Статьи журнала - Высшее образование сегодня

Все статьи: 1333

"Беседы у рояля" как метод обучения молодых пианистов в классе профессора А. Г. Скавронского

"Беседы у рояля" как метод обучения молодых пианистов в классе профессора А. Г. Скавронского

Хитев Святослав Евгеньевич, Борисова Елена Николаевна

Статья научная

Характеризуется деятельность отечественного музыканта-пианиста, телеведущего, профессора А. Г. Скавронского. Статья приурочена к 10-летию со дня его смерти. Раскрываются творческие принципы педагога, стремившегося средствами позитивной педагогики раскрыть художественно-творческий потенциал студентов, постоянно расширяя их общую культуру, образное мышление, способность к вербальной и исполнительской коммуникации. Затрагиваются современные проблемы коммуникации, связанные с трансформацией социокультурной среды.


"Большие данные" и персонализированное обучение

"Большие данные" и персонализированное обучение

Минязова Елена Рабильевна

Статья научная

Рассмотрена значимость анализа «больших данных» для современного образования, возможности работы с ними на примере функционирования образовательной платформы. Показаны перспективы применения технологий big data в персонализированном онлайн-обучении, а также риски применения анализа «больших данных».


A debating activity in EFL classes

A debating activity in EFL classes

A.V. Eremenko, O.K. Titova, E.V. Kravchenko

Статья научная

The article touches upon debating in EFL classes as a must-to-be method in preparing spe-cialists capable to analyze, give arguments, make conclusions, take decisions, take an active position in expressing their own points of view, skillfully use knowledge not only from the sphere of their specialty but also from other fi elds to be competitive in the globalizing world. While debating in English, students have to think, present arguments, answer the questions of their opponents in a non-native language. Debating activity in English by no means develops students’ critical thinking abilities, communicative and oratory skill. The paper also describes a 9-rubric debating format devised by the authors and used in EFL classes. One of the most important rubrics of the proposed debating format is the assessment rubric.


A organization of a cooperative educational environment for students of the Japanese language using the example of work on essays

A organization of a cooperative educational environment for students of the Japanese language using the example of work on essays

Marfina V.E.

Статья научная

Cultural differences in approaches to writing essays by native Japanese speakers are considered. The need to focus on the reader when writing essays in Japanese has been revealed. As a method of developing this skill, the use of the Digipad online corporate environment for student collaboration is proposed. Feedback from students about the degree of convenience and efficiency of working in this environment was analyzed.


Achievement motivation as a necessary factor of students’ successful development in the educational environment of higher education institution (in English)

Achievement motivation as a necessary factor of students’ successful development in the educational environment of higher education institution (in English)

Vlasova I.V.

Статья научная

The question of motivation of university students as a psychological and pedagogical problem is considered, various types of motivation characteristic of educational activities in a university, some classifications of motives for educational activities of domestic and foreign scientists are given. It is concluded that the issue of increasing the level of motivation of students in a higher educational institution should be given close attention, since modern society needs specialists with a high level of professionalism, entrepreneurship, initiative, creativity and creative abilities. For successful development in the educational environment of the university, achievement motivation, a purposeful pursuit of knowledge, complemented by responsibility for one’s own development, adequate self-esteem and assessment of one’s capabilities are important.


Application of modern pedagogical technologies in higher education institutions

Application of modern pedagogical technologies in higher education institutions

Vlasova I.V.

Статья научная

Since there is no unity in pedagogical science and practice in understanding of pedagogical technologies, this article examines different positions of domestic scientists on the definition of the concept “pedagogical technology”. In the course of the research, the author focuses on the fact that the modern development of pedagogical technologies in education is caused by a number of circumstances, one of which is the modernization of the pedagogical process. This article identifies specific reasons that influence the current development of technology in education and science. The article emphasizes the idea that the modern technological level of education in higher education is a unique fact of integration of science, art, methodology and teaching practice in a single set. In the conclusion the author formulates the main characteristics of pedagogical technologies and specific requirements for the use of modern pedagogical technologies in higher education institutions.


Assessing the competence of teachers in developing a culture of safety in children of preschool and primary school age (in English)

Assessing the competence of teachers in developing a culture of safety in children of preschool and primary school age (in English)

Timofeeva L.L.

Статья научная

The article presents the results of a study aimed at identifying the level of professional competence of teachers in matters of ensuring the safety of children of preschool and primary school age and the formation of a safety culture among them. The characteristics of the relevant aspects of the competence of teachers on the basis of the professional standard are given, the parameters and criteria for their assessment are singled out, the levels of formation of professional competence are characterized. The results of diagnostic measures carried out before and after the training of teachers in educational programs for advanced training are analyzed. The conclusion is made about the importance and ways of developing the competence of teachers in this area.


Categories of digital quality management in higher education

Categories of digital quality management in higher education

K.L. Polupan

Статья научная

The study presents the informative characteristics of digital quality management in higher education, with the latter regarded as a category of professional pedagogy, as a component of vocational training in the system of higher education, and as a social aspect of professional education. Each category of digital quality management in higher education is considered through the adopted structure of the methodological and categorical apparatus of “the process –the means – the result”. The concepts present the theoretical and methodological basis of the process of digital management of the quality of education and expand the conceptual and terminological apparatus of professional pedagogy.


Children’s theater and its role in the upbringing and development of children

Children’s theater and its role in the upbringing and development of children

Al Jabur A.R.O.

Статья научная

Childhood is seen as an important stage in human growth and development. The importance of obtaining the necessary experience, skills and beliefs by the child by means of children’s theater, which plays an important role in the intellectual, social, psychological, scientific, linguistic and physical development of children, the formation of personality, the development of creative abilities, the formation of social behavior, is substantiated. The possibilities of children’s theater are shown as one of the most important complex educational means, a tool for developing the personality of students, corresponding to the inclination of children to learn through role-playing. The conclusion is made about the conditions for the effectiveness of the work of the children’s theater.


De anima: предмет психологии и границы его постижения

De anima: предмет психологии и границы его постижения

Мазилов Владимир Александрович

Статья научная

Рассматривается проблема предмета психологии. Показано, что концепт «душа» хотя и способствовал становлению психологии как самостоятельной области знания, но в конечном счете перестал играть конструктивную роль. Расплывчатость, неопределенность этого понятия привели к элиминации собственно психического из поля зрения исследователей и подмене его отдельными психическими функциями и явлениями либо к сведению к физиологическим процессам. Раскрыты требования к функциям и характеристикам предмета науки, необходимые для создания философско-методологических предпосылок развития соответствующей области знаний. Обосновано, что применительно к психологии этим функциям и характеристикам отвечает понимание ее предмета как мира внутренней жизни человека. Очерчены преимущества и перспективные аспекты использования этого концепта, затронуты вопросы специфики психологии как научной области, где необходимо применение инструментов познания, характерных как для гуманитарных, так и для естественных наук.


EFL classroom debates: a format and assessment (in English)

EFL classroom debates: a format and assessment (in English)

Titova Olga K., Eremenko Alexandra V.

Статья научная

Debates in a foreign (English) language class are considered as one of the most effective means of developing analytical thinking characteristic of native English speakers, as well as language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing). The format of the debate developed by the authors from 9 headings is presented, special attention is paid to the evaluation of the key components of the debate. The parameters for evaluating their effectiveness are highlighted: reliability, validity, benefit for all participants in the event. A point-rating system for evaluating such categories as mastery of a topic is given; organization and presentation; presentation of arguments and counterarguments, evidence base. Recommendations are offered for the implementation of post-debate tasks, giving students the opportunity to evaluate their activity and the activities of their peers.


Flipped learning technology for teaching a foreign language at a technical university (in English)

Flipped learning technology for teaching a foreign language at a technical university (in English)

Vlasova Irina V.

Статья научная

The article explains why the flipped learning is becoming very popular in the modern conditions of educational development. Since the article has a practical orientation, the authors compare the traditional and ‘flipped' approaches to learning across several criteria: the role of the student, the role of the teacher, the role of ICT in the learning process, the methods used and the structure of the lesson. The article focuses on the importance of students' independent work. A description is given of the types of educational activities used by teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages to improve the quality of learning a foreign language by students in flipped classrooms. At the end of the article conclusions are presented on the results of the active use of the flipped learning as an effective form of organizing language education in higher education in the modern conditions. The leading method in the study of this problem was the questionnaire method conducted among undergraduate students of correspondence department.


Formation of professional identity among students (in English)

Formation of professional identity among students (in English)

Vlasova Irina V.

Статья научная

The question of the need to form a professional identity among students of technical specialties is being investigated. The analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem was carried out. It is concluded that professional identity is one of the main components of self-consciousness and the most sought-after type of identity, its formation is necessary in the process of obtaining higher professional education and is influenced by psychological, social and pedagogical factors. The conditions for the formation of professional identity are formulated.


Gr-менеджмент в системе государственно-частного партнерства на финансовом рынке

Gr-менеджмент в системе государственно-частного партнерства на финансовом рынке

Лобанова Анастасия Евгеньевна

Статья научная

Показано, что GR-менеджмент на финансовом рынке позволяет достичь качественно нового уровня отношений в деле управления финансовыми ресурсами, которые возникают между органами государственной власти и бизнесом при содействии специализированных финансовых институтов, и обеспечивает внедрение более действенных коммуникативных технологий. Одной из форм организации отношений по управлению финансовыми ресурсами, которые возникают между органами государственной власти и бизнесом, является государственно-частное партнерство. Предложен организационный механизм государственно-частного партнерства в системе GR-менеджмента на финансовом рынке. Разработаны предложения по достижению эффективности управления финансовыми ресурсами в системе GR-менеджмента.


Integrating digital culture into the Indonesian education system (in English)

Integrating digital culture into the Indonesian education system (in English)

Irdianto W.

Статья научная

The purpose of this article is to study and describe digital culture. This work aims to enhance digital transformation in Indonesia’s unique cultural and social context. The problems that Indonesia faces in the digital space are considered: limited infrastructure capabilities, low levels of digital literacy of citizens and social inequality. The structure of digital culture is highlighted, which determines the importance of taking into account local culture when creating the concept of digital competence of teachers and students. The values of the official Indonesian philosophical doctrine “Pancasila” and “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” in the digital space are shown and how they can guide digital transformation in Indonesia. It is concluded that the integration of digital culture into the education system is critical for the people of Indonesia to become a nation that embraces its cultural diversity and thrives in the digital age.


Integration of digital technologies in preschool education: problems and solutions

Integration of digital technologies in preschool education: problems and solutions

Khan G.S.

Статья научная

The practice of using digital technologies in working with children under five years of age and their impact on preschool education is considered. A comprehensive review of the literature on the problems of developing the prerequisites for children's digital literacy and the integration of digital tools into the educational environment is provided. The results of an analysis of the literature are presented, which show the widespread use of digital devices (primarily television) in families raising children under three years of age. The importance of the role of parents and compliance with the rules for using digital devices is emphasized. It is concluded that a thorough study of the possibilities of integrating digital technologies into preschool education is necessary in order to meet the expectations of parents regarding the comprehensive development of children. To achieve a balance between methods of developing digital literacy and traditional teaching methods, recommendations are provided for parents of preschoolers and teachers.


Intelligent English teaching model and its application in Chinese universities (in English)

Intelligent English teaching model and its application in Chinese universities (in English)

Juan F.

Статья научная

This study presents the development and description of the practical application of a model of intelligent English language teaching using the Unipus platform and the “result-oriented method”. This model is based on the principle of unity of motivation, methodological support of the educational process and evaluation of its results. It is focused on developing students’ language knowledge, developing their communication skills and the ability to learn independently. Practice shows that the Unipus intelligent learning platform helps stimulate motivation to master the English language, makes it possible to apply what has been learned in practice, thereby increasing the effectiveness of learning.


Internet in the scientific and research activity of a young researcher - student of pedagogical university

Internet in the scientific and research activity of a young researcher - student of pedagogical university

V.A. Novoselov

Статья научная

The aim of the current paper is to describe the authors’ personal experience of using the In-ternet productively for the issues of searching and analyzing video content of the scientific and creative events, studying the literature and materials from university websites, commu-nication with other researches and scholars and etc. This article also underlines the terms of a productive Internet usage at the university, such as subscription for the online library, contracts and agreements signed between the universities and the Russian State Library to regulate the free access to the dissertation materials, creation of a secured e-portal, that will become a database of graduation papers and theses, upload and spread of informational ma-terials and adds on the upcoming university events and ground expertise of students works and articles before their publication. This paper also provides advice and useful tips for those students, who want to promote and upgrade their research works by means of the Internet. At first, the students should do research on the editorial board of a journal, then consult the official website of the RSCI e-library and find this journal’s card or profile and check the in-formation there with the data from the journal’s homepage, and, finally, consider closer the audience of researches and scholars, who work with this publisher.The recommendations provided in the current paper will allow the one to increase the productivity of the process and make the Internet sources truly useful for the research.

