Статьи журнала - Nanotechnologies in Construction: A Scientific Internet-Journal

Все статьи: 423

Wuhan university of technology

Wuhan university of technology



X-ray spectral methods for measuring the degree of ordering of carbon nanoparticles

X-ray spectral methods for measuring the degree of ordering of carbon nanoparticles

Letenko D.G., Pukharenko Yu.V., Aubakirova I.U.

Статья научная

Methods for the quantitative assessment of the content of ordered structures in the products of synthesis of fulleroid materials based on the spectra of characteristic X-ray radiation and X-ray diffraction are considered. The introduction shows that the use of carbon fulleroid materials (fullerenes, fullerenols and their compounds, fulleroid nanoparticles) as modifiers of the properties of various structural materials and plasticizers of concrete mixes is currently one of the most rapidly developing areas in the field of nanotechnology in construction. Methods and materials. In this work, the following analytical control methods were used: scanning microscopy, local X-ray spectral analysis and X-ray diffractometry. The products of synthesis of fulleroid materials were studied: samples of fullerene-containing soot collected at different distances from the arc synthesis zone. Results. Raster images of the synthesis products with various magnifications are shown, as well as the X-ray fluorescence spectra and the elemental composition of the synthesis products. The X-ray phase analysis of the synthesis products was carried out. It is shown that the analysis of the amorphous component of the composition, which is one of the products of the yield, will make it possible to control the synthesis at each stage and under various conditions of its implementation. Analysis of a nonlinear dynamic system. To construct an attractor of a dynamic system, the correlation dimension, the dimension of the phase space and the fractal dimension of the process under study were calculated. The correlation dimension and the dimension of the phase space were calculated using the Takens’ method. The fractal dimension is calculated using the Hurst exponent. Conclusions. To study the dynamics of chemical reactions occurring during arc synthesis, the system of differential Rössler attractor is used. A solution to this system is obtained – Rössler attractor – an attracting set of trajectories in the phase space, which is identical in appearance to the process under study, which makes it possible to estimate, relying on attractors characteristic of each sample (synthesis material), at what stage the synthesis process occurs, and by making differential model, to organize the control to improve the quality of output products. Thus, the possibility of evaluating the efficiency of the synthesis of fulleroids used for the modification of building materials is demonstrated.


«Intellectual» system of ventilation and air conditioning in apartments in high-rise buildings and in individual houses with nanotechnology protection against fires and explosions

«Intellectual» system of ventilation and air conditioning in apartments in high-rise buildings and in individual houses with nanotechnology protection against fires and explosions

Belozerov V.V.

Статья научная

One of the global problems in the world is the protection of humanity from fires, 70% of which occur in high-rise residential buildings and individual houses. The article presents the application of the methodology of «intellectualization» of household electrical appliances for split systems to control dangerous factors of fire and explosion (DFFE) from household gas leaks in apartment buildings and individual houses. The principal difference of the proposed modification is that, firstly, a multisplit- system with two or three internal blocks is used, one of which is to be installed in the kitchen and is connected to the gas meter with an electromagnetic valve to block the supply of household gas. Secondly, the «kitchen block» disconnects the power supply in the apartment/individual house, in the apartment/individual house, when detecting DFFE with help of powerful triac or magnetic starter, which is mounted in the electrical panel of the apartment/individual house. And thirdly, a battery and converter are integrated in each indoor unit to ensure their operation when power is turned off, and to charge the unit when power is supplied. Fourthly, in addition to smoke, heat and gas sensors, a thermomagnetic air separator is built into each indoor unit, which is turned on when detects dangerous fire and explosion factors from the pumped air, separates and removes oxygen to the outside, returning only inert gas to the room and thereby preventing explosion or fire spread. The controller, including the thermomagnetic air separator, generates an audible alarm for residents and an SMS call to the corresponding emergency service. The results prove the effectiveness of nanotechnology of gas separation and detection of DFFE in multi-split-systems, not only for ventilation and air conditioning of apartments in high-rise buildings and individual houses, but also for their fire protection.

