Технология пищевой и перерабатывающей промышленности. Рубрика в журнале - Вестник Алматинского технологического университета
Ensuring the safety in the production of fermented milk products with enterosorbing dietary fibers
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The current trend of health-conscious consumers and healthy eating habits is encouraging researchers to explore the development of food products with synbiotic benefits. Dietary fiber in vegetables, fruits and cereals is one of the promising prebiotics and its use in supplementing dairy product formulations. However, the important point is to produce safe products according to the current standards of the country of production and sale. This article identifies critical control points and conducts a metrological study of quality control at each stage in the production of a new fermented milk product with the addition of enterosorbing dietary fibers. The study identified potential and five critical control points and presented an optimized scheme with factors that ensure the safety and quality of the final product.
Exploring the technology of gluten-free bread
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Мақалада амарант, зығыр, күріш, қарақұмық ұндарының негізгі қасиеттері мен сипаттамалары және құрама ұн негізінде глютенсіз нан алу нәтижелері көрсетілген. Құрама ұндардың физикалық-химиялық қасиеттері анықталды және жаңа глютенсіз нан өнімінің рецептурасы жасалды. Құрама ұн негізіндегі глютенсіз нан өнімдерінің технологиясы жетілдірілді. Жаңа өнімнің тағамдық құндылығының өзгеруінің жалпы заңдылықтары зерттелді. Глютенге төзбеушілікпен ауыратын науқастарды тамақтандыру, емдеудің сәйкестігін арттыру, пациенттің және оның отбасының өмір сүру сапасын жақсарту мақсатында нан өнімдерінің ассортиментін кеңейту және әзірлеу мәселелеріне арналған. Зерттеулер целиакия ауруы бар науқастар үшін амарант уыттылығының жоқтығын растады, сонымен қатар амарант, қарақұмық, зығыр және күріш ұндарының физико-химиялық құрамындағы қажетті заттардың пайыздық көрсеткіштерің адам ағзасына пайдалылығына шолу жүргізілді. Бұл жиынтық ақпарат құрама ұндармен арнайы глютенсіз нан өнімдерін әзірлеу үшін әрі қарай зерттеулерде пайдаланылады. Жаңа өнімнің тағамдық құндылығының өзгеруінің жалпы заңдылықтары зерттелді. Практикалық түрде нан пісіру жұмыстары жүргізілді, нәтижесінде №3 сынама глютенсіз нан талаптарына сәйкес келетіні анықталды.Үлгілердің түсі біркелкі болды, бетінің түсі қоңыр, жұмсақ, кеуекті, нанның жұмсағы серпімді, бөгде иістерсіз және дәмі глютенсіз нанға үйлесімді түрде сәйкес келеді. Нан қолданыстағы нормативтік құжаттардың талаптарына сәйкес келеді.
Fatty acid composition of soft whey cheese
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Due to the existing environmental and economic situation, there is a tendency to produce new food products with a balanced composition and beneficial properties for the human body. In this context, new groups of products are appearing on the market, whose composition and properties differ from the standards. The key factor for the nutritional and biological value of products is again the fatty acids, which consist of saturated and unsaturated acids. Saturated fatty acids are carbon chains with a number of 4 to 30 or more atoms, found mainly in animal fats. Their function is to saturate the body with energy. Excessive saturation with fatty acids leads to a disturbance in fat metabolism and an increase in blood cholesterol levels. Unsaturated fatty acids are part of the components of cells and tissues, provide growth and metabolism, as well as the elasticity of blood vessels. The studied soft whey cheese was made from whey and is a new product of the dairy industry. In this work, the indicators of soft whey cheese such as proteins, fats, moisture, dry matter as well as fatty acid composition of the product are studied. From the analysis results, it is found that the product contains unsaturated fatty acids and its lipid composition has an optimal balance.
Flaxseed oil as a component for producing spreads of functional direction
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The article presents the physicochemical characteristics and fatty acid composition of unrefined flaxseed oil produced in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The possibility of using this oil as a basis for obtaining a vegetable-creamy spread for functional purposes is considered. Flaxseed oil as a valuable source of linolenic acid is widely used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. From the research results was revealed that the ratio of ω-6 and ω-3 in unrefined flaxseed oil is 1: 3. However, for the use of flaxseed oil rich in ω-3 as a basis for the production of spreads of a functional orientation, it becomes possible only in a composition with another vegetable oil rich in ω-6, in order to achieve a balance of fatty acid balance.
Functionally enriched meat product with incapsulated vitamin supplement
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The article presents the study results of the functionally enriched meat product from lamb and ostrich meat with a biologically active additive. The fat-soluble vitamin complex "aevit" encapsulated with the food oligosaccharide β-cyclodextrin (E459) has been used as a functional ingredient. The use of poultry meat in the recipe allowed to obtain a product with high consumer properties. Based on the conducted experiments, a comparative characteristic of the physicochemical, energy, amino acid and organoleptic parameters of the obtained semi-smoked sausage products is given.
GACP талаптары бойынша Crocus alatavicus сімдігін интродукциялауды технологиялы аспектілері
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Дүниежүзілік денсаулық сақтау ұйымының болжамы бойынша фармацевтикалық препараттардың әлемдік нарығында өсімдік тектес дәрілік заттардың үлесі 40% - дан астамды құрайды. Фитопрепараттардың айқын өсу тенденциясы дәрілік өсімдіктер қорының сарқылуына әкелуі мүмкін және дәрілік өсімдіктерді мәденилендіру мәселенің қолайлы шешімі болып табылады. Дәрілік өсімдіктердің сапасын қамтамасыз ету мақсатында 2003 жылы Дүниежүзілік денсаулық сақтау ұйымы (ДДҰ) дәрілік өсімдіктерді тиісті өсіру және жинау тәжірибесінің (GACP) нұсқаулық қағидаттарын шығарды. Бұл мақалада Crocus alatavicus өсімдігін тұқыммен интродукциялау нәтижелері келтірілген. Зерттеудің мақсаты GACP қағидаттарына сәйкес алатау шафранын тұқымнан көбейту тәсілімен интродукциялау технологиясын жасау болып табылады. GACP қағидаттары бойынша интродукциялау технологиясын жасау отандық фармацевтикалық өндірісті сапалы өсімдік шикізатымен қамтамасыз етуге кепілдік береді. Интродукциялау «Фитолеум» ЖШС тәжірибелік-өндірістік плантациясында жүргізілді. Зерттеу нәтижелері Crocus alatavicus тұқымын себуге қалайлы кезең күзгі мезгілі екенін көрсетті. Тұқым себер алдында биогумус органикалық тыңайтқышын қолдану тұқымның өнуіне және көшеттердің өміршеңдігіне оң әсер етедіндігін көрсетті. Өсімдік вегетациялық кезеңнің төртінші жылында генеративті кезеңге өтіп, жеміс берді. 2018-2022 жылдар аралығында Crocus alatavicus өсімдігін тұқымнан интродукциялау нәтижелері тұқымның жақсы өнгіштігін және өркендердің өміршеңдігін көрсетті, бұл өсімдікті алдағы уақытта мәденилендіруге ұсынуға мүмкіндік береді. Атап өту керек, Crocus alatavicus өсімдігін тұқымнан көбейту арқылы мәденилендіру, осы түр қорын табиғатта сақтай отырып, ғылыми-практикалық медицинада одан әрі ұтымды қолдану мақсатында отандық шикізат ретінде пайдаланудың жаңа мүмкіндіктерін тудырады.
Impact of sea buckthorn extract on bread indicators
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In the article it can be seen that vegetable raw materials are rich in vitamins, amino acids, minerals, proteins, by carrying out a literary review of scientific research on the chemical composition of plant raw materials in general, including sea buckthorn. An extract is obtained from the leaves of the sea buckthorn berries demonstrating antimicrobial properties, also the influence on microbiological indicators and the improvement of the quality of bread products were studied. The optimal quantity was selected with the addition of extract of leaves of the sea buckthorn berries in the amount of 0.5%, 2% and 4%. The study found that the addition of 2 per cent of the leaves of the sea buckthorn berries extract not only improves the nutritional value of the baked goods, but also extends the shelf life of the final products.
Improvement of meat product traceability system using digital technologies
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This research work addresses the issue of enhancing the effectiveness of the meat product traceability system using modern digital technologies. In the context of increasing demand for food safety and minimizing risks to consumer health, ensuring accurate and reliable traceability of the origin, production conditions, and storage of meat products has become a crucial aspect. The aim of the study is to create an integration between the meat product traceability system and contemporary digital technologies. During the work, an analysis of existing problems and shortcomings in the current traceability system is planned, as well as an exploration of experiences from other industries where digital technologies have been successfully implemented to ensure transparency and data authenticity. In analyzing technological risks, all possible types of threats were considered. The sources of danger include incoming raw materials, the technological line of semi-smoked sausages, and their storage. The use of digital technologies allows for continuous data monitoring using Wi-Fi, combined thermometers, and quality logs. It is anticipated that the implementation of such a system will significantly reduce risks, improve product tracking, and enhance consumer trust in the quality and safety of meat products. The outcomes of this research will be valuable for food industry enterprises, regulatory bodies, and the scientific community that are striving to improve the control and traceability system of food products, utilizing cutting-edge digital innovations.
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The study examined the impact of a protein-fat emulsion (PFE) derived from turkey skin and green buckwheat flour on the quality of cooked sausages. The aim was to investigate how the addition of PFE affects various characteristics of the sausage. The experiments demonstrated that adding PFE up to 30% while stirring for up to 8 minutes at 10°C improved the sausage structure. This was evidenced by an increase in pH values to 6.5, water binding capacity to 71.2%, and ultimate shear stress to 321.86 Pa. It was observed that stuffing temperature and mixing time influenced pH, water binding capacity, and ultimate shear stress. The study identified the optimal production conditions and determined the maximum amount of PFE that can be added to sausages. Additionally, it was found that green buckwheat flour enhances the structure of the minced meat, raises pH, and increases water-binding capacity. Furthermore, PFE was noted to improve the appearance and flavor characteristics of the sausages. These findings highlight the potential of these new ingredients to enhance the quality of cooked sausages in the food industry.
Infrared drying in technology of dried fruit from macrocarpous purple cherry plum
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The application of infrared drying in the technology of production of dried fruit from macrocarpous purple cherry plum has been described in the paper. The employment of large-fruited purple cherry plum as the main raw material of the Turkestan region in the production of dried fruits has been scientifically substantiated. Analyzes of large-fruited purple cherry plum have proved the need of infrared drying for production of dried fruit. The technology of dried fruits from large-fruited red-violet cherry plum has been developed. Infrared drying was carried out in one stage at a temperature of 40-60°C for 5-6 hours when the moisture content of the dried cherry plum reached 15-16%. Samples of a valuable and healthy dried fruit from a large-fruited purple cherry plum with an improved appearance and a high content of useful macro- and microelements have been obtained. The developed technology will expand the assortment of dried fruit.
Nutrient research of chopped semi-finished products enriched with a protein-carbohydrate composition
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The difficulty in solving a multicomponent formulation problem is that five or more ingredients are currently used in product design. Solving a system of linear equations and inequalities with such a large number of variables manually presents significant difficulties, in which formulation errors are not excluded. In the work the methodology of computer modelling of multicomponent meat products is presented, which is realized on an example of technology of minced meat production. The aim of the research is to design the mathematical model of minced meat with the addition of new protein-carbohydrate compositions (PCC). The objects of research are minced meat, PCC, which includes chickpea flour, whey protein concentrate, ground soy and water for hydration. Implementation of the design method was carried out with the software system Microsoft Excel with the "Solution Finder" add-on. Work with the Excel spreadsheet processor is based on entering the data required for calculation, calculation formulas into the corresponding cells of the spreadsheet. The article presents the results of the study of the nutrient composition of minced meat with the addition of the new PCC. By means of mathematical modelling, the formulation of minced meat with PCC was optimized. Nutritional and energy value, vitamin, mineral and amino acid content of the obtained minced meat were determined. A targeted combination of ingredients made it possible to obtain food products with a given composition and properties.
Physical and mathematical model of the processes of a device for processing watermelons
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The knowledge of the grinding processes of the pulp of fruits and vegetables is not sufficient. In this article, we examined the processes of destruction, grinding, mixing the pulp of watermelon. The criterion equations of these processes are derived taking into account the indicators of the pulp and peel of the watermelon. The derivation of criteria equations for calculating the characteristics of the processes used in the processing of watermelon fruits is considered. The mechanic-technological basis for calculating and designing machines for processing watermelons for food purposes is outlined. The results of experimental studies to determine the optimal kinematic and structural parameters of these machines are presented. The basic physic mechanical and rheological properties of watermelon fruits are given. One of the tasks set for the researcher was to choose a physical model of the processes of separation of pulp from the crust, destruction, grinding of pulp and mixing of the pulp. The values of these quantities depend both on the kinematic parameters of the dynamic interaction and on the physic mechanical and rheological properties of the fruits of melons. The obtained criteria equations can be used to determine the technological parameters of machines where it is necessary to destroy the fetus with minimal energy costs.
Probiotics isolated from the shubat in chicken meat production: importance and HACCP analysis
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Probiotics are becoming more widely acknowledged as a safe and effective alternative to antibiotics for improving the safety of chicken meat. The investigation of potential hazards throughout the chicken meat supply chain enables a thorough assessment of contamination risks, allowing for the establishment of control and corrective actions within the corresponding processes. The ultimate goal is to ensure the safety of chicken meat for consumers. The objective of this study is to ascertain the potential risks that may arise inside the chicken production process, encompassing physical, chemical, and biological factors, with the identification of critical control points (CCPs). The study is also aiming to identify corrective strategies and approaches for decreasing the hazards associated with using of probiotics obtained from shubat. The research conducted involved conducting microbiological evaluations to test the ability of probiotics to withstand the presence of pathogenic bacteria. Additionally, the study examined the use of probiotics in chicken production, employing careful monitoring and comprehensive analyses to figure out the effectiveness of the supplements. For hazard identification and risk assessment, the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) approach was used, with the key findings showing that the most critical activities throughout the entire chain pertained to the use of probiotics as an alternative to antibiotics.
Quality and quantitative traits of non-alcoholic beer with flavor-improved taste
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The non-alcoholic and low-alcohol beer market has grown significantly in recent years and is predicted to continue growing. However, non-alcoholic and low-alcohol beers have organoleptic problems and are not recognized by many consumers. The increasing popularity of alcohol-free beers (AFBs) fosters the industry's interest in delivering the best possible product. Yet, a remaining sensory issue of AFBs is the over-perception of wort flavor, caused by elevated concentrations of small volatile flavor compounds (i.e.aldehydes)still remains. Previously, molecular sieves (hydrophobic ZSM-5 type zeolites) were found as most suitable to remove these flavors by adsorption with high selectivity from the AFBs. In this work, a flavor-improved beer is produced at a pilot-scale using this novel technology, and its chemical composition, sensory profile, and stability are evaluated against a reference. Aldehyde concentrations in the flavor-improved product were found 79-93% lower than in the reference. The distinct difference was confirmed with a trained sensory panel and could be conserved even after three months of ageing at 30ºC. Future work will focus on the process design to scale up this technology. It is established that the release of a new kind of beer is economically profitable, since the expansion of the range contributes to a more complete use of production capacity, and consequently, reduced costs per unit of production, which ultimately leads to an increase in the profit of the enterprise.
Research of qualitative indicators of mare’s milk in farms of Almaty region
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As you know, mare's milk is used for the prevention of lung diseases, as well as for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases to restore the disturbed intestinal microflora. In this regard, it is especially important to preserve the physico-chemical characteristics of mare's milk during its storage before processing. The paper presents the results of studies of the technological characteristics of mare's milk produced in four peasant and farm farms of the Almaty region according to the seasons of the year. It is known that, having a high biological value, mare's milk, among other types of milk of farm animals, is the most suitable raw material in the production of dairy products for baby and dietary nutrition. Low fat and protein content, as well as high lactose content are distinctive characteristics of mare's milk. However, their content depends on the feeding conditions, breed and age, geographical location. It was found that the mass fraction of fat ranges from 1.2 % to 2.8 %, the mass fraction of protein was 2.0-2.36 %, SOMO - 8.35-8.73 %. Fluctuations in the quality indicators of mare's milk are explained by the influence of the season of the year, feeding and maintenance in various peasant and farm farms.
Research of safe methods of production of canned vegetables using grain crops
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This article presents microbiological study of canned vegetable snacks replaced with various cereals.Currently both abroad and in our country, regulatory documents and recommendations on ensuring quality and safety of foodsare actively developed. The quality reduction and food spoilage may be related to biochemical (fermentative) processes inherent to products themselves. As another important factor, influencing on this can be microbiological contaminants.Miroorganisms constantly contaminates on surface of technological equipments, vegetables raw material and as a result they end up in canned food. Canned vegetable snacks are ready meals, made from vegetables processedin various ways, that can be usedcold and heated. The main purpose is studying microbiological indicators of canned vegetable snacks. According to the results of the study, some types of microorganisms were found in the samples.
Research of safe methods of production of canned vegetables using grain crops
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This article presents microbiological study of canned vegetable snacks replaced with various cereals.Currently both abroad and in our country, regulatory documents and recommendations on ensuring quality and safety of foodsare actively developed. The quality reduction and food spoilage may be related to biochemical (fermentative) processes inherent to products themselves. As another important factor, influencing on this can be microbiological contaminants.Miroorganisms constantly contaminates on surface of technological equipments, vegetables raw material and as a result they end up in canned food. Canned vegetable snacks are ready meals, made from vegetables processedin various ways, that can be usedcold and heated. The main purpose is studying microbiological indicators of canned vegetable snacks. According to the results of the study, some types of microorganisms were found in the samples.
Research of the nutritional value of functional purpose marshmallows
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This scientific article presents the results of studying the nutritional value (vitamins, antioxidants, organic acids) of marshmallows based on local vegetable raw materials (cranberries, currants, strawberries, apples) with the addition of powders from medicinal herbs (sea buckthorn leaves, St. John's wort, rosehip) in order to widen the assortment of immunostimulating confectionery for functional purposes. Based on the results of scientific research, the highest content of antioxidants is found in currant-apple and apple marshmallows (1.19 mg /100 and 1.15 mg/100g), most of the B vitamins: B1 in apple marshmallows with the addition of sea buckthorn leaves (0.191 mg /100g); vitamins B2 (0.511 mg /100g) and B6 (0.099 mg / 100g) in currant-apple marshmallows with the addition of St. John's wort; B5 in cranberry-apple marshmallows with the addition of sea buckthorn leaves (0.022 mg / 100g). Vitamin C content prevailed in strawberry and apple marshmallows, 0.109 mg/100g and 0.284 mg/100, respectively. All types of marshmallows with the addition of powders from medicinal herbs also distinguished themselves by a high content of organic food acids. Thus, it should be noted that the developed assortment of marshmallows has optimal indicators of nutritional value and meets the requirements for functional confectionery products.
Research of the soy okara impact on the quality indicators of meat chopped semi-finished products
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The article presents studies of the influence of the recipe composition, in particular, the mass fraction of herbal additives on the organoleptic, functional and technological properties of food systems of a combined composition using raw materials of animal (beef, lamb, poultry) and vegetable (soy okara, carrots) origin. The results of the study of soybean-minced okara for food safety indicators are also presented. The functional and technological indicators of meat chopped semi-finished products were also determined: moisture-binding capacity = 89.1%, water-holding capacity = 77.4%, fat-holding capacity = 83.2%. The output of meat chopped semi-finished products with PCC is 91%. The obtained values for the quality characteristics indicate the prospects of using this type of soybean-minced okara: directly for food, as well as for the production of minced meat semi-finished products, such as cutlets, minced meat, steaks; to design and optimize recipes for semi-finished products.
Studies of functional properties of fruits of wild plants of Kazakhstan
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The purpose of this work is to justify the choice of wild plants of Kazakhstan (rosehip, sea buckthorn, hawthorn) based on the study of their chemical composition and safety, in order to expand the raw material base and the possibility of using them in the technology of functional foods. As a result of the study of the chemical composition of hawthorn, rosehip and sea buckthorn fruits it was found that the content of vitamin C in hawthorn fruits is 27.8 mg, in rosehip fruits - 578.01 mg, in sea buckthorn fruits - 285.05 mg per 100 g of product. The content of vitamin E is 7.8; 1.8; 3.18mg, β-carotene - 9.27; 2.7 and 2.13 mg, dietary fiber - 7.2; 12.28; 2.24 g. The content of potassium in hawthorn fruit is 14.72 mg, in rosehip fruit - 26.18 mg, in sea buckthorn fruit - 197.18 mg per 100 g of the product. The iron content is 0.05; 1.7; 1.14 mg, Zn - 0.08; 0.23 and 0.004 mg, respectively. According to safety indicators, the studied plants meet the requirements of the regulatory documents. As a result of research on the nutritional value and safety of fruits of wild plants, the expediency of using them in the production of functional food products has been substantiated.