Статьи журнала - Региональная экономика. Юг России

Все статьи: 804

"Белые пятна" стратегии пространственного развития России: обсуждение проекта

"Белые пятна" стратегии пространственного развития России: обсуждение проекта

Митрофанова Инна Васильевна, Селютин Виктор Владимирович, Иванов Николай Прокофьевич

Статья научная

На необходимость разработки долгосрочной модели хозяйственно-гуманитарного освоения территории России с учетом изменений ее места и роли в мировой экономике и геополитике после распада СССР указывалось еще в 90-е гг. учеными-регионалистами; федеральной властью такая потребность была озвучена после финансово-экономического кризиса 2008-2009 гг., вскрывшего ряд серьезных региональных диспропорций. Проект стратегии пространственного развития России до 2025 г. был разработан Министерством экономического развития РФ и обсуждался на протяжении второй половины 2018 года. По мнению авторов статьи, стратегия является доктринальным документом крайне высокого уровня обобщения, где много «белых пятен», в числе основных: перечислены проблемы пространственного развития РФ, но не названы причины их возникновения, нет объяснений, почему существуют инфраструктурные ограничения в социально-экономическом развитии территорий; не аргументированы критерии выделения 14 макрозон, игнорируются сложившиеся принципы районирования и общепринятые научные методы зонирования; никак не подкреплена соответствующими расчетами новация в виде деления специализации регионов на эффективную и неэффективную; игнорируются вопросы финансирования многочисленных затратных проектов (источники, объемы, механизмы); нет объективного представления о проектах развития инфраструктуры и др...


"Города-стратеги" на современной карте России

"Города-стратеги" на современной карте России

Прибышин Тарас Кириллович, Жихаревич Борис Савельевич

Статья научная

Цель исследования - собрать и проанализировать полную базу текстов стратегий социальноэкономического развития российских городов с населением более 100 тыс. человек, утвержденных местными нормативно-правовыми актами в период с середины 2014 г. (то есть после принятия Федерального закона «О стратегическом планирования в Российской Федерации») по конец 2019 года. Задача нетривиальна, поскольку, несмотря на наличие в России публичного Федерального государственного реестра стратегических документов, он не содержит полной и точной информации о документах муниципального уровня. Изучаемый массив включал 168 городов. В ходе поиска изучены официальные сайты городских администраций и законодательных органов, а также иные открытые источники. Многие документы обнаружены на сайтах справочных правовых систем или в региональных базах стратегических документов. По итогам поиска в базу документов вошли 94 новые стратегии, принятые в 87 городах, что составляет 51,8 % от всех городов исследованной группы. Кроме того, 21 стратегия была актуализирована, таким образом только 60 городов из 168 не имели на конец 2019 г. актуальной (в смысле соответствия Федеральному закону) стратегии. Анализ территориального распределения городов, принявших стратегии после появления закона, показывает лидерство городов УФО, СФО и ДВФО по относительной активности в сфере стратегического планирования. По итогам изучения динамики утверждения стратегических документов предложена уточненная периодизация стратегического планирования на уровне городов: 1-й этап - с 1997 по 2006 г. («инновационное стратегирование»); 2-й этап - с 2007 по 2014 г. («массовое инициативное стратегирование»); 3-й этап - с 2014 по 2018 г. («законное стратегирование»).


About the authors

About the authors



Agricultural engineering in the south of Russia: prospects for functioning in modern conditions

Agricultural engineering in the south of Russia: prospects for functioning in modern conditions

Mitrofanova Inna Vasilievna, Shkarupa Ekaterina Alexandrovna, Mitrofanova Inna Alekseevna, Batmanova Victoria Victorovna

Статья научная

Improvement of material base acts as one of the major elements promoting modernization of productions in agro-industrial complex (agrarian and industrial complex). However the solution of this strategic question is found not at the organizational level that in general deprives domestic agrarian and industrial complex of a basis of steady functioning against its active and menacing deindustrialization. Improvement of material base acts as one of the major elements promoting modernization of productions in agrarian and industrial complex. The article bases the necessity of the technical modernization in agriculture, reveals the risks of the functioning of the agricultural machinery enterprises in Russia. On the basis of the example of the "Rostselmash Company" (Southern Federal District) the problems are analyzed and the prospects of the development of this basic industry for the regions of the South of Russia within the frame of the realization of the requirements of the World Trade Organization, the member of which Russia became in 2012 are presented...


Analysis of the development differences in Hungarian LAU1 districts

Analysis of the development differences in Hungarian LAU1 districts

Lrinc Balzs, Kposzta Jzsef

Статья научная

The complex analysis of different territorial units, regions or micro-regions is a very topical issue today, both globally and in Hungary. As we know, it is the continuity of changes at the spatial level that causes spatial inequalities, so it can be said that no two spatial units on Earth have the same characteristics. These changes have an impact on the economic growth, competitiveness and spatial development of a given territory, as well as on the living conditions and living standards of its inhabitants. As a result of the continuous changes in social, economic and infrastructural factors, we will examine a very complex issue, the main focus of which will be on the developmental differences and trends in the Hungarian districts (LAU1). In Hungary, the district system, which is the territorial level between settlements and counties, has a long history, since the earliest districts were established in the 13th century as administrative formations. Nowadays, districts (LAU1) are also located between the administrative level of counties and municipalities, as the lowest territorial and organisational level of state administration. The establishment of districts and the amendment of the related legislation is provided for in Act XCIII of 2012. In total, there are 197 districts, 23 of which are in the capital city.


Comparative analysis of the energy efficiency of modern environmentally friendly computers

Comparative analysis of the energy efficiency of modern environmentally friendly computers

Barta Va Klrn, Szalay Zsigmond Gbor, Kovcs Rpd Endre

Статья научная

As a result of technological advances, the performance of computers is growing continuously, while at the same time, their energy consumption is growing, too. Computer development needs to focus increasingly on finding energy efficient solutions to keep the operation of supercomputer centers on a sustainable level. As a result, green computing is getting more and more important in the world of supercomputers as well. Our paper examines the technical data of supercomputers (HPC) - with a focus on performance and energy consumption - on TOP500 and Green500 lists released over the past 10 years. The computing capacity of the machines on the TOP500 list of the most powerful computers is growing exponentially. Until 2017 the rate of growth of the energy efficiency indicator was slower than that of the computing capacity, therefore the total energy consumption of the machines on the TOP500 list was continuously increasing. This trend seems to have changed; in the period from November 2016 to June 2017 the growth rate of the energy efficiency of supercomputers exceeded the increase in their computing capacity...


Competitive position of Vietnamese regions: analysis of results of provincial competitiveness index

Competitive position of Vietnamese regions: analysis of results of provincial competitiveness index

Phan Huy Quang, Buyanova Marina E.

Статья научная

The existence of certain conditions and elements that creates a region’s investment attractiveness is seen to be a challenging and complicated process which leads to a competitive position in respect to other regions in comparison with other ones. The study includes the analysis of the region’s economic and investment situation, and the comparison of provincial competitiveness indexes (PCI) in Vietnam from 2017 to 2021. It should supplement the methodology for regional competitiveness assessment at the involvement and business support. This allows choosing a leading region characterized by a stable and relatively high competitive position compared to the rest of the regions (like Red River Delta region). This clear spatial disparity in regional competitiveness in Vietnam may result from long-term social and economic processes (such as economic growth and investment attraction), and quality of the business environment that depends on the authorities’ ability to work (by means of PCI ranking promotion). As for the second case, the directions of strengthening the competitive position of Vietnam’s regions are expecte to be dynamics in innovation, and persistence in executing institutional reforms in “tougher” areas such as market entry costs, policy bias, transparency, time costs and labor training. The key directions for competitiveness improvement and investment attraction promotion in the short and medium term are as follows: 1) promotion of reforms and transparency of information on administrative procedures for the enterprise; 2) cost reduction of professional training and business satisfaction growth with labor quality; 3) communication strengthening and cooperation between public and private sectors;4) operating methods renewal of the administrative system in accordance with the process of digital technology application in government management.


Correlations between attitude to money and demographic variables on a sample of university students

Correlations between attitude to money and demographic variables on a sample of university students

Mihly Niko Lett, Kovcs Va Ildik, Madarsz Imre, Mszros Aranka

Статья научная

Despite the fact that money plays a central role in our lives, few empirical researches are directed at examining what factors can shape our attitude to money. It especially holds true for Hungary where such examinations are almost entirely missing. According to international research results certain demographic characteristics (gender, age, education, income etc.) and attitude to money show typical tendencies. Our paper summarises the most important results on the topic published so far and by using Yamauchi and Templer’s Money Attitude Scale (MAS) university students were asked ( n = 305) about their attitude to money. The results, in line with previous international analyses, show the correlation between attitude to money and certain demographic characteristics. For men money would rather mean the source of power and prestige while women are more money-consious looking for special offers and sales. Regarding age, the anxiety over money is the strongest for those over 35 when compared with other generations...


Creation experience of startup campuses in major regions (North America, Far East, Australia and Europe)

Creation experience of startup campuses in major regions (North America, Far East, Australia and Europe)

Kovcs ., Lvai I., Nagy H.

Статья научная

Startup campuses are a gathering place for local startups. On the one hand, they bring together innovative startups, and on the other hand, they offer solutions for international market entry through various incubator programmes, investment services, training networks, education, extensive networking capital, and mentoring. Startup campuses should be seen as a 21st century combination of decentralised incubators, accelerators, and business angels. The world’s leading startup and innovation campuses recognise the need to build the right environment and ecosystem for startups to grow quickly and efficiently. Among the startup campus ecosystems, the US Silicon Valley stands out, home to seven of the world’s top ten startups. Currently, five large startup ecosystems (New York, London, Beijing, Boston, and Shanghai) have the best business development capabilities, and two are trying to catch up (Los Angeles and Tel Aviv). Among startup ecosystems, the US leads the race by a significant margin, but European startup campuses are also growing steadily, while South American startup incubators are lagging behind. The study seeks to find out what services startup campuses provide in different regions, what their main activities are, and how successful they are. The topic is also important because startups most often respond to broad societal problems, such as access to basic services at affordable prices, reducing poverty and inequality, and increasing diversity and inclusiveness. On environmental issues, the most common targets are improving food supply and security, clean energy, climate change solutions, water, and sanitation.


Crossbreed cattle: assessment and challenges of breeding in selected districts of Tigray and Afar regional states, Ethiopia

Crossbreed cattle: assessment and challenges of breeding in selected districts of Tigray and Afar regional states, Ethiopia

Nagy Henrietta, Abdulkadr Ahmed Abduletif, Neszmlyi Gyrgy Ivn

Статья научная

The practice of animal husbandry has played an important role in enhancing sustainable development and improving food security of the community. However, the contribution of this sector towards the national as well as regional economy is verysmall. The focus of this research is to identify the main reasons why rural farmers do not own rear crossbreed cattle. The data obtained reveals that the majority of the rural communities dont have the right knowledge about the importance of crossbreed cattle in terms of their high yield. Some of the rural residents who are aware said they have limited financial access to afford crossbreed cattle. Besides, the respondents replied that the lack of appropriate feed and its high consumption is another reason, although the output gained from crossbreed cattle is quite high compared to the indigenous animals. Therefore, with the available livestock resource in Ethiopia it is recommended to increase the awareness of importance of crossbreed cattle, and government should also focus on creating favorable conditions to access to financial resources and feed for cattle. Solving the main bottlenecks will assure sustainable development and enable to meet the growing demand of the region. In addition to this, the income disparities between farmers and other self and government employed resident can be minimized.


Decarbonization of the economy - the general trend of development of Russia and its regions in the 21st century

Decarbonization of the economy - the general trend of development of Russia and its regions in the 21st century

Mitrofanova Inna V.

Статья научная

Today the issue of Russia’s low-carbon development and the necessity in cutting down Greenhouse emissions, first of all, carbon dioxide (СO2) is very acute. Over the recent years a lot of documents and regulatory legal acts have appeared in Russia, one way or another related to the decarbonization of the economy, including “National Climate Change Adaptation Plan”, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions”, “Strategy for the Long-Term Development of Russia with Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions up to 2050”, draft Federal Law “On State Regulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals”, “The Plan for the Development of Hydrogen Energy in Russia up to 2050”. Russia needs a network of carbon landfills, its own non-discriminatory system for measuring the balance of greenhouse gases, this is the most important factor of national security today. In the near future, the system of calculations will be worked out on the territory of seven regions: the Chechen Republic, the Krasnodar Krai, Kaliningrad, Sakhalin, Sverdlovsk, Novosibirsk and Tyumen Regions. Since 2020, a pilot project of a carbon landfill has been implemented in Kaluga Region, on lands located within the borders of the Ugra National Park. To finance these projects, it is necessary to attract funds from national projects, first of all, the NP “Clean Air”. Carbon farms are a complex of technologies that enable the absorption of greenhouse gases, and so far for Russia it is mainly forest rather than agricultural technologies. There are about 11 million square kilometers of forests in Russia, and this is a unique reservoir for absorbing CO , so the 21st century is the century of Russia, which has every chance to become the most important player in the sequestration industry. It is fundamentally important for Russia to become a world leader and gain a high rate of carbon farms development throughout the country. However, there is an acute shortage of qualified personnel for this type of activity in the country, so one of the strategic tasks for Russian universities today is to train specialists for the new sequestration industry in the conditions of a new and inevitable reality - total decarbonization of the economy.


Demographic and socio-psychological effects in judging the minimal and ideal standard of living

Demographic and socio-psychological effects in judging the minimal and ideal standard of living

Mihly Nikolett, Komromi Nndor, Bruder Emese

Статья научная

The EU carried out research on 26 member states in which comparative indicators on the standard of living were created [16]. This qualitative research served as the basis of our paper as it was suggested that the social and economic situation of the respondents had had a significant impact on the issue of what “minimally acceptable” and “affordable” is by a nation in terms of certain goods and services. Accordingly, the consumer baskets created this way do not necessarily reflect what the required and inevitable minimum standard of living in the given society is (one of the objectives of the research was to define this). As a matter of fact, setting and achieving the desirable, minimal or satisfactory standard of living depend on a lot of factors. In our opinion demographical characteristics are important but the individual’s personality traits, psychological impacts and socio-cultural background are also as important as they are. Our paper reviews the research results on the topic and presents empirical research carried out with women...


Different approaches for regional analyses

Different approaches for regional analyses

Topa Zoltan, Czabadai Lilla, Aldorfai Gyorgy

Статья научная

It can be observed that many academic papers dealing with regional analysis show some basic and key similarities with each other. This does not mean that they would be too identical or repetitive; on the contrary, their most important similarities are their differences to each other. For instance, there can be various types of theoretical and methodological approaches, different types of datasets compared and analysed, and unique regional characteristics. Analysing investigation methods is an important research field, because it is a difficult task to find appropriate methodologies which can be supported by theoretical concepts. This paper attempts to demonstrate two examples for measuring problematics: one about transport infrastructure and accessibility, the other is about defining beneficiary regions in Hungary. The reason these two topics were chosen is that the measurability of the impact of transport infrastructure and regional development levels are still debated even these days; therefore, there is a need for more and more new attempts to analyse the two subjects. During the presentation of these examples some segments of the theoretical background will be demonstrated along with practical examples and questions. Finally, the paper summarises the importance of proper regional analytic methods.


Dynamics and economic efficiency of digital transformation of Vietnam's coffee industry

Dynamics and economic efficiency of digital transformation of Vietnam's coffee industry

Huynh Thi Thanh Dung, Popova Larisa V.

Статья научная

Coffee is Vietnam’s main exported product. It accounts for approximately 90% of the country’s annual exports. In the beginning of the 20th century, Vietnam was the second largest world exporter of coffee after Brazil. However, the quality was low, and the product lost out in price. The economic efficiency of production and processing was not high because of traditional technologies which were used, so the contribution to the country’s economy was considerably lower than it could be with the use of digital innovations. Currently, there are no completed studies of reasons for the low efficiency of Vietnam’s coffee production and processing, and of the analysis of innovative transformations’ dynamics. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to reveal the role and advantages of innovative digital technologies in coffee production and determine their economic efficiency. The results of the study suggest that over the past two decades, the global “coffee” market industry has expanded significantly; the demand for coffee grew by 65%. That is the main driver of development and a source of income for more than 12 million farms (more than 25 million families) in producer countries. The manual coffee production used in Vietnam cannot compete with modern digital technologies of countries that are leaders in the coffee market (Brazil, India, Thailand, etc.). The experience in introduction of technologies with international certification according toproduct quality standards on the area of 125.785 hectares in 2017, in the provinces Daklak, Lam Dong, Gia Lai and Kon Tum showed an increase in productivity by 10-30%. In the structure of Vietnamese coffee exports, 95% is green coffee, so export income is three times lower than the cost of processed coffee beans. Thus, the application of innovative digital technologies of cultivation and processing is a vital factor in the Vietnamese coffee industry. The result of their introduction will be sustainable development of coffee production, competitiveness growth of Vietnamese coffee products in the world market.


East African transport infrastructure: the cases of Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania

East African transport infrastructure: the cases of Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania

Abdulkadr Ahmed Abduletif, Juma Leanard Otowari, Gogo Adol Fredrick, Neszmlyi Gyrgy Ivn

Статья научная

East African region is one of the underdeveloped regions in the world with untapped natural resources. With the increase in population size, countries’ infrastructural development is a key in assuring sustainable development and hence assures food security. Although the region has a huge economic development potential, yet it is well characterized with high povertylevel. This studytherefore focuses on critically reviewing the existing literatures on accessibility, quality and challenges ofroad and air transport infrastructure in the region and its importance for regional integration focusing on Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania. Graphs are used todescribe the secondarydata obtained from World Bank. Hence, insufficient transport facilities, high cost of infrastructure development and poor transport management are the main challenges in the region. Transport facilities promote production of goods and services and ensure their proper distribution channel to avoid regional inequalities and scarcityofgoods and services. The qualityof both road and air transport in Kenya is better than in Ethiopia and Tanzania with value of above world median index. Moreover, improving the overall system of the transport infrastructure will playa significant impact on the economic development of respective countries and the region. In conclusion, with the increased flow ofpopulation and trade integration between countries, transportation access and system of implementing institutions need to be improved.


Economic role of tourist cooperation in Hungary

Economic role of tourist cooperation in Hungary

Ritter Krisztin, Virg Gnes

Статья научная

Modern tourism was developed owing to the economic, social and technological changes in the XX century. The establishment of sustainable and competitive tourism is a trend that can be observed worldwide. Therefore, in countries interested in tourism, such as Hungary, it has become an important development direction to establish an institutional structure based on tourism destination management (TDM). Over the past decade developing organizations did not affect only our country’s most advanced touristic areas (eg.: Heviz, Lake Balaton, Siofok, Hajdúszoboszló, Buk), but also an increasing number of destination organizations were set up in rural areas dealing with a variety of economic and social problems. Along this the question could be raised about what the role of these associations were / is, and how efficiently could / do they operate.The questions are whether this institutionalized cooperation can work effectively in our country; what effects do they have in the life of a region; and if these effects can be measured, which indicators are the most suitable ones to do so?


Efficiency of Hungarian regions in using the development funds for touristy purposes

Efficiency of Hungarian regions in using the development funds for touristy purposes

Kаposzta jО., Nagy А., Nagy Н.

Статья научная

Tourism is one of the highest income-generating sectors which has influence on other economic and social processes as well. With the increase in the solvent demand, it can contribute to the creation of sustainable touristic service. In the last programming period, there was EUR 5 billion available for developing the agriculture, rural environment and the rural areas in Hungary. It facilitates the changes of the economic structure, started already, and slows down the break-off of the rural areas to be able to start the economic and social catch up. Funds available for the touristic services can improve the competitiveness of the regions, in case they are used efficiently. Such funds are available from various sources. One of our objectives in this research was to examine these funds and the concrete development directions in details and to investigate what their spatial distribution is in the country, seeing whether these funds show any concentration in Hungary.


Essence of the notion “economic space”: political and economical aspect

Essence of the notion “economic space”: political and economical aspect

Mitrofanova Inna Vasilyevna, Tlisov Azamat Borisovich, Mitrofanova Inna Alekseevna, Shavtikova Lilianna Magomedovna

Статья научная

Methodological substantiation as well as methodical and instrumental basing of an efficient management of complicated spatial and economic systems is impeded by an insufficiently precise content that is meant by the term “economic space” within the frame of the contemporary economic theory. The article investigates the dichotomy of the geographic and economic space, the multifold nature of the latter is displayed using the system of the basic indicators. In article it is emphasized that such concepts as “spatial” (territorial) structure of economy, “the spatial (territorial) organization of economy” are close, but aren't identical to the concept “economic space”. They are understood as a natural order, the device and already then - as activities for the organization and streamlining of economic space. And in each timepoint the economic space appears as fixing of proportions and scales of various objects. Authors tried to resolve a problem of a dichotomy of geographical and economic space, proving that economic space it isn't simple the certain territory located in concrete geographical coordinates it represents much more difficult phenomenon appearing in the form of unity of speculative and real space, interning along with geographical, historical, demographic, cultural, religious components which in total and define the contents economic components...


Farm development in Tay Nguyen economic region: specificity of formation and development

Farm development in Tay Nguyen economic region: specificity of formation and development

Nguyen Thi Ngoc Loi, Mitrofanova Inna V.

Статья научная

The development level of businesses and their competitiveness has a significant effect on the growth of an economic region. The improvement in comparative advantage for regional social and economic development will contribute to the strengthening and expanding possibilities for farm owners as well as to encouraging the authorities of the province to pay a special attention to an accelerated farm transformation in the agriculture of Tay Nguyen region. Farm economy development is considered to be an inevitable trend and its effectiveness does not rely too much on laws and market practice but on the understanding of the regional structure taking into account the demands and peculiarities of this economic agent. Using the methods of descriptive statistics and the analysis of secondary data, this paper is devoted to the analysis of the essence of farm economy of Tay Nguyen region. A special place has analysis of the theoretical basis of economic zones and the identification of comparative advantages of the region in farming development. The results of this empirical research aim to discover the specificity of formation and development of farm economy in the Tay Nguyen region nowadays.


IT-индустрия как фактор развития креативной экономики Республики Крым

IT-индустрия как фактор развития креативной экономики Республики Крым

Митина Э.А., Митрофанова И.В.

Статья научная

Креативная экономика построена на IT-индустрии, науке, инновациях, Интернете как новой технологической инфраструктуре экономики, знаниях, интеллектуальной деятельности. В Российской Федерации креативные индустрии стремительно развиваются. В нашей стране накоплен огромный опыт инновационной трансформации территориальных образований с учетом имеющегося культурного ресурса. В данном направлении следуют не только регионы постиндустриального развития, но и другие субъекты Российской Федерации, в том числе Республика Крым. Креативные индустрии сформированы не только основными видами деятельности, образующими их ядро, но и смежными, которые оказывают огромное воздействие на креативные индустрии или непосредственно зависят от них. Одной из ключевых задач Стратегии социально-экономического развития региона до 2030 г. в рамках создания нового культурного пространства является формирование кластера «Креативная индустрия». В настоящее время в Республике Крым продукты IT-индустрии в большей степени недоступны ввиду введенных санкций не только против Российской Федерации, но и региона. Еще одной проблемой, тормозящей развитие рынка информационных технологий, выступает недостаточное информирование населения о возможности получения цифровых услуг, что определяет специфические особенности поведения потребителей в сфере IT-технологий. Не всегда удачными оказываются попытки внедрения и распространения новых цифровых технологий, например, цифровая грамотность населения, обеспеченность организаций ИКТ, наличие креативной среды также детерминируют имеющиеся различия. Развитие IT-индустрии в Республике Крым будет способствовать сглаживанию негативных явлений экономического кризиса как на федеральном, так и региональном уровнях, создавая мультипликативный эффект на целый ряд смежных отраслей.

