Математическое моделирование. Рубрика в журнале - Вестник Южно-Уральского государственного университета. Серия: Математическое моделирование и программирование

Публикации в рубрике (303): Математическое моделирование
все рубрики
New results on complete elliptic equations with Robin boundary coefficient-operator conditions in non commutative case

New results on complete elliptic equations with Robin boundary coefficient-operator conditions in non commutative case

Cheggag M., Favini A., Labbas R., Maingot S., Ould Melha Kh.

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In this paper, we prove some new results on operational second order differential equations of elliptic type with general Robin boundary conditions in a non-commutative framework. The study is performed when the second member belongs to a Sobolev space. Existence, uniqueness and optimal regularity of the classical solution are proved using interpolation theory and results on the class of operators with bounded imaginary powers. We also give an example to which our theory applies. This paper improves naturally the ones studied in the commutative case by M. Cheggag, A. Favini, R. Labbas, S. Maingot and A. Medeghri: in fact, introducing some operational commutator, we generalize the representation formula of the solution given in the commutative case and prove that this representation has the desired regularity.


Normal forms of the degenerate autonomous differential equations with the maximal Jordan chain and simple applications

Normal forms of the degenerate autonomous differential equations with the maximal Jordan chain and simple applications

Kim-tyan L.R., Loginov B.V., Rousak Yu.B.

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Degenerate differential equations, as part of the differential-algebraic equations, the last few decades cause increasing interest among researchers, both because of the attractiveness of the considered theoretical questions, and by virtue of their applications. Currently, advanced methods developed in this area are used for system modelling and analysis of electrical and electronic circuits, chemical reaction simulations, optimization theory and automatic control, and many other areas. In this paper, the theory of normal forms of differential equations, originated in the works of Poincare and recently developed in the works of Arnold and his school, adapted to the simplest case of a degenerate differential equations. For this purpose we are using technique of Jordan chains, which was widely used in various problems of bifurcation theory. We study the normal forms of degenerate differential equations in the case of the existence of the maximal Jordan chain. Two and three dimensional spaces are studied in detail. Normal forms are the simplest representatives of the degenerate differential equations, which are equivalent to more complex ones. Therefore, normal forms should be considered as a model type of degenerate differential equations.


Numerical analysis of fractional order integral dynamical models with piecewise continuous kernels

Numerical analysis of fractional order integral dynamical models with piecewise continuous kernels

Tynda A., Sidorov D., Muftahov I.

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Volterra integral equations find their application in many areas, including mathematical physics, control theory, mechanics, electrical engineering, and in various industries. In particular, dynamic Volterra models with discontinuous kernels are effectively used in power engineering to determine the operating modes of energy storage devices, as well as to solve the problem of load balancing. This article proposes the numerical scheme for solution of the fractional order linear Volterra integral equations of the first kind with piecewise continuous kernels. The developed approach is based on a polynomial collocation method and effectively approximate such a weakly singular integrals. The efficiency of proposed numerical scheme is illustrated by two examples.


Numerical study of the SUSUPLUME air pollution model

Numerical study of the SUSUPLUME air pollution model

Elsakov S.M., Drozin D.A., Herreinstein A.V., Krupnova T.G., Nitskaya S.G., Olenchikova T.Yu., Zamyshlyaeva A.A.

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In this paper, we propose a SUSUPLUME air pollution as a modern application of the classical Gaussian plume model. The presented model takes into account meteorological conditions and parameters of the pollution sources. The classical model is supplemented by the equations of motion of the center of mass of a single emission. A numerical study has shown that in stationary weather conditions the presented model qualitatively coincides with other known models. The results of calculating the concentrations of pollutants do not contradict the obtained values based on the official methodology for calculating the maximum concentrations of pollutants approved for usege in the territory of the Russian Federation. The SUSUPLUME model contains a number of identifiable parameters and it can be adapted to real conditions. The computational model consists of two blocks: a block for recording measurement information and a block for calculating the concentrations of pollutants. The measurement information registration unit has a low labor intensity (over a million registrations per second). The pollutant concentrations calculation block is laborious (400 points of calculations per second). Concentrations are calculated independently, it allows to use parallelization of the computational process in the future.


Observability of square membranes by Fourier series methods

Observability of square membranes by Fourier series methods

Komornik Vilmos, Loreti Paola

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Fourier series methods have been successfully applied in control theory for a long time. Some theorems, however, resisted this approach. Some years ago, Mehrenberger succeeded in establishing the boundary observability of vibrating rectangular membranes (and of analogous higher dimensional problems) by developing an ingenious generalization of Ingham's classical theorem on nonharmonic Fourier series. His method turn out to be useful for other applications as well. We improve Mehrenberger's approach by a shorter proof, and we improve and generalize some earlier applications.


On a limit pass from two-point to one-point interaction in a one dimensional quantum mechanical problem giving rise to a spontaneous symmetry breaking

On a limit pass from two-point to one-point interaction in a one dimensional quantum mechanical problem giving rise to a spontaneous symmetry breaking

Restuccia A., Sotomayor A., Strauss V.A.

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We analyze, by means of singular potentials defined in terms of Dirac functions and their derivatives, a one dimensional symmetry breaking in quantum mechanics. From a mathematical point of view we use a technique of selfadjoint extensions applied to a symmetric differential operator with a domain containing smooth functions which vanish at two inner points of the real line. As is well known, the latter leads to a two-point boundary problem. We compute the resolvent of the corresponding extension and investigate its behavior in the case in which the inner points change their positions. The domain of these extensions can contain some functions with non differentiability or discontinuity at the points mentioned before. This fact can be interpreted as a presence of singular potentials like shifted Dirac delta functions and/or their first derivative centered at the same points. Then, we study the existence of broken-symmetry bound states. For some given entanglement boundary conditions we can show the existence of a ground state, which leads to a spontaneous symmetry breaking. We also prove that within a frame of Pontryagin spaces this type of symmetry breaking is saved if the distance between the mentioned above interior points tends to zero and then we can reformulate this result in terms of a larger Hilbert space.


On a model of spontaneous symmetry breaking in quantum mechanics

On a model of spontaneous symmetry breaking in quantum mechanics

Restuccia A., Sotomayor A., Strauss V.A.

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Our goal is to find a model for the phenomenon of spontaneous symmetry breaking arising in one dimensional quantum mechanical problems. For this purpose we consider boundary value problems related with two interior points of the real line, symmetric with respect to the origin. This approach can be treated as a presence of singular potentials containing shifted Dirac delta functions and their derivatives. From mathematical point of view we use a technique of selfadjoint extensions applied to a symmetric differential operator which has a domain containing smooth functions vanishing in two mentioned above points. We calculate the resolvent of corresponding extension and investigate its behavior if the interior points change their positions. The domain of these extensions can contain some functions that have non differentiability or discontinuity at the points mentioned above, the latter can be interpreted as an appearance of singular potentials centered at the same points. Next, broken-symmetry bound states are discovered. More precisely, for a particular entanglement of boundary conditions, there is a ground state, generating a spontaneous symmetry breaking, stable under the phenomenon of decoherence provoked from external fluctuations. We discuss the model in the context of the "chiral" broken-symmetry states of molecules like NH3. We show that within a Hilbert space approach a spontaneous symmetry breaking disappears if the distance between the mentioned above interior points tends to zero.


On a nonlinear problem of the breaking water waves

On a nonlinear problem of the breaking water waves

Kirane M., Torebek B.T.

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The paper is devoted to the initial boundary value problem for the Korteweg-de Vries-Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equation in a finite domain. This particular problem arises from the phenomenon of long wave with small amplitude in fluid. For certain initial-boundary problems for the Korteweg-de Vries-Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equation, we obtain the conditions of blowing-up of global and travelling wave solutions in finite time. The proof of the results is based on the nonlinear capacity method. In closing, we provide the exact and numerical examples.


On application of the structure of the nonlinear equations system, describing hydraulic circuits of power plants, in computations

On application of the structure of the nonlinear equations system, describing hydraulic circuits of power plants, in computations

Levin A.A., Chistyakov V.F., Tairov E.A.

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This paper presents the results of applying the methods of the hydraulic circuit theory in the interactive modeling of hydrogasdynamic and thermal processes that occur in the equipment of thermal power plants. The problem statement of flow distribution in the energy plants with different pressure drop laws in the branches of complex gas air and steam-water ducts is formulated. The research shows that the application of traditional methods of hydraulic circuit theory is challenging for such problems. Some aspects of solvability of the related systems of nonlinear equations are studied. The numerical methods for solving these systems as applied to the problems that require calculations in real time are considered. A computation scheme is proposed. The scheme makes it possible to reduce the initial statement of the problem to the classical scheme of the nodal pressure method. The method of decomposition of the hydraulic circuit configuration into interconnected circuits of smaller dimension is considered to reduce the computational effort. The results of tests that demonstrate high reliability of the method developed for the flow distribution calculation are presented.


On factorization of a differential operator arising in fluid dynamics

On factorization of a differential operator arising in fluid dynamics

Chugunova M., Strauss V.

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Spectral properties of linear operators are very important in stability analysis of dynamical systems. The paper studies the non-selfadjoint second order differential operator that originated from a steady state stability problem in dynamic of viscous Newtonian fluid on the inner surface of horizontally rotating cylinder in the presence of gravitational field. The linearization of the thin liquid film flow in the lubrication limit about the uniform coating steady state results into the operator which domain couples two subspaces spanned by positive and negative Fourier exponents which are not invariant subspaces of the operator. We prove that the operator admits factorization and use this new representation of the operator to prove compactness of its resolvent and to find its domain.


On fixed point theory and its applications to equilibrium models

On fixed point theory and its applications to equilibrium models

Serkov D.A.

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For a given set and a given (generally speaking, multivalued) mapping of this set into itself, we study the problem on the existence of fixed points of this mapping, i.e., of points contained in their images. We assume that the given set is nonempty and the given mapping is defined on the entire set. In these conditions, we give the description (redefinition) of the set of fixed points in the set-theoretic terms. This general idea is concretized for cases where the set is endowed with a topological structure and the mapping has additional properties associated with this structure. In particular, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of fixed points of mappings with closed graph in Hausdorff topological spaces as well as in metric spaces. An example illustrating the possibilities and advantages of the proposed approach is given. The immediate applications of these results to the search of equilibrium states in game problems are also given: we describe the sets of saddle points in the minimax problem (an analogue of the Fan theorem) and of Nash equilibrium points in the game with many participants in cases where the sets of strategies of players are Hausdorff spaces or metrizable topological spaces.


On global in time solutions for differential-algebraic equations

On global in time solutions for differential-algebraic equations

Gliklikh Yu.E.

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We investigate differential-algebraic equations arising in mathematical models that describe some radio-technical devises. A class of differential-algebraic equations is described, for which necessary and sufficient conditions for global in time existence of solutions are proved. As well as in many papers where sufficient conditions for such equations are obtained, we reduce them to ordinary differential equations and then apply the necessary and sufficient conditions for the latter. We deal with the systems whose matrix pencil is regular and (for simplicity) the characteristic polynomial satisfies the rank-degree condition. We also require some additional conditions that allow us to reduce the differential-algebraic system to ordinary differential one.


On one mathematical model described by boundary value problem for the biharmonic equation

On one mathematical model described by boundary value problem for the biharmonic equation

Karachik V.V., Torebek B.T.

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In this paper mathematical model described by a generalized third boundary value problem for the homogeneous biharmonic equation in the unit ball with boundary operators up to the third order containing normal derivatives and Laplacian is investigated. Particular cases of the considered mathematical model are the classical models described by Dirichlet, Riquier, and Robin problems, and the Steklov spectral problem, as well as many other mathematical models generated by these boundary conditions. Two existence theorems for the solution of the problem are proved. Existence conditions are obtained in the form of orthogonality on the boundary of some linear combination of boundary functions to homogeneous harmonic polynomials of a particular order. The obtained results are illustrated by some special cases of the general problem.


On one mathematical model of the extraction process of polydisperse porous material

On one mathematical model of the extraction process of polydisperse porous material

Erzhanov N.E., Orazov I.

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We consider a mathematical model which represents the extraction process of a target component from the polydispersed porous material. The suggested model is demonstrated by the example of a flat solid material with bidispersed pores of different size in the form of a system of channels of macropores with micropores facing their walls. The macropores and the micropores in the material have homogeneous size. We model a case when micropores of the solid material (dispersed medium) are initially filled with an oil (dispersion phase), which is our target component. The macropores are filled in with a pure solvent. In the process of extraction the oil diffuses from the micropore to the macropore, and then from the micropores to the external solvent volume, wherein the ratio of concentrations in the macropore and the micropore is taken in accordance with the linear law of adsorption. The well-posedness of the formulated mathematical model has been justified.


On perturbation method for the first kind equations: regularization and application

On perturbation method for the first kind equations: regularization and application

Muftahov I.R., Sidorov D.N., Sidorov N.A.

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One of the most common problems of scientific applications is computation of the derivative of a function specified by possibly noisy or imprecise experimental data. Application of conventional techniques for numerically calculating derivatives will amplify the noise making the result useless. We address this typical ill-posed problem by application of perturbation method to linear first kind equations Ax=f with bounded operator A. We assume that we know the operator A and source function f only such as ||A-A||


On some inverse coefficient problems with the pointwise overdetermination for mathematical models of filtration

On some inverse coefficient problems with the pointwise overdetermination for mathematical models of filtration

Shergin S.N., Safonov E.I., Pyatkov S.G.

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We examine inverse problems of recovering coefficients in a linear pseudoparabolic equation arising in the filtration theory. Boundary conditions of the Neumann type are supplemented with the overtermination conditions which are the values of the solution at some interior points of a domain. We expose existence and uniqueness theorems in the Sobolev spaces. The solution is regular, i.e., it possesses all generalized derivatives occurring in the equation containing in some Lebesgue space. The method of the proof is constructive. The problem is reduced to a nonlinear operator equation with a contraction operator whenever the time interval is sufficiently small. Involving the method of the proof, we construct a numerical algorithm, the corresponding software bundle, and describe the results of numerical experiments in the two-dimensional case in the space variables. The unknowns are a solution to the equation and the piezo-conductivity coefficient of a fissured rock. The main method of numerical solving the problem is the finite element method together with a difference scheme for solving of the corresponding system of ordinary differential equations. Finally, the problem is reduced to a system of nonlinear algebraic equations which solution is found by the iteration procedure. The results show a good convergence of the algorithms.


On some mathematical models of filtration theory

On some mathematical models of filtration theory

Pyatkov S.G., Shergin S.N.

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The article is devoted to the study of some mathematical models arising in filtration theory. We examine an inverse problem of determining an unknown right-hand side and coefficients in a pseudoparabolic equation of the third order. Equations of this type and more general Sobolev-type equations arise in filtration theory, heat and mass transfer, plasma physics, and in many other fields. We reduce the problem to an operator equation whose solvability is established with the help of a priori estimates and the fixed point theorem. Together with the natural smoothness conditions for the data, we require also some well-posedness condition to be fulfilled which is actually reduced to the condition of nondegeneracy of some matrix constructed with the use of the data of the problem. Theorems on existence and uniqueness of solutions to this problem are stated and proven. Stability estimates are exposed. In the linear case the result is global in time, while in the nonlinear case it is local. The main function spaces used are the Sobolev spaces.


On some methods to solve integrodifferential inverse problems of parabolic type

On some methods to solve integrodifferential inverse problems of parabolic type

Colombo F.

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In this paper we give an overview on some methods that are useful to solve a class of integrodifferential inverse problems. Precisely, we present some methods to solve integrodifferential inverse problems of parabolic type that are based on the theory of analytic semigroups, optimal regularity results and fixed point arguments. A large class of physical models can be treated with this procedure, for example phase-field models, combustion models and the strongly damped wave equation with memory to mention some of them.


On the mean-value property for polyharmonic functions

On the mean-value property for polyharmonic functions

Karachik V.V.

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The mean-value property for normal derivatives of polyharmonic function on the unit sphere is obtained. The value of integral over the unit sphere of normal derivative of mth order of polyharmonic function is expressed through the values of the Laplacian's powers of this function at the origin. In particular, it is established that the integral over the unit sphere of normal derivative of degree not less then 2k-1 of k-harmonic function is equal to zero. The values of polyharmonic function and its Laplacian's powers at the center of the unit ball are found. These values are expressed through the integral over the unit sphere of a linear combination of the normal derivatives up to k-1 degree for the k-harmonic function. Some illustrative examples are given.


On the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator with a singular perturbation

On the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator with a singular perturbation

Strauss V.A., Winklmeier M.A.

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In this paper we investigate the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator with a left-right boundary condition at zero. This object can be considered as the classical selfadjoint harmonic oscillator with a singular perturbation concentrated at one point. The perturbation involves the delta-function and/or its derivative. We describe all possible selfadjoint realizations of this scheme in terms of the above mentioned boundary conditions. We show that for certain conditions on the perturbation (or, equivalently, on the boundary conditions) exactly one non-positive eigenvalue can arise and we derive an analytic expression for the corresponding eigenfunction. These eigenvalues run through the whole negative semi-line as the perturbation becomes stronger. For certain cases an explicit relation between suitable boundary conditions, the non-positive eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenfunction is given.

