Статьи журнала - Международный журнал гуманитарных и естественных наук

Все статьи: 10911

The theory of multiple intelligence in teaching English

The theory of multiple intelligence in teaching English

Irenchieva G.A., Madmarova Z.K., Alymbayeva A.S., Zulpukarova A.K.

Статья научная

Our study is aimed at exploring the potential of Multiple Intelligences Theory in teaching foreign languages. We see a correlation between the consideration of students' intelligence types and the effectiveness of foreign language teaching, because the use of exercises for different intelligence types in the classroom makes it possible to activate subjective individualization in the process of language acquisition, which is highly likely to increase the effectiveness of learning. This article discusses Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence, especially its place in foreign language teaching.


The use of modern educational technology in English language teaching

The use of modern educational technology in English language teaching

Buryak N.Yu.

Статья научная

This article deals with modern educational technologies in teaching English - role-playing technologies. Role-playing as a means of developing dialogic speech of students at middle and senior stages of learning English is the subject of this article. The problem of using role-playing in the methodology of teaching foreign languages is not new, but still relevant today.


The values that motivate medical students

The values that motivate medical students

Kozulya S.V., Yaschenko S.G., Vashisht D., Rawat S.

Статья научная

Using the modification of R. Inglehart's methodology for studying the values of the structure of mass consciousness, 196 Indian and 161 Russian students were surveyed. It is found that the Indian students value of "socialization" is of primary importance, and for Russian students the primary importance is the value of "adaptation" for motivation. The data found in the studies can be used as motivation to study, to increase productivity, focus and to achieve their goals in the subject.


Theory of multiple intelligences in teaching English

Theory of multiple intelligences in teaching English

Zheenbekova Ch.M., Azhimamatova K.E., Manikova R.A., Zulpukarova A.K.

Статья научная

Today, the theory of multiple intelligence, developed by the American researcher G. Gardner, which states that each person does not have a single intelligence. Article reviews all eight types of intelligence: verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, musical-rhythmic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, which are becoming more and more popular both in teaching in general and in teaching foreign languages. An analysis of recent publications on the subject shows that it is extremely relevant and in demand.


Tolerance in the personal development of medical students and its formation through a foreign language instruction

Tolerance in the personal development of medical students and its formation through a foreign language instruction

Gorbunova D.V., Makarova O.Y.

Статья научная

The article is devoted to the current issue of tolerance. The authors present the concept of “tolerance” from the social, pedagogical, psychological and biomedical ethics points of view. The formation of tolerance in students of a medical university is viewed as an integral component in the educational process of a medical higher school due to the verily humanistic nature of the socionomic profession of a physician. The authors review the integration of the moral and character education into the foreign language instruction, based on the example of the educational work implemented at the Department of Foreign Languages of Kazan State Medical University.


Tools for visualization of nonlinear stories in software development models

Tools for visualization of nonlinear stories in software development models

Kovalev M.A., Chernodub V.A., Popova I.E., Cubarkov D.A.

Статья научная

The principle of nonlinearity is the most spread principle of designing and developing of IT project nowadays. It is recommended to use the cases of visualization non-linear stories at the models of development for the rise of efficiency of this method. The article considers the benefits of using these cases against traditional methods. Moreover, the article contains instruments for the rise of efficiency of development and further analysis of the labor activity.


Tradition and innovation in medical training: a brief overview

Tradition and innovation in medical training: a brief overview

Borisov A.K.

Статья научная

This article is dedicated to tradition and innovation in modern medical training. Due to scientific development, innovative methods are implemented in medical education alongside with the traditional ones. Despite valuable benefits these methods are arguably associated with insufficient amount of survival knowledge and well as fewer acquired skills. The article discusses current medical training, its problems and solutions. The authors compare advantages and disadvantages of different methods in medical training, and offers possible compromises. The problem of functional illiteracy, which is associated with the internet is pointed, possible keys to the problem are proposed.


Training and use of canine enforcement teams for anti-smuggling purposes

Training and use of canine enforcement teams for anti-smuggling purposes

Petrosyan A.P.

Статья научная

The article focuses on the training and use of canine enforcement teams for anti-smuggling purposes in different countries (Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand). Several aspects are described history, breeds, training methods, skills to train, daily routine of canine units as well as the job of handlers. It also describes unique Russian experience in this sphere. Detector dogs play a vital role in customs work. Canine teams help protect country's safety and public health by detecting illegal narcotics, firearms and currency.


Use of abbreviations and acronyms in obstetrics and gynecology

Use of abbreviations and acronyms in obstetrics and gynecology

Leshcheva M.Yu., Korotkih I.N., Medvedeva A.V.

Статья научная

The article is devoted to the study of abbreviations commonly used in obstetrics and gynecology. Based on the review of periodical English publications and dictionaries, the main categories of lexical units under study were identified, the classification of these abbreviations was carried out, and the ways of their production and translation were discussed.


Using authentic video materials to increase motivation to learn a foreign language

Using authentic video materials to increase motivation to learn a foreign language

Kachkynchyeva A.Zh., Zhumagulova E.Zh., Anarbaeva K.S.

Статья научная

The article considered the features, the role of authentic video materials in English language teaching; the influence of audiovisual materials on students' motivation to learn a foreign language; the advantages and main ways of introducing such materials for learning and teaching English. The authors considered the criteria and suitable sources of video material selection, some algorithm of introducing authentic video materials that can be used in the process of teaching and learning a foreign language at different levels of education.


Using podcast technology to improve Vietnamese listening and speaking skills of international students

Using podcast technology to improve Vietnamese listening and speaking skills of international students

Nguyen Quoc Thuy, Nguyen Thi Doan Trang

Статья научная

Nowadays, Vietnamese is gaining increasing interest from foreigners and is being studied for a variety of objectives. The purpose of this study is to determine the benefits of using podcasts in teaching foreign languages in general, and Vietnamese in particular, and to implement teaching-learning techniques using podcasts to guide foreign students at the intermediate level to improve their Vietnamese listening and speaking skills. The findings of this study indicate that the usage of podcasts benefits the development and improvement of Vietnamese listening and speaking abilities among international students enrolled at the Thai Nguyen University of Education.


Verbal and non-verbal communicative behavior of Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Russians and Americans

Verbal and non-verbal communicative behavior of Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Russians and Americans

Berdibekova A.N., Muratbek Kyzy Aksaamay, Ilimbek Kyzy Meerim, Zulpukarova A.K.

Статья научная

Verbal and nonverbal communication are the primary and integral components of the process of socialization of the individual. The interaction between verbalized and non-verbalized means, which in turn differ in harmony, and also correspond to the communication situation, its main tasks, is aimed at implementing the function of supporting the entire communicative act. The article deals with the issue of communicative behavior, and describes the dominant features of the behavior of each of the studied people.


Ways of creative thinking of younger students

Ways of creative thinking of younger students

Zak A.Z.

Статья научная

The article reflects a study devoted to the study of the creative thinking of younger schoolchildren in the drafting of new tasks of a spatially combinatorial nature, solved according to the rules for rearranging the elements of conditions to an empty seat for a certain number of movements. Four main methods of composing tasks were identified and their distribution among students of the second and third grades was determined. It has been established that three-quarters of third-graders (9 years old) and only half of second-graders (8 years old) use meaningful and productive method of drafting problems. The obtained results testify to the fact that younger schoolchildren have a tendency to advance the use of the meaningful method in the drafting of spatial-combinatorial problems.


World-historical significance of the October revolution

World-historical significance of the October revolution

Kadirov T.D., Shanov T.M.

Статья научная

The article says that the revolutionary way out of the war and the policy of peace and cooperation between peoples proclaimed by the Soviet state were of World-historical significance. "For the first time in the international arena, a state emerged that put forward the great slogan of peace and began to implement new principles in relations between peoples and countries. Humanity has found a reliable bulwark in its struggle against aggressive wars, for peace and security of peoples".


X-ray with tomosynthesis as an alternative diagnostic tool for abnormalities of various etiologies

X-ray with tomosynthesis as an alternative diagnostic tool for abnormalities of various etiologies

Riaskin K.A., Titova L.A.

Статья научная

The paper highlights tomosynthesis as a novel diagnostic tool in various pathologies, including chest organ disorders. It allows obtaining a certain number of layered images of the patient's study area in one pass of the X-ray tube, thus, improving the detectability. It is emphasised that high-quality tomograms can help to study the nature and features of small limited pathological processes of the main, lobular, zonal, segmental and subsegmental bronchi, lymph nodes of the lungs and mediastinum. The fact that the capabilities of tomosynthesis is comparable in some cases with the data of digital chest X-ray and MSCT is stressed. The aim of the study performed was to reveal the diagnostic value of chest radiography with tomosynthesis in the diagnosis of oncological diseases of various etiologies. The study included medical records of 82 patients of Voronezh oncological regional hospital. The results obtained allow concluding that tomosynthesis combines the advantages of CT, but at a lower radiation dose and cost, eliminates the main disadvantage of standard R-graphy - the overlap of objects in the image, avoids additional costly imaging methods with increased radiation exposure.


YouTube как обучающий ресурс (иностранный язык, неязыковой вуз)

YouTube как обучающий ресурс (иностранный язык, неязыковой вуз)

Ежова Ю.В., Пац М.В.

Статья научная

Показана обусловленность применения контента видеохостинга YouTube в образовательном процессе высшей школы комфортной для молодежи обучающей средой. Анализируются перспективы использования видеоматериалов портала в процессе обучения иностранному языку в аудиторной и внеаудиторной работе. Формулируются критерии отбора материала. Выделены преимущества и недостатки применения на занятиях YouTube контента. Представлены элементы методики работы с учебным видео.


Zusammenhang des serumspiegels von gewebe-inhibitor der matrix-metalloproteinase-1 und des myokardumbaus bei der progression von chronischer herzinsuffizienz mit einer moderat reduzierten ejektfraktion bei diabetes mellitus

Zusammenhang des serumspiegels von gewebe-inhibitor der matrix-metalloproteinase-1 und des myokardumbaus bei der progression von chronischer herzinsuffizienz mit einer moderat reduzierten ejektfraktion bei diabetes mellitus

Efremova L.S., Vasilyeva L.V., Povaliukhina D. A.

Статья научная

Es ist relevant, den Zusammenhang zwischen dem Serumgehalt von Biomarkern und Umbauprozessen im Myokard zu untersuchen, um das Fortschreiten einer chronischen Herzinsuffizienz mit einer mäßig reduzierten Ejektionsfraktion (HFmrEF) bei Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus (DM) zu diagnostizieren. Mit dem Fortschreiten von HFmrEF bei Patienten mit DM kommt es zu einer Zunahme der Fibroseprozesse im Myokard, einem Anstieg des Serumspiegels des Gewebeinhibitors von Matrix-Metalloproteinasen-1 (TIMP-1). Die Umgestaltung des linksventrikulären Myokards bei solchen Patienten wird von einer Zunahme der Volumen- und Indexparameter des linken Herzens begleitet. Der Zusammenhang zwischen der Dynamik des TIMP-1-Serumspiegels und der myokardialen Umbauprozessen bei Patienten mit DM und HFmrEF kann verwendet werden, um die CHI-Progression zu diagnostizieren.


«Аксиологическая предметность» системы ценностных ориентаций «трансцендентальной реальности», культуры, природы в феноменологии и неокантианстве

«Аксиологическая предметность» системы ценностных ориентаций «трансцендентальной реальности», культуры, природы в феноменологии и неокантианстве

Мешков И.М.

Статья научная

Раскрывается феноменологическое определение Э. Гуссерля «аксиологическая предметность» как осознание предмета в его ценностном измерении. Представленная категория предполагает соотношение «предметности» к самой ценности в контексте феноменологии и неокантианства. В таком отношении выяснено, что между ценностью и предметностью нет абсолютного тождества. Неокантианская концепция Г. Риккерта показывает, что трансцендентальные ценности не соответствуют предметности, а предметы природы не являются ценностями. Объекты культуры лишь связаны с ценностями. Тем не менее, по И. Канту идеальные ценности соответствуют предметности как «трансцендентальные духовные объекты». Также культура и природа соотносятся с ценностями как средства. В представленном контексте «аксиологическая предметность» имеет отношение к идеям, культуре и природе, что соответствует определённым ценностным ориентациям. Выяснено, что идеальные «предметы-ценности», «сверхвещи» не постижимы, не реализуемы, «точки в бесконечности» выступающие ориентирами для культуры. Определено, что «ценности культуры» не только феноменологически осознаваемы, но и являются результатами деятельности человека как «предметные ценности свершения». Ценности природы субъективны, являются объектами интереса, и могут быть использованы как средства. При воздействии на представленные ценности - деятельности человека, они могут быть преобразованы в культуру, устремлённую к идеям.


«Дневник поездки в Иран в 1928 году» востоковеда Б.Н. Заходера в Архиве РАН

«Дневник поездки в Иран в 1928 году» востоковеда Б.Н. Заходера в Архиве РАН

Бокарева О.Б.

Статья научная

В основе статьи - неопубликованная рукопись отечественного востоковеда Б.Н. Заходера «Дневник поездки в Иран в 1928 г.». Выпускник Московского института востоковедения (1927) Б.Н. Заходер был командирован в Иран как один из лучших знатоков фарси и аспирант кафедры истории Персии. Во время научной командировки он вел дневниковые записи и составил тематический фотоальбом. В дневнике в хронологической последовательности, скрупулёзно описаны автором детали недолгого пребывания в Иране.


«Замечания к программе курса «Нервно-психические болезни» для медицинских училищ» в статье «О преподавании психиатрии в медицинских училищах общего типа и его значение для культуры обслуживания больных» М.О. Герцберга в Архиве РАН

«Замечания к программе курса «Нервно-психические болезни» для медицинских училищ» в статье «О преподавании психиатрии в медицинских училищах общего типа и его значение для культуры обслуживания больных» М.О. Герцберга в Архиве РАН

Бокарева О.Б.

Статья научная

«Замечания к программе курса «Нервно-психические болезни» для медицинских училищ» в статье отечественного психиатра М.О. Герцберга «О преподавании психиатрии в медицинских училищах общего типа и его значение для культуры обслуживания больных» публикуются впервые. Это - машинописный текст с правкой, вероятно, авторской. Они составлены 31 октября 1957 г., являются приложением к статье и состоят из 5 пунктов предложений ученого для Министерства здравоохранения СССР.

