- Все статьи 6432
Статьи журнала - Бюллетень науки и практики
Все статьи: 6432

Endemic plants of the Sumgayitchay river basin (Azerbaijan)
Aliyeva Dilruba
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In the course of the study, endemic plants of the flora of the Sumgayitchay River basin were studied. A total of 265 species of endemic plants were studied, of which 215 species are characteristic of the Caucasus and 50 species are naturally distributed in the endemic zone of Azerbaijan. Endemic plants of the flora of the Sumgayitchay River basin are systematically analyzed for the presence of taxa. Of the 215 Caucasian endemic species, 36 species belong to the family Asteraceae, 27 to Fabaceae, 17 to Brassicaceae, 16 to Rosaceae, 14 to Poaceae, 14 to Caryophyllaceae and 10 to Ranunculaceae. Of the 266 species of higher plants listed in the Red Book of Azerbaijan, 62 rare and endangered plants are common in the Sumgayitchay River basin. Plants with a new habitat were taken into account, a new distribution area of 14 plant species was determined. The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan has submitted proposals for the conservation of the region’s biodiversity and the protection of flora.

Toigonbekov Aivar, Akhunbaev Stalbek, Umetov Maksat, Borbashev Tilek
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This study offers findings of endoscopic research of patients with stomach cancer after surgery of gastrectomy with different versions of small intestine plastic surgery. Total number of patients exposed to the research is 130, divided into 3 groups. Findings: veracious decrease of esophagitis (p

Energy circuit of 1.3 MW with Brayton cycle
Zhang R., Bazhanov A.
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In this paper, a constructive scheme of the experimental device is proposed, and the principle of its operation is described in detail. The power circuit of the device has been drawn up. Complex impedance, frequency function, amplitude frequency characteristic and phase-frequency characteristic are obtained by mathematical transformation of the power circuit. The frequency response of the circuit is constructed. As a result of the calculations, we will obtain the amplitude frequency response and the phase frequency response. Using the found values of the characteristics, we will build graphs and draw conclusions about how the characteristics depend on the change in parameters and why the graph lines of the graphs are exactly the way they are.

Han W., Maltsev S.
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The purpose of the work is to describe the installation using differential equations and obtain approximate values before the experiment. In this paper, a constructive scheme of the experimental device is proposed, and the principle of its operation is described in detail. The power circuit of the device has been drawn up. Complex impedance, frequency function, amplitude-frequency characteristic and phase-frequency characteristic are obtained by mathematical transformation of the power circuit. The frequency response of the circuit is constructed. As a result of the calculations, we will obtain the amplitude frequency response and the phase frequency response. Using the found values of the characteristics, we will build graphs and draw conclusions about how the characteristics depend on the change in parameters and why the graph lines of the graphs are exactly the way they are.

Togola A.
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The energy transition is a challenge and an urgency for the world facing the scarcity of fossil fuels and their impacts in the ecosystems by climate change. Through this study, we wanted to assess the potential of new and renewable energies in the Republic of Mali and Azerbaijan in view of their promotion for the preservation of forest areas, in a world facing the challenges of global warming. The methodology was based on documentary collection and documentary exploitation and analysis of cartographic data, tables and other figures. The study revealed to us the high frequency of the potential of these so-called energies, especially solar in Mali and hydraulic, wind and solar in Azerbaijan and the commitment of the authorities of these States to promote the energy transition but also the dependence of these States on fossils such as: oil and gas. The Republic of Azerbaijan exports fossil fuels and Mali depends on imports. The transition to alternative energy resources will undeniably make it possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the global level and to preserve forest ecosystems in both countries.

Asanalieva Zhyldyz
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Presents the results of studies (research) on the use of silica raw materials from the production waste of refinement tailings of antimony ores (or antimony ores refinement tailings) and basalt fiber waste, their influence on the quality characteristics of non-autoclave aerated concrete.

Enhanced heat transfer of heat-exchange equipment by pulsating air flow
Jin Yudong, Levtsev Aleksei, Shi Yuanyuan
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This paper designs a pulsating generator to provide pulsating air flow for experiments the relationship between the average flow velocity, pulse and pulsation amplitude and the pulsating flow enhancement heat transfer ratio was discussed respectively. The characteristics of the pulsating flow enhanced heat transfer were analyzed, and the academic research and engineering application of pulsating heat transfer was proposed. This inevitably has an optimal pulsating frequency value at which the maximum vortex generation can be obtained within one pulsation cycle to obtain maximum heat transfer effect, for example, in this experiment; the optimal frequency is 1-1.25 Hz. The effect of Reynolds number Re on the low-frequency pulsation convection heat transfer process is that the low-frequency pulsation can only enhance the convective heat transfer within a certain range of Reynolds numbers. If it exceeds this range, the convective heat transfer is weakened.

Chogovadze Jumber, Gogiashvili Pridon, Kochadze Irakli, Lekveishvili Gocha
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Study of urban public transport management on the basis of logistical approach today is of high relevance. For a long time, logistical concepts in transport have only been applied in the freight transport field of activities. However, logistical principles might be meaningful for systemic organization and management of civil passenger traffic. The given paper describes the use of logistical approach and technique in passenger transport, as a logistical chain of operators and infrastructure interacting through logistical links allowing for optimizing the production of transport services, meeting the needs of different population categories through the proper management of available economic resources. The paper proposes the use of logistical approaches in the systems of urban public transport. They should help to formulate the new principles of management, planning and control over material and their attendant flows, and to become the main competitive advantage in the market of transport services.

Epizootological state of salmonella-infected honeybee colonies in the southern region of Azerbaijan
Gulaliyeva Firuza
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In 2020-2021, the number of apiaries and honeybee colonies in villages located in 3 regions of the Masalli district (lowland, foothill and mountainous territories) and the degree of their infection with salmonellae were determined. Salmonellosis is one of the characteristic diseases of honeybee colonies, widespread throughout the Masalli district. Infection of honeybee colonies with salmonellae led to a slowdown in the activity of colony, a decrease in productivity, and even the death of the honeybee colony. As a result of the conducted studies, the epizootological state and the degree of salmonella infection were detected in the lowland (24.1%), foothill (38.0%) and mountainous (45.8%) areas.

Estimation methodology of efficiency of production capacity management at textile enterprises
Krivyakin Kirill, Tursunov Bobir, Hakimov Ziedulla
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In this article have been made an attempt to develop theoretical provisions and methodological recommendations for evaluating the efficiency of managing the production capacity of enterprises in the textile industry. Methodological basis of this research was works of foreign and domestic scientists-economists in this field. This research has been based on a general scientific methodology that involves the use of statistical analysis and economic-mathematical methods. The practical significance of the research results is that the obtained scientific and methodological results can be used by textile industry enterprises to solve the tasks of managing production capacities. The methodology for assessing the effectiveness of management of production capacity can be used by managers and specialists of textile enterprises in the process of developing measures to increase production capacity and increase the level of their use. The developed by the author results of the research are proposed for use in the educational process when studying the disciplines “Enterprise Economics”, “Operational Management”, “Production Management”, “Production Management” by students and students of economic specialties of universities.

Estimation the role of small business in increasing export potential of Uzbekistan
Salayev Sanatbek, Ataev Jasur
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This paper studies the role of small business in the economy and its sectors in Uzbekistan, as well as estimates their role in increasing and diversifying the export potential of Uzbekistan. Moreover, gives a brief and short description and results of reforms and programs held in the creation of a favorable environment for small business. As consequences of those reforms, the number of small business in Uzbekistan increasing steadily. Also acknowledged that agriculture plays a great role in the expansion and diversification of export in the state since it has absolute and comparative advantages in external trade. The share of small business in GDP have a positive high impact on the total amount of export 241.9 million dollars. Moreover, calculations show that there is high elasticity between the share of small business in export and GDP, industry, agriculture high enough. Conclusions indicate the role of agriculture especially small business in agriculture is very effective in increasing the share of small business in export.

Guliyeva Rena
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The prevention of hereditary diseases associated with gene and chromosomal disorders, in particular multifactorial-polygenic diseases is one of actual areas of medical genotyping. For the first time in the population of the Republic of Azerbaijan we have identified mutations C174T and C235T of the angiotensinogen gene and mutation C677T of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene both in the control group and among patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Reliable connections for the frequency of occurrence of polymorphism of the C174T and C235T alleles of the angiotensinogen gene and polymorphism of the C677T allele of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene were found with a statistical method. To identify the ethno-geographic relationship of the mutations C174T and C235T of the AGT gene for the population of the Azerbaijan Republic, we examined practically healthy individuals and patients with CVD. The composition of this group was multinational and corresponded to the main national and ethnic composition of the Republic. The distribution of the identified mutations C174T and C235T of the AGT gene, as well as the C677T polymorphism of the MTHFR gene among ethnic groups of the Azerbaijan Republic is identified as uneven.

Ganiyeva N., Movsumova N.
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The research was carried out in the arid regions of Azerbaijan in 2021-2023. The main goal of the research was to provide a bioecological and phytocoenological analysis of species of the genus Chenopodium , widespread as a weed plant, in the composition of coenosis, and to reveal the possibilities of use based on ethnobotanical surveys among the population. Floristic, phytocoenological, ethnobotanical methods were used during the research. It was determined that 15 species of the genus in Azerbaijan flora are more widespread in the plains and mid-mountain belt, mainly in the desert, semi-desert steppe vegetation, and in cultivated areas. During the surveys conducted among the local population, it became clear that only 10 species of the genus are used, of which 5 species are used only as wild vegetables, 3 species are used only for treatment in folk medicine, and one species - Chenopodium album is used by the population both as a medicinal plant and as a vegetable plant. It has been recorded that one species ( Chenopodium foliosum ) of the genus is used as a dye plant.

Etymological specificity of English-language ecology terms
Nigmatullina Almira
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The anthropocentric paradigm in linguistics, which brings to the fore the study of the human-language relationship, also correlates with the socio-ecological terminology: for the humanities, which includes philology, the terms of greatest interest are those that reveal various aspects of human interaction with nature, human influence on biological processes at various levels: from the micro-level (soil cultivation, cattle breeding, etc.) to the macro-level (global environmental disasters, space debris, etc.). The present article is an attempt to study the etymological specificity of English-speaking ecology terms in terms of anthropolinguistic approach.

Evaluating the intellectual ability of entrepreneurship subjects and managers in market conditions
Ibragimov Isroil
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The article provides an overview of the current methods for evaluating the intellectual capital of the organization, analyzes techniques that allow to assess both the intellectual capital in general and its individual components. The author proves that entrepreneurship currently occupies an important niche in the economy of the state. But the insufficient elaboration of questions in science about the psychological characteristics of entrepreneurs, the fragmented and multifaceted information predetermine the directions in the study of this issue. The problem of studying the psychological characteristics of the entrepreneur is relevant for the present time. In general, the author developed a methodology for assessing the intellectual ability of entrepreneurs.

Huseynova Elnare
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In the research work, 32 were local (materials of the “Cereals and Legumes” Department of the Institute of Genetic Resources of ANAS) and 25 were introduced by CIMMYT (International Center for Maize and Wheat Improvement), a total of 57 ( Triticum aestivum L.) studied the effect of stress factors on physiological processes of autumn soft wheat genotypes under field conditions, especially drought on the water retention capacity of leaves. Water retention capacity is considered as a very valuable trait of wheat genotypes and is evaluated as resistance to drought stress. As a result of the study, among 57 wheat genotypes, the following genotypes were classified as I- drought resistant (Gobustan (st.) (AZE), Bol wheat (AZE), Grekum75/50 (AZE), Taraggi (AZE), Akinchi84 (AZE), Giymetli 2/ 17(AZE), Sheki 1(AZE), Tale38 (AZE),TX96V2847(US-TX), Arlin/Yuma (USA-KSU), MV Dalma (HU-MV), Desin (RO-FL), Duopebusa (MOL ), SG-S1915 (CZ), U1254-7-9-2-1/TX86A5616//Rina-6)(TCI), II- moderately resistant to drought (Arzu (AZE), Zardabi (AZE), Durdane (AZE), Mirbashir128 (AZE), Nurlu99 (AZE), Ruzi84 (AZE), Aran (AZE), Murov2(AZE), GobustanS2 (AZE), Starshina (RUS-KR), MV06-02 (HU-MV), Gerek (TR- ESK), Gloria (RO-FL), Bezostaya1(TR-ESK), LC924/Petja (BG-SAD), Sonmez (TR-ESK), Dalnitskaya (UKR)) and III- drought (Birlik (AZE), Gurgane 1 (AZE), Karabakh10 (AZE), Parzivan 1(AZE), Parzivan 2(AZE), Azeri (AZE), Saba (AZE), Zubkov (KYR), Steklovidnaya 24 (KAZ)) are grouped as sensitive.

Aliyeva Gyullyu, Mammadova Zumrud, Ojagi Javid
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In this study, evaluated some morphological traits and genotypes by multivariate statistical methods in some oak species ( Q. castaneifolia C. A. Mey, Q. pedunculiflora C. Koch., Q. iberica Stev., Q. macranthera Fisch. & C. A. Mey ex Hohen, Q. ilex L.). 910 leaves were sampled from 91 trees, 8 population across Azerbaijan, and 6 morphological traits were assessed. The indicator traits were analyzed using multidimensional statistical analysis for each species. As a result of the component analysis, the three-pointer element (PRIN1, PRIN2, PRIN3) explained 86.97% of the variance among genotypes. These results provide identification of valuable species and patterns in the future selection and application of other genetic programs on the improvement of oaks in Caucuses.

Endara Alexandra
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The present study characterized the macrobenthic entomofauna of the Sardinas river and the La Delicia stream. Their environmental quality water was determined by applying the BMWP/Col (Biological Monitoring Working Party for Colombia) index in two sampling points, distributed in the Sardinas river and La Delicia stream, during the months of May and June 2017. For its collection, a Surber net was used. In the laboratory, they were classified and identified in class, order and family levels. The specimens were analyzed by calculating the richness (S), abundance (N) and relative abundance (%). A total of 90 individuals belonging to 16 morphospecies were collected. The Hemiptera order with the Veliidae family was the most abundant, encompassing most of the organisms collected 33.33%. The less represented group was the order Diptera with the family Tipulidae with 1.52% of the individuals collected. The water quality was Moderate for the river Sardinas (BMWP/Col 59) and Good for the La Delicia stream (BMWP/Col 75). The present study characterized the community of macroinvertebrates in the study area and the ecological quality of the studied bodies of water.

Evaluation of winter wheat genotypes under rainfed farming conditions
Jahangirov Atabek, Mammadova Sevinj, Allahverdiyev Tofig, Huseynova Irada
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Drought has a serious effect on the plant height, the heading date and the grain yield of winter wheat genotypes in Mountainous Shirvan. Genotypes of Sonmez 01, Sheki 1, Bezostaya 1 and Gyzilbughda were noted as the tallest (120.1, 118.9, 114.9 and 111.8 cm), Gyrmizigul 1, Guneshli, Tale 38, Aran, Zirva 85 and Azamatli 95 as the short (83.6, 92.8, 95.8, 92.9, 94.0 and 98.0 cm), respectively, which indicates the adaptability of tall varieties for rainfed conditions. Gobustan, Zirva 85, Ruzi 84 and Gunashli genotypes were noted as the early heading, and Bezostaya 1, Sheki 1, Aran, Tale 38, Gyrmizigul 1 and Baba 75 as the late heading, which is associated with their genotypic characteristics. The yield was changed depending on the genotypic characteristics and annual total precipitation during the growing season. The highest yield was recorded in Gobustan and 7WON-SA no. 465 genotypes, while the lowest yield was in Azeri, Bezostaya 1 and Murov 2 during the research. Adaptation to adverse conditions and high yielding of Gyrmizigul 1 genotype shows the possibility of cultivation under adverse conditions. By adaptability to drought high yield of genotypes can be obtained responding to high soil fertility and favorable climatic conditions. Cultivation of these genotypes in rainfed regions such as Mountainous Shirvan is recommended.

Levin Vladimir, Khonov Sergei
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In the context of increasing competition in the banking market, increasing regulatory requirements for transparency and sound risk-creation on this basis of adequate risk provisions in the banking sector is of paramount importance. In this paper, firstly it is proposed to use for estimating credit risks the exact maximum likelihood estimators (MLE) of the structure of stratified population for any sizes of the credit portfolio. These exact MLE could be applied to estimate Basel-II risk parameter PD (Probability of Default), and could be used to optimize provisions for covering expected losses of consumer credit portfolio. In usual banking practice for estimating risk parameter PD the frequencies (rates) of default credits of the whole consumer portfolio or of sub-portfolios of the whole consumer portfolio are usually using. But the statistical characteristics of these estimates, such as unbiased property, consistency, efficiency, exact and asymptotic distributions, usually are unknown. The new statistical estimations have derived for characteristics used in vintage analysis of consumer credit portfolio. These estimations for delinquency rates with different DPD (Days Past Due) are the exact maximum likelihood estimators (MLE) of the structure of stratified population for any sizes of the credit portfolio. These exact MLE could be applied to estimate Basel-II risk parameter PD (Probability of Default), and could be used to optimize provisions for covering expected losses of consumer credit portfolio. Making the adequate provisions to credit risks in the crisis conditions is the problem which needs to estimate risks with satisfactory accuracy.
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