Статьи журнала - Евразийский гуманитарный журнал
Все статьи: 486

"Китайский текст" в советской литературе 1920-1930 гг
В статье речь идет о «китайском тексте» в произведениях русских писателей. Русские читатели могли видеть реалии жизни простого китайского народа, их борьбу за своё существование, проблемы экономической и социальной гармонии, стремление народа к материальной и духовной культуре, что естественным образом перекликалось со стремлениями русского народа. Тема Китая и образы китайцев появляются во многих произведениях русской литературы 1920-х г., тем самым создавая обоюдное понимание культурологических особенностей двух народов. Художественные произведения русских писателей 1920-1930 гг. имеют также и историческую значимость, представляя собой некий культурный мост, постепенно выстраивавшийся в процессе взаимодействия и взаимообогащения культурными ценностями между двумя великими странами - Россией и Китаем, их народами.

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В настоящей статье исследуется значение лексем «муж» и «жена» и их семантическое отноше- ние с цель в яви ь специ ику о но ений е ду у е и еной в корейских паре иях. редлага етс я классификация в паремиях.

"Оптимизм" как когнитивный вектор в системе ценностно-смыслового моделирования семантики паремий
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В настоящей статье рассматривается проблема ценностно-смыслового моделирования паремической семантики с учётом доминирующего смыслового вектора «Оптимизм». Обоснование принципа определения доминирующей ценности как приёма тематической группировки паремий происходит в русле когнитивно-дискурсивного подхода.

"Отмена" эксплицитности нарратора в "Шерли" Ш. Бронте
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В статье с точки зрения приёмов повествования и особенностей нарратора рассматривается роман Ш. Бронте «Шерли». Этот роман является одним из наименее изученных в творчестве Ш. Бронте, в особенности с точки зрения категории повествования и, в частности, повествователя / рассказчика (нарратора). Соответственно, объектом исследования в данной статье является повествовательный уровень романа, предметом - нарратор (в русскоязычной терминологии - повествователь либо рассказчик). Несмотря на то, что в начале и самом конце романа появляется повествователь от первого лица, он не играет в романе большой роли, «пропадая» из поля зрения читателя в основной части произведения, то есть, переставая быть эксплицитным и оставаясь лишь имплицитно выраженным. Это может быть связано с жанровой спецификой романа: «Шерли» является романом историческим, что в целом нехарактерно для творчества Бронте, а для повествования в историческом романе, в свою очередь, частотно использование имплицитного нарратора и отсутствие эксплицитного.

"Проклятие" языка в романе М. Пуига “Maldicion eterna a quien lea estas paginas”
Статья научная
В настоящей статье рассматривается шестой роман аргентинского писателя- постмодерниста Мануэля Пуига (Manuel Puig, 1932-1990) «Вечное проклятие на того, кто прочтёт эти страницы» (Maldición Eterna a Quien Lea Estas Páginas, 1980). Писатель ранее уже обращался к размышлению над языковыми особенностями разных вариантов испанского языка, но в рассматриваемом романе его внимание сосредоточено на языке как социальном феномене. Произведение изначально написано на английском языке под впечатлением от знакомства с молодым ньюйоркцем, а после переведено самим писателем на испанский язык. Роман, основанный на личных переживаниях писателя, представляет собой попытку приблизиться к пониманию Другого и через него познать Я. Представляется, что одним из основных препятствий на пути взаимопонимания является язык как средства общения, поскольку он искажает реальность, мысли и чувства, порождает ложь. Кроме того, в романе демонстрируется «сила слова», иначе говоря, способность языка и слов оказывать значительное влияние на жизнь человека, менять судьбы. Центральное место языка в произведении стало предметом нашего интереса. В статье анализируется роль языка, в том числе многоязычия (в художественной системе романа и сюжете значимое место занимает французский язык), и речи, как социальных явлений, в сюжетно-образной системе романа. Сделан вывод о том, что автор не только стремится воссоздать живую речь людей, являющихся прототипами романных героев, но и уделяет большое внимание размышлению о роли языка в жизни человека. Осмысление героями языка занимает центральное место в сюжетно- образной системе романа, раскрывает характеры персонажей и авторский замысел.

"Разрывы смысла" как способ актуализации догадки в рекламном дискурсе
Статья научная
Статья посвящена актуализации догадки в рекламном дискурсе посредством «разрыва смысла» и роли категории образности в ее формировании. Рассматривается смыслообраз-ная система рекламного дискурса в свете изучаемого явления и иллюстрируется прагматический характер реализации догадки в рекламном тексте.

A. S. Byatt's The next room: domestic spaces, labour and its many ghosts
The article centers upon the poetics of the short story «The Next Room» written by Antonia Susan Byatt, a key figure in contemporary British Fiction. The title of the story immediately sends the readers to the space of the house, specifically to "the next room", where the voices of the protagonist's dead parents talk, and states the main theme of the story and several persisting motifs and images of the short story. The authors of the article investigate thoroughly the critical works of foreign and Russian literary theorists concerning the short story and the collection of stories «Sugar and Other Stories» (1987), into which «The Next Room» is included. The article investigates the motifs of the story that are mostly evident in it: motifs of life, labour, woman's identity, death, memories, family and different roots, of teeth, of family, of cacti. A lot of philosophical and literary works concerning the genre of the ghost story (to which this story belongs to) were analyzed to reveal the peculiarities of the genre in the fiction of the writer. The authors investigate domestic spaces and their limitations, image of the house of a family which is haunted by the ghosts of the dead, and identity of a woman in the domestic space and out of it. Critical and philosophical works on various adjacent topics helped the authors of the article to deepen the understanding of the story as well as to widen the "horizons " of its perception

An ESP project: the film "Twelve angry men" in teaching law students
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The purpose of the paper is to describe an ESP project that was developed as a part of the course for law students which has been applied at Perm State University Faculty of Law since 2014. The paper analyzes the pedagogical, didactic and cross-cultural potential of the full length American feature film "Twelve Angry Men" which educates students about the system of trial jury in the United States. An important stage of the project was focused on creative writing where the students took a role of one of the jurors and wrote a story in the first person singular. Student feedback on this kind of writing project was found positive. The students' comments demonstrate that the learners paid attention to such aspects as future profession, personal impressions and critical thinking.

Статья научная
В статье проводится сравнительный анализ методики Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) и других подходов к междисциплинарной интеграции иностранного языка и учебного предмета: EMI, ESP, CBI, языкового погружения. Проведённое исследование позволило выявить их сходства и отличия, определить возможности практического использования.

Cross cultural ESP project: using a documentary film in teaching social work students
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The purpose of the paper is to describe a cross-cultural ESP project that was developed as a part of the course English for Social Work Students, and has been applied at Perm State University Faculty of Law since 2014. The paper analyzes the pedagogical, didactic and cross-cultural potential of the full length American documentary "A Friend Indeed- the Bill Sackter Story" which educates Russian students about the programs for people with disabilities in the United States.

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The paper examines verbal representation of the female identity in Turkish and English proverbs and sayings. Proverbs and sayings are means of verbalizing traditional cultural values mirrored in language. Methodology of analysis includes identification and comparative study of female-related language units.

Intellectual game as a factor in the development of cognitive abilities in the learning process
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The article deals with the peculiarity of the formation of the interrelation between mental and verbal operations in the learning process when using gaming technologies. Despite the fact that it is directly problematic to observe thinking activity, indirectly - in the process of verbalization we observe a number of aspects of the formation of thought-word connections. Intermediate results in the form of notes and conclusions are presented, as a result of approbation of the game “ARGUMENTARIUM”, which is a card game in several circles, in order to identify problems argumentative skills. The attention of teachers in this study was attracted by the aspect of the game that at a certain stage there is either formation or development of cognitive abilities. It turned out that in this play process, each certain stage of the game (setting, inclusion, deep immersion, reflection, prolonged action) is associated with the manifestation of a number of cognitive abilities. The considered game form as a technique is good, according to the majority of participants, for “brain training”. Through the identification of the problems of argumentation, there is also an awareness of the orientation of cognitive development. The ability not only to raise questions qualitatively and correctly and to look into the depths of things is formed, but also the ethical and aesthetic aspect is marked. Participants appreciate that positive excitement from the opportunity to think freely, to join “living thinking”, to see the beauty of correct speech. Teachers practicing this form note the connection with other methods forming “Soft skills” and see the basis for interdisciplinary cooperation through the formation of translinguistic competences. The results of the application of this game form certainly deserve further research, especially in the era of development of games.

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In the article the ways of updating sports discourse in the sports online press on the material of the German sports magazine "Kicker" and the Russian sports newspaper "Sport-Express" are considered. The organization of the information flow is analyzed on verbal (lexical grammatical and stylistic) andparaverbal (visual and graphical) level.

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The article deals with the lexical and grammar analysis of the modern discursive fictional texts. The discursive fictional narratives by S. Nosov are open to a variety of spheres (discourses), which are to be included into the narration in order to get the author’s intention. It is stated that the modern fictional text analysis is a subject to the multidisciplinary study and in many ways shows its importance for different educational and cultural purposes.

Lexical consequences of the foreign invasions in the history of English
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The paper researches the linguistic consequences on the English word stock after the intruders from overseas conquered the British Isles. Assuming the various nature of the language reflection the study explores the results of the cultural divergences.

Mediation vs manipulation in terms of cognitive linguistics
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Cognitive mediation and manipulation are among the most discussed in the field of knowledge transfer. However, the difference between these two terms is not obvious, which leads to an inappropriate substitution of the concepts. To our best knowledge, no one has so far studied the moral aspects of mediation as compared to manipulation. Few researchers have simultaneously addressed the issue of influencing understanding and thinking from these two perspectives. This work aims to broaden our knowledge of cognitive mediation by comparing and contrasting it with cognitive manipulation. The outcomes of this trial will have implications for refining the methodology of specialized knowledge mediation. The present study is focused on the analyses of definitions of the two terms obtained from explanatory dictionaries and academic papers in the field of cognitive linguistics. Additionally, we track the development of the terms from their etymological background to the modern use in cognitive linguistics. The results of this study reveal the key differences between cognitive mediation and manipulation. We highlight the various roles, aims, and moral principles of both processes and their participants. Finally, we have devised a flowchart of cognitive manipulation that, compared with the flowchart of cognitive mediation presented in our earlier research, will help distinguish these often-conflated processes.

Medical and non-medical students' perceptions of the medical and pharmaceutical workers' image
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The article analyses the results of a psycholinguistic study focused on the perception of a medical and pharmaceutical worker in medical students and non-medical university students. It reveals some differences in the structure of the medical and pharmaceutical worker's image in connection with the students' basic education.

Metaphor theories for mediation in multimodal perspectives
In this article we suggest a multidimensional approach to the study of metaphor. We believe that to yield an effective cognitive mediation in the field of professional communication, one should appeal to metaphor in its multiple representations. The article provides a brief overview of the theories of metaphor starting with the Conceptual Metaphor Theory, followed by the theory of Conceptual Integration, Metaphor Identification Procedure, the Neural Theory of Metaphor, Frame Semantics applied to metaphor in discourse, Taxonomic Metaphor Modelling, as well as situation and context modelling. These theories have been comprehensively examined in linguistics and proved their soundness in multiple studies carried out by various researchers. For this reason, our intention is not to provide another rationale in their support but to show their correlation and complementarity for profound knowledge adaptation at the surface and deep layers of the discourse. The novel perspective of the approach consists in using the neural theory of language to unite metaphor in thought, language, grammar, and communication into a coherent study of metaphor as a multimodal phenomenon and a cognitive tool for knowledge transfer and acquisition.

The development of reading and writing based on Montessori educational materials
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The study presents the results obtained in the long-term project “Taiwan preschool English classes: Montessori and non-Montessori approaches”. The article focuses on the analysis of the Montessori materials commonly implemented for teaching very young learners of English. Their teaching materials (e.g. vowel matching cards, sandpaper letters, sentence analysis signs) help to develop all four skills of English at the very early age. Furthermore, they let the kindergartners get acquainted with some metalinguistic knowledge of phonology (e.g. phonics, sound blend), syntax (sentence structure with parts of speech), morphology (building words) etc. Such deeper learning of English as foreign language by very young learners in a playful way leads to the fact that 4-6 years old Taiwanese children have a good foundation of basic English in speaking, reading, listening and writing, while growing in non-naturalistic environment of English.