Естественные науки. Рубрика в журнале - Вестник Алматинского технологического университета

Criterion of absolute stability of control systems
Статья научная
There was set a new criterion of absolute stability , which is a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a frequency criterion of absolute stability by V.M. Popov . The first time,the analytical conditions for absolute stability of nonlinear control system of the third order are obtained .T he explicit analytical conditions for the solvability of Aizerman’s problem is obtained

Determination of ecological safety and meat microbiological indicators
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This article shows the increase of the role of preventive nutrition in ecological situation, which is aimed at strengthening the protective powers of organism as well as at the reduce of the risk of the influence of hazardous meat substances. The aim of the work is determination of ecological safety and microbiological indicators of molded meat products. Upon the results of conducted research it has been established that the use of raw materials of vegetable origin influences positively on a nutrition status, which is proved by a dynamics of indicators, characterizing ecological and microbiological status of researches in molded meat products. The results of the ecological safety researches showed the absence of toxic elements and radionuclides in a molded product, what guarantees toxic safety of the product and its further production at the enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Enzyme complex of wheat as new biosensor for glutamate determination
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Malate dehydrogenase-glutamate oxaloacetate aminotransferase (MDh-GOT) enzyme complex (the EC) was isolated and purified from wheat seeds. It was developed the effective method of purification of EC by using of ion-exchange chromatography and gel-chromatography methods. MDh-GOT consists of two heterological subunits. The essential feature of the EC is the irreversibility of its catalyzed reactions. Michaelis constants of the EC MDh-GOT to malate, glutamate and NAD were investigated. Good stability, high sensitivity and short time for analysis (1-2 minutes) of the EC to glutamate make it very convenient for determination of concentration of glutamate.

Features of the development of medical and wellness tourism in Kazakhstan
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Medical and wellness tourism as one of the growing trends in the tourist area is actively developing in the Republic of Kazakhstan.The article considers the features of the development of medical and wellness tourism, estimates the possible social and economic impact on the development of medical-wellness tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan.The analysis leads to the conclusion that the Republic of Kazakhstan is on its way to create its own full-fledged tourist industry not only to make tourism a leading industry but also to make it internationally recognized throughout the world.

Fungicidal effect of the stability and growth of crops рolycomplexes stress
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Жaңa бaктeрицидтік қaсиeттeрі бaр БAЗ-полимер қоспасы ayыл шaрyaшылық дa-қылдaрдың өнімділігі мeн құнaрлығын aрттырyда прaктикaлық мaңызды орын алады. Осы-ған байланысты жұмыстa бeлгілі бaктeриaлдық полиэлeктролит-полигeксaмeти-лeнгyaнидин гидрохлорид (ПГМГ); полиэтилeнгликоль (ПЭГ) (молeкyллaлық мaссaсы-6000), пeн aнионды додeцилсyльфaт нaтрий (ДДСNa,) бeттік aктивті зaттaрдaн жәнe олaрдың композициялaрының бидaй дaқылдaрының күйзeліс тұрaқтылығынa, өнімділігінe, зaлaлдa-нyынa әсeрі қaрaстырылды. Зeрттey нәтижeсі бойыншa күйзeліс тұрaқтылығынa әсeрін ПГМГ-ПЭГ 0,01% концeнтрaциялы eрiтiндiсiмeн өңдeлгeн нұсқa жoғaры көрсeткiш көр-сeттi, яғни полигексаметиленгуанидин гидрохлориді, полиэтиленгликоль жәнe олaрдың кoмплeкстeрі қaтысындa бидaй дәндeрі қopшaғaн opтaның әсeрінe бeйім бoлып eсeптeлінді.

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The present article studies the influence of the smoking on the content and quantity of PAH with toxic action in dry fermented and smoked meat sausages. The results obtained demonstrate that higher quantities of accumulation of benzo/a/pyrene /BAP/ and dibenzo(а,I)-pyrene are found in samples of raw- fermented and smoked sausage „Petrohan” in comparison with flat sausage ‘Smyadovska’ samples. We consider that the use of artificial casings ‘fibrous’ in the production of raw-fermented and smoked meat sausages is an effective method for significant reduction in the content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in final products in comparison to those stuffed in natural sausage casings.

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The article is devoted to the study of the low temperature properties of petroleum products and the influence of depressant additives on former. The objects of the study are the summer mark diesel fuel produced by «ПетроКоммерцОйлКазахстан» and depressant additives of «AGA», «MANNOL», «FENOM», «CYCLO C-24» brands. Such physical and chemical characteristics of petroleum products as flashpoint, pour point, cloud point, cold filter plugging point and kinematic viscosity of pure diesel fuel at the presence and absence of depressor additives of brands listed above. The best performance among studied additives is shown by «MANNOL» brand additive.

Investigation of the special mechanisms of the high classes
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In this work a new method of kinematical analysis of the transmission mechanisms of the high class has been proposed.

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In this article studying of influence of daily disinfection processing of surfaces of placements on their to sow a moldmushrooms under production conditions is shown. It is shown as within 4 weeks disinfection processing of the fixed sites of surfaces of walls and a floor of a production room was carried out by solutions of studied disinfectants of optimum concentration. As control used processing by tap water.

Monitoring the presence of residues of lasalocid in feed samples HPLC-MS/MS
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Coccidiostats are veterinary medicine licensed to prevent and treat coccidiosis and histomoniasis. Due to the unavoidable carryover of these substances during the fabrication the European Commission decided to set up maxim level of coccidiostats in non-target feeds (Regulation 574/2011), including lasalocid. In this work an easy and cheap HPLC-MS/MS method for the analysis of lasalocid in medicated and contaminated feed is presented. The method only required 5 ml of acetonitrile and the detection is achieved for concentration between 60 and 1500 μg/Kg. The method full fills the criteria of the European Decision 2002/657/EC for the detection of lasalocid.

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In the article the results of studies of decomposition process of Karatau phosphorites by phosphoric acid are presented. Mathematical processing of the results of an experiment was carried out. Kinetic characteristics of the chemical reaction are determined, which can be used to evaluate technological parameters and select optimal conditions of phosphorite decomposition. The process of decomposition of phosphorites of different structure was optimized by the method of mathematical planning of the experiment. The obtained dependencies can be used for determination of decomposition parameters under production conditions in order to achieve the maximum process indicators.

Peculiarities of organizing and holding various events in the field of tourism and hospitality
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The article investigates the issue of the relationship between the event tourism and the event industry as well as the theoretical aspects of event tourism.The main characteristics of event tourism have been investigated and the stages of preparation and conduct of various events have been analyzed. The algorithm fororganizing a successful event is found. Recommendations on the procedure and stages of creating an event are made. Implementation of those recommendations will increase efficiency in the area of tourism and hospitality.

Preparation magnesium diboride by magniathermal boron oxide based on superconducting properties
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Results of receiving a diborid of magnesium are given in work by magniathermal oxidation of boron composite compounds at different argon pressures and temperatures. The relevance of a research is proved by superconducting properties of magnesium diboride. Synthesis of magnesium diboride itself accelerates, due to wall burning and thermal explosion of exothermic mixture of the reaction products of magniathermal. It is shown that the use of SHS method at high argon pressure and temperature allows to obtain magnesium diboride of high purity.

Synthesis of heterocyclic bromacetylene alcohols and their acryl -, methacryl ethers
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The article presents a method for obtaining heterocyclic bromoacetylenic alcohols by the action of sodium hypobromide on cyclic and heterocyclic acetylene alcohols, as well as their acrylic and methacrylic esters using lithium aluminum complexes. The composition and structure of the obtained products were confirmed by the data of elemental analysis, IR and PMR spectra. As a result of the study, it was found that in the presence of lithium aluminum hydride, the product yield in all cases is higher than 80 %.

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This article presents the results of studies of synthesis of copper nanoparticles in an aqueous medium in the presence of PVP. The influence of the molar ratio of reactants, pH, temperature, the process of synthesizing nanoparticles of copper was studied. Obtained hydrosols examined spectrophotometrically in the wavelength range from 400 to 800 nm («JENWAY»). The Hydrosol on the basis of copper nanoparticles open up the possibility of using them to obtain various materials with antibacterial properties.

The activity of enzymes associated with aspartate synthesis of wheat at stress conditions
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In this work were measured MDH-GOT activities in wheat leaves and grain, in the case of wheat in varieties with differing degrees of tolerance to drought stress and rust infections, growing under normal and stress conditions. We have carried out modifications and optimisations of protein extraction methods for wheat grain and wheat leaf. In this study, a high level of aspartate synthesis of drought stressed plants and rust infected wheat leaves were shown with MDH-GOT assay. We recommend using the activity of EC as enzyme marker for selection of the tolerant genotypes to biotic and abiotic stresses.

The development of biotechnological approaches for decontamination of heavy metal pollution
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In the course of experiments developed cell selection and received promising alfalfa cell lines thatcan be recommended as source material for plantgipperakkumulator of heavy metals.

The effectiveness of the waste water purification anion
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This article studies the influence of various factors on the sorption of chromium ions in the new anion exchangers Cybber AX 400 and Cybeer ALH 220. The degree of extraction of chromium ions from an aqueous solution on anion exchangers studied is 99,2%.

The research on purification methods of oils-polluted soils
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Нефтяные загрязнения наносят большой урон экологии. Как правило, утилизация нефтешламов и замазученных грунтов не производится по причине отсутствия оборудования и эффективных технологий переработки. В статье рассматривается необходимость разработки перспективных способов очистки нефтезагрязенных почв и возможность применения замазученных грунтов с добавлением органических вяжущих материалов для укрепления грунтов в строительстве дорог, а также в качестве строительных материалов. К нефтезагрязненным почвам в качестве вяжущего материала добавляется синтетический волластонит. Он улучшает качество строительных материалов, повышает прочность при сжатии, увеличивает коэффициент морозостойкости.

Vacuum metallization of ultrafiltration polymer membranes with iron-chromium-nickel alloy
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Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) ultrafiltration (UF) membranes are prepared by the phase inversion in a wet process. PAN membranes have the typical asymmetric structure. The possibility for vacuum metallization of ultrafiltration polymer membranes with iron-chromium-nickel alloy was studied after preliminary modification with Sn 2 + in basic medium. The influence of pre-modification on polymer surface before the actual vacuum metallization is a prerequisite for successful metallization. The change of transport and selective characteristics of the vacuum metal coated membranes was studied, as well as the durability of the vacuum obtained coating during membrane performance. The metal coating was prepared by magnetron sputtering of iron - chromium - nickel alloy (H18N9T). The surface properties were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM).