Педагогика. Рубрика в журнале - Высшее образование сегодня

"Беседы у рояля" как метод обучения молодых пианистов в классе профессора А. Г. Скавронского
Статья научная
Характеризуется деятельность отечественного музыканта-пианиста, телеведущего, профессора А. Г. Скавронского. Статья приурочена к 10-летию со дня его смерти. Раскрываются творческие принципы педагога, стремившегося средствами позитивной педагогики раскрыть художественно-творческий потенциал студентов, постоянно расширяя их общую культуру, образное мышление, способность к вербальной и исполнительской коммуникации. Затрагиваются современные проблемы коммуникации, связанные с трансформацией социокультурной среды.

A debating activity in EFL classes
Статья научная
The article touches upon debating in EFL classes as a must-to-be method in preparing spe-cialists capable to analyze, give arguments, make conclusions, take decisions, take an active position in expressing their own points of view, skillfully use knowledge not only from the sphere of their specialty but also from other fi elds to be competitive in the globalizing world. While debating in English, students have to think, present arguments, answer the questions of their opponents in a non-native language. Debating activity in English by no means develops students’ critical thinking abilities, communicative and oratory skill. The paper also describes a 9-rubric debating format devised by the authors and used in EFL classes. One of the most important rubrics of the proposed debating format is the assessment rubric.

Categories of digital quality management in higher education
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The study presents the informative characteristics of digital quality management in higher education, with the latter regarded as a category of professional pedagogy, as a component of vocational training in the system of higher education, and as a social aspect of professional education. Each category of digital quality management in higher education is considered through the adopted structure of the methodological and categorical apparatus of “the process –the means – the result”. The concepts present the theoretical and methodological basis of the process of digital management of the quality of education and expand the conceptual and terminological apparatus of professional pedagogy.

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The aim of the current paper is to describe the authors’ personal experience of using the In-ternet productively for the issues of searching and analyzing video content of the scientific and creative events, studying the literature and materials from university websites, commu-nication with other researches and scholars and etc. This article also underlines the terms of a productive Internet usage at the university, such as subscription for the online library, contracts and agreements signed between the universities and the Russian State Library to regulate the free access to the dissertation materials, creation of a secured e-portal, that will become a database of graduation papers and theses, upload and spread of informational ma-terials and adds on the upcoming university events and ground expertise of students works and articles before their publication. This paper also provides advice and useful tips for those students, who want to promote and upgrade their research works by means of the Internet. At first, the students should do research on the editorial board of a journal, then consult the official website of the RSCI e-library and find this journal’s card or profile and check the in-formation there with the data from the journal’s homepage, and, finally, consider closer the audience of researches and scholars, who work with this publisher.The recommendations provided in the current paper will allow the one to increase the productivity of the process and make the Internet sources truly useful for the research.

Methods and techniques of teaching adults a foreign language
Статья научная
The paper describes the main features of teaching a foreign language to adults. The pedagogical conditions for learning and motivating adults are determined. The effective methods and techniques of teaching are considered. The described strategies for learning a foreign language contribute to the optimization of the process of learning. The analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of various teaching methods is presented. The author gives recommendations on the use of productive techniques and methods in the educational process. Metacognitive strategies for learning a foreign language are considered on the example of tasks for teaching one of the types of speech activity reading. When teaching adults, it is necessary to consider the level of language training, professional interests, select effective methods for teaching, develop content on the base of the needs. The priority of self-study, emphasis on self-development and previous experience, individual approach, practical orientation of training, flexibility in choosing training programs are important. Motivation is a fundamental element in teaching a foreign language to adults.

Mobile application as an additional tool for developing lexical skills
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The paper regards the importance of formation and development of lexical skills as one of the key components of foreign language learning. Various tasks based on the mobile appli-cation platform Quizlet, that was created on the basis of fl ashcards method, are presented. The application (app) itself and its functions are examined. The results of the investigation that was carried out in the groups of adult learners, who study common and business English, are analyzed thoroughly. The example of the questionnaire that was offered to the learners after the experiment is given. The following conclusions based on the results of the investi-gation and questionnaire were drawn: the integration of the mobile application into tradi-tional learning process contributes to more effi cient target language vocabulary acquisition; the development of self-learning, lexical and mobile competences; the display of the interest in and of the attention to the foreign language on the learners’ part. It was also stressed that modern changes in the traditional foreign language learning are necessary, for example, the introduction of mobile technologies that leads to more profi cient level of English. The absence of the connection between the age and the interest in using mobile technologies is proved.

Mobile tests as a tool of formative classroom assessment
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The results of the study of the didactic potential of mobile tests used in the framework of formative assessment of educational achievements of students of the English language according to the traditional model are presented. The data of the experiment using the Google Forms service is highlighted, during which grammar, vocabulary, reading and listening skills are evaluated. The conclusion is substantiated, according to which mobile tests for formative assessment positively affect students' self-esteem and self-control, increase their interest in the learning process, and also provide instant feedback.

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This paper touches upon some of the problems experienced by postgraduate programmes at Russian universities with regards to teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL). It attempts to highlight some of the solutions proposed by researchers of higher education, some of whom advocate for multi-dimensional solutions plan. The paper throws light on a multi-modular EFL course implemented at National Research University – Higher School of Economics, Russia, Saint-Petersburg as a showcase of the approach vouching for a dramatic boost in English expertise among PhD students.

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The article proves the necessity of mastering business communication in a foreign language for the formation of general cultural and professional competencies that graduates of a technical university should possess. Author’s textbooks for bachelors of the sphere of chemical technologies and engineering and economic specialties in business foreign language are presented in the informational and didactic base of the Samara Technical University at the department of Foreign Languages for the formation of general cultural and professional competencies in the process of teaching students business communication. The goals and objectives of the course on business foreign language, as well as educational technologies, are used by teachers of the department to teach business foreign language.

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The article discusses the features of technical texts and the preparation of students for writing annotations to them. The main means of teaching students of chemical specialties are developed by the author's teaching aids. They are built taking into account interdisciplinary links with the disciplines of the humanitarian and socio-economic cycles and are aimed at preparing the writing of annotations necessary to work on technical texts on specialties at different difficulty levels at various levels of education. For the correct writing of the annotation to a scientific article, clear guidelines and recommendations are given, as well as clichés, for a more accurate transfer of the content of the article. Students are offered a plan for writing annotations and lexical tasks that successfully and purposefully lead the student to writing annotations to the article.

The didactic aspects of understanding
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The didactic aspects of understanding are considered. Characterized by the ability to under-stand in animals. The points of view on the understanding of B. Bloom, Ya.A. Comenius, E. Husserl and others. The process of translating accumulated knowledge about real objects into scientifi c statements is described. A hierarchy of ideal objects of systems formed as a result of a scientifi c statement is given. The originality of the mental (situational) model as a way of organizing the subject’s inner experience, his attitude to the objects of the world and to his own thoughts, actions, experiences is revealed.

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The article discusses the methodology and experience of using role-playing games, the formation of technical university students’ readiness for professional foreign language communication in a multicultural environment. Scientifically substantiated recommendations are given for choosing the content of role-playing games for students of chemical and technolog-ical specialties, for designing scenarios for role-playing games, for distributing roles among game participants, for organizing their preparation and conduct. Theoretical provisions and practical recommendations are illustrated by an example of the plot and the methodology for conducting a role-playing game on the topic “Chemistry of today”. The results of a pedagogical experiment, confirming the feasibility and effectiveness of the use of role-playing games when teaching students of a technical university professional foreign language communication in a multicultural environment, is presented.

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It is devoted to the analysis of the application of methods of blended learning in the teaching of foreign languages to distance learning students in a technical University. The article analyzes the methods of blended learning, its advantages and disadvantages. The article also reflects the methodological basis of independent work of students in correspondence department and characteristics for independent learning activities.

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The article considers a heuristic approach to the development and formation of professional competencies of future chemical engineers by means of a foreign language, taking into ac-count the development trends of modern society. The undoubted advantages of using active methods of teaching a foreign language to students of chemical specialties, realizing all the most important principles of creative learning are noted. In this article, we examined how the heuristic approach to the formation of professional competencies of future chemical en-gineers at the foreign language classes of Samara State Technical University is implemented.

Автономия учебной деятельности как компонент обучения иностранному языку в вузе
Статья научная
Рассматривается и уточняется понятие автономии. Анализируются условия развития автономности студентов в процессе профессиональной подготовки при изучении иностранного языка. Определяется содержание компетенций автономной учебной деятельности студентов. Отмечается, что одним из наиболее эффективных методов овладения компетенциями автономной учебной деятельности выступает метод проектов. Представлен студенческий проект по составлению мини-вокабуляра англицизмов современного русского языка.

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Показано, что переход на компетентностные основания в построении образовательного процесса обуславливает необходимость критического пересмотра существующих норм, правил, подходов и регламентов к определению ключевых его компонентов: целеполагания, задачного планирования, содержания образовательной деятельности, организации общения субъектов и др. В качестве одного из значимых условий соответствия инновационных преобразований в гуманитарном вузе требованиям практики рассматривается создание адаптивной образовательной среды, в которой проявляются потенциалы образовательного пространства, имеющие нормативно-правовой аспект (потенциал системы или образовательного учреждения); личностный аспект (потенциалы обучающих и обучающихся); технологический аспект (потенциал процесса в значении качества его организации). Адаптивная образовательная среда гуманитарного вуза определяется как характеристика, средство и/или условие достижения результатов, отвечающие требованиям образовательных стандартов по направлениям подготовки...

Актуальные аспекты улучшения подготовки будущих учителей в области педагогического прогнозирования
Статья научная
Рассмотрены задачи и пути улучшения подготовки будущих учителей в области педагогического прогнозирования в контексте реализации федеральных государственных стандартов высшего образования третьего поколения++ и профессионального стандарта «Педагог (педагогическая деятельность в сфере дошкольного, начального общего, основного общего, среднего общего образования) (воспитатель, учитель)». Охарактеризованы предмет и методы педагогического прогнозирования. На примере подготовки учителей математики изложена методика формирования их прогностических умений и определены педагогические условия, которые должны создаваться для эффективного проведения этой работы.

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Представлены актуальные направления в оценивании готовности выпускников университетов к профессиональной педагогической деятельности. Приводится их характеристика и обосновывается возможность реализации в аттестационных процедурах. Сформулированы положения, реализация которых даст возможность проводить оценку результатов подготовки через определение уровня сформированности педагогических компетенций.

Актуальные педагогические задачи развития профессионально-личностных качеств обучающихся
Статья научная
Рассматриваются актуальные педагогические задачи развития профессионально-личностных качеств учащихся. Приводится обзор понятия «педагогическая задача» в научно-педагогической литературе. Определен тип педагогических задач развития профессионально-личностных качеств учащихся. Выделены основные профессионально-личностные качества учащихся.

Английский язык в сфере профессионального межкультурного общения
Статья научная
Обсуждаются актуальные аспекты преподавания и изучения английского языка как средства межкультурной коммуникации в профессиональной сфере. Показано, что освоение английского языка в качестве lingva franca во многом опирается на моделирование реальных речевых ситуаций. В этом контексте анализируется опыт проведения студенческих научно-практических конференций на английском языке среди студентов и магистрантов естественнонаучных направлений Дальневосточного федерального университета. Обосновывается вывод о весьма высокой эффективности этих конференций в деле становления студентов как профессионалов, способных к коммуникации на английском языке в своей сфере.