Техника и технологии. Рубрика в журнале - Вестник Алматинского технологического университета

Dynamic model for researching vibrations of a drum washing machine
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The article is devoted to the mathematical modeling of the processing of material in the drum washing and squeezing machines. The aim of the study is to develop and improve a dynamic model for studying the physical processes occurring in the oscillatory suspension system of drum machines and centrifuges. In the work, analytical expressions are obtained that establish the dependence of the forces acting on the working bodies of the device in question. The results of the study can be used in the design of household washing and squeezing machines and centrifugal devices.

Enrichment of wheat bread with dietary fiber
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Considering that small amounts of dietary fiber in wheat flour, the aim of the work is to develop the formula and technology of wheat bread enriched with high nutritional and biological food fibers. The sample was identified, containing 20% of flax meal, 0.5% of the powder of dietary fiber that meets the standard requirements for all quality parameters of wheat bread with the addition. According to the results of the study, it was proved that this sample has a high protein content and high quality food safety.

Evaluation of quality indicators of pectin-containing extracts of melons
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The article investigated the analytical characteristics of pectin-containing extracts from pumpkin extracts of the "Karina" variety and melon of the "Torpeda" variety, their ability to form alkalis and complex. Based on the conducted experiments, pectins from melons are characterized by a low degree of esterification (34.7-36.8%), a high complexing capacity at the level of 240-290 mg Pb2+/g, which allows us to suggest the use of pectin products developed as natural detoxicants. On pectins of melon crops, the inverse relationship between the complexing abilities and the strength of the jelly was established.

Evaluation of the effect of plant material on the quality of cooked sausages
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Various amounts of buckwheat hulls (1%, 1,5%, and 3%) were added to cooked turkey sausages. The effect of buckwheat hulls on the physicochemical characteristics of the cooked turkey sausages, including, pH, instrumental color, texture profile analysis (TPA), antioxidant content and sensory evaluation, were determined. Increased levels of added buckwheat hulls led to higher antioxidant activity. However, the protein and fat contents of the cooked turkey sausage samples were constant. The instrumental color in control sample were L*=65,1, a*=5,6, and b*=9,8. There were slight differences in the TPA among the treated samples. According to the results of the sensory and objective assessment of consumer properties, it can be argued that sample F1 with the introduction of buckwheat hulls 3,0% had a negative effect on sensory properties of cooked turkey sausages. The best marks were given to the sample F1 with the introduction of buckwheat hulls 1,0% on sensory evaluation.

Extraction of fruit and berry raw materials for the production of beer for special purpose
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Currently, the expansion of the range of the brewing industry is possible due to the introduction of an unconventional type of plant raw materials in the technology, which will allow producing special -purpose drinks with certain quality indicators. The main objective of the study is to determine the concentration of the extractant that allows extracting the maximum number of target components, optimal extraction parameters, and to evaluate the effect of pretreatment with enzyme preparations on the properties of fruit and berry raw materials. Studies have shown that solutions with an alcohol concentration of 60% vol. allow to increase the yield of alcohol and water-soluble substances. However, in order to obtain dyes from fruit and berry raw materials, it is recommended to use an extractant with a strength of 75 %, which extracts anthocyanin compounds to a greater extent.

Food safety and HACCP system in the enriched cottage cheese production
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In this article determination and the principles of a management system of food safety of HACCP are considered. Cottage cheese production processes with a probiotics, berry syrup of a dogrose and wheat oat flour taking into account the principles of the HACCP system are analyzed. Dangerous factors, critical control points are determined. The most dangerous production stages are: milk acceptance, pasteurization, souring and packing. Authors of article offered the controlling of hazard actions.

Functional processed cheese: development of new technology
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The article presents data on the use of a dry mixture of rose hips, cranberries and turmeric for the production of processed cheese for functional purposes. The inclusion 2%, 3%, 5% of vitamin herbal supplements, increases storage capacity, improves organoleptic, physico-chemical parameters and nutritional value of processed cheese and does not require changes in the process.

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Jerusalem artichoke (Тopinambur, Helianthus tuberosus L.) tubers, due to their high content of inulin-type fructans, are ideal ingredients for improving the nutritional value of bread and bread products. In this study, the experimental materials were Bulgarian commercial wheat flours (type 500 and 1150), wheat bran and flour from Jerusalem artichoke tubers. The mixes comprise of wheat flour, flour from Jerusalem artichoke tubers, wheat bran, yeast and salt. The Jerusalem artichoke flour’s amount was added at 3% and 6% in relation to 100 g of wheat flour. The results showed that adding Jerusalem artichoke flour to the wheat flour increases the ash content and the total fiber content of the floury mixes. The studied floury mixes contain inulin-type fructans, which act as prebiotic and have good effect on the human organism function, especially on the gut flora. The bread enriched with Jerusalem artichoke flour had higher content of fructans, as a part of the total dietary fibers, which content is also higher if compared to the controls. The breads obtained could be a part of healthy nutrition, due to their composition and the low calorie value.

Improvement of a database and knowledge base of an intellectual management system
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There are developed software of formulation a knowledge base for operation and the computing operations intelligent system control of technological process of biochemical production in a database management system. There is tested database and knowledge base which in result adjusted data and rules, also their improvement by successful sequence method of carrying out simulation and semi-natural modeling.

Improvement of biological value of products from combined stuffing products
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This article presents the results of the development soft combined stuffing products from camel meat with fillers for the purpose of improvement and biological value of the product. During research influence of dose of protein additive is set on physical and chemical properties, organoleptic characteristic and practical value of product. Developed recipes may be recommended for production of new food products.

Influence of heat treatment on the amino acid composition of grape juices direct extraction
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Currently, the development of technology for functional beverages based on direct-pressed grape juice is a particularly important and urgent task due to the presence of a diverse and affordable raw material base in the South of Kazakhstan. In view of the fact that high temperatures applied for a short time do not have a profound negative impact on the quality of juice, the assessment of heat treatment as a key technological stage that affects the change in the composition of free amino acids in experimental samples of straight-pressed wine juices was carried out. Taking into account the totality of data from the organoleptic and chemical analysis of experimental samples, for the production of juices with a high level of biological value, we recommended the Sensation and Husain red grape varieties with a high set of amino acids after the pasteurization process: 1504.5 mg / dm3 and 1288.8 mg / dm3 respectively.

Influence of the nanostructured chickpea flour on quality of pastas
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Жүргізілген зерттеулер нәтижесін талдай келе, физико-химиялық және органолеп-тикалық көрсеткіштері жақсы жоғары сортты наубайханалық ұннан алынған макарон өнімдерін алу үшін рецептураға 10 % жоғары емес, қиыршықты макарон ұнынан алынған макарон өнімдері үшін - 12,5% жоғары емес наноқұрылымды ноқат ұнын қосуға болады, одан әрі дәнді бұршақты ұнның мөлшерін көбейту, дайын өнімдердің технологиялық қасиет-терінің төмендеуіне алып келеді. Наноқұрылымды ноқат ұнын қолдану макарон өнімдерін бағалы тағамдық құрауыш-тармен - ақуыздармен, ауыстырылмайтын аминқышқылдармен, дәрумендермен және мине-ралды заттармен байыту үшін оңтайлы.

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On the basis of experimental data the way of increase of broilers meat efficiency by introduction to composition of compound feeds of the dietary supplements - amber and lemon acids, is developed. New data on conjoint use of the approved feed supplements are obtained. Their influence on morphological indicators of the blood of the poultry is studied. Recommendations about increase of the gain of a live weight of broilers when introduction to complete feeds are developed: amber acid - 30 mg and lemon acid - 150 mg on 1 kg of the live weight.

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In this article, based on the obtained formula for calculating the strength of a pressure fire hose(PFN) under the action of internal hydraulic pressure, the dependence of the disruptive pressure in alatex pressure fire hose, designed for an operating pressure of 1.6 H, on such parameters as geometric densities on the warp and the weft, is studied. As a result of the studies, the pattern of decreasing the disruptive pressure of a fire hose with an increase in the geometric densities on the warp and the weft of a reinforcing frame of a pressure fire hose was experimentally established. When designing new fire hoses, it is important to take into account the significant dependence of the disruptive pressure on the geometric densities on the warp and the weft of a reinforcing frame. Recommendations are given on choosing the optimal parameters for a woven reinforcing frame of latex pressure fire hoses with a diameter of 77 mm.

Justification of characteristics of receiving unit of grain cleaning and drying complexes
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Technical and economic model has been developed for justification of the required number of receiving units of grain cleaning and drying complexes to prevent the occurrence of queue of vehicles.

Methods for increasing food value of flour confectionery goods
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The article examined the use of composite flour in the production of flour confectionery. With the addition of flour of composite mixtures to sugar cookies, protein content increases on average by 4.5%, fat by 17.2%, calcium by 13%, magnesium by 40.4%, and the amount of carbohydrates decreases by 4.33% and energy 24 kcal value compared to control. Due to the essential amino acids, vitamins, microelements and other useful substances contained in chickpea and oats, the sugar cookies obtained from composite mixtures can be recommended for therapeutic and preventive nutrition, which will expand the range of functional confectionery products.

Obtaining cheese brynza with carrot
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The article is devoted to the problem of expanding of assortment of brine cheeses with low caloric content. The solution of the problem is proposed by developing a technology of cheese brynza with vegetable fillers. A recipe and technology for cheese brynza with carrot was developedwith optimal ratio of 90:10. Experimental samples of cheese brynza with the vegetable filler were obtained. Physical and chemical and sensory indicators of the prepared cheese samples are determined. By means of scanning electronic microscope an elemental composition of obtained samples of brynza is determined.

Obtaining melon and watermelon concentrates
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The article is devoted to solve the issue of increasing of efficiency of using of local cucurbits crops. It is offered to obtain melon and watermelon concentrates and then to apply them as additives to confectionery products, desserts, ice-cream. There is review of scientific investigations in processing of melon and watermelon is conducted. Cucurbits crops (melon and watermelon) have high food value and complex of biological active substances, they possess by therapeutic action on human organism. Technology of concentrates from melon and watermelon is developed. Their sensory indicators and physical-chemical composition are determined in laboratory conditions. Melon and watermelon consumption rates to produce concentrates are defined. Due to sweet taste of the melon and watermelon concentrates quantity of sugar in a receipt of confectionery products, desserts, ice-cream may be decreased.

Preparation of sponge cakes with tahini pastes
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The possibility of the use of a peanut and sunflower pastes /tahinis/, which application is almost unknown in our confectionary, is presented in this article. Four types of sucrose-sweetened sponge cakes made by a partial substitution of egg yolkwith peanut and sunflower pastes /tahinis/are proposed. The sponge cake batter recipe composition is specified as the physical characteristics of the goods are determined. Тhe methods of descriptive sensory analysis are used for a comparative analysis of the new and the control sucrose-sweetened sponge cake. The newly obtained baker’s goods are characterized with good quality properties. On the grounds of the received results it can be expected a potential consumer interest in pastry food products enriched with vegetable biologically active components

Production of fermented milk from reconstituted skimmed milk
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Fermented milk products produce with application of different lactic acid bacteria, these products are widely used by millions in the world. The consumption of milk products has decreased during last years; this tendency has caused the development of new generation dairy products with reduced energy value and increased functionality. The majority of fermented milk products has high-energy value as many ingredients (sugar, fruit additives, grains, seed sand nuts, chocolate, etc.) are added during production. The study results revealed that higher milk solids non-fat positively contributed to strengthening the organoleptic and structural properties of fermented milk. Skimmed milk powder should be a suitable alternative to raw skimmed milk in reconstituted dairy products production.