Математическое моделирование. Рубрика в журнале - Вестник Южно-Уральского государственного университета. Серия: Математическое моделирование и программирование

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This work considers hypersonic aircraft open-loop control problem in a presence of terminal and phase constraints. By the discretization process this problem is transformed into a nonlinear programming problem which is solved numerically by the interval explosion search algorithm. This algorithm belongs to metaheuristic algorithms of interval global optimization. Desired control is constructed in a class of interval piecewise-constant and piecewise-linear functions. Also this work demonstrates the comparison of results obtained by the proposed method and by Galerkin projection technique. This comparison confirms the efficiency of the interval based control algorithm.

Invariant Manifolds of the Hoff Model in "Noise"
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The work is devoted to the study the stochastic analogue of the Hoff equation, which is a model of the deviation of an I-beam from the equilibrium position. The stability of the model is shown for some values of the parameters of this model. In the study, the model is considered as a stochastic semilinear Sobolev type equation. The obtained results are transferred to the Hoff equation, considered in specially constructed “noise” spaces. It is proved that, in the vicinity of the zero point, there exist finite-dimensional unstable and infinite-dimensional stable invariant manifolds of the Hoff equation with positive values of parameters characterizing the properties of the beam material and the load on the beam

Invariant description of control in a Gaussian one-armed bandit problem
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We consider the one-armed bandit problem in application to batch data processing if there are two alternative processing methods with different efficiencies and the efficiency of the second method is a priori unknown. During the processing, it is necessary to determine the most effective method and ensure its preferential use. Processing is performed in batches, so the distributions of incomes are Gaussian. We consider the case of a priori unknown mathematical expectation and the variance of income corresponding to the second action. This case describes a situation when the batches themselves and their number have moderate or small volumes. We obtain recursive equations for computing the Bayesian risk and regret, which we then present in an invariant form with a control horizon equal to one. This makes it possible to obtain the estimates of Bayesian and minimax risk that are valid for all control horizons multiples to the number of processed batches.

Inverse problem for Sobolev type mathematical models
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The work is devoted to the study of an inverse problem for the linear Sobolev type equation of higher order with an unknown coefficient depending on time. Since the equation might be degenerate the phase space method is used. It consists in construction of projectors splitting initial spaces into a direct sum of subspaces. Actions of operators also split. Therefore, the initial problem is reduced to two problems: regular and singular. The regular one is reduced to the first order nondegenerate problem which is solved via approximations. The needed smoothness of the solution is obtained. Then it is substituted into the singular problem which is solved using the methods of relatively polynomially bounded operator pencils theory. The main result of the work contains sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of the solution to the inverse problem for a complete Sobolev type model of the second order. This technique can be used to investigate inverse problems of the considered type for Boussinesq-Love mathematical model.

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We consider inverse problems of evolution type for mathematical models of quasistationary electromagnetic waves. It is assumed in the model that the wave length is small as compared with space inhomogeneities. In this case the electric and magnetic potential satisfy elliptic equations of second order in the space variables comprising integral summands of convolution type in time. After differentiation with respect to time the equation is reduced to a composite type equation with an integral summand. The boundary conditions are supplemented with the overdetermination conditions which are a collection of functionals of a solution (integrals of a solution with weight, the values of a solution at separate points, etc.). The unknowns are a solution to the equation and unknown coefficients in the integral operator. Global (in time) existence and uniqueness theorems of this problem and stability estimates are established.

Inverse problems for some Sobolev-type mathematical models
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The present article is devoted to the study of mathematical models based the Sobolev-type equations and systems arising in dynamics of a stratified fluid, elasticity theory, hydrodynamics, electrodynamics, etc. Along with a solution we determine an unknown right-hand side and coefficients in a Sobolev-type equations of the forth order. The overdetermination conditions are the values of a solution in a collection of points of a spatial domain. The problem is reduced to an operator equation whose solvability is established with the help of a priori estimates and the fixed point theorem. The existence and uniqueness theorems of solutions for the linear and nonlinear cases are proven. In the linear case the result is global in time and it is local in the nonlinear case. The main spaces in question are the Sobolev spaces.

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The study of the phase space morphology of the mathematical model deformation of an I-beam, which lies on smooth Banach manifolds with singularities (k-Whitney assembly) depending on the parameters of the problem, is devoted to the paper. The mathematical model is studied in the case when the operator at time derivative is degenerate. The study of the question of non-uniqueness of the solution of the Showalter-Sidorov problem for the Hoff model in the two-dimensional domain is carried out on the basis of the phase space method, which was developed by G.A. Sviridyuk. The conditions of non-uniqueness of the solution in the case when the dimension of the operator kernel at time derivative is equal to 1 or 2 are found. Two approaches for revealing the number of solutions of the Showalter-Sidorov problem in the case when the dimension of the operator kernel at time derivative is equal to 2 are presented. Examples illustrating the non-uniqueness of the solution of the problem on a rectangle are given.

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Analysis of complex hydraulic networks, electric circuits, electronic schemes, chemical processes etc. often results in a system of interconnected differential and algebraic equations. If the process under study has after-effect, then the system includes integral equations. This paper addresses simulation of hydraulic networks by means of the theory for singular systems of integral differential equations. We present theoretical tools that help investigate qualitative properties of such systems and search for effective methods of solution. A mathematical model for the straight through boiler circuit has been developed and a numerical method for its solution has been constructed. Experimental results showed that the theory for singular systems of integral differential equations performs well when applied to simulation of the hydraulic networks.

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Constant structure closed semantic systems are the systems each element of which receives its definition through the correspondent unchangeable set of other elements (neighbors) of the system. The definitions of the elements change iteratively and simultaneously based on the neighbor portraits from the previous iteration. In this paper, I study the behavior of such model systems, starting from the zero state, where all the system's elements are equal. The development of constant-structure discrete time closed semantic systems may be modelled as a discrete time coloring process on a connected graph. Basically, I consider the iterative redefinition process on the vertices only, assuming that the edges are plain connectors, which do not have their own colors and do not participate in the definition of the incident vertices. However, the iterative coloring process for both vertices and edges may be converted to the vertices-only coloring case by the addition of virtual vertices corresponding to the edges assuming the colors for the vertices and for the edges are taken from the same palette and assigned in accordance with the same laws. I prove that the iterative coloring (redefinition) process in the described model will quickly degenerate into a series of pairwise isomorphic states and discuss some directions of further research.

Kolmogorov-Arnold neural networks technique for the state of charge estimation for Li-ion batteries
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Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN) is an advanced type of neural network developed based on the Kolmogorov-Arnold representation theorem, offering a new approach in the field of machine learning. Unlike traditional neural networks that use linear weights, KAN applies univariate functions parameterized by splines, allowing it to flexibly capture and learn complex activation patterns more effectively. This flexibility not only enhances the model's predictive capability but also helps it handle complex issues more effectively. In this study, we propose KAN as a potential method to accurately estimate the state of charge (SoC) in energy storage devices. Experimental results show that KAN has a lower maximum error compared to traditional neural networks such as LSTM and FNN, demonstrating that KAN can predict more accurately in complex situations. Maintaining a low maximum error not only reflects KAN's stability but also shows its potential in applying deep learning technology to estimate SoC more accurately, thereby providing a more robust approach for energy management in energy storage systems.

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Modelling of various natural and technical processes often results in systems that comprise ordinary differential equations and algebraic equations This paper studies systems of quasi-linear integral-differential equations with a singular matrix multiplying the higher derivative of the desired vector-function. Such systems can be treated as differential algebraic equations perturbed by the Volterra operators. We obtained solvability conditions for such systems and their initial problems and consider possible ways of linearization for them on the basis of the Newton method. Applications that arise in the area of thermal engineering are discussed and as an example we consider a hydraulic circuit presented as a system comprising an interconnected set of discrete components that transport liquid. Numerical experiments that employed the implicit Euler scheme showed that the mathematical model of the straight-through boiler with a turbine and a regeneration system has a solution and this solution tends to the stationary mode preset by regulators.

Lord Kelvin and Andrey Andreyevich Markov in a queue with single server
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We use Lord Kelvin's method of images to show that a certain infinite system of equations with interesting boundary conditions leads to a Markovian dynamics in an L1-type space. This system originates from the queuing theory.

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The electronic structure and magnetic properties of FeRhSbZ ( = 0, 0,25, 0,5, 0,75, 1) alloys with = P, As, Sn, Si, Ge, Ga, In, Al are studied by first-principles methods. For all compounds, three cubic phases with different atomic arrangement (, , and ) are considered. It is shown that the -phase is energetically favorable for FeRhSbP( = 0,75, 1), FeRhAs and FeRhSi alloys. For the remaining 29 alloys, the phase is more energetically stable. The values of equilibrium lattice parameters and magnetic moments of stoichiometric ternary alloys are in good agreement with the literature values collected from other theoretical studies. The half-metallic ferromagnetic behavior is predicted for FeRhSbSn, FeRhGe, FeRhSn, and FeRhSbAl. It has been found that the replacement of the element with another element allows for the creation of new four-component alloys that exhibit 100 % spin polarization.

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The mathematical model of liquid hydrogen sulfide injection into the semi-infinite porous layer saturated with the oil and water accompanied by H2S gas hydrate formation is presented here. We considered the case when the hydrate formation occurs at the frontal border and the oil displacement's front by hydrogen sulfide is ahead of this boundary. Solutions for pressure and temperature in every layer's area are built by help of the self-similar variable formation method. The values of the parameters of the moving interphase boundaries are found as the result of the iteration procedure. The coordinate dependence of phase boundaries on the injection pressure was studied on the basis of the obtained solutions. We have established that for the existence of solution with two different interphase boundaries, the injection pressure must be above a certain limiting value. The dependence of the limiting value of pressure on the initial temperature of the layer at different temperatures of the injected hydrogen sulphide is constructed. The results of the calculations showed that the constructed mathematical model with three areas in the reservoir gives an adequate description of the process at high injection pressures, the temperature of the injected hydrogen sulfide and the initial temperature of the layer.

Mathematical model of the downward two-phase flow of a heat-transfer agent in an injection well
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At the present time, the main method of developing highly viscous and bituminous oil reservoirs is the injection of hot water or steam into such reservoirs. When injecting heat-transfer agent into a porous reservoir, its characteristics at the wellhead are known. It is important to know the parameters of a heat-transfer agent (pressure, temperature, mass content of steam in a two-phase mixture "water-steam", etc.) directly at the reservoir entrance. In order to calculate various parameters of a heat-transfer agent along the injection well depth (including the bottomhole), we propose a mathematical model of the downward flow of a hot "water-steam" mixture in a vertical channel. The model takes into account phase transitions occurring in a two-phase "water-steam" mixture, and external heat exchange of the well product with surrounding rocks (including permafrost). Based on the proposed mathematical model, we develop an algorithm to solve a quasistationary problem. In this case, we use the Runge-Kutta method in order to solve the system of differential equations describing the stationary flow of a heat-transfer agent in a well. Also, in order to solve the non-stationary problem of temperature distribution in the rocks that surround the well (including permafrost), we use the author enthalpy method with implicit scheme. For each time moment, the developed software allows to find the distributions along the well depth of various parameters of the downward two-phase flow, taking into account external heat exchange, as well as the temperature distribution in the rocks that surround the well and the permafrost thawing radius.

Mathematical modelling of a transport system with minimal maintenance costs
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We suggest a mathematical model of a transport system. The model describes the delivery of products from several suppliers to different points of consumption. It is assumed that consumer demands are random. The model is a two-stage stochastic programming problem. At the first stage suppliers make the commodity stocks. At the second stage we consider the product distribution to the points of consumption while minimizing compensation expenses for the goods shortage caused by the random demand. The model takes into account a random loss that occurs during the transportation of goods and the detection of defective products. The total cost of the transport system operation is minimized. The algorithm for solving the problem is proposed. This algorithm is based on reduction of the original problem to an equivalent mixed-integer linear programming problem after discretization. An example is considered.

Mathematical modelling of moisture distribution in porous media
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We propose the mathematical model for distribution of moisture in porous material during the industrial wetting process for a number of assumptions. The model is presented in form of a boundary problem for ordinary differential equation. In current article we discuss possible methods of the solution of this problem, highlight some problems, which can occur during the solution. At the end of the paper, we present some numerical results of modelling wetting process for different materials and calculation of the parameters. The model under discussion allows to understand better the influence of parameters of the problem in order to optimize the wetting process in industry.

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Development of periodic disturbances on free surface of water film falling down vertical plane for Reynolds' number Reє[5;10] is investigated. The investigation is implemented in a scope of the nonlinear differential equation for evolution of free surface of falling down liquid film. The equation is solved by a finite differencies method at rectangular uniformly spaced grid. By researching the growth of unit inaccuracy, the conditions on parameters of computation grid for inaccuracies to be not increasing are obtained. As a result, waveforms of water film, time spent to form the regular wave mode and amplitudes of periodic disturbances are calculated. Calculated amplitudes and experimental ones are compared.

Mathematical terrain modelling with the help of modified Gaussian functions
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Based on a fundamentally new approach, we present a complete mathematical model for estimating the mass of water in the flooded coastal relief, taking into account the water in the basin of the reservoir in a given region. Taking into account stochastic studies, we construct an approximate model of the relief of the reservoir basin bottom, as well as the relief of a possible section of the flooding of this basin coastline. The modelling is based on the empirical data of measurements of the reservoir depths, as well as on the study on the architecture of the lines of the coastal maps of the possible flooding zone. Based on the measurements of the depths and bumps of the bottom surface, we verify the hypothesis that the use of the two-dimensional Gauss distribution is adequate. Numerous confirmation of this hypothesis on the basis of empirical measurements allows to use localized elliptic Gauss surfaces as a model function in order to construct an approximate model of hillocks and valleys. At the same time, the coordinates of local extremes of the depths, as well as the values of these extremes are constant. In order to simulate the surfaces of the underwater slopes, we construct planes according to depth measurements. This simulation is not a real copy, but is stochastic in nature and allows to take into account the main goal of the model, i.e. a full adequate estimation of the water mass of the flooded coastal relief included the water in the basin of the reservoir in the region. The equation of the model of the entire flooded region includes all local functions constructed for the mounds and troughs of the reservoir, as well as the functions of the planes of the slope models. For an approximate construction of the surface equations of the coastal zone, we use maps with detailed level lines as empirical data.

Model of conveyer with the regulable speed
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This article is devoted to mathematical modelling of the production flow lines of the conveyor-type. Here is an analytical method for calculating the parameters of a production line with a regulated speed of the movement of the subjects of the labour along the conveyor developed. The description of the parameters of the state of the production line is made in the one-moment approximation using partial differential equations. There has been derived a solution that determines the state of the parameters of the production line for a given technological position as a function of the time. The transitional period during which the initial condition of the distributing of the subjects of the labour along a conveyor has the influence on the state parameters of a production line is certain. The developed method of the calculation of the flow parameters of the production line allows designing control systems of the production line of the conveyor-type with a regulated rate of the movement of the subjects of the labour.