.

Статья научная

Жaңa бaктeрицидтік қaсиeттeрі бaр БAЗ-полимер қоспасы ayыл шaрyaшылық дa-қылдaрдың өнімділігі мeн құнaрлығын aрттырyда прaктикaлық мaңызды орын алады. Осы-ған байланысты жұмыстa бeлгілі бaктeриaлдық полиэлeктролит-полигeксaмeти-лeнгyaнидин гидрохлорид (ПГМГ); полиэтилeнгликоль (ПЭГ) (молeкyллaлық мaссaсы-6000), пeн aнионды додeцилсyльфaт нaтрий (ДДСNa,) бeттік aктивті зaттaрдaн жәнe олaрдың композициялaрының бидaй дaқылдaрының күйзeліс тұрaқтылығынa, өнімділігінe, зaлaлдa-нyынa әсeрі қaрaстырылды. Зeрттey нәтижeсі бойыншa күйзeліс тұрaқтылығынa әсeрін ПГМГ-ПЭГ 0,01% концeнтрaциялы eрiтiндiсiмeн өңдeлгeн нұсқa жoғaры көрсeткiш көр-сeттi, яғни полигексаметиленгуанидин гидрохлориді, полиэтиленгликоль жәнe олaрдың кoмплeкстeрі қaтысындa бидaй дәндeрі қopшaғaн opтaның әсeрінe бeйім бoлып eсeптeлінді.


GACP талаптары бойынша Crocus alatavicus сімдігін интродукциялауды технологиялы аспектілері

GACP талаптары бойынша Crocus alatavicus сімдігін интродукциялауды технологиялы аспектілері

Алламбергенова З.Б., Сакипова З.Б., Алиев Н.У., Кадырбаева Г.М., Жумашова Г.Т., Отрадных И.Г., Съедина И.А.

Статья научная

Дүниежүзілік денсаулық сақтау ұйымының болжамы бойынша фармацевтикалық препараттардың әлемдік нарығында өсімдік тектес дәрілік заттардың үлесі 40% - дан астамды құрайды. Фитопрепараттардың айқын өсу тенденциясы дәрілік өсімдіктер қорының сарқылуына әкелуі мүмкін және дәрілік өсімдіктерді мәденилендіру мәселенің қолайлы шешімі болып табылады. Дәрілік өсімдіктердің сапасын қамтамасыз ету мақсатында 2003 жылы Дүниежүзілік денсаулық сақтау ұйымы (ДДҰ) дәрілік өсімдіктерді тиісті өсіру және жинау тәжірибесінің (GACP) нұсқаулық қағидаттарын шығарды. Бұл мақалада Crocus alatavicus өсімдігін тұқыммен интродукциялау нәтижелері келтірілген. Зерттеудің мақсаты GACP қағидаттарына сәйкес алатау шафранын тұқымнан көбейту тәсілімен интродукциялау технологиясын жасау болып табылады. GACP қағидаттары бойынша интродукциялау технологиясын жасау отандық фармацевтикалық өндірісті сапалы өсімдік шикізатымен қамтамасыз етуге кепілдік береді. Интродукциялау «Фитолеум» ЖШС тәжірибелік-өндірістік плантациясында жүргізілді. Зерттеу нәтижелері Crocus alatavicus тұқымын себуге қалайлы кезең күзгі мезгілі екенін көрсетті. Тұқым себер алдында биогумус органикалық тыңайтқышын қолдану тұқымның өнуіне және көшеттердің өміршеңдігіне оң әсер етедіндігін көрсетті. Өсімдік вегетациялық кезеңнің төртінші жылында генеративті кезеңге өтіп, жеміс берді. 2018-2022 жылдар аралығында Crocus alatavicus өсімдігін тұқымнан интродукциялау нәтижелері тұқымның жақсы өнгіштігін және өркендердің өміршеңдігін көрсетті, бұл өсімдікті алдағы уақытта мәденилендіруге ұсынуға мүмкіндік береді. Атап өту керек, Crocus alatavicus өсімдігін тұқымнан көбейту арқылы мәденилендіру, осы түр қорын табиғатта сақтай отырып, ғылыми-практикалық медицинада одан әрі ұтымды қолдану мақсатында отандық шикізат ретінде пайдаланудың жаңа мүмкіндіктерін тудырады.


History and economic efficiency of cluster system creation

History and economic efficiency of cluster system creation

Issakov E., Kaliyev K., Zhoya K.

Статья научная

This article discusses the issues of obtaining information in countries where the cluster approach is applied, and the result of communication of cluster participants, interaction of enterprises within the value chain, innovative ties, a peculiar place and world history of the cluster. On the basis of the conducted research, the authors were convinced that the creation of a cluster requires constant participation in market adaptation and innovation.


Impact of adding flour from Jerusalem artichoke (topinambur, Helianthus tuberosus L.) tubers to wheat flour on the nutritional value of bread

Impact of adding flour from Jerusalem artichoke (topinambur, Helianthus tuberosus L.) tubers to wheat flour on the nutritional value of bread

Yovchev A.G., Baeva M.R., Koleva L.A., Durakova A.G., Krasteva A.P.

Статья научная

Jerusalem artichoke (Тopinambur, Helianthus tuberosus L.) tubers, due to their high content of inulin-type fructans, are ideal ingredients for improving the nutritional value of bread and bread products. In this study, the experimental materials were Bulgarian commercial wheat flours (type 500 and 1150), wheat bran and flour from Jerusalem artichoke tubers. The mixes comprise of wheat flour, flour from Jerusalem artichoke tubers, wheat bran, yeast and salt. The Jerusalem artichoke flour’s amount was added at 3% and 6% in relation to 100 g of wheat flour. The results showed that adding Jerusalem artichoke flour to the wheat flour increases the ash content and the total fiber content of the floury mixes. The studied floury mixes contain inulin-type fructans, which act as prebiotic and have good effect on the human organism function, especially on the gut flora. The bread enriched with Jerusalem artichoke flour had higher content of fructans, as a part of the total dietary fibers, which content is also higher if compared to the controls. The breads obtained could be a part of healthy nutrition, due to their composition and the low calorie value.

