Статьи журнала - Сетевое научное издание «Системный анализ в науке и образовании»
Все статьи: 378

Algorithmic representation of the quantum operators and fast quantum algorithms
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The simplest technique for simulating a quantum algorithm (QA) is described and is based on the direct matrix representation of the quantum operators. This approach is stable and precise, but it requires allocation of operator’s matrices in the computer’s memory. Since the size of the operators grows exponentially, this approach is useful for simulation of QAs with a relatively small number of qubits (e.g., approximately 11 qubits on a typical desktop computer). Using this approach it is relatively simple to simulate the operation of a QA and to perform fidelity analysis. Two special search algorithms: Shor’s and Grover’s QA are described.

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A generalized design strategy of intelligent robust control systems based on quantum/soft computing technologies that enhance robustness of hybrid intelligent controllers by supplying a self-organizing capability is described. We stress our attention on the robustness features of intelligent control systems in unpredicted control situations with the simulation of Benchmark.

Basic definitions of quantum computing of IT students in intelligent cognitive control and robotics
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Quantum computations results from the link between quantum mechanics, computer science and classical / quantum information theory. It uses quantum mechanical effects, especially superposition, interference and entanglement, to perform new types of computation which show promise to be more efficient than classical computations. It is the essential trait of the theory of quantum mechanics to make (exclusively) probabilistic predictions, i.e. for a quantum mechanical experiment the theory predicts possible results and their probabilities to occur. This is what makes quantum computing probabilistic.

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The evolution of a quantum system can be examined from an information theory point of view. The complex vector entering the quantum evolution is considered as an information source both from the classical and the quantum level.

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The evolution of a quantum system can be examined from an information theory point of view. The complex vector entering the quantum evolution is considered as an information source both from the classical and the quantum level.

Big data approach for the studies of the job market and related areas
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This paper discusses some approaches to intellectual text analysis in application to automated monitoring of the labour market. The construction of an analytical system based on Big Data technologies for the labour market is describedd. Were compared the combinations of methods of extracting semantic information about objects and connections between them (for example, from job advertisements) from specialized texts. A system for monitoring the Russian labour market has been created, and the work is underway to include other countries in the analysis. The considered approaches and methods can be widely used to extract knowledge from large amounts of texts.

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The article show the possibility of neurointerface application based on cognitive helmet with different types of controls for driving of the vehicle. An assessment of possibilities of application of intelligent computational intelligence and toolkits to improve the reliability of the fuzzy control system operation.

Design information technology of quantum algorithm gates
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IT design of quantum algorithmic gates (QAG) is considered. General structures of the QAG design method and simulation system are introduced. Applications to efficient simulation of quantum algorithms (QA) on classical computer are described.

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The result of the proof of the effective implementation of the simulation on classical computers of quantum algorithms based on quantum algorithmic cells is demonstrated. The Shor factorization algorithm is considered as an example.

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Quantum mechanics requires the operations of quantum computing to be unitary, and makes it important to have general techniques for developing fast quantum algorithms for computing unitary transformations. A quantum routine for computing a generalized Kronecker product is given. Applications for computing the Walsh-Hadamard and quantum Fourier transform is include also re-development of the according network.

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Quantum mechanics requires the operations of quantum computing to be unitary, and makes it important to have general techniques for developing fast quantum algorithms for computing unitary transformations. A quantum routine for computing a generalized Kronecker product is given. Applications for computing the Walsh-Hadamard and quantum Fourier transform is include also re-development of the according network.

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This article describes how to build a classical hardware (HW) device, which accelerates the simulation of QA on classical computer. The usual approach for so doing consists in the simulation of the either QAs and their underlying quantum systems. The main aim of this article is not to work on real quantum HW (as quantum dots, ion traps, NMR etc.) but to take quantum computing as a computation paradigm (alternative to classical computing and soft computing).

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The article consists of two parts. Part I shows the possibility of quantum / soft computing optimizers of knowledge bases (QSCOptKB™) as the toolkit of quantum deep machine learning technology implementation in the solution’s search of intelligent cognitive control tasks applied the cognitive helmet as neurointerface. In particular case, the aim of this part is to demonstrate the possibility of classifying the mental states in on line of a human being operator with knowledge extraction from electroencephalograms based on SCOptKB™ and QCOptKB™ sophisticated toolkit. Application of soft computing technologies to identify objective indicators of the psychophysiological state of an examined person described. The role and necessity of applying intelligent information technologies development based on computational intelligence toolkits in the task of objective estimation of a general psychophysical state of a human being operator shown. Developed information technology examined with special (difficult in diagnostic practice) examples emotion state estimation of autism children (ASD) and dementia and background of the knowledge bases design for intelligent robot of service use is it. Application of cognitive intelligent control in navigation of autonomous robot for avoidance of obstacles demonstrated.

Improving upsell by clustering customers’ orders: machine learning approach
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This article aims to test the hypothesis that the use of machine learning algorithms better builds personal communication with consumers than does expert opinion regarding this question. Clustering and classification algorithms were applied in order to segment the dataset of clients. New sequences for offering to clients additional products based on joining segmentation and expert opinion have revealed the advantages of this approach.

Information dynamic analysis and measure of quantum algorithm's computational intelligence
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Information dynamic analysis of main quantum algorithms is described. The qualitative analysis of quantum information is introduced. Measure of quantum algorithm’s computational intelligence is discussed.

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The goal of this pedagogical article is to understand the how the apparently objective probabilities of quantum mechanics can be fit into Bayesian framework, which allows different people to make different probability assignments. In another words, we will discuss how the apparently objective probabilities predicted by quantum mechanics can be treated in the framework of Bayesian probability theory, in which all probabilities are subjective.

Introduction in quantum optimal control
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This paper describe at the formulation of quantum feedback control theory for continuously observed open quantum systems in a manner that highlights both the similarities and differences between classical and quantum control theory. This paper will involve a discussion of special topics in the field and is meant to provide an overview of current experiments in quantum control.

Item-based recommender system with statistical learning for unauthorized customers
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This article aims to reveal that using statistical learning approaches for recommender systems better build personal communication with consumers than does expert opinion regarding this question. Cosine similarity distance was used as a basis for developing machine learning recommendation model. However, this distance has a high cost of calculation, and ways of resolving this problem were considered. The matrix of the probability of purchasing one item with another was calculated in order to weight cosine similarity and avoid the situation when unpopular products are put in the top of recommendation. Weighted sum model was applied in order to join cosine similarity and probability matrices and build recommendation sequences. User-based collaborative filtering is the most popular algorithm to build personal recommendation, but it useless when it is impossible to identify a user in the system. A developed algorithm based on cosine similarity distances, probability matrix and weighted sums allows building item-to-item recommendation model. The main idea of this approach is to offer additional products to clients when only products in a basket are known. Item-to-item recommendation algorithm has shown advantages of using statistical machine learning approaches in order to improve communication with clients through mobile application and website. An integrated recommendation module has revealed that developing a data-driven culture is the right way of many modern companies.

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Представлен численный метод и параллельный алгоритм расчета оптического потенциала упругого рассеяния ядер на ядрах в рамках микроскопического подхода, определяемого моделью двойного фолдинга. В таком подходе потенциал вычисляется как сумма прямой и обменной части. Расчет прямого потенциала сводится к вычислению интегрального выражения и не представляет вычислительных трудностей. Для построения обменного потенциала необходимо численное решение нелинейного интегрального уравнения, что требует при массовых расчетах существенных затрат компьютерного времени. Разработанная параллельная вычислительная схема реализована на основе технологии MPI (Message Passing Interface). Эффективность разработанного подхода подтверждена методическими расчетами на многопроцессорных кластерах HybriLIT и ЦИВК Многофункционального информационно-вычислительного комплекса Лаборатории информационных технологий Объединенного института ядерных исследований (Дубна). В работе даны основные формулы, определяющие метод двойного фолдинга для расчета микроскопического оптического потенциала упругого рассеяния ядер на ядрах. Описан итерационный процесс численного решения соответствующего интегрального уравнения и параллельный алгоритм вычисления потенциала. Представлены численные результаты, демонстрирующие значительный выигрыш во времени при расчетах в параллельном режиме по сравнению с однопроцессорными вычислениями.

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Важным элементом численного исследования фазовой динамики системы длинных джозефсоновских переходов является расчет вольт-амперных характеристик. Такой расчет сводится к численному решению системы нелинейных дифференциальных уравнений в частных производных, которое осуществляется с использованием стандартных трехточечных конечно-разностных схем для дискретной аппроксимации по пространственной координате вдоль длины перехода и с применением для решения полученной задачи Коши метода Рунге-Кутта. Разработанный параллельный алгоритм реализован на основе технологии MPI. Методические вычисления, проведенные на многопроцессорном кластере ЦИВК в Лаборатории информационных технологий ОИЯИ, показали, что параллельная реализация обеспечивает ускорение до 7 раз по сравнению с однопроцессорным режимом Работа выполнена при поддержке РФФИ, грант 15-29-01217.