Статьи журнала - Экономика и бизнес: теория и практика

Все статьи: 6997

Analysis of the application of quality management methods in the activities of manufacturing enterprises

Analysis of the application of quality management methods in the activities of manufacturing enterprises

Drokina Ch.V., Fakhro F.

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The article examines the theoretical and methodological aspects of quality management in a manufacturing enterprise, analyzes the role of quality management in improving the efficiency of an enterprise. The aim of the work is to analyze the key methods of the quality management system for managing the business processes of manufacturing enterprises. The object of research is the system of business processes of quality management in the enterprise. The study emphasized the importance of applying quality management systems and the positive aspects of their implementation in enterprises, presents the results of a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the main methods of quality management.


Assessing the effectiveness of the personnel policy of an enterprise on the basis of a normative model of indicators of business activity

Assessing the effectiveness of the personnel policy of an enterprise on the basis of a normative model of indicators of business activity

Sailaubekov N.T., Ernst A.B.

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The article discusses the analysis of business activity of the enterprise. The turnover indicators allow us to assess how effectively the company uses its own or borrowed funds in the process of economic activity. The ability of an enterprise to take a stable position in the competitive market based on the results of its economic activity is the result of the company's work to increase the effectiveness of its personnel policy. As a result of the calculations based on the normative dynamic model, recommendations were developed to increase the business activity of the enterprise.


Assessment of the structure and financial indicators of the Russian banking system

Assessment of the structure and financial indicators of the Russian banking system

Ayvazyan M.G.

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The article discusses the structure of the modern banking system of Russia, shows the trend and reasons for the decline in the number of commercial banks, characterizes changes in the licensing of credit institutions. Since 2019, banks operate with a universal and basic licenses. Considered the assets of commercial banks, it is shown that increasing the concentration of assets of the largest banks with state participation, whose assets amounted to 60.4% at the beginning of 2019. A brief analysis of the financial performance of commercial banks


B2B продажи в банке: сегментация корпоративных клиентов, ключевые каналы продаж, статистика и рекомендации для достижения успеха

B2B продажи в банке: сегментация корпоративных клиентов, ключевые каналы продаж, статистика и рекомендации для достижения успеха

Тимченко А.И., Мерзликина К.С.

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В статье сформулированы конкретные рекомендации в области B2B продаж для коммерческих банков, выходящих за рамки ТОП-11. В частности, представлена обобщенная сегментация бизнес-клиентов, а также рассмотрены их ключевые поведенческие паттерны. Помимо этого, авторами исследованы традиционные каналы B2B продаж и предложены новые в разрезе обобщенной сегментации бизнес-клиентов. Дополнительно в статье рассмотрены мероприятия по расширению ассортимента услуг банка, которые могут способствовать достижению успеха в банковских B2B продажах.


Bank-specific features and its implications for financial modelling and valuation

Bank-specific features and its implications for financial modelling and valuation

Koptubenko A.S.

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The nature, systemic importance, and complexity of banks’ operations make them unique organizations. It is universally acknowledged that pervasive regulation, the composition of assets and liabilities, the definition of debt and a completely different structure of business and product cycle represent some of the most relevant issues to deal with in bank valuation. This article discusses the main features and specifics of banks in order to show how they affect the value generation process for shareholders.


Banque g'en'erale как воплощение системы Джона Ло

Banque g'en'erale как воплощение системы Джона Ло

Сергеева А.Д.

Статья научная

В статье анализируются основные идеи теории кредита Джона Ло, воплощенные им в деятельности основанного во Франции в 1716 году Banque générale. Рассмотрены особенности системы Джона Ло с точки зрения возможности ее использования в современном мире. Приводится сравнение основных идей экономиста с идеями представителей таких школ, как кейнсианство и монетаризм. В результате исследования было выявлено, что идеи государственного регулирования экономики и эффективной денежно-кредитной политики используются в большинстве стран мире.


Big data и смежные технологии при принятии управленческих решений

Big data и смежные технологии при принятии управленческих решений

Гультяева М.А., Белорусова И.А., Ожигов В.О.

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В статье анализируются Big Data и смежные технологии при принятии управленческих решений. Рассматриваются сущность и особенности информационной системы управленческого аппарата в условиях цифровой трансформации. Приводятся инструменты обработки больших объёмов данных в цифровой экосистеме. Выявляются особенности функционирования и применения больших данных и их влияние на различные направления процесса принятия управленческих решений. Рассматривается технологическая база использования Big Data.


CRM-система как инструмент совершенствования качества услуг на предприятиях в сфере IT-консалтинга

CRM-система как инструмент совершенствования качества услуг на предприятиях в сфере IT-консалтинга

Князева М.С., Мачинская А.А.

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Стремительный рост спроса на услуги по IT-консалтингу в России порождает высокую конкуренцию на рынке, чтобы оставаться на лидирующих позициях предприятиям этой области необходимо постоянно совершенствовать внутренние процессы, а также следить за уровнем качества обслуживания и удовлетворенностью клиента. В статье рассматривается совершенствование качества услуг на предприятиях в сфере IT-консалтинга с помощью CRM-системы. Также осуществлен анализ внутренних и внешних проблем и способов их решения, которые могут повлиять на удовлетворенность клиента в области IT-консалтинга. Приведены основные задачи, которые может решить CRM-система.


Changing the concept of competitiveness under the impact of sanctions

Changing the concept of competitiveness under the impact of sanctions

Larin S.N., Lazareva L.Yu., Stebenyaeva T.V.

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The introduction of sanctions restrictions by the United States and other countries of the collective West has a negative impact on the development of the Russian economy. One of its consequences was a decrease in the competitiveness of Russian enterprises and their products. Sanction restrictions have significantly limited the conditions for conducting production activities by domestic enterprises and their interaction with major foreign counterparties. The expansion of the range of sanctions restrictions in relation to certain industries and enterprises has led to a sharp change in conditions for conducting competition. The current situation has led to significant changes in the economic essence of the concept of competitiveness in relation to domestic enterprises and their products. In this regard, the main goal of this study was to clarify the economic essence of the concept of competitiveness and the economic factors that form it in relation to the activities of enterprises in the context of sanctions restrictions. To achieve it, authors used methods of analysis and synthesis of economic information, as well as publications of foreign and Russian scientists on the subject of research. The results of the study allow us to clarify the definition of the concept of competitiveness of enterprises and their products under sanctions restrictions.


Characteristics of the current stage of privatization in Uzbekistan

Characteristics of the current stage of privatization in Uzbekistan

Valijonov A.R.

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The article is devoted to the analysis of the current stage of privatization in Uzbekistan and its characteristics. It analyzes the definitions given by foreign researchers to the concept of privatization and presents the author's scientifically based definition of this concept. Moreover, the main purpose and tasks of privatization are defined in the study. It is recognized that privatization has reached a new level in Uzbekistan since 2017, and its main features have been identified. The content and nature of the government's decisions in the field of privatization have been analyzed in the work. The article shows the differences and advantages of the new stage of privatization from the previous ones. It also presents proposals for improving the scientific and methodological basis of privatization of state-owned objects in Uzbekistan.


Characteristics of the current state of Kazakhstan agricultural sector

Characteristics of the current state of Kazakhstan agricultural sector

Zhakupova A.A., Sarieva J.I., Kashkimbaeva K.B.

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This article is concerned with the study and analysis of the agricultural sector of the Kazakhstan economy. The paper analyzes the state of domestic agricultural production and its impact on the development of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The conducted researches allow to form a comprehensive view of the state of the agricultural sector, while the results allow to find a use for the formulation of a strategic policy for the development of the agricultural sector of the economy of Kazakhstan.


Choice of the development strategy of economic entities on the basis of the use of the modern digital tooling (at the example of the agricultural branch)

Choice of the development strategy of economic entities on the basis of the use of the modern digital tooling (at the example of the agricultural branch)

Grachev I.D., Larin S.N., Sokolov N.A.

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Starting from September 2014 all branches of the Russian economics implement import substitution strategies. Nowadays the successful solution of such processes requires the enhancement of the quality of economic managerial solutions. For this purpose in terms of the digitalization of the Russian economics it seems expedient to use the whole tooling of the digital processing of huge amount of data, tried and tested in the field of mathematics, physics, economics and other natural sciences. This work substantiates the possibility for the improvement of the quality of the selection by an economic entity of the import substitution strategy with use of the digital econophysical tooling and of the statistic regulation method. Was offered the new approach for the modernization of methods for the optimization of investments of economic entities on the basis of the theory of Markowitz investment portfolios in terms of the resignation from non-mandatory restrictions of the type of the linearity of trends and of other restrictions. Obtained results can be used for the detailing of evaluations and derivation of the additional information on the hidden interrelation of goods. On this basis can be adopted more effective managerial solutions within frames of the implementation of import substitution strategies not only in the agricultural, but also in other key branches of the Russian economics.


Choice of the optimal distribution of crop areas in the agro-industrial sector based on the Markovitz model

Choice of the optimal distribution of crop areas in the agro-industrial sector based on the Markovitz model

Hercekovich D.A., Podlinyaev O.L., Larin S.N.

Статья научная

In the last few years the agro-industrial sector of the Russian economics shows stable growth rates. It was immeasurably contributed by the implementation by Russia of the food import ban in reply to sanction restrictions of leading Western countries and of its allies. With that the agro-industrial complex itself undergoes pivotal structural transformations, oriented to the increase of the efficiency of its functioning. Mentioned circumstances predetermined the high topicality of this research subject. The article represents the terms of reference for the best distribution of crop areas. To solve such a task was used the Markovitz model, based on basic provisions of the portfolio analysis. The task has been solved while takig into account the agriculture specifics in the territory of Russia. Were provided results of the analysis of the effective distribution of crop areas for the growing of agricultural crops on the example of one and several sites. With that at the federal level as entities of the Russian Federation - area and/or region. At the regional level this term will be relevant at the distribution of crop areas at the level of districts. Within a district the comparative analysis of the efficiency of the use of crop areas is expedient for categories of agricultural enterprises.


Civil service reform: challenges and strategies

Civil service reform: challenges and strategies

Indarbaev А.A.

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In the process of reforms going on a serious rethinking of the conceptual foundations of administrative organization, and in particular the public service. So, the idea gained popularity that is, turning away from traditional hierarchical management structure in favor of horizontal partnership, cooperation, the transition from the "logic of the institution" to "service logic" to the development of "new public management".In this article the author examines problems of reforming the civil service and its content, offers and justifies the possible solutions.


Competences increasing within the structural information component of the intellectual potential of industrial enterprises

Competences increasing within the structural information component of the intellectual potential of industrial enterprises

Larin S.N., Sokolov N.A., Stebenyaeva T.V.

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The relevance of the research topic determined by the growing intensification of the modern information technologies and products of the digital economy usage in all areas of industrial production. The statement of the research problem is to identify factors that hinder the adaptation of modern information technologies and products of the digital economy, taking into account the industry specifics of production, and the level of information competencies of enterprise personnel. The purpose of this article is to determine structure and composition of information competencies with their subsequent detailing by category. This will allow controlling the level of knowledge of the information competencies of personnel and creating training and retraining programs for specialists and employees of enterprises. The result of the study was the formation of the composition and structure of information competencies. There are three categories of information competencies: basic, professional and complementary. Authors substantiated that further specification of information competencies in the context of these categories will contribute to the unification of approaches to assessing the level of competencies and professional training of specialists and employees of industrial enterprises.


Condition and problems of consumer lending development in Russia

Condition and problems of consumer lending development in Russia

Kupryaeva E.A.

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The article considers the current state and the main problems in the development of consumer lending in the Russian Federation. It is noted that a significant increase in consumer loans issued to the population in 2018. occurred in the conditions of a gradual transition of households from savings behavior to increased consumption. It is concluded that one of the main problems of lending is an intensive increase in overdue debts. The reasons for this may be a reassessment of their financial capabilities of the client or too loyal requirements of the bank when granting a loan.


Conflict and its main signs

Conflict and its main signs

Oganesova I.S.

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This article deals with the concept of conflict as an inevitable phenomenon that is an integral part in the life of every person. There are various definitions of conflict, but they all emphasize the presence of contradiction, which takes the form of disagreement if we speak about the interaction of people. The author describes the main signs of the conflict and the signs for its decision. Attention is paid to several criteria for resolving conflicts, namely: the resolution of a problem situation, the significance of its resolution for the first participant and the significance of keeping the situation problematic for the second private participant. The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that the conflict can be used as a source of life experience, where an individual acquires certain knowledge that will help him to develop the correct line of behavior in the conflict situations.


Consumer credit cycles in Russia: decomposition analysis

Consumer credit cycles in Russia: decomposition analysis

Ekshtein D.D.

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This paper aims to analyze the current state of consumer lending cycles in Russia. For evaluations of the specific characteristics of the cycle decomposition method of analysis is used. The results show that elasticity of mortgage credit cycles to shocks in economic sectors is significantly lower than in consumer credit cycles.


Corporate industry analysis of the effectiveness of entrepreneurship subjects in the conditions of innovative activity

Corporate industry analysis of the effectiveness of entrepreneurship subjects in the conditions of innovative activity

Kurpayanidi K.I.

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The article discusses the need to develop new technologies to increase the competitiveness and efficiency of business entities. The process of managing the innovative development of the company on the basis of the introduced technology in relation to the main factors of competitiveness is studied. The author suggests some approaches to the development and implementation of innovative projects and technologies.


Corporate stock buyback: pro et contra

Corporate stock buyback: pro et contra

Akhmetov A.S.

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This article describes a stock repurchase process by public companies, reviews buyback, its reasons and purposes, advantages and disadvantages. The author considers the buyback process and analyzes its effect on company’s performance, employees, shareholders and investors. Moreover, current stock buyback situation on the U.S. and Russian financial markets is analyzed as well.

