Статьи журнала - Сервис в России и за рубежом

Все статьи: 2119

Active leisure park as a form of family weekend vacation

Active leisure park as a form of family weekend vacation

Khamadeeva Zulfiya A., Borneman Elena P.

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The article is devoted to such a form of spending free time in the family as tourism. The article provides justification, correctness and projects the results of such a pastime. The organization of family leisure by means of recreational technologies is a purposefully organized process that involves the implementation of activities in free time in accordance with the needs of each family member. The article discusses in detail one of the ways to spend free time together. Forms of family leisure activities are hiking, excursions, competitions, sports, and entertainment events. Sport, physical culture, and tourism are the most important means of influencing the family are:. Using a variety of games, communication trainings, entertainment events and other mass forms of recreation allows you to develop a certain type of life activity that contributes the effective realization of human functions, such us: recreation, recuperation, choice of values and priorities, strengthening spiritual and physical health, the result of which is the restoration of physical and mental balance of a person. Tourism and hiking are one of the forms of active recreation, the effective use of free time for health promotion. They contribute the development of perseverance, endurance, prevention of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Going in for sports is also a necessary attribute in the organization of family leisure. Organization of family activities includes: the development of a comprehensive program of family entertainment by means of recreative technologies; the use of a variety of recreative technologies in the organization of family leisure; joint developing activity of children and adults; availability of a competent specialist in the organization of family leisure by means of recreational technologies, the result of which is the restoration of the physical and mental balance of the person.


An integral-geographic model for tourism potential assessment

An integral-geographic model for tourism potential assessment

Safarian Azat A.

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Potential estimation is one of the most fundamental areas of all tourism studies, and it is critical for emerging markets especially when it comes to the planning and organizing of tourism development and functioning destination management organizations. There exist many potential estimation methods, and no single one is superior to the other. For our research however, we choose the assessment model based on the experiences of other researchers adopting the same, and the suitability and uniqueness of our geographical region of study, which is Armenia. Tourism potential assessment will help Armenian tourism organizations avoid general tourism misleads. This research focuses on one of Armenia’s ten regions, the results will be used to model similar expected results for the other nine regions. The chosen model will scrutinize the chosen region for all tourism potential. The author evaluates 572 main tourist attractions in the Syunik region of south Armenia. by the tourism attractiveness, the geographical locations and inherent value. The results of these assessments made it possible to draw conclusions about reasons for spatial inequalities among tourism attractions and possibilities of tourism potential to affect them. The author gives recommendation to create center for tourism based on ecological reasons and the nature of the region’s mountain valleys.


An outlook at the Russian education in the field of tourism through the prism of the sustainable tourism paradigm

An outlook at the Russian education in the field of tourism through the prism of the sustainable tourism paradigm

Ilkevich Sergey Viktorovich, Stroemberg Per Goete Jonathan, Sakharchuk Elena Sergeevna

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A complete and comprehensive inclusion of sustainable tourism paradigm in Russian tourism studies and thematic plans of respective subjects are right now of particular importance. At the moment, we can say that there is very superficial and simplistic understanding of the concept of sustainable development in tourism in Russia when there are just proclamations about the need to integrate environmental considerations, social restrictions, as well as interests of the local economy into tourism development agendas, but at the same time, Russian researchers and teachers do not have enough understanding of all the possible and detailed refractions and particular branches of this topicality. Admittedly, this is a general problem, but it is felt particularly acutely in Russia. Quite often both in Russia and abroad the sustainability paradigm becomes just an element of rhetoric without any substance. At the same time certain skepticism is positive, and needed towards the notion as it is highly complex and contradictory, with a need to balance different aspects of sustainability rather than fulfill an ideal. September 22, 2016 in RSUTS there was held a scientific-practical seminar "Sustainable and rural tourism in Russia", which was designed to target the above mentioned problems. Leading international and Russian experts in the field of sustainable tourism development showcased the best examples of their own research, and the seminar as a result provided a relative breadth and diversity of issues in the field of sustainable and rural tourism. Partici- pants presented and illustrated case study situations, as well as used other classic research methods to discuss such topics like: 1) the interaction of the center and periphery as a factor of long-term sustainability in tourism; 2) service orientation as a factor of the long-term competitiveness of the destination; 3) the problem of finding an optimal balance between the gen- eral state regulations and ethnic autonomy; 4) consideration of the interests of local residents and their awareness regarding positive external effects of tourism experiences; 5) the liminality factor in tourist expiriences; 6) avoid- ance of excessive standardization and universalization of tourist products as a factor of the competitiveness of peripheral destinations; 7) the concept of touristscapes and taskscapes; 8) optimal route networks and anchor points for sustainable forms of tourism in the Arctic; 9) the importance of caravan- ning for depressed Russian rural settlements; 10) features of business pro- cesses of small businesses in rural tourism; 11) innovative entrepreneurship as a factor in increasing the sustainability and competitiveness of the tour- ism industry in crisis conditions. These and other aspects of sustainable tourism development were the sub- ject of detailed discussions at the scientific-practical seminar, which, hope- fully, lead to a better understanding of the sustainability paradigm in the current realities of the Russian tourism industry. This publication represents some key views, concept and also passages of academic debates that took place during the seminar, by representatives of five countries: Russia, Nor- way, Australia, Sweden and Iceland. The purpose of this publication was to systematize the academic content of the presentations, scientific reports, and speeches as well as to provide some explanations on how they can con- tribute to strengthening the concept of sustainable tourism as a full-fledged and productive paradigm for tourism research and conceptual educational approaches.


Analysis of preferences and problems in the transport service of tourists

Analysis of preferences and problems in the transport service of tourists

Tsohla S.Y., Minin E.V.

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This research work covers the analysis of preferences and problems related to the transport services of tourists. The main purpose of this analysis is to identify the main factors influencing the choice of vehicles and identify the problems faced by tourists while using various types of transport during their travels. Nowadays, tourism has become an integral part of the global economy, attracting millions of travelers annually. Accordingly, the quality and efficiency of transport services play a key role in meeting the needs and preferences of tourists. Against the background of the study, a scientific survey was conducted to identify the problems of transport services in the tourism sector, in order to identify and improve existing services, introduce new innovations, increase the level of service and improve transport interchanges. The results of this analysis can contribute to improving and providing high-quality service to the needs of tourists in the transport industry.


Analysis of sociocultural service for the population: quantitative and qualitative characteristics

Analysis of sociocultural service for the population: quantitative and qualitative characteristics

Donskova Lyudmila I., Solodukha Petr V., Kryukova Elena M., Khetagurova Valeriya Sh.

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An increase of social significance of socio-cultural service system as well as the ongoing changes in Russia, reflected in social practices, stipulate the relevance of necessity to study it from social point of view. Not only individual needs but also the processes of managing social actions are of particular importance in social practices of meeting human demands. The work is aimed at analyzing the socio-cultural services to the population in quantitative and qualitative indicators, identifying connections and relationships with indicators of accessibility and opportunities of Russians in social practices. The research is based on general scientific methods, statistical methods (based on official statistics), and sociological methods (expert assessments, questionnaires). The results of the analysis of the volume and structure of services consumption characterize a low share of socio-cultural services and tourism, which affects a person. Causal relationships show a deep differentiation in the area of residence and a discrepancy in the ratio of the level of accessibility and the possibility of consuming socio-cultural services. Forming a management system using the principles and methods of servicing a person in its various aspects and considering Russian specifics increases the conditions and standard of living of the citizens of our country.


Analysis of the current innovations in Yotel hotels in Singapore

Analysis of the current innovations in Yotel hotels in Singapore

Seitova Nazym B.

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Use of modern technologies and smart spacing in hotel operations of the Yotel hotel chain has been proved as an effective way to enter the competitive hotel industry market worldwide. However, while the business-level strategy employs two different approaches including product differentiation and low-price based activities, it is argued that these same innovations cause the deterioration in the total service quality management of the Yotel hotel chain. The study evaluated the social and economic impacts of the job redesign that has taken place due to implementation of self-check in kiosks and AI robots at the front desk. Additionally, the study examined the level of the perceived service quality of the guests of Yotel and YotelAir hotels in Singapore using the dimensions of the SERVQUAL model against each of the service products and processes. It has been found that differentiation of innovative products across the two business units actually causes a gap between customer expectations and received service during hotel stay. Furthermore, such products as occupancy control for heat/AC and LED lights in the room are initiatives that do not correspond to the needs and expectations of all the current customers


Analysis of the digital services development indicators in the region (the case of the city of Belgorod)

Analysis of the digital services development indicators in the region (the case of the city of Belgorod)

Koroleva Inna S., Vishnevskaya Ekaterina V.

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The penetration of digital technologies into all aspects of everyday life is becoming an increasingly important factor in the socio-economic development of countries and regions. Modern information technologies affect the modern economy and form a new type of economy - the digital economy, the main elements of which are digital ecosystems. Analysis of Russian and foreign practice, as well as theoretical research shows that servicezation and digital transformation of socio-economic systems are carried out on the basis of digital platforms that integrate economic, social and technological processes that form digital service ecosystems. The development of urban services in the city of Belgorod is facilitated by the implementation of the concept of creating a "Smart City". A comparative assessment of the development of the city service system allows us to conclude that Belgorod region is in the lead in most of the studied areas, with the final indicators in areas higher than in the Central Federal District and the Russian Federation. But in comparison with large cities, Belgorod is inferior in many important areas, due to the size of the budget for information and communication technologies. To identify preferences in using digital services, a survey was conducted among residents of Belgorod. Most residents of Belgorod are ready to completely switch to using digital platforms to solve everyday problems.


Apple, Samsung и Android Pay: особенности бесконтактных мобильных платёжных систем и перспективы их внедрения в России

Apple, Samsung и Android Pay: особенности бесконтактных мобильных платёжных систем и перспективы их внедрения в России

Силаева Анна Александровна, Игнатенков Георгий Константинович

Статья научная

За последние годы стабильно сохраняется ряд тенденций: рост про- даж через мобильные телефоны, увеличение доли безналичных пла- тежей, выход на рынок электронных платежей компаний, которые никогда ранее не предоставляли финансовые услуги, и упрощение та- рифных сеток. Важный тренд - это появление мобильных платёжных систем, таких как Apple Pay, Android Pay, Samsung Pay. К сожалению, вокруг подобных сервисов кочует множество мифов, равно как и непонимания, как они работают, для чего нужны, что но- вого они приносят на рынок, и приносят ли, как обеспечивается без- опасность и конфиденциальность. Актуальность темы исследования определяется активным развитием технологии бесконтактных пла- тежей в России, являющих собою пример симбиоза работы банка, платёжной системы и телефона. Бесконтактная оплата с помощью мобильного телефона станет шагом на пути к отказу от наличных средств. В статье раскрывается суть данных платёжных систем, особенности их использования, выявлены конкурентные преимуще- ства бесконтактных мобильных платёжных систем. Также рассмот- рена реализация этих платёжных систем в российских реалиях, отме- чены проблемы, с которыми они могут столкнуться в процессе внед- рения и использования. В работе использованы методы стратегиче- ского анализа, контент-анализа, анализа документов и наблюдений. Выделенные в процессе исследования особенности внедрения и раз- вития бесконтактных мобильных платёжных систем можно рас- сматривать как задел для проведения дальнейших исследований в этой области.


Artificial intelligence as a basis for innovation management in tourism

Artificial intelligence as a basis for innovation management in tourism

Muminova Svetlana R., Tomashevskaya Natalia G.

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The paper overviews theoretical researches and practical applications related to implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in tourism. Recently, much attention is given to the machine learning algorithms, neural networks and computer visions as promising tools of the digital transformation of tourist industry. Prognostic and classification models build by means of them allow all stakeholders of tourist industry to move to a new level of decision-making process and thus to improve the quality of the service. In particularly, AI-based software enables local authorities not only to measure anthropogenic load in some area, to perform ecologic monitoring of recreation territories and to model their sustainable development, but also to increase safety level for tourists. Transport companies could optimize tourist itineraries and study behavior models of the clients at the moment of buying tickets and hotel and restaurant owners would get more efficient tools for determining preferences of the consumers, the degree of their satisfaction and that would lead to constructing much more efficient relations with them. Another important issue is that neural networks are capable to resolve the problem of fake reviews. Undoubtedly, that will rise the credibility of the information available on internet. Summarizing, AI is becoming a new technological paradigm on the basis of which an innovative management processes in tourism will be designed soon.


Assessing the satisfaction of domestic tourists with community-based tourism destinations: a case study of Thanh Toan tile-roofed bridge in Thua Thien Hue province, Vietnam

Assessing the satisfaction of domestic tourists with community-based tourism destinations: a case study of Thanh Toan tile-roofed bridge in Thua Thien Hue province, Vietnam

Nguyen N.T.

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This paper aims to evaluate the satisfaction of domestic tourists participating in community-based tourism (CBT) at Thanh Toan Tile-Roofed Bridge in Thua Thien Hue province, Vietnam. The research data was collected directly from 157 domestic tourists through a questionnaire at the Thanh Toan Bridge destination. The study utilized descriptive statistics to answer the research questions. Domestic tourist satisfaction was measured and evaluated based on six factors: (1) Tourism resources; (2) Infrastructure; (3) Tourist environment; (4) Security and safety; (5) Local residents; and (6) Service prices. Based on the research results, the author proposed several solutions to improve the satisfaction of domestic tourists at Thanh Toan Tile-Roofed Bridge.


Assessment and quality management of medical center services: modern approaches, models and methods

Assessment and quality management of medical center services: modern approaches, models and methods

Gurina Mariya A., Rumyantseva Yulia V., Wahi Nabil Abdulalim Ahmed

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The article reveals modern approaches to assessing and managing quality in medical organizations. The necessity of forming a comprehensive methodology for researching quality based on modern methods and technologies in management and marketing of modern organizations is justified. An effective tool for examining and identifying the most significant properties of the provision of medical services is N. Kano's model. In this paper, the authors, relying on numerous experiments and experience in diagnosing the quality of services of medical organizations, present the results of a comprehensive methodology for assessing services in the medical center "Esculap", which includes consumer surveys to compare various quality characteristics with a reference product in comparison with competitors. Constructing a Pareto chart clearly demonstrates customer requests relative to the factors of greatest importance. The conclusions allow management to determine the directions of development and optimization of the most demanded aspects of the service, making it even more valuable in the eyes of the target audience: elimination of queues, development of detailed recommendations of doctors during an appointment, advanced training of employees, expanding the possibility of making an appointment for the next day, purchasing high-tech equipment, etc. The development is directed towards the quality field to ensure the required level of the medical center which lie in the introduction of mapping tools and the 5C system, which allow to identify losses and optimize the office space. Another tool that provides opportunities for improving the quality of a medical center is the deployment (structuring) of quality functions (Quality Function Deployment, QFD). The authors provide the results of automated calculations in the QFD Online program, which allows you to graphically present the results of the analysis and calculate the necessary coefficients. The application of lean manufacturing and QFD methods on a systematic basis ensures timely identification of customer needs and the provision of services that best meet their needs, which ultimately leads to an increase in the efficiency of the medical center.


Budget balance and managing budget expenditure in modern conditions

Budget balance and managing budget expenditure in modern conditions

Oborin Matvey S., Gvarliani Tatiana E., Sarian Aykop A.

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The article considers relevant issues related to improving the level of budget balance and control costs for state budgets in modern conditions. In 2016-2017, the problems in this area has worsened considerably at all levels of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation. The article presents the analysis of a complex of measures on increasing the effectiveness of budget spending in 2014-2016. Measures were aimed at institutional development of the budget system and its methodological support. In this period there was a transition to the preparation and execution of budgets on the basis of state (municipal) programs. New mechanisms for funding infrastructure development of the budget system are created, the unification and systematization of the state (municipal) services, as well as the listing of the underlying (branch) of state and municipal services and works, creation of new funding mechanisms for infrastructure development are implemented. The article is focused on problematic issues to achieve budget balance under economic and financial sanctions. The research is based on the results of a comprehensive analysis of scientific papers and analytical information on the problems of achieving budget balance and improving the efficiency of the organization and methods of budget expenditures management in modern conditions. The authors have accomplished an economic and statistical analysis of data characterizing the state budget of the Russian Federation. The article notes that the implementation of complex of measures on increasing efficiency of budget expenditures in 2016 is currently faced with additional difficulties associated with long-term imbalance of the budget system of the Russian Federation, the absence of sustained economic growth, the tightening economic and financial sanctions, increasing financial risks associated with the volatility of the ruble and the deterioration of foreign trade conditions. The authors determine the features of forming the budget in 2017 and in the period for 2018-2019. They relate to the dynamics of income, expenditure and budget deficit, financing of priority projects. The article proposes measures to achieve more balanced budgets and the efficiency of budget expenditures on the basis of an integrated approach.


Circular tourism concept model

Circular tourism concept model

Mishulina Svetlana I.

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The research is aimed at developing a concept model for the circular economy in tourism based on the analysis of domestic and foreign studies on the circular economy principles' adoption issues and existing practices for their implementation in business processes of tourist sector participants. The proposed model is a systematic approach to circular tourism (CT) treated as an organic part of nature ecosystem and a structural element of regional and national circular economy. The nature-like, closed-loop, circular relationships between the system elements are ensured by long-term circular chains of the tourist product creation, where every participant is considered (in addition to its main function in the chain) as a producer of value-based multidimensional benefits. The main principle of intra-sectoral and inter-sectoral interaction is to increase the socio-ecological and economic value of initial inputs throughout the entire life cycle of complex tourist product through the introduction of eco-innovations and business models that meet the principles of circular framework and ensure diversification and multiple effective application as initial resources and manufactured products, minimizing all forms and types of unproductive waste. The condition for the system setup and effective functioning is the presence of developed circular infrastructure, institutions, and management. The scientific novelty and practical significance of the study are determined by the initial stage of circular tourism concept creation and consists in the development of circular tourism concept model, which is necessary to understand the functioning principles of the circular economy in tourism, the formation of circular strategies at all levels, the identification of triggers and barriers throughout the entire chain of the tourist product creation and consumption, determining the mechanisms for building closed intra-sectoral and inter-sectoral chains both at the cluster level and at the destinations level.


Closed-loop economy infrastructure and its role in circular transformation of tourism

Closed-loop economy infrastructure and its role in circular transformation of tourism

Mishulina Svetlana I.

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The change in the development paradigm and the transition from a linear to a circular model of the economy has led to the relevant research growth, including those in tourism. But their number remains limited, leaving open some theoretical, methodological and practical issues and slowing down the processes of tourism circular transformation. Researchers recognize the lack of infrastructure that ensures the closed-loop economy (CLE) functioning as one of the systemic barriers, which determine the need for in-depth study of circular infrastructure and its functions within a new development model. The research is aimed at study the infrastructure essence of CLE in tourism. During research, existing approaches in domestic and foreign literature to the definition of tourist supporting infrastructure were analyzed, its role in the circular transformation of tourism was identified, a definition of the tourism circular infrastructure was proposed, its functions and formation barriers were identified. The scientific value of the research is determined by the need for further development of the CLE infrastructure theory and its adaptation to the tourist industry. The research results can be useful in forming strategies for the innovative development of the tourist industry and tourist destinations at various management levels.


Core values of hospitality experience through mobile technology

Core values of hospitality experience through mobile technology

Coelho Mariana De Freitas, Wada Elizabeth Kyoko, Parra-Lpez Eduardo

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This study aims to identify the core values that mobile technology can add to hospitality experience. Ouro Preto, a historical Brazilian destination, was chosen for the development of a qualitative research design, directed by mobile ethnography literature. We collected data in two distinguished moments 1) a bar meeting, unknown to the guests and 2) a solo trip behold in three different local accommodations (Airbnb, Hostel and Lodge). We analyzed data with content analysis with thematic categorization. Results reinforce that technology enhances experiences through interactivity and social engagement, but it also sustains well-being as a central category. The guest-host hospitality experience permeates technology to create core values to the guest such as to inform, to communicate, to entertain and for their localization.


Coбытийный кeйтeринг нa рынкe кoнфeрeнциoнных уcлуг: oбзoр прeмиaльнoгo ceгмeнтa мocкoвcкoгo рынкa

Coбытийный кeйтeринг нa рынкe кoнфeрeнциoнных уcлуг: oбзoр прeмиaльнoгo ceгмeнтa мocкoвcкoгo рынкa

Пeвзнeр Кирилл Алексеевич

Статья научная

Статья пocвящeнa oргaнизaции прoцecca питaния нa дeлoвых мeрoприятиях, в чacтнocти, трeбoвaниям, прeдъявляeмым к рecтoрaнaм выeзднoгo oбcлуживaния, взaимoдeйcтвию мeжду прeдcтaвитeлями кoнфeрeнциoннoгo и кeйтeрингoвoгo бизнeca. В cтaтьe дaeтcя oпиcaниe кeйтeрингa как уcлуги, рассматривается вопрос о влиняии oргaнизaции дaннoгo прoцecca нa кaчecтвo oкaзaния кoнфeрeнциoннoй уcлуги в цeлoм. В cтaтьe привeдeны мнeния экcпeртoв и рeзультaты oбрaбoтки интeрьвью c coтрудникaми кeйтeрингoвых кoмпaний кoтoрыe пoзвoляют cдeлaть вывoд o тeкущeм cocтoянии рынкa и пeрcпeктивaх рaзвития дaннoй oтрacли в рaмкaх нoвoй экoнoмичecкoй рeaльнocти.


Cross-regional itineraries as a way of territory cooperation: European and Russian experiences

Cross-regional itineraries as a way of territory cooperation: European and Russian experiences

Kushnir Ksenia V.

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Cross-regional itineraries have been proposed as national development tools for territories with some tourism potential that has been existing only within those territories. Certainly, cross-regional tourism projects provide a unique setting for specialists to analyze the opportunities, which tourism has to offer as development and transformation initiatives, but also to identify and acknowledge the existing limitations in such fragile environment. Despite this practical case, that is being observed today in Russia, only several studies about the meaning of crossregional tourism cooperation inside the country have been previously published. Taking into account this research gap, a closer look at the link between tourism development and the opportunities and challenges, that tourism presents for regional transformation, has been proposed making local tourism industries more diverse. Also the link between theoretical ideas about cross-regional itineraries and practical development programs, designed by tour operators has been viewed. It is noted that mass tourism based on cross-regional itineraries could be possible, in case if it is accompanied by available tour operator’s programs.


Crowdsourcing integration in the tourism industry

Crowdsourcing integration in the tourism industry

Anna V. Rogova

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The article discusses the crowdsourcing integration in the tourism industry. The author considers advantages and disadvantages of using crowdsourcing techniques in tourism. The results of a study on the using crowdsourcing in the hospitality industry are presented, as well as possibilities and main barriers of crowdsourcing for the tourism industry development. The author makes conclusion about main directions of using crowdsourcing in tourism. The implemen-tation of various crowdsourcing projects in the tourism sector has importance for attracting residents to the region.


Current situation and greening issues in Russian tourist accommodation sector

Current situation and greening issues in Russian tourist accommodation sector

Svetlana I. Mishulina

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Amid significant environmental abuses, the growth of systemic challenges to environmental safety, social needs ecological transformation, and growth of aggregate green demand, increasing pressure from national and international regulations, hotel business ecologization or greening is no longer a tendency but transforms into a crucial condition for survival and success-ful functioning in a highly competitive market. The article provides analysis for the Russian tourist accommodation sector development processes, as well as the place and role of the ecological component within these processes. The correlation of applied local and international accommo-dation classification and certification systems to dynamic changes of tourists, destinations and the local community ecological values and needs, their influence on environmental safety of tour-ist product manufacture and consumption are under research. It is concluded that there are no objective conditions for the green transformation of the domestic tourist industry and accommo-dation sector as its part. The necessity to include the goals of greening into business and tourist destination development strategies is justified. The problems, factors, and conditions of green principles entrenchment in accommodation establishments everyday activities are defined. The article aims at researching the domestic tourist industry accommodation sector development dynamics, the specification of the green accommodation sector characteristics, their transfor-mation trends, factors, and conditions ensuring ecological requirements priorities in current and planned activities of the tourist industry accommodation sectors. The research perspectivity is determined by the necessity to extend the subject and particularities of ecological processes for a tourist product creation and consumption to develop sustainable management mechanisms for the domestic tourist industry innovative ecological modernization processes, raising its com-petitiveness and ensuring sustainable development of recreational and tourist regions, resorts and tourist centers.


Development of the Philippine tourism economy in the post-COVID period

Development of the Philippine tourism economy in the post-COVID period

Kuznetsova Julia A.

Статья научная

The object of research is the tourism industry of the Philippine economy. The subject of the study is the degree of impact of the global pandemic caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus infection on the tourism industry of the Philippine economy. The epidemic has had a negative impact on the global tourism industry and jeopardized the recovery of destinations in developing countries, which have faced great challenges due to the increasingly serious waves of the pandemic. The study aims to examine the impact of the pandemic on the tourism industry in the context of developing countries, as well as the multifaceted challenges and opportunities for the Philippine tourism industry during the COVID-19 pandemic. As an example, it is advisable to choose the Philippines, a country that before the pandemic was one of the fastest growing economies in the world, has moved into the category of countries heavily affected in the current epidemiological conditions. The article discusses the state measures taken to restore the tourism industry of the country's economy, and also analyzes the existing domestic tourism market to present effective strategies for the development of this industry in the Philippines in the postCOVID period, taking into account regional specifics. The results of the analysis made it possible to assume that crisis situations not only have negative consequences, but also provide an opportunity for the formation of new directions for the development of the tourism sector. In this article, we explore how the tourism industry may develop in the Philippines in the post-COVID period. In the course of the study, the author came to the conclusion that in the short term, domestic agricultural, medical and religious tourism will play a vital role in supporting the initial phase of the recovery of this sector of the economy.

