Вестник Воронежского государственного университета инженерных технологий @vestnik-vsuet
Статьи журнала - Вестник Воронежского государственного университета инженерных технологий
Все статьи: 2563

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In this study sunflower seed cake produced on a screw press by cold pressing of dehulled sunflower seeds of confectionery-type sunflower was used as a raw material for obtaining of sunflower protein preparations. Ultrasonic treatment of the phenol-free cake was applied for improvement of extractability of proteins after the removal of phenolic compounds by treatment of dehulled sunflower press cake with an aqueous ethyl alcohol solution. Sonification was accomplished by the generator at ultrasound frequency of 22.00 ± 1.65 kНz with a duration of ultrasonic treatment from 5 to 15 minutes. Extraction of proteins was carried out in a mild alkaline medium with 0.1 % sodium bicarbonate solution with a hydro module of 1: 5 and temperature of 45 ± 2° C. Protein and dry matter content of protein extracts proportionally increased after 5-12 minutes of ultrasonic treatment with the formation of homogeneous protein extracts stable to solid phase separation and characterized by a lighter colour in comparison with the control sample not subjected to ultrasonic processing. However, after 15 minutes of ultrasonic treatment protein extracts lost uniformity with sedimentation of a solid fraction. Studies demonstrated that application of ultrasonic treatment prior protein extraction resulted in a growth of dry matter and crude protein content of sunflower protein extracts correspondently to the duration of sonification. This effect might be beneficial for an increase of protein yields in processes of manufacturing of light-coloured sunflower protein concentrates and isolates and for manufacturing of functional protein drinks from sunflower seeds. Additionally, it has been shown that sonication of sunflower protein solutions obtained after extraction of protein substances with 0.1 % NаНСО3 solution and removal of insoluble residue significantly improved their sedimentation stability and resulted in a lighter colour of resulted protein solutions in comparison with a conventional treatment by a high-speed disperser. Such treatment might be used in processes of manufacturing of dairy milk analogues from sunflower seeds.

Evaluation of Water Purification Plant at Kosti City - Sudan
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The objective of this study is to evaluate the purification level of water plant in Kosti city to supply water with high quality. This study was done to investigate the drinking water quality of Kosti city. Five sites of water network were selected, during March 2017 - May 2017. Thirty (30) samples of water from different areas of Kosti city were collected to evaluate water purification by using some laboratory tests for physical, chemical properties and microbiological. The results obtained showed that the turbidity level ranged between (4.2 – 150 NTU) thus exceeding the permissible level of WHO 1993 standards (5 NTU).The PH value was ranged between (6.3 – 8.2) and level of TDS (111 - 157 mg/L) ,hardness (43 - 89 mg/L) , residual chlorine (0.1 - 0.4 mg/L) , EC (116 - 234 μs/cm) . All these values fall below the values of national and international standards of (WHO, 1993) and Sudanese Organization for Standardization and Metrology 2008. The level of COD (86 – 584.4 mg/L), BOD (16 -144mg/L). Biological tests were conducted to determine the presence of fecal coliform the results showed that the samples of water limits according to the specifications of the Sudanese Organization for Standardization and Metrology(SOSM, 2008) and the World Health Organization (WHO, 1993) by 100%.

Fine grinding of raw meat using the emulsifiers with a new cutting mechanism
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The efficiency of fine grinding largely of raw meat in emulsifiers depends on design and geometrical parameters of the cutting pair “knife- hole plate” and the process modes, and also on the dynamic and kinematic characteristics of the system: machine – cutting instrument – raw materials. The disclosure of the essence of the ongoing processes when fine and ultrafine grinding of raw meat is the basis for improvement of equipment in operation and creation of new working parts of machines. The new grinding hole plates of the emulsifier, according to the developed mathematical model, have the same flow capacity over the entire working surface and equal hydraulic resistance due to a decrease in the thickness of the hole plates when switching to smaller perforation holes. The cutting edges of the knife blades are made obliquely tangentially to the inner radius of the grinding hole plate and have a maximum length, which ensures a high-quality slipping cutting process. An experimental stand containing industrial emulsifier KS F10/031 and test and measuring equipment was made for research in the sausage-making shop of the JSC “Oshmyany meat processing plant”. Based on experimental data and analysis of the significance of the influence of each input parameter, analytical and graphical dependences were obtained, which makes it possible to determine the temperature increase, the efficiency of the emulsifier, and the specific energy intensity of the process when changing the operating and designing parameters of the process within the range of varying factors. Production tests of new cutting tools pilot samples were passed successfully in the sausage-making shop of the JSC “Oshmyany meat processing plant”. They showed an increase in the performance of emulsifiers by 12–15% with higher-quality fine grinding and a decrease of 10–15% in specific energy consumption per unit of final output.

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Тhis study was conducted at the Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Food Processing, Georg-August University, Gottening- Germany during the year 2016. The objectives of the study were to investigate the effect of drying method using three levels of drying temperatures on drying rate and drying time of fish Tilapia nilotica (Oreochromis niloticus). These methods are hot air (oven) drying; Microwave drying and infrared drying. The levels of temperatures were 40, 50 and 60˚C for each of the drying method. The results show that, there is direct relationship between drying temperature and drying rate and inverse relationship between temperature and drying time i.e. as the temperature of the drying increases the drying rate will increase and the drying time will decrease and vice versa. For oven drying method the lowest drying time was obtained at temperature of 60°C (7 hours) and the highest drying time was encountered at temperature 40°C (17 hours). Also the highest drying rate (37.232g water∕100 g of DM ∕hour) was found at temperature of 60°C and the lowest drying rate (14.936 g water∕100 g of DM ∕hour) was obtained at temperature of 40° C. When using Microwave drying method the lowest drying time was obtained at temperature of 60°C (5 hours) and the highest drying time was obtained at temperature 40° C (22 hours) and the highest drying rate (52.208 g water∕100 g of DM ∕hour) was obtained at temperature of 60°C and the lowest drying rate (11.032 g water∕100 g of DM ∕hour was obtained at temperature of 40°C. In case of infrared drying method the low drying time was obtained at temperature of 60°C (8 hours) and the highest drying time was found at temperature 40°C (14 hours) and the highest drying rate (39.589 g water∕100 g of DM ∕hour) was obtained at temperature of 60°C and the lowest drying rate (18.009 g water∕100 g of DM ∕hour) was obtained at temperature of 40°C. Statistical analysis using Eviews program show that microwave gives better results.

Статья обзорная
The current trend in food packaging technology necessitates the development of novel packaging materials in order to extend the shelf life of food and reduce spoliation. To preserve the food product, the construction material of the packaging played a key role.In the emerging field of food packaging technology, using biobased plastics for food packaging shown a comparative advantage.At this moment, bioplastics have shown measurable benefits and are receiving more and more attention from business organizations, political figures, scientific communities, and in the whole public. This was as a result of looking for new plastic profiles brands. Besides, the environmental impact(ecological concerns) of convective materials, the depletion of natural resources specifically the petrochemical, and consumer concerns have necessitated alternative bio-based food packaging items. Therefore, the aim of this study was to review the properties of food packaging materials such as thermal, mechanical, barrier, surface, antimicrobial, optical, and environmental, as well as their synthesis type and applications. The cellulose and starch components of the common agricultural wastes for the synthesis of biopolymers were elaborated. In addition to that, different microalgae species were justified in the manufacturing of bio-based plastics.This review article also included examples of sustainable filler and reinforcement materials used in the food packaging industry. Therefore, this review work contributes to opening up the entire body of scientific knowledge on bio-based plastics used for food packaging and helps to develop important results for further investigation.

Foodborne illnesses caused by tissue parasitic protozoa
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Zoonotic infections caused by Sarcocystis species, known as intestinal sarcocystosis, are an example of foodborne illnesses that occur due to the consumption of contaminated meat. Zoonotic Sarcocystis parasites, specifically those hosted in cattle and swine meat, have been reported as the sole causative agents of human intestinal sarcocystosis. The infection’s symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Talking about zoonotic parasites goes hand in hand with discussing the parasite life cycle, animals that act as natural intermediate hosts, and humans who act as the natural definitive host for the parasite. To safeguard cattle and swine meat consumers, the government of Rwanda, through the Rwanda Inspectorate, Competition, and Consumer Protection Authority (RICA), has banned the sale of meat that has not been refrigerated for at least 24 hours and reached a temperature between 2oC and 4oC before sale in order to prevent the transmission of zoonotic and transmissible diseases. Based on various literature reports, zoonotic sarcocyst viability remains intact in this range of temperatures for a period of 24 hours. Given that the prevalence of swine coccidia in Rwanda was reported to be 55.8%, Coccidia may not only include Sarcocystis species. The established rule may not be contributing to the prevention of zoonotic sarcocystis parasite infection but it is a preventive solution for many other zoonotic parasites and pathogens. Due to the lack of research reports on zoonotic sarcocystis in Rwanda, there is limited knowledge about these parasites in the country. This lack of information may explain why the prevention and control measures taken to address zoonotic pathogen infection do not adequately address the issue of zoonotic sarcocysts. Though the parasite infection was reported to be negligible, it may induce reduced human food availability in the food production system due to the ability of the disease to be transmitted from humans to cattle and pork. These later animals' meat is prestigiously served as human food in Rwanda.

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Development of in situ forming implants (ISFI) based on PLGA polymers is one of the most promising approaches to long-acting injectables. Evaluation of the drug release rate from such depot formulations requires methods that most closely simulate in vivo conditions. Gel phantoms mimic the elastic properties of muscle tissue and appear to be a promising replacement for conventional methods using physiologically relevant buffer solutions. Accordingly, the aim of the study was to select the optimal composition for the gel phantom formation and evaluate the effect of the phantom matrix on the release rate of rilpivirin used as a model drug from the PLGA ISFI. According to the results of the study, a 1% agarose gel was the best suited for a tissue phantom preparation and implant formation. It was also shown that the release profile of rilpivirin from the ISFI matrix depended on how the implant was formed (in a gel or freely in buffer). In the case of a phantom, the structure of the implant was less porous and retained its shape for 28 days of incubation at 37 °C. During this period, the ISFI formed in an agarose gel released considerably less rilpivirin compared to the ISFI formed without gel (11% vs 80%).

Investigating the consumer properties of potato cultivars
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Currently, public catering establishments use technologies that do not provide for the varietal division of vegetables, in particular potatoes. This leads to excessive waste during cleaning and significant losses of nutritional value when preparing culinary products. Quick-cooking potato varieties, together with varieties of long-term processing in one culinary product, lead to the fact that half of the products are cooked, while the other half remains raw during the same time, or with longer processing. The paper considers the potato cultivars of various starch concentration grown in the central part of the country. The aim of the study is to determine the outcome of the product and the consumer properties of different potato cultivars. The objects of the investigation were the following potato cultivars: POT6 (I reproduction), POT4 (elite), POT5 (II reproduction), POT8 (II reproduction), POT3 (elite), POT12 (I reproduction), POT7 (elite), POT9 (middle early-season) and POT1 (early-season). It has been determined that POT5, POT4 and POT3 are the biggest in size (75-85 mm), but POT6 is the smallest (35 mm). But such cultivars as POT8, POT5 and POT12 are the largest in weigh (106-126 g), while POT1 and POT7 are the lightest (72 and 76 g, respectively). The potato cultivars such as POT4 (8.33%), POT12 (8.49%) and POT6 (9.1%) gave the minimum of wastes when peeling. As the investigation was carried out in April, the total amount of wastes was 5 times less if compared to the Standards of wastes and losses of food processing. It specifies the long shelflife period

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Investigation of some toxic compounds concentrations in aerosol of new class of tobacco products - tobacco heating systems and comparing their levels with regular cigarettes aerosol is an important step in understanding whether these products are low-risk, as some manufacturers claim. Three popular in Russia cigarette brands, reference cigarette 3R4F and new heated tobacco products (HTP) were tested for levels of emissions of some harmful and potentially harmful constituents (HPHC). Aerosols of these products were collected under the ISO intense smoking regime and quantified for levels of N'-nitrosonornicotine, 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone, acrolein, acetaldehyde, formaldehyde. Levels of above mentioned HPHCs were measured by the high-performance liquid chromatography / mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS-MS). The results demonstrate that highest levels of measured HPHCs are obtained for reference cigarette 3R4F. As for popular in Russia cigarette brands their levels vary greatly and for some compounds can be very close to levels of 3R4F aerosol. Levels of all measured HPHCs in aerosol of HTP were significantly lower compared to all cigarettes. This can be explained by specific mechanism of HTPs aerosol formation without pyrolytic and pyrosynthetic reactions which are typical to all combustive tobacco products due to their high temperature of the process.

Machinability of stainless tool steel using nitrogen oil-mist coalant
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For all dry machining process, temperature generated in the cutting zone is the major challenge. It causes tool failure and results in unsatisfactory surface finish. Application of flood coolant method during machining processes can significantly reduce the temperature and consequently extend the cutting tool life. However, it has serious concerns regarding environmental pollution, operator health and manufacturing cost. These issues are usually attempts to be overcame by using minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) technique. This method merges the advantages of both dry cutting and flood cooling by spraying a small amount of lubricant to the cutting zone using vegetable oil. In this paper, another technique is proposed in order to further enhance the machineability of the stainless tool steel (STAVAX ESR 48 HRC). This involves using of nitrogen gas (N2) and air as cooling medium in combination with oil mist lubricant (MQL). The results show that the combination between nitrogen and oil-mist lubricant much more prolonged the tool life and improved the surface finish than the air-oil mist lubricant medium.

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Stress increases the production of glucocorticoids, which enhance bone resorption processes. To treat bone tissue diseases, medicine uses drugs that regulate phosphorus-calcium metabolism. A promising biomaterial is a bone mineral component (BMC) of allogenic origin, containing hydroxyapatite and amorphous calcium phosphate, which enhances bone tissue regeneration. In this work the parameters of bone tissue metabolism were studied under daily stress exposure to high temperature and intramuscular administration of a suspension of bone mineral component “Lyoplast” to animals. There was an increase in cortisol and a decrease in alkaline phosphatase activity in the blood serum subjected to hyperthermia. Serum alkaline phosphatase activity in the hyperthermia group and the placebo group decreased by an average of 25%. The enzyme activity in animals that were injected with the bone component did not differ statistically from the control level. In animals exposed to hyperthermia due to the administration of a bone mineral component, the level of parathyroid hormone increased simultaneously with the calcitonin level. Serum parathyroid hormone levels were lower in the hyperthermia group than in the control one. А reciprocal relationship between two hormones, parathyroid hormone and calcitonin, has been established. Thus, the introduction of a suspension of the bone mineral component helps to reduce the intensity of osteoresorption. The use of biomaterial obtained by the original method helps to reduce the intensity of osteoresorption in the high-temperature model. With the introduction of a suspension of the bone mineral component, the osteodestructive effect of endogenous glucocorticoids is smoothed out and largely eliminated. Given the high potential for practical use of the bone mineral component, further research of its safety and effectiveness in other biological models is necessary with further implementation in clinical practice.

Microgreens: a newly merging product, aspects, prospectives, and disadvantages
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In this article we demonstrate the connotation of microgreens, the newly merging product in the Russian market. Microgreens are normal plants planted in highly density on a substrate medium and harvested shortly after the first true leaves appear. Microgreens of many aromatic plants possess intensive flavour similar to its mature product. We also expound the aspects related to this product, including growth, harvesting time, Seeds utilization, light requirements, available suitable substrate, as well as the disadvantages related to its production. There is still a lot of controversy about the health benefits of consuming microgreens. Some researchers believe that there is currently not enough scientific evidence to support a higher nutrient level in microgreens than in mature plants. In this review, we discuss whether microgreening is a great addition to gardening or not. Still, other prospects for the future of this product indicates that the demand of the market for the microgreens will be strong especially with the wide spread of home-growing facilities like phytotrons and simple growing chambers.

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Food waste/spoilage caused by microbial cell has recently emerged as a major food insecurity and environmental concern. Additionally, food spoilage contributes to the economic crisis and healthy problems. As a result, an active packaging system is still required to keep the food safe and to protect its quality from foreign contaminants. The purpose of this review was to summarize the current solutions and difficulties of antimicrobial compounds in composite food packaging applications. Specifically, the extrusion and antimicrobial coating methods for incorporating antimicrobial compounds into packaging systems and their optimum processing parameters for common polymer composites were revealed. The common inorganic and organic antimicrobial substances/compounds with their quantities adding to the packaging system and their antimicrobial activity (reduction, partially deactivation and completely deactivation) were presented. The difficulties in creating a package with antimicrobial properties concerning issues of migration of antimicrobial additives from the package to the food product, accumulation of antimicrobial additives in the food product, as well as their processing temperature were elaborated. Therefore, this review work contributes to open up the entire scientific knowledge on antimicrobial compounds used in polymer composite materials for food packaging application and helps to develop important results for large scale operations

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Cysticercus bovis and macroscopic Sarocysts detected from bovine meat look similar and specific identification of each of these cysts is important for addressing proper preventive, and control measures of tCysticercosis and Sarcocystosis diseases.Therefore, it is sometimes a challenge for Vets to distinguish these two species of parasites during their daily routine meat inspection using traditional methods. Cysticerci and Sarcocysts are responsible of Bovine Cysticercosis and Cattle Sarcocystosis respectively. These Veterinarians can sometimes make errors in identification of these two parasitic species from Cattle meat muscle tissues. The study was conducted from Abattoir in Russian Federation with intention of the problem addressed confirmation. During laboratory experimental examination, it was confirmed that out of 20 cattle muscles tissues sampled from 20 infected bovines reported to contain cysticerci parasites, 5 out of them were Sarcocysts. Therefore, it is obvious for veterinarians to make errors during their routine cattle meat inspection due to the morphological behaviour of these organisms.

Research of the technology for the production of modified sulfur bituminous binders
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In this article, a review of the literature on the technology for producing elemental sulfur-based paving material was reviewed, and a laboratory test of this technology was conducted at the Department of Highly Viscous Crude Oil and Bitumen. Natural. Attempts to mix sulfur with bitumen to reduce the cost of road construction and sulfur use were undertaken earlier, but the resulting blends did not provide the appropriate quality and the process was difficult to implement. The article proposes a unique technology to obtain not a physical mixture, but the formation of a chemical bond between sulfur and bitumen with the formation of bitumen polymers. This technology becomes possible with the use of a catalyst specially developed by the initiators of the project and has no equivalent in the world practice. And we add that the subject of the production of sulfur bitumen is not a question of actuality on the one hand since 1970, many researchers are interested in this subject but as with the abundance of oil and no one question about alternative solutions, and today with the reduction of traditional oil this theme is really soliciting.

SWOT-анализ как инструмент оценки социально-экономического развития муниципальных образований
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Раскрыт механизм осуществления SWOTанализа социально-экономического развития муниципалитета. SWOT-анализ рассмотрен как метод стратегического планирования, заключающийся в выявлении результатов взаимодействия факторов внутренней и внешней среды социально-экономического развития муниципального образования и разделении их на четыре категории: сильные стороны, слабые стороны, возможности и угрозы. Обозначена роль анкетирования и оценки мнения различных респондентов (населения, предпринимателей, органов власти, общественных организаций) для подтверждения подлинности статистических данных в рамках выделения сильных и слабых сторон, а также возможностей и угроз на мезоуровне. Показан пример формирования ключевых проблем и конкурентных преимуществ муниципалитета, являющихся основой для разработки генеральной цели и стратегических приоритетов долгосрочного развития муниципального образования на основе использования методики SWOTанализа социально-экономического развития муниципального образования...

Scientific and practical approaches to the development of new-generation confectionery products
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A modern progressive direction in the development of confectionery production is the creation of new resource-saving technologies and the development of flour confectionery products with a reduced energy value based on the use of various types of non-traditional and local raw materials. The application of oilseed cake in the food industry makes it possible to enrich products chemical composition with proteins, lipids, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. The use of amaranth oil cake as a dry component allows the biological value increase, as it is characterized by a high content of easily digestible protein (18-20%) containing all essential amino acids in sufficient quantities. Recently, special attention has been paid to the introduction of animal fats to the food industry. Bone fat occupies a special place among them. It is produced from bones, regardless of the type of meat from which they were obtained. The application of bone fat allows to enrich foods with polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as improve the ?-3 / ?-6 ratio of fatty acids in the diet. Taking into account the traditional technology, as well as the properties of amaranth cake and bone fat, the recipe for "Mayachok" gingerbread was developed to adjust chemical and fatty acid composition. The recipe for custard gingerbread with the addition of 15% amaranth oil cake and 11% bone fat to the flour mass in the dough improves organoleptic and physicochemical indicators; to increase their biological value (by 24.5%); to obtain products with the most balanced amino acid composition (amino acid rate for lysine is 44.5%); to balance the ?-3 / ?-6 ratio of fatty acids; to increase the calcium content in products and to normalize its ratio with magnesium and phosphorus - Ca: Mg: P - 1: 0.65: 1.65. The components added improve the structural and mechanical properties of the choux pastry, such as plasticity, elasticity, absorptivity.

Scientific research on the improvement of commercial banks and application of innovations
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It should be borne in mind that the global changes taking place in the world have led to significant innovation changes in financial institutions, one of the main mechanisms in the information economy, and have had a significant impact on the rapid development of the banking sector and the specialization of modern requirements. Proper regulation of market relations has always been a private and public sector. In particular, the study of the globalization processes and the problems that arise as a result of the activities carried out in the banking sector are on the agenda. The elimination of problems in the banking sector and further development and improvement of the service sector will always remain relevant. The new requirements for economic conditions to adapt to the requirements of the modern era come in parallel, respectively. To apply new banking products, strategy and policy based on the bank's marketing service information and materials should be prepared. Bank's strategy and policy should be formulated specifically in the plan for preparation, supply and sale of banking products...

Simulation of ethylene oxide production from ethylene cholorhydrin
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This research has been performed in the Ethylene Oxide production process. It is a flammable and colorless gas at temperatures above 11 °C. It is an important commodity chemical for the production of solvents, antifreeze, textiles, detergents, adhesives, polyurethane foam, and pharmaceuticals. Small amounts of Ethylene Oxide [EO] are used in manufacturing fumigants and sterilants for spices and cosmetics, as well as hospital sterilization for surgical equipment. Modern Ethylene oxide [EO] productions employ either air or oxygen (O2)to oxidize ethylene (C2H4) with a silver catalyst on an alumina oxide carrier[Ag/Al2O3]catalyst packed in a fixed-bed reactor (plug-flow reactor)but the oxygen-base reaction process is more desirable here we used oxygen. Mainly two reactions occur, partial oxidation of ethylene to ethylene oxide and total oxidation of ethylene to carbon dioxide and water. The design models of the process in this research based on a three-part system. They are: the reaction system, absorption system and Ethylene Oxide [EO] purification system. The largest cost in production of ethylene oxide is ethylene therefore, it’s important to optimize the selectivity towards ethylene oxide and thus reduce the consumption of Ethylene. The aim of this work is to create a simulation model of the Ethylene Oxide production process from Ethylene using Aspen Hysys V9. Also to knowing the optimum operational conditions (temperature -pressure -flow rate) for the oxidation reactions of Ethylene. The simulation was running three times with various operational conditions to make a good result. The conclusion was that during operational time the activation energy increased for both reactions which have to be compensated with increasing reactor temperature. At the same time the selectivity for producing Ethylene Oxide decreases, i.e. more carbon dioxide and water are formed. The simulation models yield Ethylene Oxide with purity of 99.2%.

Simulation of municipal solid waste gasification in fixed bed reactor
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The objective of this work is simulating municipal solid waste gasification in fixed bed reactor. A comprehensive process model developed to simulate municipal solid waste (MSW) gasification in fixed bed reactor using an Aspen Plus simulation .To predict and analyze the municipal solid waste pyrolysis and gasification process in an updraft fixed bed more veritably and appropriately, numerical modeling based on Gibbs energy minimization was executed using the Aspen plus software v(9). Rstoic is a block that can be used to simulate a reactor with the unknown or unimportant reaction kinetic that will describe drying section(moisture evaporated).The Ryield model was describe the pyrolysis section, while the Rgibbs model was used for gasification section individually .The proposed model is used to forecast and analyze target performance parameter including syngas composition, lower heating value and carbon conversion rate under different conditions of gasification temperature , and ratios. The results indicate that is a good agreement between data and simulated data obtained using this model .The predicted optimum gasification temperature is about approximately 750°C, and the best ratio of air equivalent ratio is around 0.2 and feed rate 200 kg /hr.